Marjorie Taylor Greene says we should pull out of NATO

NATO is a cold war dinosaur, created to fight the Soviets. It's inherently, to its core, hostile towards Russia, strategically, operationally, and doctrinally. It should be dismantled ASAP, before it starts WW3 with Russia. It's an unnecessary military alliance, designed to fill the coffers of American defense contractors.
Stop carrying water for pootin.
Stop carrying water for pootin.
What I said is a fact, whether it agrees with Putin or not.

NATO is a cold war dinosaur, created to fight the Soviets. It's inherently, to its core, hostile towards Russia, strategically, operationally, and doctrinally. It should be dismantled ASAP, before it starts WW3 with Russia. It's an unnecessary military alliance, designed to fill the coffers of American defense contractors.
Well said COMRADE! Vlad must love you.
Opinion isn't fact

It's not an opinion when one states that NATO was created primarily to fight the Russians and that it is strategically, and operationally geared for that role. It's also a fact that it generates an immense amount of money for American and Western European defense contractors. Especially American weapons manufacturers. It's a cash cow. Why should Russia allow Ukraine to turn itself into a launching pad for NATO, threatening its security?

"The North Atlantic Treaty Organization was created in 1949 by the United States, Canada, and several Western European nations to provide collective security against the Soviet Union." Source: North Atlantic Treaty Organization,security against the Soviet Union.

More, why should Russia allow Western Ukrainians under the influence of Washington, to establish a puppet regime in Kyiv that is Russophobic and anti-Russian, undermining its interests in the region? Western Ukrainians along with ultra-nationalists, with plenty of support from the US and its allies, ousted its democratically elected neutralist Government in February 2014, with a rabidly anti-Russian Government. Yet more than half of the country was for president Yanukovych, and lean ethnically, linguistically, economically, and politically towards Russia, not the EU or the new Western-backed regime. The US and the Ukrainian Russophobes and haters created the conditions that led to the war we're seeing now between Russia and Ukraine.
It's not an opinion when one states that NATO was created primarily to fight the Russians and that it is strategically, and operationally geared for that role. It's also a fact that it generates an immense amount of money for American and Western European defense contractors. Especially American weapons manufacturers. It's a cash cow. Why should Russia allow Ukraine to turn itself into a launching pad for NATO, threatening its security?

"The North Atlantic Treaty Organization was created in 1949 by the United States, Canada, and several Western European nations to provide collective security against the Soviet Union." Source: North Atlantic Treaty Organization,security against the Soviet Union.

More, why should Russia allow Western Ukrainians under the influence of Washington, to establish a puppet regime in Kyiv that is Russophobic and anti-Russian, undermining its interests in the region? Western Ukrainians along with ultra-nationalists, with plenty of support from the US and its allies, ousted its democratically elected neutralist Government in February 2014, with a rabidly anti-Russian Government. Yet more than half of the country was for president Yanukovych, and lean ethnically, linguistically, economically, and politically towards Russia, not the EU or the new Western-backed regime. The US and the Ukrainian Russophobes and haters created the conditions that led to the war we're seeing now between Russia and Ukraine.
Yeah, it was formed to resist Soviet aggression in Europe.

And now it's need to keep Russia within it's borders.
Yeah, it was formed to resist Soviet aggression in Europe.

And now it's need to keep Russia within it's borders.
Post-Soviet Russia has never attempted to invade Western Europe. It never had any plans or aspirations to do that, hence your false pretense to justify NATO expansion on Russia's border is unwarranted. You're unnecessarily poking the bear and when you do that long enough, eventually, the bear is going to tear your head off. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
Post-Soviet Russia has never attempted to invade Western Europe. It never had any plans or aspirations to do that, hence your false pretense to justify NATO expansion on Russia's border is unwarranted. You're unnecessarily poking the bear and when you do that long enough, eventually, the bear is going to tear your head off. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
The bear is what.

Pootin's army has been exposed as a corrupt bunch of drunken pirates.
The bear is what.

Pootin's army has been exposed as a corrupt bunch of drunken pirates.
Believe and say whatever you want, we'll see what's left of Ukraine after this American proxy war with Russia is over. Washington is fighting Russia in Ukraine till the last Ukrainian.
Believe and say whatever you want, we'll see what's left of Ukraine after this American proxy war with Russia is over. Washington is fighting Russia in Ukraine till the last Ukrainian.
Dude, their army couldn't even make it to Kyiv.

Now pootin has had to call up more reserves of drunken Ivans.
The dumbest person in Congress mouths the dumbest foreign policy.

Surprise surprise.
Dude, their army couldn't even make it to Kyiv.

Now pootin has had to call up more reserves of drunken Ivans.
You actually believe they want to invade and occupy the whole country? That's not its strategic objective.
MTG's Law:

The more someone claims to hate communism, the more time they spend on their knees servicing Putin and other commies.
NATO has been a remarkably successful organization. A testament to what White people accomplish without coloreds mucking things up.
The repub party has an obsession with Poootin. I don't get it? Maybe that is why they worship trump. Poootin and trump are clones
No, dumbass. YOU are the one obsessed with Putin, mentioning him in damn near every post.
The War in Vietnam was none of our business, but Republicans supported it until we lost.

Not just the Reps. The Dems should take bows on that one as well. By 1972, for all practical purposes, we had
Vietnam won. Due to Cronkite, some really poor sensational reporting and law makers that were there to just get rich, we threw it away and snatch the Defeat from the Jaws of Victory.
Not just the Reps. The Dems should take bows on that one as well. By 1972, for all practical purposes, we had
Vietnam won. Due to Cronkite, some really poor sensational reporting and law makers that were there to just get rich, we threw it away and snatch the Defeat from the Jaws of Victory.
This is why we lost that war:

This page from President Eisenhower's Memoires, Mandate for Change, page 372, shows that he believed Ho Chi Minh would have won any free election in Vietnam in 1954. This is certainly why the U.S. did not permit such an election, though the Geneva Convention of 1954 required it.

I have never talked or corresponded with a person knowledgeable in Indochinese affairs who did not agree that had elections been held as of the time of the fighting, possibly 80 per cent of the populations would have voted for the Communist Ho Chi Minh as their leader


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