Marjorie Taylor Greene, Scientist

Did he say that? Did he provide it?
Yes, he did say that, and it was a flat-out lie. That's why he was kicked off the intel committee.

Adam Schiff: ‘Ample’ evidence of Trump-Russia collusion ‘in plain sight’

House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff on Sunday said he thinks there is “ample” evidence of collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russians but that it’s not the same as conduct that rises to the level of criminality.
“Yes, there’s ample evidence of collusion in plain sight. But that is not the same thing as proof of a criminal conspiracy beyond a reasonable doubt,” Mr. Schiff, California Democrat, said on CNN’s “State of the Union.”

She DID say that

No, she didn't say that.
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A real class act, isn't she?

This is a real tweet. Not fake news. She really tweeted this.

Covid denier MTG finally gets re-instated on Twitter, and goes right for the jugular anus.

Someone needs to alert the AMA surgical masks are useless in the operating room.

"Because underwear!"


We're using the Jewish space laser here to remove this man's appendix.

America is so lucky that you have these talented statesmen guiding your affairs.

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