Marjorie Taylor Greene, Scientist


A real class act, isn't she?

This is a real tweet. Not fake news. She really tweeted this.

Covid denier MTG finally gets re-instated on Twitter, and goes right for the jugular anus.

Someone needs to alert the AMA surgical masks are useless in the operating room.

"Because underwear!"


We're using the Jewish space laser here to remove this man's appendix.

She's right, isn't she?
How does someone like that get elected

Even if you give her the benefit of the doubt and say she’s joking. She’s a congresswoman making fart jokes. Yet none of her supporters are embarrassed
Are you embarrassed of Biden?
Sad to say, but your list accurately describes the MAGA party that exists today.

“They want to know if you’re eating a cheeseburger, which is very bad because Bill Gates wants you to eat his fake meat, which grows in a peach tree dish,” Greene said.
“So you’ll probably get a little zap inside your body that’s saying, ‘No no don’t eat a real cheeseburger; you need to eat the fake burger.’ The fake meat from Bill Gates.
They probably also want to know when you go to the bathroom and if your bowel movements are on time or consistent.”

She IS a genius compared to her cult.

“They want to know if you’re eating a cheeseburger, which is very bad because Bill Gates wants you to eat his fake meat, which grows in a peach tree dish,” Greene said.
“So you’ll probably get a little zap inside your body that’s saying, ‘No no don’t eat a real cheeseburger; you need to eat the fake burger.’ The fake meat from Bill Gates.
They probably also want to know when you go to the bathroom and if your bowel movements are on time or consistent.”

She IS a genius compared to her cult.

I wish I could say she is one of a kind, but unfortunately, the MAGA party is full of crazies just like her.
You are stupid, aren't you?


That may apply to liquid droplets, but it does nothing for viruses in the air. When the people who insist on wearing masks say "airborne" they mean aerosols. If you can get the people infected to wear a mask, that may protect you to some degree, but wearing a mask yourself will do nothing to protect you from other people who are infected.
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You are stupid, aren't you?


How many people wear the mask properly and follow CDC guidelines (e.g. not re-wearing a mask)? It's was the left's new religious symbol during the pandemic, and since then:

  • Randomized clinical control testing have proven their lack of efficacy.
  • CDC publications and protocols (e.g. people not handling masks correctly, not washing their hands, re-wearing masks)
  • Even the COVID god, Fauci, in a pre-pandemic world, replied to questions about the effectiveness of cloth masks.
While the mass decided to do what they were told .. unfortunately for you, MTG isn't too far off with her humorous comment.

That may apply to liquid droplets, but it does nothing for viruses in the air. When the people who insist on wearing masks say "airborne" they mean aerosols. If you can get the people infected to wear a mask, that may protect you to some degree, but wearing a mask yourself will do nothing to protect you from other people who are infected.
Which was the main point of mask wearing. If enough people wear them , transmission is greatly reduced.

It is what we were saying from the start.

But asshole Trumpers refused because… MAGA
How does someone like that get elected?!
Ask forner VP Al 'The seas are boiling and coastlines should be under water by now' Gore or Congressman Hank 'The Island Of Guam Is Going To Flip Over / Capsize' Johnson.

(Anyone who voted for either should be holding a mirror up in front of their own face when asking either of those 2 questions.)

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