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Mark Levin - Democrats are the New American Marxists

I honestly don't know what to do. Right now I'm just hoping that your orange cult will lose enough membership to keep this country from falling apart.

Right because when delusional Mac looks around it s the "Orange cult" who presents the threat. Not antifa, not the coming riots over Roe.
Right because when delusional Mac looks around it s the "Orange cult" who presents the threat. Not antifa, not the coming riots over Roe.
Comparatively, absolutely. At this moment.

Neither your agreement nor your approval of my opinion are required. Sorry.
Yeah, right. Sounds like a bullshit quote from Adam Schiff.
Sure, it is.
Like this tweet.

Congratulations to President Xi and the Chinese people on the 70th Anniversary of the People’s Republic of China!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 1, 2019

Trump and his cult love communist, while accusing "others" of being communist.
The rubes clearly don't understand that the voices they trust rely on wild hyperbole to get and keep their attention.

So, when they hear "Marxist" or "Communist", they think those voices are being literal. Serious.

Ask them for a detailed explanation of the word and their reasoning, and they can't do it.

"Exceptional" no more.
Anyone who ISN'T a RWNJ is a communist.
Likely, what they consider Mike Pence now.
Anyone who ISN'T a RWNJ is a communist.
Acute partisan ideology is a powerful fuckin' thing. It turns thought processes shallow and binary, and it robs a person of their natural human curiosity.

It's like an infection. It was relatively small for a long time, but it sure does seem to be spreading.
Acute partisan ideology is a powerful fuckin' thing. It turns thought processes shallow and binary, and it robs a person of their natural human curiosity.

It's like an infection. It was relatively small for a long time, but it sure does seem to be spreading.

“Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.”​

Trump and Putin like each other because they are so much alike.

Russian President Vladimir Putin justifies his war on Ukraine as a peacekeeping mission, a “denazification” of the country.

In his address to the Russian people on Feb. 24, 2022, Putin said the purpose was to “protect people” who had been “subjected to bullying and genocide … for the last eight years. And for this we will strive for the demilitarization and denazification of Ukraine.”
I honestly don't know what to do. Right now I'm just hoping that your orange cult will lose enough membership to keep this country from falling apart.
Dude - it's not my cult. 'Kay?

You're flinging bullshit like a leftie. Leftie is as leftie does.

We're talking about STALINIST LEFTIST SCUM.

And you deflect to Trump. Why is that?

Trump is at worst a liar and a cheat.

But Stalinists are fucking EVIL. They've murdered MILLIONS.
Dude - it's not my cult. 'Kay?
You're flinging bullshit like a leftie. Leftie is as leftie does.
We're talking about STALINIST LEFTIST SCUM.
And you deflect to Trump. Why is that?
Trump is at worst a liar and a cheat.
But Stalinists are fucking EVIL. They've murdered MILLIONS.
Stalinist. Scum. Evil.

You folks hear this kind of wild hyperbole from voices you trust (like Levin) and you choose to take it seriously and literally.

They only say stuff like this to make you paranoid and angry. Obviously, it works.
Stalinist. Scum. Evil.

You folks hear this kind of wild hyperbole from voices you trust (like Levin) and you choose to take it seriously and literally.

They only say stuff like this to make you paranoid and angry. Obviously, it works.
I don't even know who Mark Levin is. Never watched his show in my whole entire life.

I don't watch MSM either. But I am very well informed. If I want know something, I actively seek for the truth

And, I trust my own two eyes. More than anything I read, anything anyone tells me, or even any feelings I might have.

The shit coming out of the Democrats right now is UNQUESTIONABLY Stalinist.

They have it all Censorship, propaganda, monkey trials, gulags, brownshirts ... not to mention the politics of personal destruction.

If you want to ignore that stuff it's on you.

I have kids, I can't afford to ignore it.
I don't even know who Mark Levin is. Never watched his show in my whole entire life.

I don't watch MSM either. But I am very well informed. If I want know something, I actively seek for the truth

And, I trust my own two eyes. More than anything I read, anything anyone tells me, or even any feelings I might have.

The shit coming out of the Democrats right now is UNQUESTIONABLY Stalinist.

They have it all Censorship, propaganda, monkey trials, gulags, brownshirts ... not to mention the politics of personal destruction.

If you want to ignore that stuff it's on you.

I have kids, I can't afford to ignore it.
Well, I'm not trying to change your mind on anything.
Well, I'm not trying to change your mind on anything.
The problem with what you're talking about, is people get desensitized. They see so much of it, they can no longer tell the real thing even when it's staring them in the face.
Mark Levin is a lawyer, author, and radio personality. Levin worked in the Reagan administration and was a chief of staff for Attorney General Edwin Meese. He is the former president of the Landmark Legal Foundation, a New York Times best-selling author of seven books, and contributes commentary to media outlets such as National Review Online. Since 2015, Levin has been editor-in-chief of the Conservative Review. He is now the host of syndicated radio show The Mark Levin Show, as well as Life, Liberty & Levin on Fox News. He endorsed Ted Cruz in 2016, but after seeing Trump in action he became strongly pro-Trump.

Levin’s book American Marxism explains how Democrats are trying to make America a Marxist state. The following video deal with different aspects of that.

Mark Levin on the fight against those who worship government

Mark Levin: Biden created inflation issues with ‘Marxist ideology’

Biden, Pelosi, Schumer, Waters, et al should be ousted for blatantly violating the 1954 Eisenhower-supporting Anti-Communism Act. Because Hillary's beloved (college thesis) about installing the Alinsky method into mainstream America has divided this country irrevocably. There's the deep state and there's the American people, being victimized on a daily basis by unfair high taxes ushered in by scatter-brained liberals bound to get rid of conservatives any which way they can. It's time to do to them what they've done to the American people. To the Democrat extremists, people don't matter, and conservative people should be punished. I'm sick of it. :cranky: Time to push the deep state back into its little self-inflicted snakehole nidus.

I never listen to the Radio. Mark Levin is in the top 3 political minds who has his on Television Forum on Sunday nights on Fox News. He has been a guest at other TV spots in the past. :muahaha:
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Biden, Pelosi, Schumer, Waters, et al should be ousted for blatantly violating the 1954 Eisenhower-supporting Anti-Communism Act. Because Hillary's beloved (college thesis) about installing the Alinsky method into mainstream America has divided this country irrevocably. There's the deep state and there's the American people, being victimized on a daily basis by unfair high taxes ushered in by scatter-brained liberals bound to get rid of conservatives any which way they can. It's time to do to them what they've done to the American people. To the Democrat extremists, people don't matter, and conservative people should be punished. I'm sick of it. :cranky: Time to push the deep state back into its little self-inflicted snakehole nidus.
The Deep State is a different equation entirely. It's a love/hate thing. It's also a dependence thing. So far we have a relationship of mutual respect, we pretty much leave each other alone. I hope that remains

I *like* our government, I just think power corrupts and there's an awful lot of corrupted weasels right now.

I don't think 'our' Deep State would go Nazi. I don't know. I might be wrong. There seems be a dearth of people willing to tell their bosses to fuck off. And these are some powerful people we're talking about, and once that kind of thing gets institutionalized it becomes very dangerous. And hard to dislodge.

One of the most alarming things is the corporate CEO's kissing the government's ass. When in reality they really have no idea whose ass they're actually kissing.
The rubes clearly don't understand that the voices they trust rely on wild hyperbole to get and keep their attention.

So, when they hear "Marxist" or "Communist", they think those voices are being literal. Serious.

Ask them for a detailed explanation of the word and their reasoning, and they can't do it.

"Exceptional" no more.


More Than a Stalinist Show Trial

Beyond the January 6 committee hearings, Stalinism advances on other fronts.
25 Jun 2022 ~~ By Lloyd Billingsley

As Thaddeus McCotter contends, the reproduction of a “Stalinist show trial” is now live in Washington. That invites a look at the original production of 1936-1937, from one of the keenest observers at the time.
“The Moscow trials, and the purges that followed them, were a turning point in the history of American liberalism, for it was irrevocably polarized by the controversies to which the trials gave rise,” explains the late philosopher Sidney Hook in Out of Step: An Unquiet Life in the Twentieth Century, published in 1987. As Hook recalled, “news of the trials burst like a bombshell.”
The principal defendants were “all old Bolsheviks, Lenin’s comrades in arms, who had been glorified as heroes of the October Revolution until they fell out of favor with Stalin. Chief among the defendants was Trotsky, acknowledged by Stalin as the architect of the Petrograd insurrection that had placed the Bolsheviks in power.”
The heroes of the October Revolution, Stalin contended, had assassinated Kirov in 1934,
planned the assassination of Stalin under the direction of Trotsky, and “conspired with fascist powers Germany and Japan to dismember the Soviet Union, in exchange for services rendered by the Gestapo.” They were also charged with “sabotaging five-year plans, putting nails and glass in butter, inducing erysipelas in pigs, wrecking trains” and so forth.
All the defendants “confessed with eagerness,” but as Hook recalled, “equally mystifying was the absence of any significant material evidence.” Leon Trotsky, then in exile, “charged that the trials were an elaborate frame-up and defendants had been compelled by torture to play self-incriminating roles.”
For American Communists and fellow travelers, the charges and confessions were all genuine. “My greatest shock,”
Hook writes, “was the discovery that hundreds of liberals, proud of the progressive American heritage they had invoked in criticizing injustices in the United States, Germany and Spain, were prepared to turn their backs on it when questions were raised about justice in the Soviet Union.”

The January 6 proceeding is a diversion from the disasters “Joe Incompetent” is inflicting on America. By implication, this is what the American people wanted. In the style of Voltaire’s Dr. Pangloss, Joe tells Americans they live in the best of all possible worlds. The Junta’s Duranty squads chide the people for failure to recognize the great job Joe is doing.
“The economy is strong,” claims government-controlled National Public Radio, “but voters aren’t feeling it.” Tiffany Cross of MSNBC complains that Americans are “more concerned with saving money than saving democracy,” and “high prices” cause people to be less interested in the “compelling testimonies and evidence” in the January 6 hearings. That is indeed a Stalinist show trial and under the Biden regime, Stalinist conditions are expanding on other fronts.
The “Disinformation Board” of the Department of Homeland Security, briefly “paused,” is being recast under the leadership of Kamala Harris, the beneficiary of poontronage from Democrat queenmaker
According to the “1619 Project,” critical race theory, and so forth, America is a bastion of racist oppression. Except, that is, for the revisionists’ tenured positions at prestigious universities and media outlets, except for their high-level government jobs, except for their six-figure salaries, except for their generous benefits and gold-plated pensions, except for their stock portfolios, fancy electric cars, beach houses, and so on.
Like those arrested on January 6, 2021, anyone less than worshipful of the Biden regime is a domestic terrorist. The Biden Junta also applies that description to parents who object to the racist indoctrination of their children. If Americans thought the nation was becoming more Stalinist by the day, it would be hard to blame them.

How could anyone who had all of their senses, common sense and logical thought actually believe the country is better off today than it was in 2019? Only a totally brainwashed PM/Democrat cultist can believe so. Cas in point, like having 6 years old children singing songs of praise to Obama, that kind of cult.
These are truly revolutionary times. The smug congressional interrogators should bear in mind the fate of Yezhov, Robespierre and others.
This doesn't give Joe Biden and his Maoist Marxist supporters the right to bypass the election process, anywhere. It does, however, give President Trump the obligation to point it out, to challenge the election, to call it a coup, and call out the criminals, along with all their associated illegal election proceedings.
This can be made clear and proven in a Court of Law as was done in Pennsylvania where the court determined the election was illegally conducted. The same will happen in Arizona. There are no statutes of limitations when it comes to election fraud.
The coming mid-term elections in November will be a pivot point in America.
PM/Democrats know this and are pulling out all stops to avert their loss of their majority in Congress and the Senate.
The recent two key decisions by SCOTUS have hurt PM/DSA Democrats.
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The Deep State is a different equation entirely. It's a love/hate thing. It's also a dependence thing. So far we have a relationship of mutual respect, we pretty much leave each other alone. I hope that remains

I *like* our government, I just think power corrupts and there's an awful lot of corrupted weasels right now.

I don't think 'our' Deep State would go Nazi. I don't know. I might be wrong. There seems be a dearth of people willing to tell their bosses to fuck off. And these are some powerful people we're talking about, and once that kind of thing gets institutionalized it becomes very dangerous. And hard to dislodge.

One of the most alarming things is the corporate CEO's kissing the government's ass. When in reality they really have no idea whose ass they're actually kissing.
"So far we have a relationship of mutual respect,"

Oh, We do? Well, kiss my grits!

I don't even know who Mark Levin is. Never watched his show in my whole entire life.

I don't watch MSM either. But I am very well informed. If I want know something, I actively seek for the truth

And, I trust my own two eyes. More than anything I read, anything anyone tells me, or even any feelings I might have.

The shit coming out of the Democrats right now is UNQUESTIONABLY Stalinist.

They have it all Censorship, propaganda, monkey trials, gulags, brownshirts ... not to mention the politics of personal destruction.

If you want to ignore that stuff it's on you.

I have kids, I can't afford to ignore it.
May I? If I were overconcerned about the decision today's 9 justices brought forward is not what anyone on the left is saying it is. Stick with the logic of Mark Levin:

Enjoy! It's my bedtime. :bigbed:
Have a blessed evening.
Levin is great unless you're one of the liberals pushing this new Marxist agenda in America.
Well actually the liberals benefit when they realize Levin goes for the gold of probity and faith in the Constitution as the greatest document ever to form a nation that had suffered indignities from Royal Riff-Raff so condescending they refused to acknowledge the presence of colonists who'd survived a dangerous boat trip from the New World to the Old through 66 days of storms and rough seas, much less speak with them about their problems that the king viewed as mutinous jabber rather than human beings with issues about taxes as poorer families suffered hunger in contrast to England's luxurious castles with many stately meeting rooms, luxurious chapels, banquet halls and ballrooms for the allemande, minuet, cotillion, and round dances.

I want to repeat a post from another thread because the answer was so very, very important to always remember:

Mark Levin reveals the answer.

When Communism failed, or so it is said, the biggest stumbling blocks it faced were church and family. They never could quite destroy the family unit and make people see the state as its mother and father.

The New American Marxists (as Levin calls them ) have learned that lesson and are targetting the vulnerable root: Children.

By grooming children and turning then trannys and homos they achieve a two-fer: They destroy traditional family, and they basically destroy Christianity.

That's why I'm here.

Because of the children.

Mine, and other peoples'

The very first words out of my mouth when I got here were, "stay the fuck away from my kids".

Because I *KNOW* they're a target. I've seen it up close and personal.

And I agree, if they can't control the kids the libtards are fucked. Because they sure as hell ain't controlling anyone else. Except for the dumbest of the dumb and those with an evil commie agenda

That's why I took time at my own expense to go gather signatures 3000 miles from home. I got 20,000 signatures in a black Democratic steel town, on THIS issue, because even loyal Democrats don't want grubby little commie paws on their kids.

And of course, once I got there I realized it was part of a much bigger battle, so here I am.

I still mean what I said on day one. Anyone who tries to use my kids for their politics is totally fucked. I'll come after them, I'll hunt them down and make mincemeat out of them. IN PUBLIC, preferably. I will make an example out of any dumbass libtard who thinks their politics is more important than my kids.

Libtards like to push the boundaries, but this is one they're not going to move. I told a lib here on day one, "you've hit a brick wall". And I meant it. That brick is rock solid, it ain't gonna move.

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