Mark Levin: "The Democrat Party must be obliterated"...let's do it together with an oppo research thread that exposes the Dems! we're on to you, Dems!

2008-2013 they destroyed milions of middle class familes thru loss of jobs and homes. Many never recovered.

2019-2021 they launched & spread Fauchi Flu, killing millions on respirators & nursing homes. Locked up kids 2 years no school setting America back further.

They harrassed and slow walked our most successful President Trump of modern times. Still going on. The falsely charged and rigged courts in DC to jail hundreds of supporters.

They used the MSM to send out rag tag groups of ANTIFA & BLM almost every night in 2020. At worst they burned city blocks and caused death.

Now they groom & target youg children for conversion to LGTBQ sickness while parents work. Just this weekend naked homeO on bicycle peddled up to children in a SEA parade. They installed cross dressing loons in military & GOVT jobs as a form of taunting.

They hand out borrowed money to NAZI globalist to use in a war not of our concern. All to shield their past crimes.

A bottle of Canola oil is $5.59 at Walmart with $5 gas to go get it. Were $2 under Trump common sense policy. House value down, IRA down and feels like its' only just begun. Zero confidence in 75% of citizens.

10s of millions have rushed over the border. Now housed & fed on more borrowed money

#neverforget. When is it too much? Sick Libstain on this site are enablers and the cause.

All of it is a pack of lies. The recession started under Bush. Of course you lied about the dates. In 2019-2021, Republicans wanted to kill millions of people. Republican governors like Sununu and DeWine took the proper actions as well to protect people. Donald Trump is a criminal and now it is all crashing down on him. He is getting what he deserves. There were a handful of protests that got out of hand. Trump gassed peaceful protestors for a photo-op. No one is grooming anyone. You need to have your head groomed with a blowtorch. Don't like the US standing up to Putin commie. Inflation is caused by businesses that want to increase their profits. It has nothing to do with higher costs.

When is too much from you Nazis? You are scum and should be treated as such.
Thank God Trump had a better plan with better coverage for a lot less cost. Oh wait, then he found out national healthcare systems were complicated. Never mind, we still have Obamacare. Within a year or so he would realize that Lincoln was a Republican. Who knew? I cannot believe anyone would vote for Trump.
The whole reason we have Obamacare to begin with is because the GOP had NOTHING. No plan to deal with rising health care costs which has been going on for more than 50 years.

As soon as Obamacare passed, the GOP came up with the biggest hoax of all time. "We will repeal and replace Obamacare".

Trump jumped on that hoax bandwagon, promising he had a "beautiful" replacement.

And the rubes have STILL not figured out they were hoaxed.

I am absolutely convinced the GOP sold us down the river to the Democrats and Universal Health Care decades ago. Everything else is theater for the rubes.
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The Hunter Biden investigation has been going on for 5+ years with no resolution while Trump was arrested in less than year. It’s all a cover-up!

Because there was no doubt that Trump had documents that he was not entitled to. This has been going on for more than a year.
The whole reason we have Obamacare to begin with is because the GOP had NOTHING. No plan to deal with rising health care costs which has been going on for more than 50 years.

As soon as Obamacare passed, the GOP came up with the biggest hoax of all time. "We will repeal and replace Obamacare".

Trump jumped on that hoax bandwagon, promising he had a "beautiful" replacement.

And the rubes have STILL not figured out they were hoaxed.

I am absolutely convinced the GOP sold us down the river to the Democrats and Universal Health Care decades ago. Everything else is theater for the rubes.
Got to keep that base fire up.
Our current VP, the Kamala Harris, while AG of California, sued Corinthian College in 2013 for predatory advertising , recruitment and other practices that forced the closure of these scammers. They had campuses everywhere, advertised incessantly. despite all her flaws, when she did take a shot, Kamala rarely missed. so why didn't she go after other folks like Steve Mnuchin, who she let off the hook for the 2008 financial crisis

excerpt from Kamala's memoir about Trump's victory in 2016:

At a certain point, my nine-year-old godson, Alexander, came up to me with big tears welling in his eyes. I assumed one of the other kids in our group had been teasing him about something.

“Come here, little man. What’s wrong?”

Alexander looked up and locked eyes with mine. His voice was trembling. “Auntie Kamala, that man can’t win. He’s not going to win, is he?” Alexander’s worry broke my heart. I didn’t want anyone making a child feel that way. Eight years earlier, many of us had cried tears of joy when Barack Obama was elected president. And now, to see Alexander’s fear . . .

His father, Reggie, and I took him outside to try to console him.

“Alexander, you know how sometimes superheroes are facing a big challenge because a villain is coming for them? What do they do when that happens?”

“They fight back,” he whimpered.

“That’s right. And they fight back with emotion, because all the best superheroes have big emotions just like you. But they always fight back, right? So that’s what we’re going to do.”

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