Mark Levin: Biden created inflation issues with ‘Marxist ideology’

There‘s a distinction between Hasidim and Orthodox women. The later, go to college - often grad school as well - and hold outside jobs. They vote Republican 80% of the time.

Most Jews, however, are NOT Orthodox, and the less observant, the more likely they are to vote Democrat. That’s why most Jews, overall, vote D. But here’s the kicker: Orthodox and particularly Hasidic, who vote R, tend to have large families. Thus, in qbout two generations, the majority of Jews will be Republican.
Could be sooner than that if Democrats continue to treat them, and the country the way they are doing now...
Could be sooner than that if Democrats continue to treat them, and the country the way they are doing now...
I hope so! I would love to see it.

What we are dealing with now, though, are liberal Jews who have so bought into the “racism is only against blacks” nonsense that they have convinced themselves that the antisemitic Democrats don’t exist.

Although to be fair, even the liberal Jews have their limits. That’s why the Dems hid the photo of Obama smiling with Farrakhan at the CBC meeting until after the election.
I hope so! I would love to see it.

What we are dealing with now, though, are liberal Jews who have so bought into the “racism is only against blacks” nonsense that they have convinced themselves that the antisemitic Democrats don’t exist.

Although to be fair, even the liberal Jews have their limits. That’s why the Dems hid the photo of Obama smiling with Farrakhan at the CBC meeting until after the election.

Liberal Jews are as bad as Liberal Catholics. I know, I am a REAL Catholic
The global inflation rate is 4%. The U.S. inflation rate is 7%. You were saying? 😂
Yes, the American economy is stronger and more dynamic. So even though their inflation is high, ours is higher.

This is my profession. I have to take it seriously. You're just another Trumpster.

Yes, the American economy is stronger and more dynamic. So even though their inflation is high, ours is higher.

This is my profession. I have to take it seriously. You're just another Trumpster.

OMG. Now we have a leftist claiming that higher inflation is a sign of a strong economy. Maybe we’ll get SO strong under Biden’s idiotic policies that we will have Carter-era inflation again.
OMG. Now we have a leftist claiming that higher inflation is a sign of a strong economy. Maybe we’ll get SO strong under Biden’s idiotic policies that we will have Carter-era inflation again.
I'm not a leftist. You don't know my politics.

What I am is a 21+ year CFP/Financial Advisor/CLU/ChFC/7/63/65.

You are just another Trumpster. You're completely out of your league, rube.
I'm not a leftist. You don't know my politics.

What I am is a 21+ year CFP/Financial Advisor/CLU/ChFC/7/63/65.

You are just another Trumpster. You're completely out of your league, rube.
Believe me, I’ve seen your posts, fool. Anyone who thinks the higher the inflation, the stronger the economy is an idiot.

I see the leftists have moved the goalposts. Now that they can’t claim inflation doesn’t exist, and they can’t claim it’s only transitory, now they’re claiming it’s a positive! yay!

I swear, you can’t make this crap up.

P.S. You are nowhere even close to my league. The fact that you don’t recognize that shows how far below me you are.
Believe me, I’ve seen your posts, fool. Anyone who thinks the higher the inflation, the stronger the economy is an idiot.

I see the leftists have moved the goalposts. Now that they can’t claim inflation doesn’t exist, and they can’t claim it’s only transitory, now they’re claiming it’s a positive! yay!

I swear, you can’t make this crap up.
But I didn't say any of that. That only happened in your distorted mind.

You are just another ignorant Trumpster.

You are dismissed.
OMG. Now we have a leftist claiming that higher inflation is a sign of a strong economy. Maybe we’ll get SO strong under Biden’s idiotic policies that we will have Carter-era inflation again.

In general, some inflation is essential and a good sign.
Deflation is always horrible and a sign of pending disaster.

But Carter had nothing to do with inflation.
That was entirely artificial and over oil.

In fact, anyone claiming presidents have much effect on the economy, are either foolish or lying.
Congress sets economic policies, not presidents.
Believe me, I’ve seen your posts, fool. Anyone who thinks the higher the inflation, the stronger the economy is an idiot.

I see the leftists have moved the goalposts. Now that they can’t claim inflation doesn’t exist, and they can’t claim it’s only transitory, now they’re claiming it’s a positive! yay!

I swear, you can’t make this crap up.

P.S. You are nowhere even close to my league. The fact that you don’t recognize that shows how far below me you are.

Do you understand what inflation is?
It means people are wealthier so they are buying more, and production has not yet kept up with demand.
It means growth.
It means loans are easier to pay back later.

If you look at any good time in the history of the economy, you will see some inflation.
Anyone attempting to equate inflation with economic decline, is just totally backwards and ignorant of economics.

If you are thinking of the massive loss of value of the Weimar Republic currency, that was due to foreign manipulation and currency devaluation, not inflation.
There‘s a distinction between Hasidim and Orthodox women. The later, go to college - often grad school as well - and hold outside jobs. They vote Republican 80% of the time.

Most Jews, however, are NOT Orthodox, and the less observant, the more likely they are to vote Democrat. That’s why most Jews, overall, vote D. But here’s the kicker: Orthodox and particularly Hasidic, who vote R, tend to have large families. Thus, in qbout two generations, the majority of Jews will be Republican.
How many Modern Jews are writing and working at
The New York Times and Washington Post.Practically
All are Modern jews.Not a one a Hasidic Jew.
I only used the Hasidic Jew as an outlier.And example of
a Group of Jews who do not advertise their Voting.
Todays Modern jew are a far majority of Democrats.
And they do little BUT advertise their Voting.
They Live to ply politics.
But I didn't say any of that. That only happened in your distorted mind.

You are just another ignorant Trumpster.

You are dismissed.
Sorry, you arrogant know-it-all, but you don’t get the authority to “dismiss” me, silence me, censor me, or whatever you libs do when someone refuses to submit to your crazy liberal ways.

I’m staying right here.
How many Modern Jews are writing and working at
The New York Times and Washington Post.Practically
All are Modern jews.Not a one a Hasidic Jew.
I only used the Hasidic Jew as an outlier.And example of
a Group of Jews who do not advertise their Voting.
Todays Modern jew are a far majority of Democrats.
And they do little BUT advertise their Voting.
They Live to ply politics.
WTH do you mean by a Modern Jew? One who doesn’t observe their religion?

The fact is that secular Jews do vote Democrat because for them, their liberalism takes precedence over their Judaism. Go to a Reform Temple and it’s probably 90% Democrat. The Conservative movement still leans Democrat, but you’ll find more Republicans. The Orthodox, as mentioned, are overwhelmingly Republican.
Do you understand what inflation is?
It means people are wealthier so they are buying more, and production has not yet kept up with demand.
It means growth.
It means loans are easier to pay back later.

If you look at any good time in the history of the economy, you will see some inflation.
Anyone attempting to equate inflation with economic decline, is just totally backwards and ignorant of economics.

If you are thinking of the massive loss of value of the Weimar Republic currency, that was due to foreign manipulation and currency devaluation, not inflation.
Inflation has to do with the rising cost of Goods.
Nothing to do with who is wealthy and who isn't.
Alan Greenspan { Federal Reserve Chairman } was
The Biggest Inflation hawk this century.He spent his
days tracking Inventories.To this how Companies are handling
their Inventories and whether or when they will need more
money to Restock their Inventories.That means how much to
tweak the Pump { Prime interest Rate } or let it alone.
Where the standard for raising the Prime Interest rate
was 1/4 pt. or 25 basis points.The Prime Interest rate is
the rate for the most credit worthy customers.Sometimes
referred to as The Overnight Loan Rate
As explained in Bob Woodwards book :
- Maestro - { Nov. 2000 }
WTH do you mean by a Modern Jew? One who doesn’t observe their religion?

The fact is that secular Jews do vote Democrat because for them, their liberalism takes precedence over their Judaism. Go to a Reform Temple and it’s probably 90% Democrat. The Conservative movement still leans Democrat, but you’ll find more Republicans. The Orthodox, as mentioned, are overwhelmingly Republican.
A Modern Jew is one who may have been an
Orthodox Jew but does not observe The Faith as
religiously as an Orthodox.Since being a Jew is not
race related but Faith related.Jews do not want to be seen
as Non-practicing.Even though they are.Example such
as a Modern Jew.
Whereas An Orthodox Jew always practices and
is not keeping it a secret.
Modern jews do not like talking about their Jewishness.
I'm not a leftist. You don't know my politics.

What I am is a 21+ year CFP/Financial Advisor/CLU/ChFC/7/63/65.

You are just another Trumpster. You're completely out of your league, rube.
Um ... Like a Rube Goldberg.?
Consider a funding appeal for a virus that would render liberals rational!

But (sigh), I guess some things are beyond the talents of even Wuhan......

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