Marjorie GOES ON RECORD against Supporting our Troops - Says Joining is "Throwing your Life Away"

If that were the case, you wouldn't respond to any of my posts.
Jack, you are too preciously stupid NOT to respond to just to keep knocking big holes in all your BULLSHIT.

Oh yeah, that lawsuit against MTG is probably going to go forward. And they have a good chance of preventing her from running again.
Like I said, if that happens, just remember the gate swings both ways. Don't get too mad when we start excluding democrats the same way and a whole bunch more MTGs show up pounding on your door.
Wow…. Finally a thread of liberals and Democrats defending the troops. Where were your people when John Kerry was accusing troops serving in Iraq of terrorism or “hacks willing to lie”? Or the Clinton intern telling 4 star generals, “ I don’t talk to military types”? How about the legacy of the Left tossing bottles and rocks at troops calling them “baby killers” or accusing them likely to be right wing terrorists?
I never saw a Vietnam veteran mistreated in any way. Of course I was in the South.

Holy shit, the GOP has finally come out and just said it. They no longer support our troops or anything they once stood for. Thoughts?!
Lets hope most conservative young men do not agree with Greene

if so the military is in deep doodoo because they cant make up the difference with soft and sensitive lib Pajama Boys

Holy shit, the GOP has finally come out and just said it. They no longer support our troops or anything they once stood for. Thoughts?!
I don’t agree with everything MTG does but I don’t see anything wrong that she said. While Biden is in office, it is literally like throwing your life away. And the vax mandates and woke training is something that would definitely keep me out of the military.

Btw, remember the ad for the army the “girl with two moms”? I heard (I don’t know the source) that after that ad that recruitments had gone to an all time low. I don’t the the boots on the ground like what they’re seeing either.
"What a stupid fucking reply."
Well, my avatar regrets to see such a reaction to one of his posts.
It is cerainly not the intention to discombobulate a poster like poor Maidiac.
But, goshdarnit!.... if the shoe fits, Maidiac.....well, mi amigo, you gotta wear it.....even if it was never, in your particular case, military isssue.

We do wish you good luck in your future.
Well, my avatar regrets to see such a reaction to one of his posts.
It is cerainly not the intention to discombobulate a poster like poor Maidiac.
But, goshdarnit!.... if the shoe fits, Maidiac.....well, mi amigo, you gotta wear it.....even if it was never, in your particular case, military isssue.

We do wish you good luck in your future.
Bro my life is pretty good.

I went from a loser criminal in jail constantly to a 6 figure remodeling champ.

If my political opinions trigger you into thinking you are superior to me, well.... that's on you son.
If my political opinions trigger you into thinking you are superior to me, well....

Oh, I don't know much about this "triggering" thingy.
And, truth be told.....I really don't think the dynamic here is my avatar thinking he is 'superior'.....rather, it seems, the avatar Maidiac feeling a bit, know.

Oh, I don't know much about this "triggering" thingy.
And, truth be told.....I really don't think the dynamic here is my avatar thinking he is 'superior'.....rather, it seems, the avatar Maidiac feeling a bit, know.

Why do you keep referring to your avatar as if it holds some kind of fucking importance?

Seek help loon

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