Marjorie Taylor Greene, Scientist

Were you homeschooled by MTG?

Since a fart could just be a molecular sized gas like sulfur dioxide, MTG gave a bad example.
However if one exhales a cigarette though a mask, the smoke particles are LARGER than the covid virus, so it shows masks are not really designed, intended, or very successful for viruses.
They do work a little, but that is counter productive considering the goal should always be herd immunity.
Surgical masks are for preventing the passing over organisms millions of times larger than viruses.
The protozoa surgical masks are designed for can not float on the air like viruses can.
There pretty much is no way to prevent the spread of viruses.
You can slow down their spread slightly with masks, but the longer you put off herd immunity, the larger the death toll.
You get the smallest death toll by deliberate spread of viruses to those least vulnerable.
Stop with the herd immunity garbage. You sound like a Trump flunky.

The safe way to get herd immunity is vaccination...unless you want as many dead as possible...retard
A virus is so small that it essentially does float on any air current.
Mask do slow down transmission, but if you mask those under 40 as well as the vulnerable, then you ensure the vulnerable are going to get it eventually, because you prevent herd immunity and make it last forever.

Not every virus gets herd immunity, and with the coronavirus, unless almost gets it at the same time, regardless of wearing masks or not, you're not going to get anything close to herd immunity. China, for example, has some kind of herd immunity right now, because so many people got it at the same time. And yet, in 6 months time, that immunity will go as everyone will susceptible to the virus again.....
Since a fart could just be a molecular sized gas like sulfur dioxide, MTG gave a bad example.
However if one exhales a cigarette though a mask, the smoke particles are LARGER than the covid virus, so it shows masks are not really designed, intended, or very successful for viruses.
They do work a little, but that is counter productive considering the goal should always be herd immunity.
A. If you ever saw smoke exhaled by someone with a mask you know it doesn't go very far.

B. Covid travels on spittle droplets...MUCH larger than smoke particles

C. You're a Russian troll. Fuck off
Surgical masks are for preventing the passing over organisms millions of times larger than viruses.
The protozoa surgical masks are designed for can not float on the air like viruses can.
There pretty much is no way to prevent the spread of viruses.
You can slow down their spread slightly with masks, but the longer you put off herd immunity, the larger the death toll.
You get the smallest death toll by deliberate spread of viruses to those least vulnerable.

Do you think viruses travel on their own? Viruses travel within spit, snot, bodily fluids that have been ejected from the body.
When you cough, you CANNOT eject a virus without ejecting bodily fluids. The viruses are present within those fluids.

Yes, you could prevent the spread of a virus if you could stop the spread of the way it moves. If you could stop people from being disgusting and coughing everywhere, touching their noses and mouths, it'd be possible, but no realistic.

With viruses like HIV/AIDS and Ebola it's much easier to stop the infections because they are passed on only through the spread of blood, others like the coronavirus use other bodily fluids to live in.

That may apply to liquid droplets, but it does nothing for viruses in the air. When the people who insist on wearing masks say "airborne" they mean aerosols. If you can get the people infected to wear a mask, that may protect you to some degree, but wearing a mask yourself will do nothing to protect you from other people who are infected.

Tell surgeons that!
Then they shouldn't use the term airborne.
Yes they should, because those particles travel in the air and can infect you.

Airborne diseases are caused by pathogenic microbes small enough to be discharged from an infected person via:
  • Coughing, Sneezing, Laughing, Close personal contact, and Aerosolization of the microbe (through sneezing, coughing, etc.).
The microbes remain suspended in the air on dust particles, respiratory and water droplets. Illness is caused when the microbe is inhaled, contacts the mucus membranes or when the secretions remain on a surface are touched.

Contact Diseases are spread when a person with the disease has direct bodily contact with a person without the disease, and the microbe is passed from one to the other.

Contact diseases can also be spread by indirect contact with the personal items of a person with the disease, or in their environment.

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Stop with the herd immunity garbage. You sound like a Trump flunky.

The safe way to get herd immunity is vaccination...unless you want as many dead as possible...retard

Vaccination is a great way to get immunity if you have a real vaccine.
But the mRNA of Moderna and Pfizer has no dead virus, and only makes your own cells start to grow spike proteins, which then can not possibly cause or even allow any immunity, since our own exosomes are using the same ACE2 spike proteins.

Without a vax, then the only way to stop deaths and get herd immunity is by infecting those under 40 as quickly as possible.
Not every virus gets herd immunity, and with the coronavirus, unless almost gets it at the same time, regardless of wearing masks or not, you're not going to get anything close to herd immunity. China, for example, has some kind of herd immunity right now, because so many people got it at the same time. And yet, in 6 months time, that immunity will go as everyone will susceptible to the virus again.....

There can NEVER be any pathogen that is not stopped by herd immunity, and there has never been one.

If any pathogen has ever existed in the past that did not cause recovery immunity and lead to the epidemic end through herd immunity, then all life would have gone extinct on the planet, a billion years ago.

And wrong about China completely.
Since they locked down and masked up, they have a very low infection rate and never achieved herd immunity.
When you prevent herd immunity through lockdowns and masking, then the epidemic can NEVER end.
Think if it as conserving easy hosts, while herd immunity means burning through so many of the easy host so quickly, that there are so few left that the pathogen can't find one and dies.

No one who has normally recovered has ever been symptomatic ever again.
But those who take the failed mRNA vax prevent normal recovery immunity and will keep getting is over and over.
A. If you ever saw smoke exhaled by someone with a mask you know it doesn't go very far.

B. Covid travels on spittle droplets...MUCH larger than smoke particles

C. You're a Russian troll. Fuck off


A. Smoke essentially goes indefinitely, since the wind blows it, others behind you walk through it, etc.

B. Covid does not at all "travel" on spittle droplets". Spittle droplets simply are sticky and temporarily bind the viruses together. But once that dries out, they are blown with the wind again, and the mask does little.

C. And you obviously are a troll for the Military Industrial Complex, that want the Ukraine to turn into WWIII.
There can NEVER be any pathogen that is not stopped by herd immunity, and there has never been one.

If any pathogen has ever existed in the past that did not cause recovery immunity and lead to the epidemic end through herd immunity, then all life would have gone extinct on the planet, a billion years ago.

And wrong about China completely.
Since they locked down and masked up, they have a very low infection rate and never achieved herd immunity.
When you prevent herd immunity through lockdowns and masking, then the epidemic can NEVER end.
Think if it as conserving easy hosts, while herd immunity means burning through so many of the easy host so quickly, that there are so few left that the pathogen can't find one and dies.

No one who has normally recovered has ever been symptomatic ever again.
But those who take the failed mRNA vax prevent normal recovery immunity and will keep getting is over and over.

You're assuming that viruses always kill. They don't. The Spanish Flu pandemic never really ended. People still get the Spanish Flu. In fact, there's a good case for viruses passing along data from one being or one species to another that helps evolution.

Do you realize that in December the Chinese got rid of all covid restrictions. The Coronavirus swept through China like crazy with upwards on 90% of Chinese people getting it within two months?

Your problem is you don't seem to be aware of the actual knowledge that's out there about the Coronavirus. You're just making stuff up and then trying to convince people you're right. The whole China thing is LAUGHABLE that you're more than two months behind in what's going on.
Do you think viruses travel on their own? Viruses travel within spit, snot, bodily fluids that have been ejected from the body.
When you cough, you CANNOT eject a virus without ejecting bodily fluids. The viruses are present within those fluids.

Yes, you could prevent the spread of a virus if you could stop the spread of the way it moves. If you could stop people from being disgusting and coughing everywhere, touching their noses and mouths, it'd be possible, but no realistic.

With viruses like HIV/AIDS and Ebola it's much easier to stop the infections because they are passed on only through the spread of blood, others like the coronavirus use other bodily fluids to live in.

Totally wrong.
Viruses do not want to be stuck to spit droplets at all, and once they dry out, the virus is again free to blow on the wind.
Of course you can cough up virus without "ejecting bodily fluids".
But but whether or not viruses are temporarily stuck to spit droplets, does not at all mean they will stay that way.
Clearly spit dries up, and then there is nothing to hold the viruses.

No one has ever stopped any epidemics except by full quarantine.
And since we decided covid was not like Ebola, we decided against full quarantine.
And once you do that, then there is NO POINT in trying to "slow it down".
It will still be reproducing greater than 1.0, so you are losing the battle every second.
So the ONLY way is to speed it up instead, and that means only the vulnerable should mask or social distance.
The rest should be trying to get infected deliberately, to end it as quickly as possible, and have the lowest death rate.
It is NOT and can NOT end until you achieve the recovery immunity rate needed for herd immunity.
Anything else is just wasting time and killing far more people than necessary.
Totally wrong.
Viruses do not want to be stuck to spit droplets at all, and once they dry out, the virus is again free to blow on the wind.
Of course you can cough up virus without "ejecting bodily fluids".
But but whether or not viruses are temporarily stuck to spit droplets, does not at all mean they will stay that way.
Clearly spit dries up, and then there is nothing to hold the viruses.

No one has ever stopped any epidemics except by full quarantine.
And since we decided covid was not like Ebola, we decided against full quarantine.
And once you do that, then there is NO POINT in trying to "slow it down".
It will still be reproducing greater than 1.0, so you are losing the battle every second.
So the ONLY way is to speed it up instead, and that means only the vulnerable should mask or social distance.
The rest should be trying to get infected deliberately, to end it as quickly as possible, and have the lowest death rate.
It is NOT and can NOT end until you achieve the recovery immunity rate needed for herd immunity.
Anything else is just wasting time and killing far more people than necessary.

Sigh.... I'm not wasting my time with this fucking made up nonsense.
You're assuming that viruses always kill. They don't. The Spanish Flu pandemic never really ended. People still get the Spanish Flu. In fact, there's a good case for viruses passing along data from one being or one species to another that helps evolution.

Do you realize that in December the Chinese got rid of all covid restrictions. The Coronavirus swept through China like crazy with upwards on 90% of Chinese people getting it within two months?

Your problem is you don't seem to be aware of the actual knowledge that's out there about the Coronavirus. You're just making stuff up and then trying to convince people you're right. The whole China thing is LAUGHABLE that you're more than two months behind in what's going on.

It is bizarre of you to claim, "You're assuming that viruses always kill".
Clearly I just said the opposite, which is that since covid is only lethal to a small % of vulnerable, that the rest of us should deliberately get infected in order to get recovery immunity, add to herd immunity, and end it entirely.

Of course the Spanish flu only killed at first because no one yet had any immunity.
One enough people got recovery immunity, now Spanish flu is almost never lethal any more.

But here is no "evolution" or "mutations" involved at all.
That would take tens of thousands of years.
What happened is simply the way the immune system works.
It remembers in T-cells in the bone marrow, so it does not make the same mistakes twice.

And you are totally wrong about China.
The problem with China is that they PREVENTED infection though rigorous mask and lock down mandates.
Those regulations PREVENTED herd immunity, essentially conserving each hosts, so now that they stopped the rigorous regulations, the epidemic obviously will again expand. And that is because they PREVENTED herd immunity. Herd immunity only ends an epidemic when there is burn out of easy hosts, and the virus can not find another in its 12 time limit, so it dies out.

China only had 671 million cases of covid total.
The total population of China is 1.41 billion.
That is only 47%, not the nearly the 70% needed for herd immunity.
Sigh.... I'm not wasting my time with this fucking made up nonsense.

I know the science and have the facts.
I work on pacemakers and other medical devices, even though am not a doctor.
You are totally wrong, just like when you claimed "China had a 90% infection rate", when in reality they use mask, lock down, quarantines, etc. to keep infections down to less than 50% of the population.
You are totally and completely wrong.
Which should be obvious to even you, since clearly you are claiming covid is unlike any other epidemic that ever existed.
All other epidemics have always ended only by herd immunity.
I know the science and have the facts.
I work on pacemakers and other medical devices, even though am not a doctor.
You are totally wrong, just like when you claimed "China had a 90% infection rate", when in reality they use mask, lock down, quarantines, etc. to keep infections down to less than 50% of the population.
You are totally and completely wrong.
Which should be obvious to even you, since clearly you are claiming covid is unlike any other epidemic that ever existed.
All other epidemics have always ended only by herd immunity.

Bullshit. You think the "fact" is that China is still in "zero covid" phase.

I mean, it's so ridiculous, and it shows you have no idea what you're talking about.
The end, over. I think this is the third time, but it took me time to realize I've tried discussing this with you before and it always ends the same, with me realizing you have no fucking clue what you're talking about.

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