Mark Judge, Key Witness To Alleged Brett Kavanaugh Assault, Refuses To Testify

So YOU THINK when Kavanaugh ran opposition research on himself, which candidates do.... so to know what's gonna come at them...

he found something in his own back ground check about his high school years, that would make him find a bunch of girls, 65 of them, from that high school from 3 to 4 decades ago, to give him a good review?

Why would he pick 65 high school girls and not just women he's known in his life or worked with to vow for his gentleman-ness? Who picks high school girls they knew as references from 35-40 years ago?

HE KNEW this accusation was coming, from a girl in his high school.... that's the ONLY explanation.

No, I believe his team went over his entire life and know how to contact everyone he ever knew, if it's possible to contact them, and when the hail Mary came out about high school, went to that portion of the list.
so you think he has another group of 65 men he knew in high school, all ready to use in case they needed them as well? And another 65 of people he went to church with, and maybe another 65 women he went to college with and another 65 men he went to college with and another 65 men and 65 women he worked with...

ALL SET UP and ready to go, waiting to give their reference?


I don't think so.... and you should not either Meister!

He knew this was coming or he knew it could be coming because he either did it, or possibly he knew this woman and her complaint was out there, or someone leaked it to him that Feinstein had this accusation....

any which way but loose, he knew it was coming....

I don't know if him knowing ahead of time really means anything...? I just logically believe having these 65 HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS ready to give good reference for him, shows the accusation, from this woman, that occurred in high school, was no surprise!

Nope. He knows how to contact most everyone he has known his entire life and knows which ones will give him a great reference (probably the vast majority), so it would not be much effort to contact a bunch that knew him during any given time of his life. Face it, he was prepared for the nasty, underhanded world of the democrat smear machine. This desperate, last minute smear will go nowhere and is typical democrat politics when they're up against the wall. Anita Hill followed Clarence Thomas from job to job to job, but it was only when it became obvious he was going to the Supreme Court that she suddenly "remembered" that she was harassed. This is nothing new.

What about the word of her therapist? or the lie detector test?

What about them? She couldn't claim damages because she stuck with him for years. Either way, the lynching attempt didn't work.

She never asked for damages. Perhaps Judge Kavanaugh will answer her with a lie detector test of his own?
No, I believe his team went over his entire life and know how to contact everyone he ever knew, if it's possible to contact them, and when the hail Mary came out about high school, went to that portion of the list.
so you think he has another group of 65 men he knew in high school, all ready to use in case they needed them as well? And another 65 of people he went to church with, and maybe another 65 women he went to college with and another 65 men he went to college with and another 65 men and 65 women he worked with...

ALL SET UP and ready to go, waiting to give their reference?


I don't think so.... and you should not either Meister!

He knew this was coming or he knew it could be coming because he either did it, or possibly he knew this woman and her complaint was out there, or someone leaked it to him that Feinstein had this accusation....

any which way but loose, he knew it was coming....

I don't know if him knowing ahead of time really means anything...? I just logically believe having these 65 HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS ready to give good reference for him, shows the accusation, from this woman, that occurred in high school, was no surprise!

Nope. He knows how to contact most everyone he has known his entire life and knows which ones will give him a great reference (probably the vast majority), so it would not be much effort to contact a bunch that knew him during any given time of his life. Face it, he was prepared for the nasty, underhanded world of the democrat smear machine. This desperate, last minute smear will go nowhere and is typical democrat politics when they're up against the wall. Anita Hill followed Clarence Thomas from job to job to job, but it was only when it became obvious he was going to the Supreme Court that she suddenly "remembered" that she was harassed. This is nothing new.

What about the word of her therapist? or the lie detector test?

What about them? She couldn't claim damages because she stuck with him for years. Either way, the lynching attempt didn't work.

She never asked for damages. Perhaps Judge Kavanaugh will answer her with a lie detector test of his own?

Anita Hill didn't accuse Kavanaugh. She is an example of the democrat smear machine. Either way, it's her responsibility to prove her case, but his to prove her wrong.
He won't matter once the court expands.

There are no plans to do that. It would clearly be a naked attempt to avoid the checks and balances of government. The public backlash would be quick and decisive.
There are plans to do that and three additional members of the court is not going to get many people upset. Well, perhaps Trump's 30%, but most people in America would support this.

What makes you think people want a larger Supreme Court? Show us a legitimate poll. What makes you think Trump won't beat you to the punch?
He won't matter once the court expands.

There are no plans to do that. It would clearly be a naked attempt to avoid the checks and balances of government. The public backlash would be quick and decisive.
There are plans to do that and three additional members of the court is not going to get many people upset. Well, perhaps Trump's 30%, but most people in America would support this.

What makes you think people want a larger Supreme Court? Show us a legitimate poll. What makes you think Trump won't beat you to the punch?
It has nothing to do with a President. The power to enlarge the court rests with the House of Representatives, and no one else.
It appears the nomination is on hold for the time being.
"Sen. Jeff Flake, a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, said in an interview Sunday evening that until he learns more about the sexual assault allegation regarding Brett Kavanaugh, he is “not comfortable voting yes” on Kavanaugh’s nomination to the Supreme Court at a scheduled Judiciary Committee hearing on Thursday." Flake opposes quick vote on Kavanaugh, putting confirmation in doubt
It seems that the real problem facing Republicans, is that if they confirm a man with these kind of allegations without re-opening the hearings, they face a tidal wave of rebuke from women. It might be time to place Kavanaugh on hold and find another patsy to do the job, or face some pretty firm consequences.

Liberal women already hate Republicans, and you guys have been using the fabricated "war on women" story for years now, so the "wave of rebuke" cannot get any worse.
It seems that the real problem facing Republicans, is that if they confirm a man with these kind of allegations without re-opening the hearings, they face a tidal wave of rebuke from women. It might be time to place Kavanaugh on hold and find another patsy to do the job, or face some pretty firm consequences.

Liberal women already hate Republicans, and you guys have been using the fabricated "war on women" story for years now, so the "wave of rebuke" cannot get any worse.

You need to give women more credit. The results are going to astound you, the #MeToo movement is not a fabrication, it is a result of being ignored and abused. With women entering politics by the droves , the changes will be monumental and irreversible.
It seems that the real problem facing Republicans, is that if they confirm a man with these kind of allegations without re-opening the hearings, they face a tidal wave of rebuke from women. It might be time to place Kavanaugh on hold and find another patsy to do the job, or face some pretty firm consequences.

Liberal women already hate Republicans, and you guys have been using the fabricated "war on women" story for years now, so the "wave of rebuke" cannot get any worse.

You need to give women more credit. The results are going to astound you, the #MeToo movement is not a fabrication, it is a result of being ignored and abused. With women entering politics by the droves , the changes will be monumental and irreversible.

I understand that, but women have been getting in to politics like never before since Trump anyway. Trust me, the hate from women cannot be any worse that it already was.
It seems that the real problem facing Republicans, is that if they confirm a man with these kind of allegations without re-opening the hearings, they face a tidal wave of rebuke from women. It might be time to place Kavanaugh on hold and find another patsy to do the job, or face some pretty firm consequences.

Liberal women already hate Republicans, and you guys have been using the fabricated "war on women" story for years now, so the "wave of rebuke" cannot get any worse.

You need to give women more credit. The results are going to astound you, the #MeToo movement is not a fabrication, it is a result of being ignored and abused. With women entering politics by the droves , the changes will be monumental and irreversible.

I understand that, but women have been getting in to politics like never before since Trump anyway. Trust me, the hate from women cannot be any worse that it already was.
"Hate from women?" Well, that says a lot. Women are becoming emboldened, I think both of us will be surprised by the future.
I just read her account of what happened, and if she is telling the truth, I would say he is toast.
can't argue with that....

if kavenaugh could not be stopped for breaking the law and lying before congress the last time he was nominated, then there is no hope! :D

Two quick points.

1. Kavanaugh...

2. We are usually on opposite sides, but I still like you, what is up with that? :)
what do you mean, jellybean??
Kavenaugh, allegedly lied to congress at his last hearing for Appellate court... saying he never saw or knew about the STOLEN democratic files the Republican operative stole from a democratic senator on the Judicial committee's desk of opposition research on a repub nominee... Kavenaugh was a lawyer for the Bush 2 team at the time, said he never saw or handled the stolen goods, or something of the sort...

but Kavenaugh papers that were released from his Bush years were released for this new hearing, that show he allegedly, lied about it....

He never denied handling them, he denied knowing where they came from and how. Big difference--no lie.
Doubt MSNBC will even mention this letter.

65 women who knew Brett Kavanaugh in high school defend his character
In light of allegations of sexual assault, 65 women say Kavanaugh always “treated women with respect.”

Sixty-five women who knew Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh in high school have testified to his good character in a letter to the Senate Judiciary Committee, in light of recently surfaced allegations that he tried to force himself on a girl during his time at Georgetown Preparatory School, an all-boys school in Bethesda, Maryland.

65 women who knew Brett Kavanaugh in high school defend his character
how convenient! In just a couple of days Kavanaugh's team found 65 girls he went to high school with and got these 65 women from 40 years ago to send this letter....

All 65 found all over the country, with different married last names, to sign this letter saying he was a gentleman to them?

LOOKS TO ME like this letter that Feinstein received, WAS NO SURPRISE to the Kavanaugh team and they EXPECTED IT!!!

And the last month or two, found these 65 WOMEN that he dated or knew in high school to get them to sign this letter...

this was NO SURPRISE to Kavanaugh....

THAT is for CERTAIN!!!

LOL, actually the surprise is that DIFI threw this hail mary to further wreck her crumbling career and reputation.
yeah yeah yeah....

THAT'S the right wing STORY....

But it is CLEARLY a lie, that Kavanaugh did NOT know about the woman's accusations made against him, to Feinstein.

IT IS IMPOSSIBLE for Kavenaugh to gather 65 high school sweethearts or friends from 40 years ago, with new married last names,



Not If you've had deep background checks run on you. They knew the obsessive haters would dig for dirt in every stage of his life, so it wouldn't surprise me at all if they have lists of everyone he's ever known.

I'm just surprised they haven't claimed he was flashing white power signs in the hospital nursery.

That is correct. A friend of mine has a son who wanted to be a state highway patrolman. They sent investigators to his parents house, to his neighbors within ten houses, interviewed every family member including cousins, aunts, uncles, went to all the schools he attended, visited every friend he ever had that they knew about.

I'm sure the background check for a judge is even more meticulous.
Doubt MSNBC will even mention this letter.

65 women who knew Brett Kavanaugh in high school defend his character
In light of allegations of sexual assault, 65 women say Kavanaugh always “treated women with respect.”

65 women who knew Brett Kavanaugh in high school defend his character
how convenient! In just a couple of days Kavanaugh's team found 65 girls he went to high school with and got these 65 women from 40 years ago to send this letter....

All 65 found all over the country, with different married last names, to sign this letter saying he was a gentleman to them?

LOOKS TO ME like this letter that Feinstein received, WAS NO SURPRISE to the Kavanaugh team and they EXPECTED IT!!!

And the last month or two, found these 65 WOMEN that he dated or knew in high school to get them to sign this letter...

this was NO SURPRISE to Kavanaugh....

THAT is for CERTAIN!!!

LOL, actually the surprise is that DIFI threw this hail mary to further wreck her crumbling career and reputation.
yeah yeah yeah....

THAT'S the right wing STORY....

But it is CLEARLY a lie, that Kavanaugh did NOT know about the woman's accusations made against him, to Feinstein.

IT IS IMPOSSIBLE for Kavenaugh to gather 65 high school sweethearts or friends from 40 years ago, with new married last names,



Not If you've had deep background checks run on you. They knew the obsessive haters would dig for dirt in every stage of his life, so it wouldn't surprise me at all if they have lists of everyone he's ever known.

I'm just surprised they haven't claimed he was flashing white power signs in the hospital nursery.

That is correct. A friend of mine has a son who wanted to be a state highway patrolman. They sent investigators to his parents house, to his neighbors within ten houses, interviewed every family member including cousins, aunts, uncles, went to all the schools he attended, visited every friend he ever had that they knew about.

I'm sure the background check for a judge is even more meticulous.

Apparently it's not.
I hope the GOP rushes this nomination. There is plenty left on the table to deal with Kavanaugh later. Meanwhile, the Senate will go Blue and the GOP will have no one to blame but themselves.

I hope they rush it through as well. Deal with him later? Deal what? It's her word against his. Apparently she never filed a police report, never filed charges, not one shred of evidence. So 35 years later, she decided to bring it up now; a leftist college professor?

If it's one thing about Democrats that's set in stone, it's they are liars and cheats. They can't stand losing fair and square.
Doubt MSNBC will even mention this letter.

65 women who knew Brett Kavanaugh in high school defend his character
In light of allegations of sexual assault, 65 women say Kavanaugh always “treated women with respect.”

Sixty-five women who knew Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh in high school have testified to his good character in a letter to the Senate Judiciary Committee, in light of recently surfaced allegations that he tried to force himself on a girl during his time at Georgetown Preparatory School, an all-boys school in Bethesda, Maryland.

65 women who knew Brett Kavanaugh in high school defend his character
how convenient! In just a couple of days Kavanaugh's team found 65 girls he went to high school with and got these 65 women from 40 years ago to send this letter....

All 65 found all over the country, with different married last names, to sign this letter saying he was a gentleman to them?

LOOKS TO ME like this letter that Feinstein received, WAS NO SURPRISE to the Kavanaugh team and they EXPECTED IT!!!

And the last month or two, found these 65 WOMEN that he dated or knew in high school to get them to sign this letter...

this was NO SURPRISE to Kavanaugh....

THAT is for CERTAIN!!!

Can you name 65 women you knew in high school?

Even if there was any truth to what you say, what does that prove? It proves that this is a common strategy used by Democrats all the time against Republicans. Did you ever think that if Kavanaugh expected something like this, that's why???????
I'm not sure...what it proves, other than Kavanaugh being prepared for it with his 65 women ...shows he has been aware of the accusation LONG before Feinstein brought it forward...

questions on how he knew Feinstein had this accusation from the woman that wanted it to stay anonymous arises in my head... or was it something HE KNEW was ''out there'' on him??

Like I said, he might have prepared because Democrats try to do this all the time. Why would they not try the same on him?

In time of peace--prepare for war.

And again I ask: what home has doors on the inside of the house where you can lock them from the outside, but can't unlock them from the inside? Have you ever been in a home like that in your life?
I hope the GOP rushes this nomination. There is plenty left on the table to deal with Kavanaugh later. Meanwhile, the Senate will go Blue and the GOP will have no one to blame but themselves.

I hope they rush it through as well. Deal with him later? Deal what? It's her word against his. Apparently she never filed a police report, never filed charges, not one shred of evidence. So 35 years later, she decided to bring it up now; a leftist college professor?

If it's one thing about Democrats that's set in stone, it's they are liars and cheats. They can't stand losing fair and square.

Republicans are scared to death that they might have to find someone with integrity to fill a seat on the Supreme Court. That would be a pretty tough job to find anyone left with integrity on the right.

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