Mariupol.... Jesus H Christ....just surrender already

Look here and listen close. I don't care. Russia had their chance to be a free country once and they blew it. I have zero regard for a nation that so readily discarded democracy for strongman autocracy. Maybe my opinion of them might improve if just one Russian had the balls to cut Putin's throat. Do we understand each other now Ivan? Blaming America and the West for being a shithole country might work on their alcoholic, diseased population but we all know better. They just suck.
No, capitalism itself is the pathology, with its intimate relationship to the schizophrenic process that constantly sets, then repels, its own limits. NATO protection-racketism is a manifestaion of that schizoid relationship, and why democracy is then rendered simply a promiscuous delirium.
Because it is ALL the fault of the Ukrainians, who deliberately started this war.
They stole $20 billion worth of Russian oil, murdered over 14k ethnic Russians, violated treaties, tried to join NATO, accepted NATO weapons to use on Russia, cut off negotiations, etc.
All those are deliberate acts of war.
News to me, got links? It is very hard to think of Putin as the 'good' guy.
Scorched earth policy....

If you are going to lose a make sure that the enemy doesn't benefit from their win. You make the enemy destroy every last building and destroy all infrastructure. They win nothing but dirt and rubble.

Taiwan has a similar policy in place for PRC.

Live FREE or DIE.
Cool.....but the Ukronazis are not allowing to let go any women or children out of there.


So.....apples and oranges with your example.
Your record is intact.

On the wrong side of EVERY issue
Actually, this thread ain't one of the more interesting threads we've read here.
True, we have some surprising uber-loyal Putinistas here on an American venue. (??)
But we also have some articulate push-back to the Putinistas.
So that makes the dynamic a little more energetic.

OK, having said all that, there is one little gem that must not pass unremarked on.

To wit:

"simply a promiscuous delirium."

Which, on a forum that I judged to be mostly peopled by a bunch of old retired or unemployable RWNJ's.....well, 'promiscuity' is a welcome diversion.

Not that that is an issue for the collection of misogynistic incels that frequently post here.

Just sayin'. ✌️ 🤟
OK, fair enough. Thank you.

Although, I can't say I subscribe to your 'total scum', 'Saint Zelensky' free-thinking.

From my poor avatar's view Russia invaded Ukraine.
Not the other way around.
So, as the aggressor they kinda sorta are NOT on the moral high ground.

And all actions must be judged--first, that Russia is the one at fault.
If women, children, non-combatants, do die in that steelwork in Mariupol.....then it was the Russian military that killed them.
Not the Chinese. Not the Poles. Not the U.S. Marines. Russia did it.
Nobody but Russians pulled the lanyard on the 155. Nobody but a Russian pulled the trigger on the Havoc sniper rifle. Nobody but a Russian dropped the thermobaric bomb.

Russia bears the responsibility for the deaths in Mariupol.
Russia bears the the responsibility for the utter destruction of a vibrant 2
1st century city that has a history going back to the 1500's. (have you seen what the Russian's did to that city?)

I hope I am clear on that.
You are not educated enough to be mouthing off about Ukrainian history, especially since the nazi swastika goes back 15,000 years in Ukraine.
You are not educated enough to be mouthing off about Ukrainian history, especially since the nazi swastika goes back 15,000 years in Ukraine.
Is there a Nazi hiding behind every tree there? Scary shit man................The whole country are Nazi's........the kids are too........That is enough reason to take all the land on the Black Sea............They were ALL HIDING ON THE COAST.

Holy shit........GENIOUS.........Nazi's live by the water only. GOOD JOB.
Actually, this thread ain't one of the more interesting threads we've read here.
True, we have some surprising uber-loyal Putinistas here on an American venue. (??)
But we also have some articulate push-back to the Putinistas.
So that makes the dynamic a little more energetic.

OK, having said all that, there is one little gem that must not pass unremarked on.

To wit:

Which, on a forum that I judged to be mostly peopled by a bunch of old retired or unemployable RWNJ's.....well, 'promiscuity' is a welcome diversion.

Not that that is an issue for the collection of misogynistic incels that frequently post here.

Just sayin'. ✌️ 🤟
You are one stupid mofo; not educated enough about NATO as a profit-making protetion racket to be mouthing off. We're sure that At least feminazis and lesbions are secretly getting off watching the carnage in the media.

Internet: House adopts H. Res. 1065 - the rule for S. 3522 - Ukraine Democracy Defense Lend-Lease Act of 2022 passed by a vote of 220-205."
Is there a Nazi hiding behind every tree there? Scary shit man................The whole country are Nazi's........the kids are too........That is enough reason to take all the land on the Black Sea............They were ALL HIDING ON THE COAST.

Holy shit........GENIOUS.........Nazi's live by the water only. GOOD JOB.
You don't have the education to be mouthing off, either. You cannot objectively debate the scientific history of the swastika in Ukraine in front of the USMB prisoners. Ukrainian nazi youth videos are available on the internet, for example, and others are free to watch them and decide for themselves.
You are one stupid mofo; not educated enough about NATO as a profit-making protetion racket to be mouthing off. We're sure that At least feminazis and lesbions are secretly getting off watching the carnage in the media.

Internet: House adopts H. Res. 1065 - the rule for S. 3522 - Ukraine Democracy Defense Lend-Lease Act of 2022 passed by a vote of 220-205."
Could it be any clearer that this creep is a Russian sock puppet?
You don't have the education to be mouthing off, either. You cannot objectively debate the scientific history of the swastika in Ukraine in front of the USMB prisoners. Ukrainian nazi youth videos are available on the internet, for example, and others are free to watch them and decide for themselves.
I can read a fucking map.............And it's clear where they are going............Has nothing to do with Nazi's...........

I served in the Cold War........Russia and Putin can go fuck itself..........I don't care how you take that...........they have been giving weapons to our enemies forever.

Now we return the favor...............If you don't like it............Do something about it........Ukraine is showing us one thing about them...........They are paper tiger. Without the Nukes we would pound them into the ground like a tent stake...............That is why they threaten Nukes so much.......

They know it.
Scorched earth policy....

If you are going to lose a make sure that the enemy doesn't benefit from their win. You make the enemy destroy every last building and destroy all infrastructure. They win nothing but dirt and rubble.

Taiwan has a similar policy in place for PRC.

Live FREE or DIE.
Do you know that the scorched earth is left to the people who lived there prior to scorching and seeing that they are going to live there further on, how is scorching going to help them?
The origin of the swastika that Hitler knew about is from Mezin, Ukraine, circa 12,000-15,000 B.C.

The swastika has been used in ancient cultures for many thousands and thousands of years. Swastikas were a popular symbol in Native American cultures. Explorers have found native American cave paintings depicting swastikas in the mammoth cave system in Kentucky. Hindus, Buddhists and even Jews used the swastika. The swastika was a common style of design used in America, during the early 1900s. Coca Cola used it, brands of fruit, playing cards, good luck charms and all sorts of things used the symbol. The symbol meant good luck, until Hitler stole it.

Ukrainians weren't nazis back in 12,000 B.C.
There's wrestling yet there's Professional Wrestling. You know the difference? The latter is made in the USA, i.e. fake one, just like the chicken-hawk that you are a fighter.
You are the one that wants people to roll over for communists.
You are the one that wants people to roll over for communists.
Who is a communist? What does it mean to be a communist in your understanding? Name one. Your communists as I far as I can tell are some kind of perverts. Are democrats communists?
Who is a communist? What does it mean to be a communist in your understanding? Name one. Your communists as I far as I can tell are some kind of perverts. Are democrats communists?
Well, just yesterday, we find the Biden regime setting up the Federal Government to silence free speech with a new Czar in the Homeland Security Department. Silencing free speech by the Federal Government bureaucrats is what communists and fascists do. That is exactly what this Czar will do as she called Hunter Biden's laptop Russian disinformation. But, we now know for sure it wasn't Russian disinformation. Silence your enemies and you become a totalitarian regime or Communist regime. You seem to want all this that promotes communists.
This is stupid. Surrender with the stipulation that the Red Cross be allowed in to tend to the sick and wounded the Elderly and the children. WTF? Man are these guys insane? Oh and the Dunkirk thing? Yeah think for one moment that if that was tried it wouldn't be just like shooting ducks in a row? Come one what the hell are they thinking with this one?

There are children there for god's sakes.....JUST SURRENDER and tell Zalensky to go F's not his kids in there now is it?


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