Marjorie Taylor Greene says we should pull out of NATO

This is why we lost that war:

This page from President Eisenhower's Memoires, Mandate for Change, page 372, shows that he believed Ho Chi Minh would have won any free election in Vietnam in 1954. This is certainly why the U.S. did not permit such an election, though the Geneva Convention of 1954 required it.

I have never talked or corresponded with a person knowledgeable in Indochinese affairs who did not agree that had elections been held as of the time of the fighting, possibly 80 per cent of the populations would have voted for the Communist Ho Chi Minh as their leader

80% of the population during that beginning time would vote for any leader that would promise them one bowl of rice a day.

But in 1969, we changed the war doctrine and started to actually win the war. Before, the Navy and the AF were severely curtailed as directed by LBJ. Westmoreland could only do what LBJ would allow him to do and that wasn't much with air power. Under Nixon and Abrams (now you know who the tank is named for) it turned the Navy and AF loose and it started preemptive strikes and not flying the same damned flight path, the same time of day.

The big thing was when Cronkite and his media claimed we lost Tet when in fact, the VC was completely destroyed never to come back and the NVA had to retreat to rebuild. This was 1968. Had we turned the Air Power loose like we did in the 70s, they would have had nothing to return to. One of the outfits I was with flew AC-130s. We stopped 199 out of 200 modes of transportation coming down the HoChi Min Trail. This includes trucks, barges, ships, cars, trailers, Elephants and bicycles. The B-57Gs were doing the same. The only way the North could get their fake Cong to work was to strip local villages., By 1972, the Villages started to kill them outright.;

The problem was, this wasn't the message the Media in the US was telling. The AF had our own little war going on in Laos that the media ignored. But in early 1970, the Army crossed into Laos. And that was reported negatively in the US Media. This is what brought on Kent State. And it also had the affect on the treaty in late 1972 early 1973 where the North was allowed to restock in Laos and Cambodia. It took them 2 years and then they attacked. Meanwhile, the promise of the restocking for the South never happened. The South had over a 1.3 million man army while the North was attacking with just over 500K. The problem was the South didn't have enough fuel for it's vehicles or planes and they had enough rifles for about 400K troops with only a full mag for each one. Ford and Congress just looked the other way. Meanwhile, our Air Force and Navy in the Area had to sit idle and watch. I knew it was over when a captured F-5 attacked the Presidents Palace in Saigon.
80% of the population during that beginning time would vote for any leader that would promise them one bowl of rice a day.

But in 1969, we changed the war doctrine and started to actually win the war. Before, the Navy and the AF were severely curtailed as directed by LBJ.
If this is what you mean by being "sharply curtailed," I am glad that the U.S. military was sharply curtailed.


Total U.S. bomb tonnage dropped during: World War II = 2,057,244 tons Vietnam War = 7,078,032 tons (3-1/2 times WWII tonnage)

If this is what you mean by being "sharply curtailed," I am glad that the U.S. military was sharply curtailed.


Total U.S. bomb tonnage dropped during: World War II = 2,057,244 tons Vietnam War = 7,078,032 tons (3-1/2 times WWII tonnage)

When you sharply curtail your air power, you lose lives on the ground. And Vice Versa. When LBJ and Westmoreland were in charge, we played a game of "Body Counts". If you get a chance, watch "The Boys from Company C" and watch them do a high body count. Under Nixon and Abrams, the body counts had to be proven. And you won't find all that on the Internet since history is written by the winners and you peaceniks think you won so you wrote the history. You had to be there and you weren't.

What you don't understand, when you have a military, you use it sparingly. But when you do use it, you get the hell out of the way and allow them to win. You would have made a fine Politico in the middle 60s.
When you sharply curtail your air power, you lose lives on the ground. And Vice Versa. When LBJ and Westmoreland were in charge, we played a game of "Body Counts". If you get a chance, watch "The Boys from Company C" and watch them do a high body count. Under Nixon and Abrams, the body counts had to be proven. And you won't find all that on the Internet since history is written by the winners and you peaceniks think you won so you wrote the history. You had to be there and you weren't.

What you don't understand, when you have a military, you use it sparingly. But when you do use it, you get the hell out of the way and allow them to win. You would have made a fine Politico in the middle 60s.
The War in Vietnam was wrong from the start. The vast majority of the Vietnamese supported the Communists. Vietnam was unimportant to our security and our economy.
Which enhances my suspicion on why trump took home so many classified documents. How many do you thin have been copied and are now in Moscow?
fbi agents also stole several pair of Melania soiled underwear...Putin has a pair now but he wears them
Next time he may openly sell secrets to his butt buddy Poootin....thinking he can also get away with that.

That is how he operates. He pushes and pushes and pushes....until he is at the edge of legality.

I pray he has slipped over the edge this time. But he will find another fall guy. His lawyers better watch their backs.
despite spending millions on their witch hunt...poor dems have nothing to convict trump on...but what if they investigated old sick Hillary that
Saying it’s none of our business is not siding with Russia.

The War in Vietnam was none of our business, but Republicans supported it until we lost.
What does that have to do with my comment yiu quoted?
A Democrat got us into that war
When President Eisenhower made the decision not to sign and honor the Geneva Agreement of 1954, ending the colonial war between France and the Viet Minh, he guaranteed that there would be a war in Vietnam in the 1960's.
When President Eisenhower made the decision not to sign and honor the Geneva Agreement of 1954, ending the colonial war between France and the Viet Minh, he guaranteed that there would be a war in Vietnam in the 1960's.
JFK got us in. LBJ deepened our involvement. Nixon got us out. He did it poorly, but......
JFK got us in. LBJ deepened our involvement. Nixon got us out. He did it poorly, but......
Eisenhower got us in.

Kennedy and Johnson were afraid that if they lost another country to Communism, the Republicans would have a campaign issue, and they would have.

In 1954 Vice President Nixon urged the input of American troops to keep the French from losing the Battle of Dien Bien Phu. Nixon deserved to have his presidency ruined by the War in Vietnam and it was.
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Eisenhower got us in.

Kennedy and Johnson were afraid that if they lost another country to Communism, the Republicans would have a campaign issue, and they would have.

In 1954 Vice President Nixon urged the input of American troops to keep the French from losing the Battle of Dien Bien Phu. Nixon deserved to have his presidency ruined by the War in Vietnam and it was.
Eisenhower got us in.

Kennedy and Johnson were afraid that if they lost another country to Communism, the Republicans would have a campaign issue, and they would have.

In 1954 Vice President Nixon urged the input of American troops to keep the French from losing the Battle of Dien Bien Phu. Nixon deserved to have his presidency ruined by the War in Vietnam and it was.
The first combat soldiers were sent to Vietnam in 1965.
The War in Vietnam was wrong from the start. The vast majority of the Vietnamese supported the Communists. Vietnam was unimportant to our security and our economy.
When the split happened under the French, there wasn't' a Communist North. Ho had to make a choice. He needed war materials bad and struck a deal with China and Russia. But to strike a deal with those two, one had to make certain trades. Hence the Soviet Communist style government. What's funny, in the end of the French occupation, Ho tried to go to China but the Chinese turned him down. That's when Ho got in bed with Stalin just before Stalin died. Even China couldn't stand that type of Government so China didn't really contribute that much.

You keep repeating the same phrase over and over about what the majority of the Vietnamese wished. Did you personally ask them yourself? I did. And got more "Who Cares, just keep the rice coming" than for or against. I think it's time to put you in the Gracie file. Say goodnight Gracie.
I can see her rationale, but let me drop a reality bomb here.

America right now, under our current leadership, is weak. If we pull out of NATO, JUST TO AVOID a war with Russia, that comes off as so weak, so terrified, that Russia can roll over us and leave us in the dust of history, while Russia surges forward as the new world superpower.

The only reason Russia hasn't done it yet, is because they are still afraid of us to the point that they won't make a war with us.

So yes, avoid a war with Russia, but no, do not pull out of NATO and look like a pussy.
I like cars

Why is PUSSY an insult?
What about Octopussy?
You keep repeating the same phrase over and over about what the majority of the Vietnamese wished. Did you personally ask them yourself? I did. And got more "Who Cares, just keep the rice coming" than for or against. I think it's time to put you in the Gracie file. Say goodnight Gracie.
On July 21, 1954, the Democratic Republic of Vietnam (DRV) and France signed an agreement in Geneva under which the military of both sides—the Vietnamese People’s Army and the French Union Army—would temporarily assemble in two regions while waiting for a general election to unify Vietnam in the summer of 1956.

In his memoirs Mandate for Change, President Eisenhower believed that Ho Chi Minh would receive 80-percent of the vote.

The first combat soldiers were sent to Vietnam in 1965.
Johnson's choice was to send them in or to lose Vietnam to the Communists. Johnson remembered the McCarthy Era when President Truman was blamed for losing China to the Communists.

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