Marjorie Taylor Greene says we should pull out of NATO

I've never been there.
But I am a close personal friend with quite a few Somali people who have told me a lot about their country.
What about you?

Friends with veterans who were in Somalia, Afghanistan and Iraq. They all concur that they were shithole countries when they got there, was less shitty when they were there, and then turned to shit when the U.S. left.

I would expect you to defend the goat fuckers. You're a rag head yourself.
I would expect you to defend the goat fuckers. You're a rag head yourself.
There is no reason for you to be rude. ... :nono:

No, I've never worn a rag on my head.

All of the fighting and unrest in Somalia took place in or around Mogadishu, which is where the US military was stationed.
Few people realize that Somalia is composed of three distinct autonomous states, Somalia, Puntland, Somaliland. Which have their own government and legal system. Puntland the northern third is very stable and prosperous.

I know that people have suggested to you before; to stop posting until you have done some research first on the subject being discussed.
Sounds like some good advice you should heed. ... :cool:
Last edited:
There is no reason for you to be rude. ... :nono:

No, I've never worn a rag on my head.

All of the fighting and unrest in Somalia took place in or around Mogadishu, which is where the US military was stationed.
Few people realize that Somalia is composed of three distinct autonomous states, Somalia, Puntland, Somaliland. Which have their own government and legal system. Puntland the northern third is very stable and prosperous.

I know that people have suggested to you before; to stop posting until you have done some research first on the subject being discussed.
Sounds like some good advice you should heed. ... :cool:

Somalia has been run by warlords, whatever government they had/have is in name only.
Poootin has this sick goal of restoring the old USSR. But he will not stop there, if he is successful in the former Soviet satellite countries. He could make Hitler look like a Boy Scout if he is not stopped. I don't understand the people in the repub party who appear to be supporting MTG and Carlson.
Head for Ukraine and sign up.
Yes, our version is the right one because we allow freedom, both politically and in common life.

And fyi, we have fixed things. We saved Europe's ass several times from slavery and genocide, and we've come out on top with one of the biggest economic booms ever. Only after globalist liberals started leading, did we ever falter.
This is a fever dream.
Russia is a democracy and Putin was elected into office.
Sure, just like Saddam Hussein was "elected."
Poootin's greatest objective is to weaken NATO. trump tried hard to do just that for four years. Now the other repub leg humpers are picking up the Poootin flag. Why is the repub party becoming so anti-American?

Your lie is stupid because it was Trump himself who got NATO members to pay up a greater share into NATO and that is according to the NATO Chief:

New Your Post

NATO head praises Trump for tough talk to member countries​

By Marisa Schultz
January 27, 2019


WASHINGTON – The head of NATO on Sunday praised President Trump for demanding member countries pony up more money, saying Trump’s tough talk has produced “real results.”

“President Trump has been very clear. He is committed to NATO… but at the same time he has clearly stated that NATO allies need to invest more,” North Atlantic Treaty Organization Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said on “Fox News Sunday.”

At a NATO summit last summer, Trump demanded that members live up to their burden sharing responsibility of committing at least 2 percent of their GDP on defense spending and urged a 4 percent target.

“Now we see the results. By the end of next year, NATO allies will add $100 billion extra US dollars for defense,” Stoltenberg said. “So we see some real money and some real results, and we see that a clear message from President Trump is having an impact. NATO allies have heard the president loud and clear. And our NATO allies are stepping up. So this is good news.”



It is your TDS based partisanship that make you irrational and stupid.

It all sounds great, but let's face it, the U.S. and NATO is the only thing keeping Russia from pushing west, and accomplishing what they've wanted since 1917: A U.S.S.R. of all Europe.

Our economy depends on those European nations. Our foreign relations would be non-existent in a soviet Europe. A new U.S.S.R. Would put us in a constant state of "war at any moment", a new cold war. Nipping this shit in the bud is the only thing we can do.
The population of the E.U. is 512 million.

The population of Russia is 145 million.

That's a 3 to 1 advantage... PLUS the GDP advantage...if they can't fend off a paper tiger like Russia... They're not trying hard enough.

I mean look at that advantage...without us...

Why are we underwriting their security while they buy natural gas and oil from Russia???

Hell...I could make the argument that us pulling out of NATO would quell Putin's fears and make him less aggressive and more stable.

Right now the balance if power that keeps Russia a first world power is reliance of Western Europe on Russian fuel...and what have we been doing the last 20 years? Destabilizing Iraq, Libya and Syria in an attempt to run pipelines to Europe that bypass Russia and it's proxies.

Then we meddled in Ukraine...instigating a coop against a democratically elected president of order to keep that president from establishing closer ties with Russia...

Our "helping" is only making things worse IMO.
Seven countries got involved in the Vietnamese civil war. I bet they wish they hadn't.

Because of government bureaucracy
The population of the E.U. is 512 million.

The population of Russia is 145 million.

That's a 3 to 1 advantage... PLUS the GDP advantage...if they can't fend off a paper tiger like Russia... They're not trying hard enough.

I mean look at that advantage...without us...

Why are we underwriting their security while they buy natural gas and oil from Russia???

Hell...I could make the argument that us pulling out of NATO would quell Putin's fears and make him less aggressive and more stable.

Right now the balance if power that keeps Russia a first world power is reliance of Western Europe on Russian fuel...and what have we been doing the last 20 years? Destabilizing Iraq, Libya and Syria in an attempt to run pipelines to Europe that bypass Russia and it's proxies.

Then we meddled in Ukraine...instigating a coop against a democratically elected president of order to keep that president from establishing closer ties with Russia...

Our "helping" is only making things worse IMO.

You're entitled to your opinion, but I'll point out one major thing.

From 1945- until frankly today, the U.S. and Russia were at a constant state of alert, ready for one side to fire the first shot. The U.S. and Russia developed the absolute best planes, tanks, missiles, bombs, tanks, helicopters... All just in case we actually went to war. Europe on the other hand was slow to develop such weapons, and therefore their weaponry/arsenal is inferior to that of the U.S. The U.S. Has the absolute best in men and material, and the world knows it. That's why Europe wants us on their side, and why Russia is hesitant to attack us directly.

As long as the Russians are bleeding themselves out, even if it's just a little bit, it solidifies America as the worlds greatest military.
Because of government bureaucracy

You're entitled to your opinion, but I'll point out one major thing.

From 1945- until frankly today, the U.S. and Russia were at a constant state of alert, ready for one side to fire the first shot. The U.S. and Russia developed the absolute best planes, tanks, missiles, bombs, tanks, helicopters... All just in case we actually went to war. Europe on the other hand was slow to develop such weapons, and therefore their weaponry/arsenal is inferior to that of the U.S. The U.S. Has the absolute best in men and material, and the world knows it. That's why Europe wants us on their side, and why Russia is hesitant to attack us directly.

As long as the Russians are bleeding themselves out, even if it's just a little bit, it solidifies America as the worlds greatest military.

Two Great Wars on their soil... whose fault is it if they didn't prepare for the next one... and again, how is it our responsibility to underwrite their security?

We spend billions on defense, they have national healthcare and universal basic income.

Perhaps if we saved some of the money we are spending to protect other countries that really don't even like us that much... we'd have more money to fix our infrastructure, or incentivize new manufacturing, or improve mental health treatment, or build government housing for the homeless.

But we can't do those things because we have to police a continent that 360 million of us don't lives on.

If they want some cutting edge tech and don't want to invest in their own R&D and manufacturing, I'm sure McDonnell Douglas, Raytheon and BAE will be more than happy to sell them some.
If we pulled out of NATO, I beleive Putin would overrun Europe by threatening the nations with nuclear destruction. He might leave the UK and France alone as they have nukes.
Thank you, Dick Cheney.

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