Marjorie Taylor Greene, Scientist

What were you doing in P4 facility?

Also, where the fuck did you get the idea that masks or vaccination will prevent all infections?
From Progs. The almighty Prog. Knows everything. Masters of Socialist/Communist realm of Utopia. Of course, the elites pushing it cannot be bothered with the peasants' lifestyles. Or what is left of them. As Jill Biden would say..."Let them eat cake"!
From Progs. The almighty Prog. Knows everything. Masters of Socialist/Communist realm of Utopia. Of course, the elites pushing it cannot be bothered with the peasants' lifestyles. Or what is left of them. As Jill Biden would say..."Let them eat cake"!

Even back then with early variants infections among vaccinated were known, but importantly vaccinations still help keep people out of the hospital.

You anti-vaxxers just don't know much of anything so even the dumbest strawmen impress you as serious arguments.
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Even back then with early variants infections among vaccinated were known, but importantly vaccinations still help keep people out of the hospital.

You anti-vaxxers just don't know much of anything so even the dumbest strawmen impress you as serious arguments.
Another fucking medical ignoramus speaks. ^^^

These fucking leftwits are DANGEROUS.

They lie through their teeth because they're POLITICAL animals, not doctors.

You'll regret the day you listen to a word a progtard says. Every word out of a leftard's mouth is a lie. EVERY word.
Another fucking medical ignoramus speaks. ^^^

These fucking leftwits are DANGEROUS.

They lie through their teeth because they're POLITICAL animals, not doctors.

You'll regret the day you listen to a word a progtard says. Every word out of a leftard's mouth is a lie. EVERY word.

I just showed how you've lied about your profession 4 times shit brains.
No, she is not joking. Her aim is to get people to stop wearing masks. And that is no joke. It is incredibly irresponsible advice.

As for a thing for her, MTG actually reminds me of a bar slut I knew in Puerto Rico. When she accidentally bumped into me one night, I went in the men's room and scrubbed my arm for 20 minutes.

MTG is a disgusting freak, and her personal life is a train wreck which is a total contradiction of her purported Christianity.

But it is okay to be a raging hypocrite if you have an (R) after your name.
Considering the masks don’t work and never did…

Your outrage seems dubious at best. Unless you’re the idiot in your car by yourself wearing one, which now I think about it, it all makes sense so carry on.
Yep thats scruffy - can't refute even a single word, posts bullshit all day long and complains about someone's supposed ignorance.
You want to go up against me on the subject of viruses?

Bring it, pal.

Shit or get off the pot

A real class act, isn't she?

This is a real tweet. Not fake news. She really tweeted this.

Covid denier MTG finally gets re-instated on Twitter, and goes right for the jugular anus.

Someone needs to alert the AMA surgical masks are useless in the operating room.

"Because underwear!"


We're using the Jewish space laser here to remove this man's appendix.

Show me studies that say masks work.
? you quoted me. It was already brought and you already had nothing

This is your feeble effort to slink away with your tail between your legs?

Turns out you gullible leftard lemmings don't know nothin about nothin. You just repeat the drivel from CNN cause you're THAT stupid.

Me, I research all the stuff the lying bullshit artists don't tell you about. Ask me about industrial air. Ask me about Covid in the Terminal Island prison in Long Beach.

If you want to be a gullible fucktard that's on you. Me, I'm gonna check around before I let them stick me with the happy juice.
She believes you can grow COVID in Peach Tree Dishes
Would you prefer Pee Tree Dishes where people gather around trees, stand on dishes and urinate on trees. Or how about the more pretentious Pet Tree Dish with puppies and kitties dangling from branches. Peach Tree Dish fits right in.

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