Mark Levin: "The Democrat Party must be obliterated"...let's do it together with an oppo research thread that exposes the Dems! we're on to you, Dems!

i have an extensive library of 5,000 political books plus tons of oppo research files on Dem candidates from my work as an oppo researcher. i'll be happy to expose the Dems, so join me on this journey as we take back America! WOO!

What a creepy shitbag that guy is.
Obamacare happened on Obama's watch. You obviously forgot about the utter fucking disaster when Obamacare was launched and how democrats were annihilated in the 2010 election.
I have been opposed to Obamacare from the start. This is an established fact.

Obamacare has nothing to do with the loss of millions of jobs and homes.

Classic goalpost moving, son. Try again.
2008-2013 they destroyed milions of middle class familes thru loss of jobs and homes. Many never recovered.

2019-2021 they launched & spread Fauchi Flu, killing millions on respirators & nursing homes. Locked up kids 2 years no school setting America back further.

They harrassed and slow walked our most successful President Trump of modern times. Still going on. The falsely charged and rigged courts in DC to jail hundreds of supporters.

They used the MSM to send out rag tag groups of ANTIFA & BLM almost every night in 2020. At worst they burned city blocks and caused death.

Now they groom & target youg children for conversion to LGTBQ sickness while parents work. Just this weekend naked homeO on bicycle peddled up to children in a SEA parade. They installed cross dressing loons in military & GOVT jobs as a form of taunting.

They hand out borrowed money to NAZI globalist to use in a war not of our concern. All to shield their past crimes.

A bottle of Canola oil is $5.59 at Walmart with $5 gas to go get it. Were $2 under Trump common sense policy. House value down, IRA down and feels like its' only just begun. Zero confidence in 75% of citizens.

10s of millions have rushed over the border. Now housed & fed on more borrowed money

#neverforget. When is it too much? Sick Libstain on this site are enablers and the cause.

Phyllis Schlafly...................:auiqs.jpg::laughing0301:

Donald Trump cheated on all three wives.

Newt Gingrich cheated on his first two wives, even impeaching Bill Clinton while having an extramarital affair at the time!

Rush Limbaugh had four wives.

Senator Vitter used to call his hookers to make an appointment during floor votes.

MTG is an adultress.

Had I more time, I could list dozens more.

So tell us all again who destroyed the American family, dipshit.
I have been opposed to Obamacare from the start. This is an established fact.

Obamacare has nothing to do with the loss of millions of jobs and homes.

Classic goalpost moving, son. Try again.
Thank God Trump had a better plan with better coverage for a lot less cost. Oh wait, then he found out national healthcare systems were complicated. Never mind, we still have Obamacare. Within a year or so he would realize that Lincoln was a Republican. Who knew? I cannot believe anyone would vote for Trump.
I have been opposed to Obamacare from the start. This is an established fact.

Obamacare has nothing to do with the loss of millions of jobs and homes.

Classic goalpost moving, son. Try again.
Should we trust Mark Levin?
Well, you can trust him to provide a spectacularly one-sided view of virtually everything, to regularly communicate in comical hyperbole, to regularly toss out personal insults and juvenile namecalling, and to purposely distort the opinions and positions of the American Left.

If that's okay with you -- and I know it's okay with many -- sure, you can trust him.
Actually, Independents outnumber both parties.

Each party is about 25 percent. Independents are 40 percent.

And Independents disapprove of Trump 2 to 1.
Same as the independents who disapprove of Biden - and that’s WITH THE weaponized DOJ and complicit media protecting him.

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