Mark Judge, Key Witness To Alleged Brett Kavanaugh Assault, Refuses To Testify


There is no evidence that being raped is always worse.

I defended my statement with demonstrable facts, you do not.

I would wish sending a rapist to no one's house.

You are arguing from emotion not reason.

Sorry but my statement stands unchallenged a false accusation of rape can be as bad as rape.

No it can not. No one who's falsely accused of rape wakes up in the middle of the night with terror. This is just ridiculous. Start a thread and see who agrees with you. It will be 100% Republican men. Probably 99% of them white. Maybe you'll get a couple of female RWNJ's to go along with you but no one will agree with you unless the identify as a Republican who is only seeing it your way because you are defending Kavanaugh.

Really, have you spent nights in jail falsely accused? If you haven't you have no right making that dumb ass claim.

You think spending the night in jail is worse than getting raped?

I hear it's not a good place to be, bad things happen and have happened to people in jail. I assume form the way you talk, you've been there many times.


I hear the worst thing that happens to people in prison is they get falsely accused of rape all the time. That's why most people are so afraid of prison. They are scared to death they are going to get falsely accused of rape when they are in there. LOL.

We should stop telling people that prisoners get raped in prison. Clearly it would scare them more to know that people are constantly being falsely accused of rape. That will scare straight young juvenile offenders.

Rape is one of women's biggest fears

60 Women Reveal Their Biggest Fears In Life

Show me one of men's biggest fears is being falsely accused of rape.

Wow, you got a real study, not individual anecdotal BS?

i see the big picture i know whats going on. Dr Ford's not a victim she's a perpetrator. i said a perpetrator. Kavanaugh's name was on Trump's list for 1 year. CRICKETS. we're being manipulated, America. this isnt about women's rights. this is about JUSTICE. this is about THE RIGHT THING.

this isnt about WOMEN, it's not about SEX, it's about....JUSTICE.
Really, have you spent nights in jail falsely accused? If you haven't you have no right making that dumb ass claim.

You think spending the night in jail is worse than getting raped?
The Republicans never did anything to Garland. They didn't accuse him of Gang Rape or Flashing or sexual assault on a 15 year old.

Did not try to ruin the man's career, reputation or family.

Didn't demand reams of documents to go over, didn't threaten death on him.

Of course, should he be nominated again somewhere down the line, what goes around comes around. After the Kavanaugh event, anything will go.
The Dems didnt do anything to Kavanaugh either. He did that to himself by trying to rape someone.
You know he tried to do this how?

Simple. He hasnt stood up and demanded an FBI investigation to clear his name. Obviously he is hiding something.

Naturally. He hasn't <fill in whichever demand we're making now>. If he had, would you be saying we should go ahead and vote?
If the FBI clears him which should take less than a week go ahead and confirm him.
They already refused.

It is not a federal crime. They have already investigated him. The statute of limitations has passed.

The burden of on the accuser.

What does she have again
No it can not. No one who's falsely accused of rape wakes up in the middle of the night with terror. This is just ridiculous. Start a thread and see who agrees with you. It will be 100% Republican men. Probably 99% of them white. Maybe you'll get a couple of female RWNJ's to go along with you but no one will agree with you unless the identify as a Republican who is only seeing it your way because you are defending Kavanaugh.

Really, have you spent nights in jail falsely accused? If you haven't you have no right making that dumb ass claim.

You think spending the night in jail is worse than getting raped?
I love everything Kavanaugh is getting because of what Republicans did to Garland. I fucking LOVE IT!!! I also love how Trump is not having a fun time being president. Insiders say he's going insane. GOOD! Be careful what you wish for Donny.

The Republicans never did anything to Garland. They didn't accuse him of Gang Rape or Flashing or sexual assault on a 15 year old.

Did not try to ruin the man's career, reputation or family.

Didn't demand reams of documents to go over, didn't threaten death on him.

Of course, should he be nominated again somewhere down the line, what goes around comes around. After the Kavanaugh event, anything will go.
The Dems didnt do anything to Kavanaugh either. He did that to himself by trying to rape someone.
You know he tried to do this how?

Simple. He hasnt stood up and demanded an FBI investigation to clear his name. Obviously he is hiding something.

First of all he has no ability to do this and the FBI has already stated they would not.

Second if anyone is falsely accused of anything it is not on them to clear it. It is on the accuser to prove it.

How has the accuser proven it?

Do you have a link to the FBI statement you're referring to?
His name is clear. The FBI background check was clear. Senator McConnell just railed against the false claims against the most qualified USSc nominee ever. McConnell will put Kavanaugh on the USSC.
No his name is not clear. I'm not the only person that thinks he is a rapist.

Why would you think that, there has been no allegation of rape. You're just another dishonest hack that believes the ends justifies the means no need for facts. FU

Need a Lawyer? Have Memory Loss? Michael Avenatti can help you!

If you have lost memories regarding traumatic events, even despite the fact real victims of traumatic events can usually recall the most minute details of their event, we have good news for you.

We here at The Democrat Party care, and we want you to know that if you ever were a classmate of Kavanaugh's and even have the slightest memory lapse from some drunken blackout party, we'd like to help you get your memory back.

Operators are on stand by now: call 1-800-Ambulance Chaser.

All you need to do to get your monetary reward is schedule a meeting with an Attorney from The DNC and they will help you get your memory back.

Never mind that you still won't know where the Hell you were, who was with you, and what happened during one of Drunken Binge Drinking Memory Blackouts, or even what month, year day of the party was.....You'll recall just enough to say maybe you had some really, really, REALLY Vague encounter with some guy named Kavanaugh.

If you drank a 5th of Jack Daniels? No problem, we have you covered!

Have you had massive hangovers from guzzling MadDog 20-20? Have you ever experienced a Thunderbird Induced Coma and wound up wearing a Man's Tighty Whiteys like a Bra? Have you ever drank so much Vodka that years later the sight of it makes you vomit?

Well, you are just the person we are looking for!

Drunken Blackouts at a Teen Drinking Party are like an Alien Abduction only without all the probing...well allegedly. You'd remember more from an Alien Abduction. There is always probing......ALWAYS!

All we need is 6 days assessing your memories, and you'll be right as rain.

“In her initial conversations with The New Yorker, she was reluctant to characterize Kavanaugh’s role in the alleged incident with certainty. After six days of carefully assessing her memories and consulting with her attorney, Ramirez said that she felt confident enough of her recollections to say that she remembers Kavanaugh may have exposed himself to her.

It's like magic: Meet with a Demtard Attorney and suddenly your 35 year old memories become clear again. It's a miracle I tell you.

Michael Avenatti, her attorney, has a gift....

New Yorker hit piece on Kavanaugh is not journalism, it's a bizarre political stage show

Note: To wear tighty whities as abra, jusk poke your little pin head through the Pee Hole of the briefs you no doubt are already wearing on your head and then place your arms through each of the leg holes. And Presto Chango, you have a drunken whore tighty whitey bra, when you have no clue what so ever where the hell yours is.
No it can not. No one who's falsely accused of rape wakes up in the middle of the night with terror. This is just ridiculous. Start a thread and see who agrees with you. It will be 100% Republican men. Probably 99% of them white. Maybe you'll get a couple of female RWNJ's to go along with you but no one will agree with you unless the identify as a Republican who is only seeing it your way because you are defending Kavanaugh.

Really, have you spent nights in jail falsely accused? If you haven't you have no right making that dumb ass claim.

You think spending the night in jail is worse than getting raped?
I love everything Kavanaugh is getting because of what Republicans did to Garland. I fucking LOVE IT!!! I also love how Trump is not having a fun time being president. Insiders say he's going insane. GOOD! Be careful what you wish for Donny.

The Republicans never did anything to Garland. They didn't accuse him of Gang Rape or Flashing or sexual assault on a 15 year old.

Did not try to ruin the man's career, reputation or family.

Didn't demand reams of documents to go over, didn't threaten death on him.

Of course, should he be nominated again somewhere down the line, what goes around comes around. After the Kavanaugh event, anything will go.
The Dems didnt do anything to Kavanaugh either. He did that to himself by trying to rape someone.
You know he tried to do this how?

Simple. He hasnt stood up and demanded an FBI investigation to clear his name. Obviously he is hiding something.

Naturally. He hasn't <fill in whichever demand we're making now>. If he had, would you be saying we should go ahead and vote?

We know that polygraphs sometimes give false positives. Would you put your entire career and life on the line for something that could fail you? All he needs is one false positive or inconclusive result and the haters would go berserk.

Better to make her prove her case. He's thinking like a judge would think, trusting in the evidence and the law, so to him it's obvious. She has to prove her case and only then does he have to defend himself against what she alleged. The emotional retards don't think like that. They're grasping at any life line they can find to destroy him.

One big reason that Kavanaugh has no interest in a "lie detector test" is that, unlike gormless naifs in the general public, as a judge he knows they're so meaningless that they're not admissible in court. They're viewed as just this side of junk science.
If you were an innocent victim of a false accusation and forced to spend your life there yes it could be worse.

You could examine the case of Daniel Holtzclaw to find out.
Why would you be forced to spend your life there if it was a false accusation? I've been falsely accused and I never spent a day in jail.
Like I said

Others are locked up for false accusations.

Daniel Holtzclaw to make one.
So whats your solution? How do you determine if something is false or not?

She can do a police report in MD. Let them investigate, if they can conquer their need to laugh their asses off.

Statute of limitations has passed.

They can investigate but to no end

MD doesn't have one for sexual assault and rape. She could file a report today.

His name is clear. The FBI background check was clear. Senator McConnell just railed against the false claims against the most qualified USSc nominee ever. McConnell will put Kavanaugh on the USSC.
No his name is not clear. I'm not the only person that thinks he is a rapist.

Why would you think that, there has been no allegation of rape. You're just another dishonest hack that believes the ends justifies the means no need for facts. FU

I think he is a rapist because most rapists attempt it more than once. No wonder 2 more women have accused him.
Why would you be forced to spend your life there if it was a false accusation? I've been falsely accused and I never spent a day in jail.

Plenty of people have been falsely accused and were sent upstate or even executed.

Mr. Kavanaugh is obviously being Nifong'ed here.
Plenty of people have been raped and the rapist like Kavanaugh denied it.
Plenty of people have lied about being raped and smeared innocent men like Kavanaugh.
You know what's worse than being falsely accused of rape and then having your life ruined? Being accused of looking at a white woman and then being murdered for it

By these mother fuckers

Yes I suppose it would be

What's the point?

I was expecting you to say that being falsely accused of rape is sometimes worse.
That’s his pal. He wrote about those parties. The drinking so much he blacked out. Kav jumped on her. Bfd? That tells me he’s a scumbag hypocrite but so are most of you. Seat the conservative already. America deserves the government they have.

That’s his pal. He wrote about those parties.

So what?

The drinking so much he blacked out.

The Senate should take that into account if Mark Judge is ever nominated for anything.

Kav jumped on her. Bfd?

Jumped on who? Where? When? GTFO!

That tells me he’s a scumbag hypocrite

An unprovable, solo claim tells you that?
Now another woman has come out saying he exposed himself to her. This is why we don't want to rush and put this scumbag on the court. This position is more important than the POTUS.

Now another woman has come out saying he exposed himself to her

Yes, the liars are coming out of the woodwork.
I don't think they are liars. If they were they wouldn't say it was 35 years ago. The guy was a creep. Probably still is. Look that that cheesy family.

Is Trump grabbing her pussy?

Wow, attacking kids. Way to bring people around to your way of thinking.

Fuck it. He's going to get confirmed no matter what I say and you can't show me one time in here that you have ever come around to someone else's way of thinking. Can you?
Really, have you spent nights in jail falsely accused? If you haven't you have no right making that dumb ass claim.

You think spending the night in jail is worse than getting raped?
The Republicans never did anything to Garland. They didn't accuse him of Gang Rape or Flashing or sexual assault on a 15 year old.

Did not try to ruin the man's career, reputation or family.

Didn't demand reams of documents to go over, didn't threaten death on him.

Of course, should he be nominated again somewhere down the line, what goes around comes around. After the Kavanaugh event, anything will go.
The Dems didnt do anything to Kavanaugh either. He did that to himself by trying to rape someone.
You know he tried to do this how?

Simple. He hasnt stood up and demanded an FBI investigation to clear his name. Obviously he is hiding something.

First of all he has no ability to do this and the FBI has already stated they would not.

Second if anyone is falsely accused of anything it is not on them to clear it. It is on the accuser to prove it.

How has the accuser proven it?

Do you have a link to the FBI statement you're referring to?

Now you want to deny that the FBI has declined to investigate?
Pretty sure its not a good place to be. What I asked you was if it was worse than being raped?
If you were an innocent victim of a false accusation and forced to spend your life there yes it could be worse.

You could examine the case of Daniel Holtzclaw to find out.
Why would you be forced to spend your life there if it was a false accusation? I've been falsely accused and I never spent a day in jail.

Plenty of people have been falsely accused and were sent upstate or even executed.

Mr. Kavanaugh is obviously being Nifong'ed here.

I seriously doubt he'll understand the reference without googleing it.


Good movie. Your point?

You think spending the night in jail is worse than getting raped?
The Dems didnt do anything to Kavanaugh either. He did that to himself by trying to rape someone.
You know he tried to do this how?

Simple. He hasnt stood up and demanded an FBI investigation to clear his name. Obviously he is hiding something.

First of all he has no ability to do this and the FBI has already stated they would not.

Second if anyone is falsely accused of anything it is not on them to clear it. It is on the accuser to prove it.

How has the accuser proven it?

Do you have a link to the FBI statement you're referring to?

Now you want to deny that the FBI has declined to investigate?
They had to deny. Its not in their jurisdiction. Thats where Drumpf comes in. He can order them to investigate.
You know he tried to do this how?

Simple. He hasnt stood up and demanded an FBI investigation to clear his name. Obviously he is hiding something.

First of all he has no ability to do this and the FBI has already stated they would not.

Second if anyone is falsely accused of anything it is not on them to clear it. It is on the accuser to prove it.

How has the accuser proven it?

Do you have a link to the FBI statement you're referring to?

Now you want to deny that the FBI has declined to investigate?
They had to deny. Its not in their jurisdiction. Thats where Drumpf comes in. He can order them to investigate.
Then it is on him not Kavanaugh.

Either way there is only an unfounded accusation.
His name is clear. The FBI background check was clear. Senator McConnell just railed against the false claims against the most qualified USSc nominee ever. McConnell will put Kavanaugh on the USSC.
No his name is not clear. I'm not the only person that thinks he is a rapist.

Why would you think that, there has been no allegation of rape. You're just another dishonest hack that believes the ends justifies the means no need for facts. FU

I think he is a rapist because most rapists attempt it more than once. No wonder 2 more women have accused him.

Oh, please do link to where even one woman has accused him of rape, let alone 3.
Simple. He hasnt stood up and demanded an FBI investigation to clear his name. Obviously he is hiding something.

First of all he has no ability to do this and the FBI has already stated they would not.

Second if anyone is falsely accused of anything it is not on them to clear it. It is on the accuser to prove it.

How has the accuser proven it?

Do you have a link to the FBI statement you're referring to?

Now you want to deny that the FBI has declined to investigate?
They had to deny. Its not in their jurisdiction. Thats where Drumpf comes in. He can order them to investigate.
Then it is on him not Kavanaugh.

Either way there is only an unfounded accusation.
Kav can definitely demand that Drumpf order the FBI to investigate. He is Drumpfs nominee.
That’s his pal. He wrote about those parties.

So what?

The drinking so much he blacked out.

The Senate should take that into account if Mark Judge is ever nominated for anything.

Kav jumped on her. Bfd?

Jumped on who? Where? When? GTFO!

That tells me he’s a scumbag hypocrite

An unprovable, solo claim tells you that?
Now another woman has come out saying he exposed himself to her. This is why we don't want to rush and put this scumbag on the court. This position is more important than the POTUS.

Now another woman has come out saying he exposed himself to her

Yes, the liars are coming out of the woodwork.
I don't think they are liars. If they were they wouldn't say it was 35 years ago. The guy was a creep. Probably still is. Look that that cheesy family.

Is Trump grabbing her pussy?

Wow, attacking kids. Way to bring people around to your way of thinking.

Fuck it. He's going to get confirmed no matter what I say and you can't show me one time in here that you have ever come around to someone else's way of thinking. Can you?

What does that have to do with your attack on his kids? Pretty sleazy move there.
His name is clear. The FBI background check was clear. Senator McConnell just railed against the false claims against the most qualified USSc nominee ever. McConnell will put Kavanaugh on the USSC.
No his name is not clear. I'm not the only person that thinks he is a rapist.

Why would you think that, there has been no allegation of rape. You're just another dishonest hack that believes the ends justifies the means no need for facts. FU

I think he is a rapist because most rapists attempt it more than once. No wonder 2 more women have accused him.

Oh, please do link to where even one woman has accused him of rape, let alone 3.
You can use the search engine of your choice. I'm not going do your work for you.

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