Marjorie Taylor Greene Says She'll Submit Impeachment Documents Against biden

The OP does, and millions of other morons who believe the election was stolen.

The good news for the country is that those morons are dying out from COVID thus reducing the impact of their stupidity by reducing their overall numbers.
Biden is a sick man with progressive dementia, with a group of special interests going behind his back. This is going to end badly. Or VERY badly.

Biden with Harris hiding her true ethnic background is a national embarrassment to America

What the fuck? What is Harris hiding? She's been very open about her father being Jamaican and her mother being Asian.

Well, if rebuilding a country's economy and making it self-sufficient is "destruction," then one of us is an .ss - me or you
Liar, he didn't rebuild shit. He inherited a strong and growing economy. Job growth was in its unparalleled 76th consecutive month of growth when he took over. 83 consecutive months in the private sector.
More and more folks are now saying joe gotta go--one way or the other.

The 25th amendment being another way.

Anybody else notice how her face always looks vacant? Like she doesn't really understand what's going on around her? And the way her eyes dart around, she looks like she's afraid of something.

This is just her latest attempt to pretend she's relevant, nothing more.
Trump damaged the country badly we're in a transition phase things aren't as bad as they seem. The far-right is trying so very hard to put things in a bad light. There is hope once again and things will get better. All the hate that Trump created is dying, just like him.

Yeah, that Trump damaged the country so badly. How dare he preside over the best economy in 50 years? How dare he stop infected invaders from crossing our border? How bigoted of him to regulate that guys in dresses not be able to compete in female school athletics so only real girls could get awards and possibly a college scholarship. WTF did he think he was doing by lowering taxes on our job creators? Look at what a mess that created. Before Joe's buddies in China sent us their virus, there were over a million more jobs than Americans who could possibly do them. We also had new record lows of unemployment for females and every minority group since records began. How dare he put all those poor minorities to work. And look how much money those oil companies lost. Even with the best economy we had in most of our lifetimes, gasoline never hit $3.00 a gallon on a national level. And I won't even bring up the new median household income high.

If Trump damaged the country, let's hope for his quick return to damage it even more.
Yeah, that Trump damaged the country so badly. How dare he preside over the best economy in 50 years? How dare he stop infected invaders from crossing our border? How bigoted of him to regulate that guys in dresses not be able to compete in female school athletics so only real girls could get awards and possibly a college scholarship. WTF did he think he was doing by lowering taxes on our job creators? Look at what a mess that created. Before Joe's buddies in China sent us their virus, there were over a million more jobs than Americans who could possibly do them. We also had new record lows of unemployment for females and every minority group since records began. How dare he put all those poor minorities to work. And look how much money those oil companies lost. Even with the best economy we had in most of our lifetimes, gasoline never hit $3.00 a gallon on a national level. And I won't even bring up the new median household income high.

If Trump damaged the country, let's hope for his quick return to damage it even more.
Please, rightard.

Trump's tax cuts did nothing except cost us revenue. The unemployment rate was already down to 4.1% when he tax cuts went into effect. At that point, we already had an amazing 87 consecutive months of job growth. 94 consecutive months of job growth in the private sector. That's 8 straight years of job growth before his tax cuts.
Infrastructure is more important. We should be repurposing floodwaters to reduce damage while potentially engendering mass storage capacity as well as water to refill our reservoirs.
That unfit President did ten times better than your dementia patient is now. Maybe you don't know what fit to be President actually is.

The top of the Democratic Party has the task of DESTROYING the country, the state system of the planetary order, by replacing it with metastases of Wall Street - a single nazi-fascist concentration camp
This did not and does not prevent the Jewish Bush family from being friends with the House of Sauds.

They are the ones who are pitting ordinary peoples against each other in their interests, and an organized political criminal group is not divided into denominations.
Infrastructure is more important. We should be repurposing floodwaters to reduce damage while potentially engendering mass storage capacity as well as water to refill our reservoirs.
Do you know anything?
That's done by the states and the counties.
More and more folks are now saying joe gotta go--one way or the other.

The 25th amendment being another way.

Are these the same nutjobs that predicted that their orange douche bag would return to power this month? How's that going?
I like Greene's politics, but she does seem rather bad-tempered for a pol.

Especially for a woman pol. Hey, it matters.
Yeah, that Trump damaged the country so badly. How dare he preside over the best economy in 50 years? How dare he stop infected invaders from crossing our border? How bigoted of him to regulate that guys in dresses not be able to compete in female school athletics so only real girls could get awards and possibly a college scholarship. WTF did he think he was doing by lowering taxes on our job creators? Look at what a mess that created. Before Joe's buddies in China sent us their virus, there were over a million more jobs than Americans who could possibly do them. We also had new record lows of unemployment for females and every minority group since records began. How dare he put all those poor minorities to work. And look how much money those oil companies lost. Even with the best economy we had in most of our lifetimes, gasoline never hit $3.00 a gallon on a national level. And I won't even bring up the new median household income high.

If Trump damaged the country, let's hope for his quick return to damage it even more.

THEY KNOW all this, but they obey the conspirators from the Council for Foreign Relations. The goal of the conspirators is to radically reduce the world's population, DESTROY the NATIONAL STATES and create a planetary Nazi-fascist concentration camp where Bill Gates, Pelosi and Schumer will rule in the name and will of the Sanhedrin

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