Marjorie Taylor Greene Says She'll Submit Impeachment Documents Against biden

Approximately 81 million of them. Lots with buyer's remorse now following the past week. Joe has even shocked and diappointed Merkel and France. And it will just get better and better as the Biddum Harriden Administration shit show gets going.
There weren't 81 million people who voted for Trump. Why are you lying? Besides, approximately 60% of the roughly 74 million voters who voted for Trump have accepted reality. You haven't.
This is a politician making hay. It doesn't matter what reason she puts down (my guess would be either the eviction-moratorium extension, or the Mexican border something something something), because everyone knows it's not even going to be put on the docket. She's playing to her base, trying to generate some "Fuck yeah!" enthusiasm among her most fervent minions. Politics 101.
There weren't 81 million people who voted for Trump. Why are you lying?
I wasn't talking about Trump voters, you idiot, I was talking about the morons who voted for this Biddum jerk.

Besides, approximately 60% of the roughly 74 million voters who voted for Trump have accepted reality.
:21: Sure. Up yer ass with broken glass. Trump's popularity among likely GOP voters is around 98%.

Anyone in the DNC ever attain that kind of popularity???
I wasn't talking about Trump voters, you idiot, I was talking about the morons who voted for this Biddum jerk.

:21: Sure. Up yer ass with broken glass. Trump's popularity among likely GOP voters is around 98%.

Anyone in the DNC ever attain that kind of popularity???
Maybe someone in the DNC should start a deadly riot?
Maybe someone in the DNC should start a deadly riot?

They already did when they stole the election last year and caused the 1/6 protest at the Capitol as a response.

But funny that a dim bulb like you considers that a deadly riot for a harmless girl being shot in the neck needlessly by the Capitol police yet you DON'T consider the Floyd BLM riots of last year in 500 cities injuring 2,000 police and killing nearly 50 more to be "deadly." Hmm.

Well, like I said, your bulb went out years ago.
Straightjacket Marjorie is at it again w/her usual tomfoolery...

Anyways, I don't want Biden to be impeached, Knee pad would be a worse president than Biden.

I think we SHOULD impeach Biden because knee pads WOULD be worse!
  1. He should be impeached because he is THAT BAD. He's only going to get even worse.
  2. He should be impeached just to keep throwing a dirty wrench in the DNC's gears just as they always tried with Trump.
  3. Keeping the Left busy with impeachments means they have less time for other things.
  4. Joe's being impeached would drive home the failures of his administration for the voters for 2022.
  5. Impeaching Joe would put that hapless idiot Kamela in office to dramatize she is even more incompetent!
  6. The ensuing mess of Kamela absolutely wrecking the nation (and world) would give people all the more reason to vote democrats out in 2022 and 2024, more, sooner.
  7. Because the democrats would be doing it, impeaching Trump about now, a third time, if he were still in office and had done as bad a job on Afghanistan as Joe, and it'll just piss the left off.
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This is a politician making hay. It doesn't matter what reason she puts down (my guess would be either the eviction-moratorium extension, or the Mexican border something something something), because everyone knows it's not even going to be put on the docket. She's playing to her base, trying to generate some "Fuck yeah!" enthusiasm among her most fervent minions. Politics 101.

The Democrats are not happy with Dementia either, especially now that he screwed up Afghanistan so badly. They may just join the Republicans on this one.
The Democrats are not happy with Dementia either, especially now that he screwed up Afghanistan so badly. They may just join the Republicans on this one.

I think you are right, Ray, a lot of Obama voters switched over to Trump to avoid Hillary; can you imagine how many embarrassed Biddum voters will want to vote for anything but another democrat after four years of Plugs and Giggles?
Impeaching the POTUS is the new normal, thanks to the dims. Just wait until 2023 when repubs control the House.

Maybe, but Republicans have an actual impeachable offense against him if they carry through. The commies impeached simply because they don't like the guy and scared to death of him bringing back our country.
If it is publicly acknowledged that he flew Afghans out of there instead of Americans then he will be impeached.
Be that as it may what is the reason for the article of impeachment, it can't be blank...There are a reason as to why their is a procession on impeachment and you try to tell us they don't need any, what a load.

The Communists didn't need a reason so why should we? Trump did nothing wrong in either impeachment. No high crimes and no misdemeanors.

I suspect the Democrats will lose 75-100 seats in the House and at least ten seats in the Senate in the midterm election next year. That will be the time to impeach the sonofabitch if he makes it that long.
The Communists didn't need a reason so why should we? Trump did nothing wrong in either impeachment. No high crimes and no misdemeanors.

I see you have relative terms when expressing your contempt.

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