Marjorie Taylor Greene says she doesn't "believe in evolution" - "so called science"

Dr. Louis Pasteur showd life cannot come from non-life or abiogenesis cannot happen with his swan neck experiement. You can do it today. It means that evolution isn't science.
You keep posting that, but what Pasteur showed is that abiogenesis did not happen in a closed boiled sterile broth. Of course it didn't. Nobody including Pasteur said it was a failure of abiogenesis. It was a proof of microbes in the air.
Smart people know better.

Evolution is neither observable nor testable. For you, I have to comment on the obvious; It means that evo isn't science.

Again, if only people lived a million years to observe and test, you might be convinced

Without that……all we have is irrefutable fossil, biological, geologic and DNA evidence
Smart gal. Evolution cannot be observed and there is no testable evidence. OTOH, Dr. Louis Pasteur showd life cannot come from non-life or abiogenesis cannot happen with his swan neck experiement. You can do it today. It means that evolution isn't science.

MTG is a laughingstock all over Georgia.

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene said this week she does not "believe in evolution," adding, "I don't believe in that type of so-called science."

Lord only knows what goes on in the space her brain should be. In Europe we just laugh at this sort of bollox but I suspect that she is not so much of an outlier in the US.

Is she the only one in Congress or does she have friends she can talk to ?

A lot of people don't believe in evolution. Have you talked to your fellow muslims about this?
A lot of people don't believe in evolution. Have you talked to your fellow muslims about this?
These phony lefties who love to rag on Christians because they have a bigoted and hypocritical view of Christianity, conveniently omit Islam and black churches.
Again, if only people lived a million years to observe and test, you might be convinced

Without that……all we have is irrefutable fossil, biological, geologic and DNA evidence
There are no irrefutable fossil evidence. In fact, the fossils still have C14 remaining and have soft tissue inside. That's observable and testable. DNA shows creation as it is complex. No way it could've happened naturally. Any smart person knows that there is intelligent design behind it. The geologic I've already disproved. Biology is evolution and there is no observable nor testable evidence. The swan neck experiment proves there was no life from non-life, i.e. abiogenesis.

I made a simple test to show something complex like the universe could not have popped into existence. Only idiots need a million years. We have the Kalam Cosmological Argument which applies to the real universe, but simple atheist minds can't understand it -- The Kalam Cosmological Argument | Reasonable Faith.

"1. Whatever begins to exist has a cause of its beginning.

2. The universe began to exist.

3. Therefore, the universe has a cause of its beginning."

If there was a big bang, then there had to have been a cause, an intelligent cause.

Here is a simple gif of the big bang.


It is easy to see that there is intelligence behind whoever created it. It has a beginning and an intelligent cause. Now, you can look at a blank screen for seconds up until infinity and we understand that it won't just pop onto our our internet or blank screen unless someone directs you to it.

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