Marjorie GOES ON RECORD against Supporting our Troops - Says Joining is "Throwing your Life Away"

I support straight, moral troops. The military has become a hideout for queer, trans degenerates. A conservative, straight male would have to be crazy to enlist in this partisan, degenerate organization that they call a military in America today.
And yet still you wouldn't make the cut.
Why do you lie? Some one claimed they heard Trump say that, but can never produce a witness to him saying anything of the sort.

A witness has come forward, that's how they got that information in the first place. The question you should be asking here is, is this statement completely inconsistent with the way Trump speaks. Does it go against what other former employees or associates have also said about him. The answer is no. Trump makes disparaging remarks about anything and anyone not named Vladamir Putin. This is simply the reality of being Donald Trump

Maybe she was speaking about the Russian military, since she voted against Suspending Normal Trade Relations With Russia and Belarus Act. You know, she maybe talking about her homeland, Russia?
Obama got us out of Iraq and Biden got us out of Afghanistan. BOTH REPUB WARS!
I didn’t say ONLY dems, now did I? I dislike W and his dad as much as any dem.

Care to explain Syria, Libya, Yemen, Somalia, and Pakistan? Obama had air strikes done on all those. W didn’t start that.

Biden got us out of Afghanistan? You do realize it was Trump who started that whole effort, don’t you? Biden just made a miserable mess of it.

Maybe she was speaking about the Russian military, since she voted against Suspending Normal Trade Relations With Russia and Belarus Act. You know, she maybe talking about her homeland, Russia?

Folks join the military for myriad reasons. Some have no choice or lack a better one. Others plan to take the college money or bonuses and run after a few years. Still others are descended from long, long lines of soldiers or sailors stretching back generations. Regardless of the initial surface reason(s) for joining up one possible outcome looms, although few recruits give it much thought, at first: you might have to give your life for your country; it's a very real possibility.

After serving nearly three decades in the US Army perhaps the most common question younger (and older) people ask me is, "Would you recommend the military to kids coming out of high school or college?" Until approximately five or six years ago my answer would (still, as always) have been a very confident affirmative. Nowadays, however, I cannot recommend any branch of the US military for kids for either a viable career path or even a short hitch. The esprit de corps just isn't there, between enlisted and officer cadre, in many cases even at the lower small unit level. Political ideology has ruined that once unbreakable bond between enlisted soldiers and poisoned the minds and command integrity of officers who now base decisions solely on satiating ideological SOPs and quotas.

Trust is lost. Trust in one's commander and fellow soldiers is absolutely vital. You can hate your commander all you want, but if you can't trust him, you can't fight and win.

But for all the brave young men and women who enlist despite the modern madness, I salute you. Just know that you might not get out of it alive.
I didn’t say ONLY dems, now did I? I dislike W and his dad as much as any dem.

Care to explain Syria, Libya, Yemen, Somalia, and Pakistan? Obama had air strikes done on all those. W didn’t start that.

Biden got us out of Afghanistan? You do realize it was Trump who started that whole effort, don’t you? Biden just made a miserable mess of it.
trump surrendered to the Taliban. trump turned his back on the Kurds in Syria, the best allies the US had in the middle east. He did that to help his buddy Pootin.
Unfortunately, she’s right. The democrats have a history of getting into useless wars and sending away our young men to be killed.
Hmmm, the last useless war was when George W.Bush sent our men and women to Iraq, so can you tell me the last useless war a Democrat sent us to?
I didn’t say ONLY dems, now did I? I dislike W and his dad as much as any dem.

Care to explain Syria, Libya, Yemen, Somalia, and Pakistan? Obama had air strikes done on all those. W didn’t start that.

Biden got us out of Afghanistan? You do realize it was Trump who started that whole effort, don’t you? Biden just made a miserable mess of it.

In your first response you didn’t mention Bush, so yeah you only pinpointed the Democrats.

As for Obama illegal usage of drones in multiple countries the question is did we invade like we did in Iraq?

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