Mariupol.... Jesus H Christ....just surrender already

They wouldn't touch the Red Cross with a ten foot pole....they may decide not to let them in...dunno....but it's worth a try.
Zalensky is just as much of a monster at this point IMO.

You'll never understand this because cowards are at a loss when they encounter actual courage. Zalensky could never have forced his people to fight so hard. They did so because they didn't want to be slaves to Russia again. Next time you see something happening there you can't understand it's probably bravery. Learn from it rather than shitting on it.
They can let out the women and children with a Red Cross escort.... The Russians wouldn't dare touch them. The figiting aged men? Well...they're gone.
The 600 mercs that are in there ( some 200 Americans I am told ) might as well shoot themselves in the head before they get captured and fileted alive. The Uke soldiers? Probably Azov...

have done their share of the very same things to other civilians and other soldiers.

Quit trying to act like Russia is afraid of looking bad. That ship has sailed.
The Ukrainians have been doing this to their citizens for the past 10 years in fact.
Stalin forbade the citizenry from fleeing Stalingrad in 1942 as well... and then Hitler wouldn't let the 6th army retreat once the tables turned either.

That's just the way those folks roll I suppose.
What, it's up to 80 billion the dems and neocons want to send there now?

We are being played.....Jan 2023 can't come soon enough to shut the money spigot off to Ukraine.

In before "you must be a Commie if you don't support throwing $80 billion into the black hole that is Ukraine".

I wonder how much will be laundered into dem and neocon PAC coffers?
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I didn't know you were a Ukrainian expert.

We will see in the end, but you evaded my question. Would you submit to an invader?
You don't need to be an expert on Ukraine to know the history of how wars in this area known a "the bloodlands" go.

The Eurasians don't play by the Geneva convention rules of warfare.....There are no good guys.
If most Caribbean and central american countries were members of a mutual defence pact with Russia and Mexico were slowly becoming a de facto member state any american president would do exactly what Putin did:

He'd send a letter demanding a formal agreement stating Mexico's neutrality and if Russia ignored the letter like Biden did... whole can of whoopass...

Most likely, America wouldn't even bother sending 2 letters like Putin did.
He's not going to do that....what? You gonna stand there and trifle over fairsy-squarsy while there are hundreds of women and children waiting for some fucking judge somewhere to make a decision on this? We already know who Putin is....we are now finding out who Zalensky is also.
Sorry but I'm not ready to blame the victim for the deeds of the criminal.
Right, because Russia has shown to be merciful to prisoners and civilians.

Either flee the country or stay and fight and take down as many as you can.

Fuck Russia. Fuck Putin.
Surrendering to the Russians is suicide. It might have been different had they not been caught executing prisoners. I can totally identify with someone wanting to make their murder as expensive as possible.

Total propaganda.
The bodies we have been shown, like at Bucha, are Ukrainians with Russian accents, murdered by the racist Azov Battalion.
The Azov Battalion is well for their ideas on racial purity, and have already murdered over 14,000 innocent ethnic Russians in eastern Ukraine, since 2014.
Russians have NEVER been known to kill prisoners.
But we have Azov on video, deliberately shooting Russian prisoners in each kneecap.
The evil is entirely the Ukraine, not the Russians.
The Russians are multicultural.
Only the Ukrainians are xenophobic.
Why is this on the Ukrainians? Why don't you demand Putin just stop and withdraw?

Because it is ALL the fault of the Ukrainians, who deliberately started this war.
They stole $20 billion worth of Russian oil, murdered over 14k ethnic Russians, violated treaties, tried to join NATO, accepted NATO weapons to use on Russia, cut off negotiations, etc.
All those are deliberate acts of war.
Surrendering to the Russians is suicide. It might have been different had they not been caught executing prisoners. I can totally identify with someone wanting to make their murder as expensive as possible.
It has proven expensive for the Kiev regime to get amnesia about those burned alive at Odessa or murdered in the Donbas in 2014.
I didn't know you were a Ukrainian expert.

We will see in the end, but you evaded my question. Would you submit to an invader?

The Ukraine should never have been of interest to the US, because almost all of Hitler's death camp guards were Ukrainians volunteers.
But we decided to buy the Ukrainian leaders and staged a coup in 2014.
Since then, it has been obvious the US strategy is to force Russia into an expensive war.
If not for being bribed by the US, I seriously doubt Kyiv would have continued to steal Russian oil, murder ethnic Russians, try to join NATO, violate 1992 treaties with Gorbachev, ask for NATO weapons to use on Russia, etc.
These were criminal acts of war.
The government in Kyiv has to be imprisoned for their obvious crimes.
And Russia is NOT an invader.
About half the people in the Ukraine are ethnic Russian and want Russian help against the abusive Azov Battalion.
Total propaganda.
The bodies we have been shown, like at Bucha, are Ukrainians with Russian accents, murdered by the racist Azov Battalion.
The Azov Battalion is well for their ideas on racial purity, and have already murdered over 14,000 innocent ethnic Russians in eastern Ukraine, since 2014.
Russians have NEVER been known to kill prisoners.
But we have Azov on video, deliberately shooting Russian prisoners in each kneecap.
The evil is entirely the Ukraine, not the Russians.
The Russians are multicultural.
Only the Ukrainians are xenophobic.
Fuck off with that shit you fucking commie. At this late date apologists for the Russian state are the lowest, most despicable scum on earth second only to the shitstains who invaded Ukraine.
Total propaganda.
The bodies we have been shown, like at Bucha, are Ukrainians with Russian accents, murdered by the racist Azov Battalion.
The Azov Battalion is well for their ideas on racial purity, and have already murdered over 14,000 innocent ethnic Russians in eastern Ukraine, since 2014.
Russians have NEVER been known to kill prisoners.
But we have Azov on video, deliberately shooting Russian prisoners in each kneecap.
The evil is entirely the Ukraine, not the Russians.
The Russians are multicultural.
Only the Ukrainians are xenophobic.
The proof is in the history of Russian linguistics and the identities of the minority languages: Armenian, Chuvash, Enets, Tungus, Udihe, etc.

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