Mariupol.... Jesus H Christ....just surrender already

The Ukranians should parley with the Russians for safe passage for women and children. With the world watching, the Russians would be fools to deny safe passage for the non-combatants. As for the men: No surrender.

Of course.

But the Ukronazis won't do it.

They want to extend this stupid war....and Saint Zelensky wants to get more billions.

Total scum.
You are ignorant.
Poland did not exist until the Treaty of Versailles.
It is an invalid country that no one liked or wanted resurrected due to their racist history.
Poland has existed for at least a thousand years. It was well known as the only country in Europe that had no foreign policy in the Middle Ages because any action had to be agreed to by all the members of the nobility.
This is stupid. Surrender with the stipulation that the Red Cross be allowed in to tend to the sick and wounded the Elderly and the children. WTF? Man are these guys insane? Oh and the Dunkirk thing? Yeah think for one moment that if that was tried it wouldn't be just like shooting ducks in a row? Come one what the hell are they thinking with this one?

There are children there for god's sakes.....JUST SURRENDER and tell Zalensky to go F's not his kids in there now is it?

Zelensky is taking a page out of the Imperial Japanese playbook. Make everyone fight to the death in the face of obvious defeat.
Surrendering to the Russians is suicide. It might have been different had they not been caught executing prisoners. I can totally identify with someone wanting to make their murder as expensive as possible.
The Japanese were told the same thing about surrendering to US forces. After all Marines drink the blood of their own mother in order to become Marines.

Propaganda gets people killed.
Ok just for this time
OK, fair enough. Thank you.

Although, I can't say I subscribe to your 'total scum', 'Saint Zelensky' free-thinking.

From my poor avatar's view Russia invaded Ukraine.
Not the other way around.
So, as the aggressor they kinda sorta are NOT on the moral high ground.

And all actions must be judged--first, that Russia is the one at fault.
If women, children, non-combatants, do die in that steelwork in Mariupol.....then it was the Russian military that killed them.
Not the Chinese. Not the Poles. Not the U.S. Marines. Russia did it.
Nobody but Russians pulled the lanyard on the 155. Nobody but a Russian pulled the trigger on the Havoc sniper rifle. Nobody but a Russian dropped the thermobaric bomb.

Russia bears the responsibility for the deaths in Mariupol.
Russia bears the the responsibility for the utter destruction of a vibrant 2
1st century city that has a history going back to the 1500's. (have you seen what the Russian's did to that city?)

I hope I am clear on that.
The Russians will blow up anyone who attempts to document their atrocities. We're dealing with monsters here. People in mass graves do not tell tales.
The scum (I mean americans, well, most of them as I'm more and more a witness here) with the long lost sense of honour and dignity contemplating the "plight" of the no lesser scum who use those civilians as shield? Fucking great! Shut the fuck up and eat your own shit! Biden Malfunctioned again, haven't you heard?

First of all, the Ukraine was fascist and racist fanatics 50 years ago and nothing has changed. They still are.
They deliberated wanted to murder Jews and Russians back then, and still do.
The Ukraine does not change like the US does.

Second is that no one "invaded" the Ukraine. The Ukraine is about half ethnic Russian, and they asked for Russian help when the Kyiv government directed the Azov Battalion to start murdering ethnic Russians.

In 2014 was when the legal government of the Ukraine was over turned by a military coup, by the Azov Battalion, bribed by the US.
Russia did not "invade" the Crimea, but liberated the 93% ethnic Russian in the Crimea from murder by the Azov Battalion.

We have ALWAYS gone out of our way to harm Russia in any way we can.
Like when we gave Stinger missiles to the Taliban, in order to shoot down Russian helicopters.

The war crimes by Kyiv are well documented.
Kyiv violated treaties, stole over $20 billion worth of oil from Russian pipelines, murdered over 14, ethnic Russians in the Ukraine, illegally tried to join NATO when the 1992 treaties strictly forbid that, the Ukraine illegally accumulated NATO weapons to use against Russia, etc.

There are ZERO incidents of Russian war crimes.
For example, the corpses in Bucha were killed the day AFTER the Russians had already left.
Obviously they were Ukrainians murdered by the Azov Battalion because they had a Russian accent or something like that.

Poland WAS murdering ethnic Germans in the Sudetenland, and Poland should never have been created illegally by the Treaty of Versailles. The history of Polish atrocities against Germans and Slavs, is well known. The Ukrainians actually are the same racist Polish ancestry.
The must never be allowed to gain political power over other ethnic groups, or else they commit mass murder.

They were supposedly doing this under the previous administration that RUSSIA LIKED...........Didn't invade them then did they.

Was unpaid bills and accusations of stealing from the pipelines................But at this time frame they didn't use it as an excuse to invade......because their leader was RUSKIE FRIENDLY
Hypothetically speaking, not that this would ever happen, but if the U.S. was invaded, and you're fighting for your homeland, your city. Would you surrender?

I wouldn't. I'd fight for New York, San Francisco, Dallas, Tallahassee, Des Moines, Ashland, Winchester, Portsmouth... No matter how big or small the town would be, I'd fight to the death. This is what the Ukrainians are doing. Sure, you as an outsider have the luxury of suggesting they surrender, but to surrender is to submit to Russian Tyrants. That my friends, is why they will fight to the last man, the last woman, the last child.
You'd be trembling with fear hiding under the blanket in your bed wet with piss, fucking toy soldier.
You'd be trembling with fear hiding under the blanket in your bed wet with piss, fucking toy soldier.

Pass the salt.............Have you threatened to Nuke us today or are you on schedule to threaten us daily with the end of the
The scum (I mean americans, well, most of them as I'm more and more a witness here) with the long lost sense of honour and dignity contemplating the "plight" of the no lesser scum who use those civilians as shield? Fucking great! Shut the fuck up and eat your own shit! Biden Malfunctioned again, haven't you heard?

Classy, very classy.
They can let out the women and children with a Red Cross escort.... The Russians wouldn't dare touch them. The figiting aged men? Well...they're gone.
Wtf dare has to do with that? As if all the little good Russians ever did was when they had been threatened or else. They've been offering the exit corridor since the day one. The Azovs never let the civilians go.
The war crimes by Kyiv are well documented.
Kyiv violated treaties, stole over $20 billion worth of oil from Russian pipelines, murdered over 14, ethnic Russians in the Ukraine, illegally tried to join NATO when the 1992 treaties strictly forbid that, the Ukraine illegally accumulated NATO weapons to use against Russia, etc
There weren't treaties forbidding Ukraine to join NATO, you fucking retard. And Ukraine has every right to accumulate conventional weapons as it chooses, as every nation does.

14000 killed people in the Donbas is overall death toll, including military personnel from the both sides. Civilians among them is around 4000 people. The vast part of this figure happened in the first two years of the war in Eastern Ukraine, instigated by Putin.

Stop spreading Russian propaganda, you dishonest prick.
Yes sir! Better dead than red. Stay in your woke bunker when the Russians and Chinese come for you. I'll fight for your liberty and freedom. Chicken.
There's wrestling yet there's Professional Wrestling. You know the difference? The latter is made in the USA, i.e. fake one, just like the chicken-hawk that you are a fighter.
Wtf dare has to do with that? As if all the little good Russians ever did was when they had been threatened or else. They've been offering the exit corridor since the day one. The Azovs never let the civilians go.
That's the truth that nobody wants to face.

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