Marjorie Taylor Greene Goes Off In Homophobic Rant Against Secretary Pete (Buttigieg): he can stay out of our girls' bathrooms

Yes, buttplug and his butt buddy are pretending they are a hetro couple who actually can procreate and provide that child with a real mother and father. They are creating a false reality for that child as they play house and play at sex. It's actually worse than sexual dysphoria, it's living a damn lie. They are both mentally sick. Generally we try to cure the mentally ill. Sorry for the rant........
There's another one....
Because the definition can change, depending on the context. Are you playing stupid, or does this come naturally?

Psychology is also science. Legal definitions are a separate animal from other definitions, and can be different from one another in different contexts.

This is basic stuff a 12 year old could explain to you.
Definition of the "woman" is defined and absolute. Settled science is not science based on proof, but on opinions. That is not how science works.

Yes, psychology is science, but when science is used for political agenda, it stopped being science, and become propaganda.

The same "scientists" that say they can't define a woman, are telling you to take experimental injections, telling you your life must be ruined to stop climate change.

I don't have to be a basketball player to know what basketball is, just as I don't have to be a "scientist" to define what woman is.

The leftist demagogues have destroyed our scientific institutions, this is just another one that bites the dust. Scientific authority is now meaningless and is only rephrased politics. The upside is, I don't have to listen to anything they say.
Definition of the "woman" is defined and absolute.
Sorry, but it isn't. It can be and is different, in different contexts. Your contrived ideas are archaic and based in nothing but xenophobia and bigotry. Every time society progresses, people like you have convulsions. You are just this era's defeated footnote, in the history books. Nobody remembers the names of the assholes that blocked the little black girl from entering the school. They remember her name.
Sorry, but it isn't. It can be and is different, in different contexts. Your contrived ideas are archaic and based in nothing but xenophobia and bigotry. Every time society progresses, people like you have convulsions. You are just this era's defeated footnote, in the history books. Nobody remembers the names of the assholes that blocked the little black girl from entering the school. They remember her name.

Saying that guy who chop his dick off in order to become a "woman" is still not a woman, is not bigotry, it's common sense.
If you want to tingle their balls to please them, go for it, I don't fall for that crap, because I do care for women and their well being.
I am refusing to please every idiot that pretend to be something is not and calling it a "progress".
As much I remember, those assholes who were blocking black girl from entering the school were all Democrats. Removing those laws that were supported by Democrats was not progress, it was justice, correcting the wrong. And yes, those assholes, they will be remembered as Democrats, even you're trying to forget that.
Saying that guy who chop his dick off in order to become a "woman" is still not a woman, is not bigotry, it's common sense.
Sure it is. Just bigotry against Trans people who wish to be treated as the gender of ther identity.

You guys are so steeped in your stupidity and intransigence you actually think someone buys that crap.

No, the world is changing. And you will be the footnotes that nobody remembers, except for your bigotry and instrasigence.

Sure it is. Just bigotry against Trans people who wish to be treated as the gender of ther identity.

You guys are so steeped in your stupidity and intransigence you actually think someone buys that crap.

No, the world is changing. And you will be the footnotes that nobody remembers, except for your bigotry and instrasigence.

Telling dude in a skirt that he can't enter girls restroom is not bigotry, it's decency resulted from our duty to protect women. Those who failed at that decency have witnessed boys in a skirt raping girl in girls restroom, and to cover their tracks move the boy to another school, just to face the same, boy rapes again.

You are treating gender, and gender identity as the same. They're not. Gender is define by chromosomes, and gender identity on sanity. If you claim your identity is anything different than your gender, you are not sane person and should be treated as such.

Sure, world is changing and should change, to better. I don't have to agree on every change that "progressives" are trying to push for. I've seen what your "progress" did to our country in just past few years. Telling kids that they're not what they are, is not change for better. If you think that calling me a bigot gives you some power over me, think again. Refusing indecency, and immorality, and deviancy doesn't make me a bigot, and you know that. But you promoting and normalizing all those things makes you disgusting.

"instrasigence" Are you trying to look smart with me, or that was a typo? You meant intransigence, right?

Well, you lefties did show in the past few years how do you respect opposing view, and how you treat people who disagree with you. From weaponizing FBI, and DOJ, and IRS against people who don't agree with you, to censoring, cancelling, and blacklisting everyone dare to speak against you.
Whatever. You twits demand we keep our religious beliefs to ourselves. Do the same.

Buttplug and his butt buddy are queers and have no business in governing. Their minds are deranged.
You do realize we would be singing God Save the Queen before every baseball game if it were not for a flaming faggot named Friedrich von Steuben
Speaking of science... I just posted it elsewhere...

Science is settled: "Scientists agree there is no sufficient way to clearly define what makes someone a woman, and with billions of women on the planet, there is much variation."

View attachment 622064

So answer this... How do they know there are billions of women on this planet if they cannot define women? Also, scientists can agree and prove there is a clear way of distinguishing nearly identical giraffe species from another using genomic analysis, but they cannot clearly define what makes you a woman. What they pushing here is clearly not a science, but political ideology that is leading to self destruction of society. Neo-Marxists agenda got deep into every aspect of our lives, especially in early education, and they declared war on the science of human biology. Nothing left is pushing for today is based on science. It's all ideological.
LOL, there are more gay giraffes than straight giraffes.
Telling dude in a skirt that he can't enter girls restroom is not bigotry, it's decency resulted from our duty to protect women. Those who failed at that decency have witnessed boys in a skirt raping girl in girls restroom, and to cover their tracks move the boy to another school, just to face the same, boy rapes again.

You are treating gender, and gender identity as the same. They're not. Gender is define by chromosomes, and gender identity on sanity. If you claim your identity is anything different than your gender, you are not sane person and should be treated as such.

Sure, world is changing and should change, to better. I don't have to agree on every change that "progressives" are trying to push for. I've seen what your "progress" did to our country in just past few years. Telling kids that they're not what they are, is not change for better. If you think that calling me a bigot gives you some power over me, think again. Refusing indecency, and immorality, and deviancy doesn't make me a bigot, and you know that. But you promoting and normalizing all those things makes you disgusting.

"instrasigence" Are you trying to look smart with me, or that was a typo? You meant intransigence, right?

Well, you lefties did show in the past few years how do you respect opposing view, and how you treat people who disagree with you. From weaponizing FBI, and DOJ, and IRS against people who don't agree with you, to censoring, cancelling, and blacklisting everyone dare to speak against you.
Post it up. Show me. I mean document a single case of a guy in a skirt raping a female in the women's restroom
Like I said...a contingent of undereducated, angry people who have abandoned all ethics, class, intelligence, etc
And youi think you are so much better than the rest. Just like all democrats you have a superiority complex and in your mind no conflicting idea or thoughts can be right. You sir are just a smug POS
Post it up. Show me. I mean document a single case of a guy in a skirt raping a female in the women's restroom
Loudoun County School District was rocked by allegations that a skirt-wearing boy raped a female classmate in a non-gender bathroom at Stone Bridge High School.

Try again.
Loudoun County School District was rocked by allegations that a skirt-wearing boy raped a female classmate in a non-gender bathroom at Stone Bridge High School.

Try again.
Why are you defending these freaks since it doesn't matter where it happened
Hatred is wrong!

Homophobia on full display from Marjorie Taylor Greene:

“Pete Buttigieg can take his electric vehicles and his bicycles, and he and his husband can stay out of our girls bathrooms.”

How stupid can you be. The men's room is a lot more interesting for a gay man. Especially if you're into that kind of scene. I prefer the outdoors and nudism myself. Just as GOD intended.
Objecting to homo fascism is neither phobic nor bigotry.
Another phony (so called) "Christian Conservative" goes down in flames.

Not HER fault she has such a hard time keeping her damned legs closed though.....
It's those fags, and electric cars, and pedophile cannibals, and Jewish space lasers that are to blame!

Her nymphomania is not liable to play well to her Bible-belter constituency next month though.


Unsurprisingly, Greene has denied everything, calling the article “ridiculous tabloid garbage spread by an avowed Communist” and “another attempt to smear my name because I’m the biggest threat to the Democrats’ Socialist agenda.” To which we say: Congresswoman, have more alleged affairs! Please! For America!
Another phony (so called) "Christian Conservative" goes down in flames.

Not HER fault she has such a hard time keeping her damned legs closed though.....
It's those fags, and electric cars, and pedophile cannibals, and Jewish space lasers that are to blame!

Her nymphomania is not liable to play well to her Bible-belter constituency next month though.


Unsurprisingly, Greene has denied everything, calling the article “ridiculous tabloid garbage spread by an avowed Communist” and “another attempt to smear my name because I’m the biggest threat to the Democrats’ Socialist agenda.” To which we say: Congresswoman, have more alleged affairs! Please! For America!
What does any of that have to do with my post?

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