Mariupol.... Jesus H Christ....just surrender already

A local resident of Mariupol: "... no one will believe it, you need to see it for yourself: people ran out of the entrances, the house is on fire – and they were shot... by ukrainians. Let them come and see, there was a sniper sitting on the church. My neighbor lives above me, came out here, bullet goes straight to his eye. Why! Just like that, in the eye, and that's it, dead Arkasha... that we all start to speak ukrainian. And I've been speaking russian all my life. They don't like it – "you have to speak Ukrainian."...
The swastika has been used in ancient cultures for many thousands and thousands of years. Swastikas were a popular symbol in Native American cultures. Explorers have found native American cave paintings depicting swastikas in the mammoth cave system in Kentucky. Hindus, Buddhists and even Jews used the swastika. The swastika was a common style of design used in America, during the early 1900s. Coca Cola used it, brands of fruit, playing cards, good luck charms and all sorts of things used the symbol. The symbol meant good luck, until Hitler stole it.

Ukrainians weren't nazis back in 12,000 B.C.
You are not educated well enough on the topic. USMB search: Mammoth Camp/ Wolf Camp/Mezin.
I know enough about swastikas to know that it is an ancient worldwide phenomenon, from prehistoric times to the modern era.
The swastika was ruined by the German nazis, maybe forever and today it is a sign of hatred and genocide.
Just as the Confederate battle flag has become a symbol of racism, no matter how much someone talks about the freedom of the states.
Sort of, for a brief time in the late middle ages it was part of a separate country with Lithuania
Yeah, a brief time. Something about 700 years. Jesus, how stupid and ignorant you MAGA-turds are.

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