Marjorie Taylor Greene Says She'll Submit Impeachment Documents Against biden

She isnt significant enough to hate. She's just a fucking joke that looks like she was slapped with an ugly stick.

You want to hear a joke just listen to Old Joe and Cameltoe.

Can't get their stories straight and laughs like a hyena when asked a question like a couple of dummies...



Oh yeah! Mufasa.
Says the crazy woman who supported the most unpresidential president ever. Trump wasn't fit to be present from the very beginning, and then it got a whole lot worse.

That unfit President did ten times better than your dementia patient is now. Maybe you don't know what fit to be President actually is.
That unfit President did ten times better than your dementia patient is now. Maybe you don't know what fit to be President actually is.
Trump's cabinet knew what unfit was, since they discussed removing Trump on the 25th.

Trump likely destroy the country. I rest my case.
Trump almost destroyed the country. He only showed his supporters how to hate and divide the country. Not a leader in any sense of the word.
Trump's cabinet knew what unfit was, since they discussed removing Trump on the 25th.

And Piglosi was talking about it with Dementia before he even took office; the first President where his very own party was so scared of his mental abilities, that they wanted him to relinquish his sole power to use nuclear weapons.
And Piglosi was talking about it with Dementia before he even took office; the first President where his very own party was so scared of his mental abilities, that they wanted him to relinquish his sole power to use nuclear weapons.
I'm sure you can link to those insane claims...right?


It's already happening without Trump. The entire country is a mess and Trump hasn't been in office for seven months.
Trump damaged the country badly we're in a transition phase things aren't as bad as they seem. The far-right is trying so very hard to put things in a bad light. There is hope once again and things will get better. All the hate that Trump created is dying, just like him.
It's already happening without Trump. The entire country is a mess and Trump hasn't been in office for seven months.
And Piglosi was talking about it with Dementia before he even took office; the first President where his very own party was so scared of his mental abilities, that they wanted him to relinquish his sole power to use nuclear weapons.

I think the Indian Jewess Harris took the "nuclear case" from him a long time ago
Trump almost destroyed the country. He only showed his supporters how to hate and divide the country. Not a leader in any sense of the word.

Well, if rebuilding a country's economy and making it self-sufficient is "destruction," then one of us is an .ss - me or you
Trump almost destroyed the country. He only showed his supporters how to hate and divide the country. Not a leader in any sense of the word.
What he has done in Afghanistan is not just a humanitarian disaster.

It is a crime against humanity. But for Biden, the unfortunates in Afghanistan are NOT people.

They are cannon fodder or excessive carbon dioxide-emitting biomass.
One raving ratbag nut case says she will do that, which she won't anyway, and you believe the whole nation is saying it.
Fuck off. You're delusion.

Yes, you are right. Biden should not be impeached but sent to the dock. And he has that ahead of him if he "doesn't kick the bucket" sooner.

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