Mark Judge, Key Witness To Alleged Brett Kavanaugh Assault, Refuses To Testify

Sen. Booker has admitted to the SAME CRIME that he wants to deny Kavanaugh a seat on Supreme Court for.

I think Booker needs to resign, its absolutely critical that ALL liberals who were groping women quit.

Liberals need to be held to the SAME STANDARDS they hold others to.

Booker Called Out For 'Groping' Drunk Female While He Was A Teenager, Report Says
He admitted to it in 1992, as a college student, when he himself wrote about it -- going into detail about how being a peer counselor has made a change towards his views on respect for women...

If Brett had done something similar, people would be praising him for how much bravery and courage it took to admit your faults and improve for the better..
What is with you people on the left? It is not an FBI matter. Teenage house parties are not a federal case.
They seem to think just because someone steps forward and accuses without any evidence a nominee for the USSC the FBI should immediately step in and investigate. Sorry, that is NOT the job of the FBI.

The FBI conducted a thorough background check on Kavanaugh and found nothing. He reportedly has a security clearance - If so, the investigation conducted on him for him to get it was even more thorough / in-depth than the background check done by the FBI.

The unsubstantiated accusation against Kavanaugh now involves a supposed sexual 'attack' by one teenager on another - a LOCAL Police matter, not a federal issue even though a man who could soon be a USSC justice is involved.

Leftists believe that they should get whatever they want, as if they are somehow elite, special, and therefore should get special treatment.

The FBI has said 'NO'. Liberals and snowflakes don't care.
- If KAVANAUGH does not demand the FBI investigate him and this matter he is guilty.

- If the FBI does not investigate this issue they suck and should be forced to do so.

- Ford has not pressed charges, did not want her name released, did not want the incident reported, is still not going to file charges, will not testify, what she remembers is not right, and the 'witnesses' she named have said this incident never happened...but the FBI is 'criminal' if they do not investigate this.

For Pete's Sake, STFU already!
so easy, I'm not sure what these stupid fks think the fbi will find on a seventh background check that they didn't find on the previous six. And they won't explain that either. so ding, ding, all they want is to delay the vote. that's it. that is the only logical explanation. It isn't about any sexual assault claim so with that knowledge, take the vote.
Sen. Booker has admitted to the SAME CRIME that he wants to deny Kavanaugh a seat on Supreme Court for.

I think Booker needs to resign, its absolutely critical that ALL liberals who were groping women quit.

Liberals need to be held to the SAME STANDARDS they hold others to.

Booker Called Out For 'Groping' Drunk Female While He Was A Teenager, Report Says
He admitted to it in 1992, as a college student, when he himself wrote about it -- going into detail about how being a peer counselor has made a change towards his views on respect for women...

If Brett had done something similar, people would be praising him for how much bravery and courage it took to admit your faults and improve for the better..

Mr. Kavanaugh didn't commit this crime, the judge has been very open about that fact. If Kavanaugh lied and said that he did this, would Booker et al be supporting his nomination? I didn't hear any of them say this.

As far as Booker is concerned, how is admitting to a Sex Crime felony make it any better? Would you have put Jeff Dahmer on to the Supreme Court, because he admitted to his crimes?
Anita Hill destroyed Clarence Thomas' life to the point where he doesnt say a word for 30 years. now they want to destroy Kavanaugh
Rachel Maddow thinks Kavanaugh should be charged criminally. thats ridiculous. we dont even know the facts of the case. 2 minors 30 years ago. the only thing they could possibly do is get Kavanaugh under oath to lie, and that's a longshot
Sen. Booker has admitted to the SAME CRIME that he wants to deny Kavanaugh a seat on Supreme Court for.

I think Booker needs to resign, its absolutely critical that ALL liberals who were groping women quit.

Liberals need to be held to the SAME STANDARDS they hold others to.

Booker Called Out For 'Groping' Drunk Female While He Was A Teenager, Report Says
He admitted to it in 1992, as a college student, when he himself wrote about it -- going into detail about how being a peer counselor has made a change towards his views on respect for women...

If Brett had done something similar, people would be praising him for how much bravery and courage it took to admit your faults and improve for the better..

Assuming he was guilty of acting like Booker had. If not, it would be a cynical lie to gather political support.
Sen. Booker has admitted to the SAME CRIME that he wants to deny Kavanaugh a seat on Supreme Court for.

I think Booker needs to resign, its absolutely critical that ALL liberals who were groping women quit.

Liberals need to be held to the SAME STANDARDS they hold others to.

Booker Called Out For 'Groping' Drunk Female While He Was A Teenager, Report Says
He admitted to it in 1992, as a college student, when he himself wrote about it -- going into detail about how being a peer counselor has made a change towards his views on respect for women...

If Brett had done something similar, people would be praising him for how much bravery and courage it took to admit your faults and improve for the better..

Assuming he was guilty of acting like Booker had. If not, it would be a cynical lie to gather political support.
I was addressing the person who claimed it was such a big find to know what Booker did -- when he made it public himself 20 years ago
Rachel Maddow thinks Kavanaugh should be charged criminally. thats ridiculous. we dont even know the facts of the case. 2 minors 30 years ago. the only thing they could possibly do is get Kavanaugh under oath to lie, and that's a longshot
This is all tit for tat -- no one should be charged with nothing....confirm him and move on.....

but the GOP has zero leg to stand on when they talk about this regular order BS and time lines -- they flat out stole a supreme court pick and now brag about it -- so I have no sympathy
but the GOP has zero leg to stand on when they talk about this regular order BS and time lines -- they flat out stole a supreme court pick and now brag about it -- so I have no sympathy

No one "stole" a Supreme Court pick.

Further, no Republicans in the Senate or elsewhere tried to destroy Merrick Garland's career or family with allegations from high school.

That's just unprecedented.

What's going to be next? Looking at what a kid did in Middle School or grade school?

Should the Senate be reviewing a note that Kavanaugh gave to the local bodega when he was 12- supposedly from his mum- so he could buy cigarettes?
Sen. Booker has admitted to the SAME CRIME that he wants to deny Kavanaugh a seat on Supreme Court for. I think Booker needs to resign, its absolutely critical that ALL liberals who were groping women quit.

Booker admitted to sexual assault, the same crime Kavanaugh has been ACCUSED of (without evidence).

If such an act 30+ years ago - if proven true - destroys his character and ability to assume the position and role as a 'trusted federal servant', then Booker's admitted proven crime makes him unfit to serve in the position that he is in now.

Congress should immediately begin taking actions to remove Booker from office.

Rebecca Diserio@rebeccadiserio

Replying to @MissMarple2 and 2 others

Both of my sons had her at son who just became a Deputy Sheriff (LA County) said "She's crazy." Harped & attacked kids who argued for conservative values...both my sons withdrew from her class after two weeks...her bias was way worse than most SJW professors

4:58 PM - Sep 16, 2018
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it is Academia; you just need to better substantiate any potentially, unsubstantiated opinions you may have.
Rachel Maddow thinks Kavanaugh should be charged criminally. thats ridiculous. we dont even know the facts of the case. 2 minors 30 years ago. the only thing they could possibly do is get Kavanaugh under oath to lie, and that's a longshot
This is all tit for tat -- no one should be charged with nothing....confirm him and move on.....

but the GOP has zero leg to stand on when they talk about this regular order BS and time lines -- they flat out stole a supreme court pick and now brag about it -- so I have no sympathy

I've always maintained that was wrong. They should have held the vote, and gone on record why they opposed Garland. Not wanting to give Obama his pick isn't a good enough reason to me. Now democrats are doing the same thing, tightening the spiral into the abyss. Count on confirmations becoming ever nastier, especially if Trump gets to replace Ginsberg. That nominee would face every dirty trick the democrats can dream up, and I wouldn't take physical violence off the table.
Sen. Booker has admitted to the SAME CRIME that he wants to deny Kavanaugh a seat on Supreme Court for. I think Booker needs to resign, its absolutely critical that ALL liberals who were groping women quit.

Booker admitted to sexual assault, the same crime Kavanaugh has been ACCUSED of (without evidence).

If such an act 30+ years ago - if proven true - destroys his character and ability to assume the position and role as a 'trusted federal servant', then Booker's admitted proven crime makes him unfit to serve in the position that he is in now.

Congress should immediately begin taking actions to remove Booker from office.

Booker should really leave voluntarily.

Spartacus should have the strength of character to do the right thing
So you think it's ok to molest women if they voted for a Republican, Ed? How very "progressive" of you!
they deserve it ,,think they might change their minds ,,,,only if the molester is a republican

Oh so women "deserve" to be molested if they're conservatives? Thanks for sharing, Ed! I'll remember that little gem of wisdom the next time you start whining about a "war on women" by conservatives! You liberals are a piece of work. You seriously need to step back and take a look at who you've become!
Old let me be very precise ,,I wish the worst on EVERY republican stupid enough to vote for and support this great AH in our WH They deserve it for their stupidity

So conservative women deserve to be molested...what do the men deserve, Ed? Show your true colors...

You do realize that our choice was between Trump and Hillary Clinton? I'd vote for Trump a thousand times before I'd ever vote for Hillary. It wasn't even a question. Clinton was the worst candidate I've ever seen run for none!
Your opinion Hillary would be far better governing our country and far far better with relations with other countries but that's just my opinion you got what you voted for ,,,a low life scum of the earth ,,,,great choice

Yes...I agree....when Russia bought her for 145 million dollars through the Uranium One deal, they made sure they owned her and her Presidency, the relations with Russia would be much better......for Russia.
Rachel Maddow thinks Kavanaugh should be charged criminally. thats ridiculous. we dont even know the facts of the case. 2 minors 30 years ago. the only thing they could possibly do is get Kavanaugh under oath to lie, and that's a longshot
This is all tit for tat -- no one should be charged with nothing....confirm him and move on.....

but the GOP has zero leg to stand on when they talk about this regular order BS and time lines -- they flat out stole a supreme court pick and now brag about it -- so I have no sympathy

I've always maintained that was wrong. They should have held the vote, and gone on record why they opposed Garland. Not wanting to give Obama his pick isn't a good enough reason to me. Now democrats are doing the same thing, tightening the spiral into the abyss. Count on confirmations becoming ever nastier, especially if Trump gets to replace Ginsberg. That nominee would face every dirty trick the democrats can dream up, and I wouldn't take physical violence off the table.
They already threatened Kavanaugh's Life and his family's
Rachel Maddow thinks Kavanaugh should be charged criminally. thats ridiculous. we dont even know the facts of the case. 2 minors 30 years ago. the only thing they could possibly do is get Kavanaugh under oath to lie, and that's a longshot
This is all tit for tat -- no one should be charged with nothing....confirm him and move on.....

but the GOP has zero leg to stand on when they talk about this regular order BS and time lines -- they flat out stole a supreme court pick and now brag about it -- so I have no sympathy

I've always maintained that was wrong. They should have held the vote, and gone on record why they opposed Garland. Not wanting to give Obama his pick isn't a good enough reason to me. Now democrats are doing the same thing, tightening the spiral into the abyss. Count on confirmations becoming ever nastier, especially if Trump gets to replace Ginsberg. That nominee would face every dirty trick the democrats can dream up, and I wouldn't take physical violence off the table.
They already threatened Kavanaugh's Life and his family's

No Republicans threatened Merrick Garland or his lovely family at all.
Rachel Maddow thinks Kavanaugh should be charged criminally. thats ridiculous. we dont even know the facts of the case. 2 minors 30 years ago. the only thing they could possibly do is get Kavanaugh under oath to lie, and that's a longshot
This is all tit for tat -- no one should be charged with nothing....confirm him and move on.....

but the GOP has zero leg to stand on when they talk about this regular order BS and time lines -- they flat out stole a supreme court pick and now brag about it -- so I have no sympathy

I've always maintained that was wrong. They should have held the vote, and gone on record why they opposed Garland. Not wanting to give Obama his pick isn't a good enough reason to me. Now democrats are doing the same thing, tightening the spiral into the abyss. Count on confirmations becoming ever nastier, especially if Trump gets to replace Ginsberg. That nominee would face every dirty trick the democrats can dream up, and I wouldn't take physical violence off the table.
They already threatened Kavanaugh's Life and his family's

I would not be surprised to see a deranged lefty take it to the next level if it is clear Trump will replace Ginsberg with a conservative.
Sen. Booker has admitted to the SAME CRIME that he wants to deny Kavanaugh a seat on Supreme Court for.

I think Booker needs to resign, its absolutely critical that ALL liberals who were groping women quit.

Liberals need to be held to the SAME STANDARDS they hold others to.

Booker Called Out For 'Groping' Drunk Female While He Was A Teenager, Report Says
He admitted to it in 1992, as a college student, when he himself wrote about it -- going into detail about how being a peer counselor has made a change towards his views on respect for women...

If Brett had done something similar, people would be praising him for how much bravery and courage it took to admit your faults and improve for the better..

Tough for Kavanaugh to do because he has said he never did that and there is no proof that he has.

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