Mark Levin: Biden created inflation issues with ‘Marxist ideology’

Actually its true.

Facts First: While some economists say the stimulus packages passed in response to the Covid-19 pandemic are having an impact on inflation, it's misleading to suggest that's the only explanation for the recent rise in inflation. Blaming it exclusively on Democratic spending proposals misrepresents what's actually been passed, and ignores the trillions of dollars in spending passed last year supported by Republicans and signed by then-President Donald Trump which economists say have also contributed to inflation.

Last year, Congress passed two bills totaling around $3 trillion in Covid relief spending -- the $2 trillion Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act passed in March 2020, and the $900 billion pandemic relief bill passed in December 2020. Both were signed by Trump and supported by Republicans. The economic stimulus packages, including the $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan signed by Biden in March 2021, which contained at least one tax credit program which is already in effect, have contributed to inflationary pressures but are not the only reason behind the spike, experts say.

Wrong ... Bubba brains.Excessive spending and freebies
along with mandatory Lockdowns and school closings and
Travel restrictions and constant lies about Immunity and
One shot and done and oh yeah,wearing a Mask outside
{ even two masks } are a great precaution.
No it ain't.Double negative.
Inflation was even a possibility if Trump was still President &
none of that crap the Democrats pulled as Policy took hold.
Them Democrats merely made it near impossible to avoid.
The icing on the souflle was the Supply chain conundrum.
Timed precisely to conflict with the Holidays.
Little Beaver haircut Boy Buttigieg saw to dat.
Don't forget Buttigieg was one of the Obama acolytes
who kept in touch with other Obama sycophants via
unofficial secret communicaque { like Hillary did with her E-mail
accounts } discussing new ways to Transform America.
Like Hillary did with Sid Blumenthal {her Libya adviser}
and overall Journalist shill agent.
Inflation started increasing in January 2021 as demand exploded and fragile global supply chains buckled: Current US Inflation Rates: 2000-2022 | US Inflation Calculator

And by the way, Biden can't take the credit for the exploding demand, either. This was going to happen naturally. Globally.

The cult's attempt to blame anyone or anything else for this inflation is just more mindless partisan arrogant ignorance, their specialty.
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That is silly because all the Jews I have ever met, heard of, or read about, as liberals.
Close to 1/3rd of all Jews vote Republican, but it varies according to level of observance. For religious Jews, about 80% are conservative. For non-observant Jews, it’s only around 10%, for whom their liberalism trumps their Judaism.
Inflation started increasing in January 2021 as demand exploded and fragile global supply chains buckled: Current US Inflation Rates: 2000-2022 | US Inflation Calculator

And by the way, Biden can't take the credit for the exploding demand, either. This was going to happen naturally. Globally.

The cult's attempt to blame anyone or anything else for this inflation is just more mindless partisan arrogant ignorance, their specialty.
I’ve never said Dementia is responsible for all of inflation. But the policies being pushed by the socialists - especially the expanded welfare erroneously called a “child tax credit” - put more money in people’s hands than they ever had before at the same time the supply chain was starting to buckle. So the anti-Americans running Biden saw a twofer: hand out more money to people who didn’t earn it AND drive more inflation to bring down the economy.
Under which administration did that first occur? What I'm saying is that is it a hack's position to give the blame in its entirety to the party that has the opposite letter than the one you worship.
And so far, by my estimation, nothing from the first bill has been apportioned yet. That was a bi-partisan infrastructure bill (you know, Republicans and Democrats). I didn't hear the hack Levin
giving any grief to Republicans..or his hero.
You did not hear levin critisize the Republicans because you don't listen to levin. That makes you a hack for making a statement out of pure ignorance.

Levin call the senior Republican Senator mumbles.

Levin is critical of both sides.

So, I am saying you are a hack when you express your opinion on Levin, and it is obvious you have never listened. The fact that Levin gives much grief to his own party, by your rules, proves you are a hack.
I’ve never said Dementia is responsible for all of inflation. But the policies being pushed by the socialists - especially the expanded welfare erroneously called a “child tax credit” - put more money in people’s hands than they ever had before at the same time the supply chain was starting to buckle. So the anti-Americans running Biden saw a twofer: hand out more money to people who didn’t earn it AND drive more inflation to bring down the economy.
I didn't see a lot of complaining when the Fed brought its balance sheet up to $9 Trillion during the prior administration, when the prior administration spent like a drunken sailor, or when the NY Fed kicked in $2 Trillion in 2018/2019 to keep credit markets fluid.

Finger-pointing at one guy or one party over something this profoundly complicated, global and long-term is incredibly shallow, transparent and counterproductive.
You did not hear levin critisize the Republicans because you don't listen to levin. That makes you a hack for making a statement out of pure ignorance.

Levin call the senior Republican Senator mumbles.

Levin is critical of both sides.

So, I am saying you are a hack when you express your opinion on Levin, and it is obvious you have never listened. The fact that Levin gives much grief to his own party, by your rules, proves you are a hack.
It’s like all these liberals dumping in FOX News. They’ve never even watched a single news program.
I didn't see a lot of complaining when the Fed brought its balance sheet up to $9 Trillion during the prior administration, when the prior administration spent like a drunken sailor, or when the NY Fed kicked in $2 Trillion in 2018/2019 to keep credit markets fluid.

Finger-pointing at one guy or one party over something this profoundly complicated, global and long-term is incredibly shallow, transparent and counterproductive.
The money that Trump gave during COVID was necessary because the liberals insisted we lock everything down and throw people out of work. There was NO excuse for Biden to increase welfare handouts (otherwise called the child tax ”credit” even though the majority of people were getting pure handouts) last summer.

And you‘re forgetting: the Demented One, under the control of Marxists, is pushing to print even MORE money with his BBB bill and drive inflation higher. Thank G-d for Manchin who put a stop to the leftist insanity.
The money that Trump gave during COVID was necessary because the liberals insisted we lock everything down and throw people out of work. There was NO excuse for Biden to increase welfare handouts (otherwise called the child tax ”credit” even though the majority of people were getting pure handouts) last summer.

And you‘re forgetting: the Demented One, under the control of Marxists, is pushing to print even MORE money with his BBB bill and drive inflation higher. Thank G-d for Manchin who put a stop to the leftist insanity.
And there ya go, doing exactly what I said.

Never mind.
And there ya go, doing exactly what I said.

Never mind.
You didn’t read the explanation. The ”both sides do it” is the weak and simplistic argument made by liberals. One side does it substantially worse - and that’s the Democrats.

I sure hope this expanded tax “credit” that Biden instituted isn’t continued, at least not with reasonable income limits and work requirements, as Manchin wants. No way should couples earning well into the six-figures get excused from the tax liability while retirees with modest incomes have to “pay their fair share.”
You didn’t read the explanation. The ”both sides do it” is the weak and simplistic argument made by liberals. One side does it substantially worse - and that’s the Democrats.

I sure hope this expanded tax “credit” that Biden instituted isn’t continued, at least not with reasonable income limits and work requirements, as Manchin wants. No way should couples earning well into the six-figures get excused from the tax liability while retirees with modest incomes have to “pay their fair share.”
Your posts are very good
Several. I was never actually in the court when I did it. I was usually in my recliner in front of the TV, but I told them what I thought about it.
Sorry, no comparison…funny though, good one….lol

Mark Levin: Biden created inflation issues with ‘Marxist ideology’​

The ’Life, Liberty & Levin’ host slams Biden on policies that he says have led to recent crises.

OP: Biden's horrible policies hurt working Americans and destroy jobs, ANF destroy the value of your savings

You take a fool like this seriously. No wonder you're so stupid and gullible. You clearly have no critical thinking skills whatsoever. How exactly did he do that, given that there is no "marxist ideology" at play here whatsoever.

Do you seriously think that workers getting better pay, and having more opportunities is a bad thing? Well I guess it is if you're one of the guys who has been promoting an authoritarian dictatorship and an overthrow of the US Constituition.

What an idiot you really are.
You take a fool like this seriously. No wonder you're so stupid and gullible. You clearly have no critical thinking skills whatsoever. How exactly did he do that, given that there is no "marxist ideology" at play here whatsoever.

Do you seriously think that workers getting better pay, and having more opportunities is a bad thing? Well I guess it is if you're one of the guys who has been promoting an authoritarian dictatorship and an overthrow of the US Constituition.

What an idiot you really are.

False statement.
Very rude too.

Mark Levin is an American lawyer, author; Levin worked in the administration of President Ronald Reagan and was a chief of staff for Attorney General Edwin Meese. He is the former president of the Landmark Legal Foundation, a New York Times best-selling author of seven books, and has been editor-in-chief of the Conservative Review.

He is far more intelligent than you are.
Close to 1/3rd of all Jews vote Republican, but it varies according to level of observance. For religious Jews, about 80% are conservative. For non-observant Jews, it’s only around 10%, for whom their liberalism trumps their Judaism.
I need verifiable Proof of that.Orthodox Jews, the
Hasidic Jew Community have very strict rules governing
their interactions in public.Hasidic Woman aren't even allowed
to watch TV.Let alone go out in public espousing their politics.
Whereas Many Female Jews advertise their political
persuation at the top of their big mouths.Way too many
examples to cite.One of THE Worst is Washington Post
Hack Columnist Jennifer Rubin.Doing as a lot of writers
try.Making it seem that she was once a Conservative but
could not Tolerate for one more second the likes of Donald
Trump,therefore became one of THE Biggest Trump haters.
N.Y.Times also has a fair share of Jewish Men who consider
themself Conservative but are anything but.
Like David Brooks.
I'd say that New York city may have as little as
5% Republican voters.The ACLU { a mainstay of N.Y.,city
Jews } is no longer the ACLU of old.They've been bought
by George Soros,their Biggest benefactor.
On average { whatever Northern Big city } Jews vote
in lockstep with the Black Community.Around 90 % or
higher for Democrats.
You take a fool like this seriously. No wonder you're so stupid and gullible. You clearly have no critical thinking skills whatsoever. How exactly did he do that, given that there is no "marxist ideology" at play here whatsoever.

Do you seriously think that workers getting better pay, and having more opportunities is a bad thing? Well I guess it is if you're one of the guys who has been promoting an authoritarian dictatorship and an overthrow of the US Constituition.

What an idiot you really are.
Hey Ignorant Puddinhead.In Marxism there is No
Middle Class.Under Obama for the first time in
Modern America the Middle Class fell into decline.
According to last decades census.
Plus it couldn't be any more obvious that Democrats
work to ridicule our Working class.Consider them
" deplorables ". The exact opposite of Trump.
Trump loves and admires our working class.Considers
them hero's. Democrats live at the altar of Big Brother.
Manking sure to keep as many as possible on the
Government Plantation.Or haven't you got the memo yet.
I need verifiable Proof of that.Orthodox Jews, the
Hasidic Jew Community have very strict rules governing
their interactions in public.Hasidic Woman aren't even allowed
to watch TV.Let alone go out in public espousing their politics.
Whereas Many Female Jews advertise their political
persuation at the top of their big mouths.Way too many
examples to cite.One of THE Worst is Washington Post
Hack Columnist Jennifer Rubin.Doing as a lot of writers
try.Making it seem that she was once a Conservative but
could not Tolerate for one more second the likes of Donald
Trump,therefore became one of THE Biggest Trump haters.
N.Y.Times also has a fair share of Jewish Men who consider
themself Conservative but are anything but.
Like David Brooks.
I'd say that New York city may have as little as
5% Republican voters.The ACLU { a mainstay of N.Y.,city
Jews } is no longer the ACLU of old.They've been bought
by George Soros,their Biggest benefactor.
On average { whatever Northern Big city } Jews vote
in lockstep with the Black Community.Around 90 % or
higher for Democrats.
I need verifiable Proof of that.Orthodox Jews, the
Hasidic Jew Community have very strict rules governing
their interactions in public.Hasidic Woman aren't even allowed
to watch TV.Let alone go out in public espousing their politics.
Whereas Many Female Jews advertise their political
persuation at the top of their big mouths.Way too many
examples to cite.One of THE Worst is Washington Post
Hack Columnist Jennifer Rubin.Doing as a lot of writers
try.Making it seem that she was once a Conservative but
could not Tolerate for one more second the likes of Donald
Trump,therefore became one of THE Biggest Trump haters.
N.Y.Times also has a fair share of Jewish Men who consider
themself Conservative but are anything but.
Like David Brooks.
I'd say that New York city may have as little as
5% Republican voters.The ACLU { a mainstay of N.Y.,city
Jews } is no longer the ACLU of old.They've been bought
by George Soros,their Biggest benefactor.
On average { whatever Northern Big city } Jews vote
in lockstep with the Black Community.Around 90 % or
higher for Democrats.
There‘s a distinction between Hasidim and Orthodox women. The later, go to college - often grad school as well - and hold outside jobs. They vote Republican 80% of the time.

Most Jews, however, are NOT Orthodox, and the less observant, the more likely they are to vote Democrat. That’s why most Jews, overall, vote D. But here’s the kicker: Orthodox and particularly Hasidic, who vote R, tend to have large families. Thus, in qbout two generations, the majority of Jews will be Republican.

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