Marjorie GOES ON RECORD against Supporting our Troops - Says Joining is "Throwing your Life Away"

He called them worse, middle finger boi. It's not so much a hate for service in the military as it is a disdain. A feeling that only the weak with no options choose to serve and bow to someone else instead of being a self made fraud..erm...businessman...yeah..that's the ticket. :auiqs.jpg:
What "worse" thing did he call them? Trump hates the military so much that he had a bunch of generals in his administration.

You sure are a dumbass.

Holy shit, the GOP has finally come out and just said it. They no longer support our troops or anything they once stood for. Thoughts?!
She didn’t say she doesn’t support the troops. She said joining now would be a waste, and as a veteran I agree. I would tell any young person not to join right now. The Vax mandate would put your life at unnecessary risk.
Remember when you dic suckers were whining about black folks, women, muslims, anyone other than fragile minded mediocre white men like yourself being in the military??

So you whining about transgender people being in the military is par for the course.....
What do you have against dic suckers or are you just fascinated with the term?
This is the way the far right REALLY feels about our military and vets. Years ago, on this very forum, when I stated that I had been an officer in the U.S. Navy, I had a right wing poster (not here anymore) ask why I couldn't get a "real job".
Yes, this is the way we feel. Forcing an experimental vaccine on young people is a crime, and a waste to all those that have and will develop serious health problems from it. You must hate our troops if you support forcing them to take these experimental vaccines. You have shown your true side.

Holy shit, the GOP has finally come out and just said it. They no longer support our troops or anything they once stood for. Thoughts?!
She's fulla shit.
Health care for life w/Viagra
Free education--paid education(depending on trade choice)
Assisted morgages
Serious travel
Preference for employment upon discharge(YES SIR !)--more education.

All of this for fighting " SOCIALISM"

Holy shit, the GOP has finally come out and just said it. They no longer support our troops or anything they once stood for. Thoughts?!

That was the motto of the left for decades. Then the Clintons came along and the DNC became the party of warmongering, which it remains to this day. What are you gonna do?
Remember when you dic suckers were whining about black folks, women, muslims, anyone other than fragile minded mediocre white men like yourself being in the military??

So you whining about transgender people being in the military is par for the course.....
I don't remember whining ever.

You must have me confused with a Republitard.

This is me:

The famous doctor and psychiatrist Giles de la Tourette ran the asylum in Paris, for many years, and one day a reporter asked him how he could stand it, being around all those crazy people all the time.

He replied, "One can cry, or one can laugh - I choose to laugh".
You left out a critical sentence that gave her statement context on purpose so you could try and bash conservatives, yet again.

It's even right there in the first sentence on the link you provided. ""throwing your life away" due to President Joe Biden's foreign policies.".

She was taking a shot at Biden and his policies, not the military.

You're a liar.
Explain what Biden's foreign policies and how it is so bad for the military...

Leaving Afghanistan had massive support from the Military...

Biden has managed to get all of zero Americans killed in Ukraine so far and has Putin on his knees... Biden will go down in history a international diplomatic mastermind on this one...

MTG is a fucking idiot compared to the hand Biden is playing internationally right now... She worships Trump that called Putin a genius for invading Ukraine

MTG has shown she is fucking clueless in the past and criticism from her should be either ignored or a kind of a compliment...
Explain what Biden's foreign policies and how it is so bad for the military...

Leaving Afghanistan had massive support from the Military...

Biden has managed to get all of zero Americans killed in Ukraine so far and has Putin on his knees... Biden will go down in history a international diplomatic mastermind on this one...

MTG is a fucking idiot compared to the hand Biden is playing internationally right now... She worships Trump that called Putin a genius for invading Ukraine

MTG has shown she is fucking clueless in the past and criticism from her should be either ignored or a kind of a compliment...

You're serious with this shit? Really?
These people enlisted in the military at a time when they were hated and treated like trash by their own country....because they loved what they felt this country could be......

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Wouldn't that make them super patriots compared to the incessant whining I see from so-called straight Conservatives??
I don't see anywhere in this thread where your irrelevant point is mentioned. Please keep your post relevant to the subject at hand unless these men you are illustrating are queer or trans. I think the men in your photo would have the same opinion as I have.

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