Marjorie GOES ON RECORD against Supporting our Troops - Says Joining is "Throwing your Life Away"

Got anything else?
There isn't a more intense political group on the planet right now than this group.

They think that people who dare to disagree with them are "satanic", "evil". It doesn't get much more intense than that.

I guess this will just have to play out. They're not going to listen to anyone other than the voices they trust. They only talk to each other, but when they do, what they are really comes out.

Holy shit, the GOP has finally come out and just said it. They no longer support our troops or anything they once stood for. Thoughts?!
Greene listed other reasons why people should not join the military, including the vaccine mandate and "woke" training.

Yep and why sign up to be Rothchild cannon fodder. Clearly you won't sign up lefty simp.
Look at all of the simp fag leftists in this thread who never, nor ever will, serve in the military industrial complex, pro global corporations, pro war, pro intervention. What happened you used to be against this?
I have proposed the military should only be minorities and LGBTQ. We need to make up for the past when it was mostly white men in the military. White men should not be allowed to join the military at all.
I have proposed the military should only be minorities and LGBTQ. We need to make up for the past when it was mostly white men in the military. White men should not be allowed to join the military at all.
Um , where you been , it’s realized ( to some extent ) lolz
Regarding today's United States military members, the good and earnest poster 'EvilCatBreath' asserts the following:

What's left is the gay, trans, weak and woke. Even if a worthwhile American did join the military, he would be dishonorably discharged...., if it wasn't refusing a heart destroying vaccine, it would be (for) bogus white supremacy or toxic masculinity.
....... these losers.

Regarding our Armed Forces as being "gay, trans, weak" .....well, count me as skeptical. I'm not yet convinced the good poster is authoritative enough, knowledgeable enough to make such an assertion.
Rather methinks the good poster 'EvilCatBreath' may just be exhibiting a bit of keyboard hyperbole. Huffery & Puffery on the web-screen for some motive or personal grievance that is not yet readily apparent.

'Chatroom tuffguyism'? I dunno, but can understand why some could make that argument.

After all, the good poster is claiming on this venue that America's 181,000 active duty Marines are "gay and trans" ; that our 99,000 Marine reservest are "weak and woke".
Or more broadly, that our entire military, Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, Coast Guard, and the reserves for those branches, plus the civilian military.....about 2,000,000+ strong......are "these losers".

Seems to me, and with no desire to be judgmental, but it seems to me that statement is a rather easy and safe assertion to make when sitting at one's kid's computer playing uber-tuffguy. And again, with no desire to be disrespectful, my poor avatar could opine......the good poster EvilCatBreath would likely NOT say such to an actual duty or reservist.

But that's just me.
Regarding today's United States military members, the good and earnest poster 'EvilCatBreath' asserts the following:

Regarding our Armed Forces as being "gay, trans, weak" .....well, count me as skeptical. I'm not yet convinced the good poster is authoritative enough, knowledgeable enough to make such an assertion.
Rather methinks the good poster 'EvilCatBreath' may just be exhibiting a bit of keyboard hyperbole. Huffery & Puffery on the web-screen for some motive or personal grievance that is not yet readily apparent.

'Chatroom tuffguyism'? I dunno, but can understand why some could make that argument.

After all, the good poster is claiming on this venue that America's 181,000 active duty Marines are "gay and trans" ; that our 99,000 Marine reservest are "weak and woke".
Or more broadly, that our entire military, Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, Coast Guard, and the reserves for those branches, plus the civilian military.....about 2,000,000+ strong......are "these losers".

Seems to me, and with no desire to be judgmental, but it seems to me that statement is a rather easy and safe assertion to make when sitting at one's kid's computer playing uber-tuffguy. And again, with no desire to be disrespectful, my poor avatar could opine......the good poster EvilCatBreath would likely NOT say such to an actual duty or reservist.

But that's just me.
If you do not want ONLY minorities and LGBTQ in the military, you are racist homophobic and transphobic.
This is the way the far right REALLY feels about our military and vets. Years ago, on this very forum, when I stated that I had been an officer in the U.S. Navy, I had a right wing poster (not here anymore) ask why I couldn't get a "real job".
Trump said pretty much the same thing when he was in France.

Holy shit, the GOP has finally come out and just said it. They no longer support our troops or anything they once stood for. Thoughts?!
Why would anybody want to be in the military now with all the queer and transsexual shit going on and the Democrats using the military as their own personal Revolutionary Guard? Especially with a dufus Joe Potatohead as the Commander in Chief?

Joe Potatohead is purging the military of White Patriots (which he calls potential terrorists) and replacing them with affirmative action Negroes, queers, transsexuals and unqualifed women. White Patriots need not apply.

No wonder recruitment is down so much.
WRONG, Pinklet. They no longer support YOUR troops, your faggoty transdude troops with safe zones with generals who are all faggot yes men who spy and snitch on their own president. Your troops that our enemies just relish going to war with and beating down like a little bitch because you gayed the whole military up into another leftwing fantasy outlet for queers and freaks.
Trump has always mocked the military.
Not at all, Jack, you just consistently write some of the weakest and worst posts here easiest to criticize wherever you turn up.

I deliberately keep you out of IGNORE so that I can be sure not to miss your next shameless, stupidest post! But thanks for admitting that you love me so much you follow my posting history!
If that were the case, you wouldn't respond to any of my posts. I dig under your skin. Like a tick. Why? Because you know I have your number. You are without a doubt (aside from two other routine posters on this board) one of the biggest hacks on here. Just the same shit post after post without a scent of evidence to back it up. You are a fly and I am the fly swatter. I enjoy squashing you. The problem is you don't make it very much fun.

Oh yeah, that lawsuit against MTG is probably going to go forward. And they have a good chance of preventing her from running again. Her constituents should be left to do the job. And a lot of them seem to like her. No accounting for taste, especially in a lot of rural areas in this country. We'll see if stupid survives. :) Hell, you are a living, breathing example. :auiqs.jpg:
Well, I don't know much about being 'triggered'. Nor, does the forum know how you are defining 'REAL' masculinity.....but, your comment does beg the quesiton.

To wit, are you saying today's American soldiers ain't "masculine" enough for you?
Masculine enough to do their job?
And, why we are at it, good poster Maidiac, just exactly what is your definiiton of 'masculinity'?

What do you think it is?
And, why do you think that?

So, mein freund, give it your best shot. Show us what you've got.
Yall are too stupid to have a debate with. It's CLEAR the problem is our military LEADERSHIP.

Bunch of pansies just like you beta males posting your social nonsense on here.

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