mark meadows Stops Cooperating With Capitol Attack Investigation

Why am I not surprised? These are the people who expect to control Congress after the mid-terms? Good Lord, why?

Is it because the educationally challenged rural voters have no idea what is going on? This thread indicates the reality of that statement. Republican voters are no where around, afraid to discuss the real issues of the day.

That said, still another influential Republican, a close Trump associate, has made a fool of himself.

The Times reports, "Mark Meadows, the former White House chief of staff under President Donald J. Trump, on Tuesday informed the committee scrutinizing the Jan. 6 attack at the Capitol that he was no longer willing to cooperate with its investigation, reversing a deal he reached with the panel just last week to sit for an interview and provide documents.

"The turnabout was the second in two weeks by Mr. Meadows, who had initially refused to comply with a subpoena from House panel in line with a directive from Mr. Trump, but told the panel last week that he would be willing to provide documents and sit for a voluntary interview."

Meadows' book came out today. A coincidence, right?

Yeah, sure, and pigs fly.

In the meantime, judging from the complete lack of response, grassroots Trump Republicans are clueless. They have no idea of what is going on. Worse, they don't want to know. A good many of them never heard of Mark Meadows, Trump's chief of staff when Trump was in the White House.
Why am I not surprised? These are the people who expect to control Congress after the mid-terms? Good Lord, why?

Is it because the educationally challenged rural voters have no idea what is going on? This thread indicates the reality of that statement. Republican voters are no where around, afraid to discuss the real issues of the day.

That said, still another influential Republican, a close Trump associate, has made a fool of himself.

The Times reports, "Mark Meadows, the former White House chief of staff under President Donald J. Trump, on Tuesday informed the committee scrutinizing the Jan. 6 attack at the Capitol that he was no longer willing to cooperate with its investigation, reversing a deal he reached with the panel just last week to sit for an interview and provide documents.

"The turnabout was the second in two weeks by Mr. Meadows, who had initially refused to comply with a subpoena from House panel in line with a directive from Mr. Trump, but told the panel last week that he would be willing to provide documents and sit for a voluntary interview."

Meadows' book came out today. A coincidence, right?

Yeah, sure, and pigs fly.

In the meantime, judging from the complete lack of response, grassroots Trump Republicans are clueless. They have no idea of what is going on. Worse, they don't want to know. A good many of them never heard of Mark Meadows, Trump's chief of staff when Trump was in the White House.
They are not the people that just expect to control congress, they are almost certainly going to control at least one house. That should tell you how bad the democrats are doing.
Take a step back and you can clearly see that the Trump GOP are hiding something and trying to drag this review out indefinitely. Mark Meadows writes a flippin book after providing the committee with 6,000 pages of texts, emails, and other incriminating evidence.

This pisses off the Fuhrer Trump who makes a few phone calls and suddenly Meadows refuses further testimony to the commission. My money is on Pence's Chief of Staff Marc Short to blow this thing wide open and we'll find out Trump was calling plays during the insurrection from the White House.
Take a step back and you can clearly see that the Trump GOP are hiding something and trying to drag this review out indefinitely. Mark Meadows writes a flippin book after providing the committee with 6,000 pages of texts, emails, and other incriminating evidence.

This pisses off the Fuhrer Trump who makes a few phone calls and suddenly Meadows refuses further testimony to the commission. My money is on Pence's Chief of Staff Marc Short to blow this thing wide open and we'll find out Trump was calling plays during the insurrection from the White House.
Except the FBI investigated the Jan 6 event for 8 months and found nothing on Donald Trump. They also found no evidence that the riot was planned in advance. The FBI report said it was a riot, not an insurrection and the rioters had no plan to take over the government. The Democrats are wasting millions of taxpayer dollars on a political witch hunt. They are stupid if they think they can force Trumps allies to say anything. Only a moron calls witnesses who are opposed to the narrative you are trying to sell.
Liar ^^^; Trump was attempting to steal the election from the 154 million voters who denied him of his power; the commission is not lying, it is investigating.

And the trumpanzees will be taking the 5th Amendment.

Q. BTW do you know how Trump feels about taking the 5th?


These videos of Trump speaking ill of those who take the 5th Amendment are one truth to come out of his lying mouth. His ass-kissing supporters of Trump may very well take the 5th if they respond to the Commission seeking who, what, how and why our nation's capital was sieged on January 6, 2021.

It is only the brown-nose, ass-kissing supporters of trump who claim that the events that day were not a crime, a heinous crime against democracy in America with an effort to violate violently the Constitution of our country!

The commission is committing political assassination, you moron.
Why am I not surprised? These are the people who expect to control Congress after the mid-terms? Good Lord, why?

Is it because the educationally challenged rural voters have no idea what is going on? This thread indicates the reality of that statement. Republican voters are no where around, afraid to discuss the real issues of the day.

That said, still another influential Republican, a close Trump associate, has made a fool of himself.

The Times reports, "Mark Meadows, the former White House chief of staff under President Donald J. Trump, on Tuesday informed the committee scrutinizing the Jan. 6 attack at the Capitol that he was no longer willing to cooperate with its investigation, reversing a deal he reached with the panel just last week to sit for an interview and provide documents.

"The turnabout was the second in two weeks by Mr. Meadows, who had initially refused to comply with a subpoena from House panel in line with a directive from Mr. Trump, but told the panel last week that he would be willing to provide documents and sit for a voluntary interview."

Meadows' book came out today. A coincidence, right?

Yeah, sure, and pigs fly.

In the meantime, judging from the complete lack of response, grassroots Trump Republicans are clueless. They have no idea of what is going on. Worse, they don't want to know. A good many of them never heard of Mark Meadows, Trump's chief of staff when Trump was in the White House.
Republicans win because Democrats are Out of touch with most Americans.
If the commission chair said that it's just his personal opinion, not a legal one.

Don't know the difference, do ya?
If that's his opinion, he has no business being in congress, let alone chairing a committee investigating American citizens.
It's not a trial, it's a hearing.

See the difference?

Still working on that GED?
The word is witch hunt. The Dumbocrats are just trying to pin something on Donald Trump. They failed with 2 tries to remove him via impeachment and this is phony circus no 3. This time, they are trying to smear the whole GOP to help them in 2022.
The word is witch hunt. The Dumbocrats are just trying to pin something on Donald Trump. They failed with 2 tries to remove him via impeachment and this is phony circus no 3. This time, they are trying to smear the whole GOP to help them in 2022.
It's difficult to pin something on people who supposedly had nothing to do with it, including Trump.
It's difficult to pin something on people who supposedly had nothing to do with it, including Trump.

I'm not discussing actual guilt according to law and justice. I'm describing a theatric con job to make people think he did something illegal. The FBI says he did nothing.
Short list. None. Most are being charged with trespassing. The whole thing is a big three ring Dem circle jerk.

Wonder if there will be a commission when the lefties shut down DC. Now that is an insurrection.
Is like another impeachment
Try reading The Constitution. Congress has every right to conduct oversight just like the Benghazi hearings. Just because YOU don't like WHO's being investigated is YOUR problem.
The word oversight only applies to Executive departments(the white house and cabinet). This is a criminal investigation of people who no longer work for the government. Steve Bannon left the White House in 2017, 4 years ago. He does not know anything. It is useless to call witnesses who don't want to cooperate because they don't have to tell you anything. The 5th amendment says they can sit there and say nothing.

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