Marjorie Taylor Greene Says She'll Submit Impeachment Documents Against biden

More and more folks are now saying joe gotta go--one way or the other.

The 25th amendment being another way.

One raving ratbag nut case says she will do that, which she won't anyway, and you believe the whole nation is saying it.
Fuck off. You're delusion.
It's a violation of both.

"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."

So now the Supreme Court rules something as unconstitutional. Dementia told them to shove their ruling and their Constitution right up their ass. That is not preserving, protecting, or defending the Constitution. What he did was the exact opposite.

That has not happened. Perhaps you can provide the SCOTUS ruling link.
More and more folks are now saying joe gotta go--one way or the other.

The 25th amendment being another way.

More and more people keep telling me.....
That`s the kind of BS the twice impeached one gave us on a regular basis. He never could name those mythical more and more people either. :laughing0301:

GOP Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene announced she will file articles of impeachment against President Biden during an America First rally in Des Moines Thursday night.

Greene said at the rally: "I believe in firing people when they are corrupt and do a bad job, and Joe Biden is failing America and needs to be impeached."

She also tweeted out the announcement alongside a clip of Tucker Carlson claiming that ABC EDITED OUTt portions of Biden's interview with George Stephanopoulos in which the President looked "UNPRESIDENTIAL".

She wrote: "Biden is a propped-up puppet and they can’t hide it anymore. It’s embarrassing. Tomorrow I introduce Articles of Impeachment on the pathetic puppet."

SOURCE: Rep Marjorie Taylor Greene moving to impeach 'pathetic puppet' Biden
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They need to do this after they have the House and Senate in 2023. It's just playing politics
if done while the dems still have the House and half the Senate.
By the way, Couldn't the Sun come up with a more forgiving photo of Green? I mean, for the love of God......

GOP Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene announced she will file articles of impeachment against President Biden during an America First rally in Des Moines Thursday night.

Greene said at the rally: "I believe in firing people when they are corrupt and do a bad job, and Joe Biden is failing America and needs to be impeached."

She also tweeted out the announcement alongside a clip of Tucker Carlson claiming that ABC EDITED OUTt portions of Biden's interview with George Stephanopoulos in which the President looked "UNPRESIDENTIAL".

She wrote: "Biden is a propped-up puppet and they can’t hide it anymore. It’s embarrassing. Tomorrow I introduce Articles of Impeachment on the pathetic puppet."

SOURCE: Rep Marjorie Taylor Greene moving to impeach 'pathetic puppet' Biden
Says the crazy woman who supported the most unpresidential president ever. Trump wasn't fit to be present from the very beginning, and then it got a whole lot worse.

GOP Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene announced she will file articles of impeachment against President Biden during an America First rally in Des Moines Thursday night.

Greene said at the rally: "I believe in firing people when they are corrupt and do a bad job, and Joe Biden is failing America and needs to be impeached."

She also tweeted out the announcement alongside a clip of Tucker Carlson claiming that ABC EDITED OUTt portions of Biden's interview with George Stephanopoulos in which the President looked "UNPRESIDENTIAL".

She wrote: "Biden is a propped-up puppet and they can’t hide it anymore. It’s embarrassing. Tomorrow I introduce Articles of Impeachment on the pathetic puppet."

SOURCE: Rep Marjorie Taylor Greene moving to impeach 'pathetic puppet' Biden
Greene's an idiot. After Obama, everybody thinks getting elected a junior Representative in Congress is a stair step to the Presidency. She is just a pathetic loudmouth, the flip side of AOC.
GOP Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene announced she will file articles of impeachment against President Biden during an America First rally in Des Moines Thursday night.

Greene said at the rally: "I believe in firing people when they are corrupt and do a bad job, and Joe Biden is failing America and needs to be impeached."

She also tweeted out the announcement alongside a clip of Tucker Carlson claiming that ABC EDITED OUTt portions of Biden's interview with George Stephanopoulos in which the President looked "UNPRESIDENTIAL".

She wrote: "Biden is a propped-up puppet and they can’t hide it anymore. It’s embarrassing. Tomorrow I introduce Articles of Impeachment on the pathetic puppet."

I believe this is the SECOND time she has filed impeachment charges! The first was early this year.

What happened to the first one, did Turtleman Mitch quash the first one not wishing to appear too partisan, adversarial or divisive?

If the progressives hate her she must be doing something right.

But then after the last seven months anything is better than this brain dead administration.


At least she didn't call him a "piece of shit" like she did the other day.

So, yeah, she's maturing.

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