Marjorie Taylor Greene Goes Off In Homophobic Rant Against Secretary Pete (Buttigieg): he can stay out of our girls' bathrooms

Speaking of science... I just posted it elsewhere...

Science is settled: "Scientists agree there is no sufficient way to clearly define what makes someone a woman, and with billions of women on the planet, there is much variation."

View attachment 622064

So answer this... How do they know there are billions of women on this planet if they cannot define women? Also, scientists can agree and prove there is a clear way of distinguishing nearly identical giraffe species from another using genomic analysis, but they cannot clearly define what makes you a woman. What they pushing here is clearly not a science, but political ideology that is leading to self destruction of society. Neo-Marxists agenda got deep into every aspect of our lives, especially in early education, and they declared war on the science of human biology. Nothing left is pushing for today is based on science. It's all ideological.
I know what doesn't make a woman! A penis and testicles.
And that you are an American is offensive most of the rest of our nation.

Look at the psychotic reprehensible morons in congress. It's Marjorie Taylor Greene that should be offended and
sickened by them!
MTG is down in the gutter with Trump. There's room for you.
She is a freakshow piece of shit, and the fact she is in Congress is offensive to me as an American.

So many great Americans have been in the halls of Congress - and then you have this fucking Ape in there.
I feel the same way about AOC, and Pelosi and Shummer I could go on but I won't because you get the idea
Speaking of science... I just posted it elsewhere...

Science is settled: "Scientists agree there is no sufficient way to clearly define what makes someone a woman, and with billions of women on the planet, there is much variation."

View attachment 622064

So answer this... How do they know there are billions of women on this planet if they cannot define women? Also, scientists can agree and prove there is a clear way of distinguishing nearly identical giraffe species from another using genomic analysis, but they cannot clearly define what makes you a woman. What they pushing here is clearly not a science, but political ideology that is leading to self destruction of society. Neo-Marxists agenda got deep into every aspect of our lives, especially in early education, and they declared war on the science of human biology. Nothing left is pushing for today is based on science. It's all ideological.


That's my view of this whole ugly, ignorant, orange period.

We need to look at what it says about US as a country.
Society has fallen farther from the truth and closer to the lie, evil is good and good is evil, fulfilling biblical prophecy.
Hatred is wrong!

Homophobia on full display from Marjorie Taylor Greene:

“Pete Buttigieg can take his electric vehicles and his bicycles, and he and his husband can stay out of our girls bathrooms.”

I think Mayor Pete, unlike Trump and Gaetz, has no interest in being in girl's bathrooms.
So let me get this straight. Excuse the pun. But MTG is advocating that homosexuals can use the boys bathrooms? With her son?

In the 1980’s the homophobes didn’t want gays using the boys room for fear the temptation to pedophile would become overwhelming. Oh how the times have changed.
It says her constituency agrees with her for the most part.
Just like Maxine Waters' and Nancy Pelosi's .
Nobody else even ran for the opposition. I've known a few people from Rome, Georgia. Nice people... Intelligent and genteel. Can't imagine them voting for that scalawag.
Nobody else even ran for the opposition. I've known a few people from Rome, Georgia. Nice people... Intelligent and genteel. Can't imagine them voting for that scalawag.
During the SOTU with Biden the goofy smiles of Buttigieg and Granholm had the look of special needs. The citizens lives are being toyed with by deficient spawn like this. There are people who have real problems and follow the rules with little room for margin. And these egomaniacs with their penchant for being on the stage and interfering with people never seem to leave it.
Speaking of science... I just posted it elsewhere...

Science is settled: "Scientists agree there is no sufficient way to clearly define what makes someone a woman, and with billions of women on the planet, there is much variation."

View attachment 622064

So answer this... How do they know there are billions of women on this planet if they cannot define women? Also, scientists can agree and prove there is a clear way of distinguishing nearly identical giraffe species from another using genomic analysis, but they cannot clearly define what makes you a woman. What they pushing here is clearly not a science, but political ideology that is leading to self destruction of society. Neo-Marxists agenda got deep into every aspect of our lives, especially in early education, and they declared war on the science of human biology. Nothing left is pushing for today is based on science. It's all ideological.
Because the definition can change, depending on the context. Are you playing stupid, or does this come naturally?

Psychology is also science. Legal definitions are a separate animal from other definitions, and can be different from one another in different contexts.

This is basic stuff a 12 year old could explain to you.
Speaking of science... I just posted it elsewhere...

Science is settled: "Scientists agree there is no sufficient way to clearly define what makes someone a woman, and with billions of women on the planet, there is much variation."

View attachment 622064

So answer this... How do they know there are billions of women on this planet if they cannot define women? Also, scientists can agree and prove there is a clear way of distinguishing nearly identical giraffe species from another using genomic analysis, but they cannot clearly define what makes you a woman. What they pushing here is clearly not a science, but political ideology that is leading to self destruction of society. Neo-Marxists agenda got deep into every aspect of our lives, especially in early education, and they declared war on the science of human biology. Nothing left is pushing for today is based on science. It's all ideological.
No one wants to erase giraffes.
IMO, any man who falls in love and has sex with another man has gender dysphoria and is mentally ill. I also think both him and his butt buddy should be held on charges of child abuse by creating a motherless child through a surrogate.
Agree on the child abuse.
Agree on the child abuse.
Yes, buttplug and his butt buddy are pretending they are a hetro couple who actually can procreate and provide that child with a real mother and father. They are creating a false reality for that child as they play house and play at sex. It's actually worse than sexual dysphoria, it's living a damn lie. They are both mentally sick. Generally we try to cure the mentally ill. Sorry for the rant........

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