Marjorie Taylor Greene Says She'll Submit Impeachment Documents Against biden

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lol. You have nothing but gossip, hearsay, and soothsay. No need to "disprove" that. Y'all have no standing in Court.

I expected as much. Never fails. Every time. Some shithead leftwing loser like you comes along with idiotic claims then tries to bullshit his way out of the fact that he's got NOTHING to support his remarks. Run little man, run.
The Dems had proven lies and no substantiated facts. Their reason was clear. They didn't like him and that was good enough for them.

Biden can be impeached on mental competence alone, but that isn't necessary. They just need a majority to vote of impeachment. They don't even need to have hearings anymore.
Mental incompetence is not an impeachable offense.
That's debatable. Of course all this talk of impeachment is just stupid if the Dems are in control of Congress.

I don't think it's debatable at all. The oath of Congress and President is to support and uphold the Constitution. The Supreme Court ruled that a bureaucracy can't write laws such as landlords cannot evict a tenant; that has to be passed by Congress according to the US Constitution. Biden told them to shove their ruling and they extended the eviction moratorium anyway.
I don't think it's debatable at all. The oath of Congress and President is to support and uphold the Constitution. The Supreme Court ruled that a bureaucracy can't write laws such as landlords cannot evict a tenant; that has to be passed by Congress according to the US Constitution. Biden told them to shove their ruling and they extended the eviction moratorium anyway.
That's a violation of the law, not a violation of the oath of office.
Like I've said before, Impeach and convict Biden on solid legal grounds, then immediately Impeach Harris on specious grounds like the democrats did Trump, then convict her and place the Republican Speaker of the House as president and watch democrat heads explode while they scream of rigged process. It might teach them to follow the rules next time.
The ho couldn't pass a drug test-----republicans should bring out someone saying they smelled pot on her.
That's a violation of the law, not a violation of the oath of office.

It's a violation of both.

"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."

So now the Supreme Court rules something as unconstitutional. Dementia told them to shove their ruling and their Constitution right up their ass. That is not preserving, protecting, or defending the Constitution. What he did was the exact opposite.

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