Marje craziness crosses the channel

Perhaps not, but being gun owners allowed us to kick the English army off the continent and allowed us to change from their despotic rule to the representative democracy that we have today. The best thing was we got to change those dreadful tea and crumpets to hot dogs and fries.
Actually, at that time, there was a wide program of confiscating the guns of people who were not in the regulated militias and military.

Maaaaybe you want a better example....
You mean like Japanese Americans in the 40s ?
Well the greatest Generation was a little mad at Japs. About to go kill the hell out of them.

And as they killed the hell out of them overseas they had no idea if any in America might be upset with the wholesale killing of Japs. So the only strategy they had was to confine them for a few years.

With Millions dying..........they didn't give a shit if some wanker in the future would be triggered by it. BTW.......Our fathers SAVED YOUR ASS FROM GERMANY......You ungrategul Brit.
Well the greatest Generation was a little mad at Japs. About to go kill the hell out of them.

And as they killed the hell out of them overseas they had no idea if any in America might be upset with the wholesale killing of Japs. So the only strategy they had was to confine them for a few years.

With Millions dying..........they didn't give a shit if some wanker in the future would be triggered by it. BTW.......Our fathers SAVED YOUR ASS FROM GERMANY......You ungrategul Brit.
I get it. Freedom for some Americans,
Their guns didnt help them did they ?
Didnt work for Americans though. Even if they were Japs.
How so. We won the War........They were safe and not killed like those who were killed on the battlefield.

When a Nation goes to War.........many rule books are thrown out in order to ensure victory. We have no reason to apologize for it. The United States saved many countries in that War including you.

No apologies for the Japanese who were interned.........NONE..........How about they apologize for the dead on Iwo Jima?
How so. We won the War........They were safe and not killed like those who were killed on the battlefield.

When a Nation goes to War.........many rule books are thrown out in order to ensure victory. We have no reason to apologize for it. The United States saved many countries in that War including you.

No apologies for the Japanese who were interned.........NONE..........How about they apologize for the dead on Iwo Jima?
Yes but you whine about wearing a mask. So being locked up in a concentration camp is way beyond that..

But the point is that the 2nd did not provide any protection for these people against their government. None at all.

Yet loons point out that the Jews were easily rounded up by the Nazis because they didnt have guns..

I cannot see that guns made any difference in the US where citizens were rounded up just like the Jews in Europe. Probably because there is no difference.
Yes but you whine about wearing a mask. So being locked up in a concentration camp is way beyond that..
Not even close to a decent comparison. War versus wearing a mask..........Get a grip.

But the point is that the 2nd did not provide any protection for these people against their government. None at all.
Did they use them. Nope. Had they what would have happened..............They would be as dead as Japan. Because the people overwelmingly didn't give a damn about it.
If a bunch did........then it wouldn't have happened.

Yet loons point out that the Jews were easily rounded up by the Nazis because they didnt have guns..
Germans with guns took them and gassed them. Men with guns came in and ended that shit.

I cannot see that guns made any difference in the US where citizens were rounded up just like the Jews in Europe. Probably because there is no difference.
Well you are from across the giant who cares.
An AMerican President. As gun oeners why didnt they fight back? Why didnt their fellow gun owners fight with them ?

Why didnt the second protect these Americans from tyranny ?
Because the 1934 National Firearms Act prevented them from getting the necessary arms.

You're right, Tommy. We need to repeal them all.

ZERO gun laws.

We also need to go to war with any nation that doesn't allow the people to have machine guns.

So, are you ready for your third ass whipping by your "yankee" betters, you limey piece of shit?
Yes but you whine about wearing a mask. So being locked up in a concentration camp is way beyond that..

But the point is that the 2nd did not provide any protection for these people against their government. None at all.

Yet loons point out that the Jews were easily rounded up by the Nazis because they didnt have guns..

I cannot see that guns made any difference in the US where citizens were rounded up just like the Jews in Europe. Probably because there is no difference.
Of course. They were out numbered by the millions.

This is why pure democracy is a bad idea.

It is also why we should NEVER elect Socialists. We should kill them.

At the same time, so is monarchy, limey fuck twinkle-toed cocksucker.

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