Mark Judge, Key Witness To Alleged Brett Kavanaugh Assault, Refuses To Testify

There was nothing to look at. There still isn't. Ford's own witnesses say it never happened.

So now you just outright lie?

What lie? What other so-called witnesses did she bring that supported her claim?
Can you even read?

You idiot friend claimed that "her witness didn't support her"

And your moronic response was WHAT?
Ford identified 2 people as witnesses, one saving her from being raped. BOTH have stated IT NEVER HAPPENED. The links to this have been repeatedly posted in numerous spots.

Saying 'uh-uh' does not make it false.

YOU are either the idiot or the liar. Which is it?
That's fake news dupe. Cavanaugh and Trump know it's fake News 2. 4 days of Investigation by the FBI would be enough

What is with you people on the left? It is not an FBI matter. Teenage house parties are not a federal case.
Ok. So you accept that Mexico ain't paying. That was always a fantasy

Now you have to deal with the fact that the wall itself is a fantasy

A fantasy? looks rather solid for a fantasy!
They're spending Less on the border then Obama did... Just another GOP scam for the the chumps.

So what's the reason they are spending less? You Democrats do crap all he time and then try to blame Republicans. Write your commie leaders and tell them to allow Republicans to spend what they want. You'll see a real border wall start this fall.
How's your wall doing?

Mexico pony up yet?

If the border is secured...does it really matter who paid for it? I don't care. I don't think the majority of Americans care either.
Of course it won't work... Half overstay their visas, the rest will think of something. We need e-verify or an ID card and enforce it.

So let me see if I follow the progressive thought process here...we need e-verify for identifying illegal aliens or an ID card...but requiring people to have an ID to vote is too damn hard?
It's not necessary. Try and keep up. We don't need a wall, we need a law...

Yeah...another "law" is going to keep drugs and narco terrorist from flooding over the border! As we all know...drug dealers and terrorists in general are really good about obeying our laws! (eye roll)
I'm astounded there are people dishonest or stupid enough to fall for this latest libtard crap show.
/----/ No one is falling for it, but the democRATs and pretending it's for real.


It's all they have and they have no pride or principles, so they'll pretend to believe this pile of shit story with their noses unwrinkled.
I truly feel sorry for these leftists assholes. must suck to look in a mirror.
/—-/ This just in:
Data show that Hawaii's Hirono and Sen Feinstein have taken money from a fellow Democrat who has admitted hitting his wife. Time for these two bitches to shut up and step up.
Nice argument dude. The sort of level we've learned to accept from you on a consistent basis.

No argument needed.

Ford says Bret was a bad boy. Then when asked pertinent questions for verification the questions and answers go as follows.

Q. Where did it happen, A. in MD.
Q. Where in MD, A. Chevy Chase
Q. Where in Chevy Chase, A. I don't know.
Q. When did it happen, A. When I was in HS.
Q. What year of HS, A. I don't know.
Q. Was it summer or fall, A. I don't now.
Q. Who was at the party, A. I don't know.

Such a reliable witness, no prosecutor EVER ASKED FOR.

She recalled this after being in a session with a head shrinker. She’s a nut.
PTSD caused by Kavanaugh's assault on her!

It doesn't work that way. Sexual assault and rape victims have excellent memories of the incidents, unless, of course, during the crime they were beaten and suffered a severe head injury. Maybe she forgot something, but that something was to include a severe beating including a head injury in both her bogus letter and when speaking to a therapist.

This chick is not going to testify.
Bullshit! I have been held at gunpoint 6 times by 8 people. I have been in many injury inflicting fights. I don't know the years, names of witnesses, or all the perpetrators. If it happened while drinking at a party I would know even less.

If it happened to you only once, you would have much more specific memories. Making a habit of getting into those situations tends to make things run together.
Doubt MSNBC will even mention this letter.

65 women who knew Brett Kavanaugh in high school defend his character
In light of allegations of sexual assault, 65 women say Kavanaugh always “treated women with respect.”

Sixty-five women who knew Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh in high school have testified to his good character in a letter to the Senate Judiciary Committee, in light of recently surfaced allegations that he tried to force himself on a girl during his time at Georgetown Preparatory School, an all-boys school in Bethesda, Maryland.

65 women who knew Brett Kavanaugh in high school defend his character

Mr. Judge says there was no assault, that he didn't witness anything.

Hardly a "key witness" at all.
Nice argument dude. The sort of level we've learned to accept from you on a consistent basis.

No argument needed.

Ford says Bret was a bad boy. Then when asked pertinent questions for verification the questions and answers go as follows.

Q. Where did it happen, A. in MD.
Q. Where in MD, A. Chevy Chase
Q. Where in Chevy Chase, A. I don't know.
Q. When did it happen, A. When I was in HS.
Q. What year of HS, A. I don't know.
Q. Was it summer or fall, A. I don't now.
Q. Who was at the party, A. I don't know.

Such a reliable witness, no prosecutor EVER ASKED FOR.

She recalled this after being in a session with a head shrinker. She’s a nut.
PTSD caused by Kavanaugh's assault on her!

It doesn't work that way. Sexual assault and rape victims have excellent memories of the incidents, unless, of course, during the crime they were beaten and suffered a severe head injury. Maybe she forgot something, but that something was to include a severe beating including a head injury in both her bogus letter and when speaking to a therapist.

This chick is not going to testify.
Bullshit! I have been held at gunpoint 6 times by 8 people. I have been in many injury inflicting fights. I don't know the years, names of witnesses, or all the perpetrators. If it happened while drinking at a party I would know even less.
/——/ And I can fully understand how you drive people to pull guns on you multiple times.
What is with you people on the left? It is not an FBI matter. Teenage house parties are not a federal case.
They seem to think just because someone steps forward and accuses without any evidence a nominee for the USSC the FBI should immediately step in and investigate. Sorry, that is NOT the job of the FBI.

The FBI conducted a thorough background check on Kavanaugh and found nothing. He reportedly has a security clearance - If so, the investigation conducted on him for him to get it was even more thorough / in-depth than the background check done by the FBI.

The unsubstantiated accusation against Kavanaugh now involves a supposed sexual 'attack' by one teenager on another - a LOCAL Police matter, not a federal issue even though a man who could soon be a USSC justice is involved.

Leftists believe that they should get whatever they want, as if they are somehow elite, special, and therefore should get special treatment.

The FBI has said 'NO'. Liberals and snowflakes don't care.
- If KAVANAUGH does not demand the FBI investigate him and this matter he is guilty.

- If the FBI does not investigate this issue they suck and should be forced to do so.

- Ford has not pressed charges, did not want her name released, did not want the incident reported, is still not going to file charges, will not testify, what she remembers is not right, and the 'witnesses' she named have said this incident never happened...but the FBI is 'criminal' if they do not investigate this.

For Pete's Sake, STFU already!
So now you just outright lie?

What lie? What other so-called witnesses did she bring that supported her claim?
Can you even read?

You idiot friend claimed that "her witness didn't support her"

And your moronic response was WHAT?
Ford identified 2 people as witnesses, one saving her from being raped. BOTH have stated IT NEVER HAPPENED. The links to this have been repeatedly posted in numerous spots.

Saying 'uh-uh' does not make it false.

YOU are either the idiot or the liar. Which is it?
That's fake news dupe. Cavanaugh and Trump know it's fake News 2. 4 days of Investigation by the FBI would be enough

He went through an investigation by the FBI already, how many times to you want him to go through an FBI investigation.
Hillary struggled to govern the State Department, Ed. Why you think she would have done any better with more on her plate escapes me.

Trump on the other hand is doing a rather remarkable job at governing. You may not like his style...but it's hard to dispute that he's getting things done.
Like I said before gramps I don't mind him taking a victory lap JUST NOT 3 victory laps He disgusts me

He disgusts you...Hillary disgusts me! So what's your point? Once may be disgusted by the man...but he's slowly but surely checking off the things that he ran on and in the long run...what else should we demand from a President?
Hillary scandals were all phony and pure propaganda, super duper. Nobody in the real world CARES.

The voters cared, Franco...OH BOY did they care!
Brainwashed fools just like you on these points about Hillary.

The Other 98%
What lie? What other so-called witnesses did she bring that supported her claim?
Can you even read?

You idiot friend claimed that "her witness didn't support her"

And your moronic response was WHAT?
Ford identified 2 people as witnesses, one saving her from being raped. BOTH have stated IT NEVER HAPPENED. The links to this have been repeatedly posted in numerous spots.

Saying 'uh-uh' does not make it false.

YOU are either the idiot or the liar. Which is it?
That's fake news dupe. Cavanaugh and Trump know it's fake News 2. 4 days of Investigation by the FBI would be enough

He went through an investigation by the FBI already, how many times to you want him to go through an FBI investigation.
Like I said before gramps I don't mind him taking a victory lap JUST NOT 3 victory laps He disgusts me

He disgusts you...Hillary disgusts me! So what's your point? Once may be disgusted by the man...but he's slowly but surely checking off the things that he ran on and in the long run...what else should we demand from a President?
Hillary scandals were all phony and pure propaganda, super duper. Nobody in the real world CARES.

The voters cared, Franco...OH BOY did they care!
Brainwashed fools just like you on these points about Hillary.

The Other 98%

Clinton admitted the affair and there is DNA evidence to back up his admission. Ford has no evidence what so ever.

Clinton was the most powerful man in the world at the time of the BJ's. Kav was a 17 year old at the time of the allegation.

Let THAT sink in!
Can you even read?

You idiot friend claimed that "her witness didn't support her"

And your moronic response was WHAT?
Ford identified 2 people as witnesses, one saving her from being raped. BOTH have stated IT NEVER HAPPENED. The links to this have been repeatedly posted in numerous spots.

Saying 'uh-uh' does not make it false.

YOU are either the idiot or the liar. Which is it?
That's fake news dupe. Cavanaugh and Trump know it's fake News 2. 4 days of Investigation by the FBI would be enough

He went through an investigation by the FBI already, how many times to you want him to go through an FBI investigation.
He disgusts you...Hillary disgusts me! So what's your point? Once may be disgusted by the man...but he's slowly but surely checking off the things that he ran on and in the long run...what else should we demand from a President?
Hillary scandals were all phony and pure propaganda, super duper. Nobody in the real world CARES.

The voters cared, Franco...OH BOY did they care!
Brainwashed fools just like you on these points about Hillary.

The Other 98%

Clinton admitted the affair and there is DNA evidence to back up his admission. Ford has no evidence what so ever.

Clinton was the most powerful man in the world at the time of the BJ's. Kav was a 17 year old at the time of the allegation.

Let THAT sink in!
pops let this sink in

FORMER SCALIA LAW CLERK Drops Pictures and Evidence That Blows Christine Ford’s Case Wide Open


More and more, her charges are falling apart. This Tweet storm from someone who should know the truth, shows that there is little doubt the flaky trumpet is mistaken about who supposedly assaulted her.


None of the four she mentioned lived anywhere near the supposed site of the so-called assault.

This piece shows pictures, floor plans, and just about everything else necessary to show Blasey Ford conveniently identified Judge Kavanaugh for political purposes.

All you need to know
@ BREAKING: FORMER SCALIA LAW CLERK Drops Pictures and Evidence That Blows Christine Ford's Case Wide Open
Ford identified 2 people as witnesses, one saving her from being raped. BOTH have stated IT NEVER HAPPENED. The links to this have been repeatedly posted in numerous spots.

Saying 'uh-uh' does not make it false.

YOU are either the idiot or the liar. Which is it?
That's fake news dupe. Cavanaugh and Trump know it's fake News 2. 4 days of Investigation by the FBI would be enough

He went through an investigation by the FBI already, how many times to you want him to go through an FBI investigation.
Hillary scandals were all phony and pure propaganda, super duper. Nobody in the real world CARES.

The voters cared, Franco...OH BOY did they care!
Brainwashed fools just like you on these points about Hillary.

The Other 98%

Clinton admitted the affair and there is DNA evidence to back up his admission. Ford has no evidence what so ever.

Clinton was the most powerful man in the world at the time of the BJ's. Kav was a 17 year old at the time of the allegation.

Let THAT sink in!
pops let this sink in

When folks on the left start posting memes that have nothing to do with the topic of the thread, you know they got nothing.

Eddie is proof of that.
Ford identified 2 people as witnesses, one saving her from being raped. BOTH have stated IT NEVER HAPPENED. The links to this have been repeatedly posted in numerous spots.

Saying 'uh-uh' does not make it false.

YOU are either the idiot or the liar. Which is it?
That's fake news dupe. Cavanaugh and Trump know it's fake News 2. 4 days of Investigation by the FBI would be enough

He went through an investigation by the FBI already, how many times to you want him to go through an FBI investigation.
Hillary scandals were all phony and pure propaganda, super duper. Nobody in the real world CARES.

The voters cared, Franco...OH BOY did they care!
Brainwashed fools just like you on these points about Hillary.

The Other 98%

Clinton admitted the affair and there is DNA evidence to back up his admission. Ford has no evidence what so ever.

Clinton was the most powerful man in the world at the time of the BJ's. Kav was a 17 year old at the time of the allegation.

Let THAT sink in!
pops let this sink in

i thought the lefts favorite slam to to go after those who brought in hillary when she wasn't part of the topic?

are we back to "ok for me, not for you" like the left loves to do again?
What lie? What other so-called witnesses did she bring that supported her claim?
Can you even read?

You idiot friend claimed that "her witness didn't support her"

And your moronic response was WHAT?
Ford identified 2 people as witnesses, one saving her from being raped. BOTH have stated IT NEVER HAPPENED. The links to this have been repeatedly posted in numerous spots.

Saying 'uh-uh' does not make it false.

YOU are either the idiot or the liar. Which is it?
That's fake news dupe. Cavanaugh and Trump know it's fake News 2. 4 days of Investigation by the FBI would be enough

He went through an investigation by the FBI already, how many times to you want him to go through an FBI investigation.
Like I said before gramps I don't mind him taking a victory lap JUST NOT 3 victory laps He disgusts me

He disgusts you...Hillary disgusts me! So what's your point? Once may be disgusted by the man...but he's slowly but surely checking off the things that he ran on and in the long run...what else should we demand from a President?
Hillary scandals were all phony and pure propaganda, super duper. Nobody in the real world CARES.

The voters cared, Franco...OH BOY did they care!
Brainwashed fools just like you on these points about Hillary.

The Other 98%

Perjury. He was impeached for lying under oath while testifying in a sexual harassment case.
He exposed his bent penis and asked Paula Jones to kiss it.
She left the room and told a friend what happened.

Contrast that with a 36 year old story that the "victim" never told to anyone until 30 years later.
What lie? What other so-called witnesses did she bring that supported her claim?
Can you even read?

You idiot friend claimed that "her witness didn't support her"

And your moronic response was WHAT?
Ford identified 2 people as witnesses, one saving her from being raped. BOTH have stated IT NEVER HAPPENED. The links to this have been repeatedly posted in numerous spots.

Saying 'uh-uh' does not make it false.

YOU are either the idiot or the liar. Which is it?
That's fake news dupe. Cavanaugh and Trump know it's fake News 2. 4 days of Investigation by the FBI would be enough

He went through an investigation by the FBI already, how many times to you want him to go through an FBI investigation.
Like I said before gramps I don't mind him taking a victory lap JUST NOT 3 victory laps He disgusts me

He disgusts you...Hillary disgusts me! So what's your point? Once may be disgusted by the man...but he's slowly but surely checking off the things that he ran on and in the long run...what else should we demand from a President?
Hillary scandals were all phony and pure propaganda, super duper. Nobody in the real world CARES.

The voters cared, Franco...OH BOY did they care!
Brainwashed fools just like you on these points about Hillary.

The Other 98%

Dumb ass, where did I say attempted rape shouldn’t be impediment to being on the Supreme Court? You are a scum liar!

Now, show me proof of where I said such a thing and show me the proof that Kavanaugh attempted to rape anyone.

You are lying, pure and simple and out right. Please don’t wet your panties about people lying anymore because you are just as guilty of it.
Last edited:
That's fake news dupe. Cavanaugh and Trump know it's fake News 2. 4 days of Investigation by the FBI would be enough

He went through an investigation by the FBI already, how many times to you want him to go through an FBI investigation.
The voters cared, Franco...OH BOY did they care!
Brainwashed fools just like you on these points about Hillary.

The Other 98%

Clinton admitted the affair and there is DNA evidence to back up his admission. Ford has no evidence what so ever.

Clinton was the most powerful man in the world at the time of the BJ's. Kav was a 17 year old at the time of the allegation.

Let THAT sink in!
pops let this sink in

When folks on the left start posting memes that have nothing to do with the topic of the thread, you know they got nothing.

Eddie is proof of that.

He is a lying troll, nothing more, either that or he is just a moron.
He went through an investigation by the FBI already, how many times to you want him to go through an FBI investigation.
Brainwashed fools just like you on these points about Hillary.

The Other 98%

Clinton admitted the affair and there is DNA evidence to back up his admission. Ford has no evidence what so ever.

Clinton was the most powerful man in the world at the time of the BJ's. Kav was a 17 year old at the time of the allegation.

Let THAT sink in!
pops let this sink in

When folks on the left start posting memes that have nothing to do with the topic of the thread, you know they got nothing.

Eddie is proof of that.

He is a lying troll, nothing more, either that or he is just a moron.

I think both, but the reader can make up their on minds

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