Mark Sanford will run against Trump

Why is he a joker? He cares about debt and spending. That used to be a Republican principle. And shutting down the primary process to not even allow a debate is absolutely authoritarian.
It's a different party now. Just like the Democrats.

That's his point, of course, but they've completely sold their soul to Trump.

Who knows what Sanford is thinking.
I can't imagine this happening in the Democrat party. You have a sitting President up for re-election, an amazing economy, a person tough on immigration and trading partners, and then somebody from the same party decides to run against him.

Mark Sanford will run against Donald Trump for the Republican nomination

Good choice on his part.
That’s because Trump is a humiliation for many. He is changing the Republican Party into an authoritarian cult rather than a party of ideas. I understand why there are many republicans running for the hills and other wanting to oppose him. Sanford is not the only one running against him. Problem is Trump and the GOP don’t want to shit down the primaries and not even give them a chance to run. How fucked is that?!

Trump is changing the Republican party. It's something many of us constituents have wanted for years. It's why we voted him in.

There is nothing authoritarian about Trump. While he's trying to get things done in this country, the left has thrown obstacles in his way nearly every chance they get. If the Democrats in Congress can't stop him, their commie activist judges do. Now we have anti-Trump jokers like this guy joining in the movement.
Why is he a joker? He cares about debt and spending. That used to be a Republican principle. And shutting down the primary process to not even allow a debate is absolutely authoritarian.

What makes you think that Mr. Sanford gives a shit at all about debt and/or spending?

If he did, he would be trashing the Democrats for their "medicare for all" and "new green deal" garbage.

Instead, he just shows angry at his own President.
I can't imagine this happening in the Democrat party. You have a sitting President up for re-election, an amazing economy, a person tough on immigration and trading partners, and then somebody from the same party decides to run against him.

Mark Sanford will run against Donald Trump for the Republican nomination

Good choice on his part.
i think its a waste of time but would have to know what his goals are. trump is going to be difficult to beat. the best way the left could treat trump is to ignore his antics like people should ignore the extreme lefts moronic dancing about like a spoiled child.
I can't imagine this happening in the Democrat party. You have a sitting President up for re-election, an amazing economy, a person tough on immigration and trading partners, and then somebody from the same party decides to run against him.

Mark Sanford will run against Donald Trump for the Republican nomination

Good choice on his part.
i think its a waste of time but would have to know what his goals are. trump is going to be difficult to beat. the best way the left could treat trump is to ignore his antics like people should ignore the extreme lefts moronic dancing about like a spoiled child.

Sanford's goals are to become a hero to the left, and win or lose, become a paid news analyst.

And who knows, if successful, the Mark Sanford Show will replace Chris Hayes' program or Fredo Cuomo's in a few years.
I can't imagine this happening in the Democrat party. You have a sitting President up for re-election, an amazing economy, a person tough on immigration and trading partners, and then somebody from the same party decides to run against him.

Mark Sanford will run against Donald Trump for the Republican nomination

Good choice on his part.
i think its a waste of time but would have to know what his goals are. trump is going to be difficult to beat. the best way the left could treat trump is to ignore his antics like people should ignore the extreme lefts moronic dancing about like a spoiled child.

Sanford's goals are to become a hero to the left, and win or lose, become a paid news analyst.

And who knows, if successful, the Mark Sanford Show will replace Chris Hayes' program or Fredo Cuomo's in a few years.
that audience is dying but if that's what he wants to do, free country.
Any Republican that runs against trump is a rino and should never be taken seriously again by us. If you sell out America to the collective for 15 minutes of media attention, shame on you.

The libertarian Cato Institute ranked Sanford as the best governor in America in their 2010 fiscal policy report card, describing him as "a staunch supporter of spending restraint and pro-growth tax reforms"

Actually Trump has to contend with real conservatives... But don't worry the GOP will reject real conservatives...

Trump is not a Republican and is actually a RINO but not the way the others are... Trump is an authoritarian, he has no control of the deficit...

When ye turn on Trump and ye will turn on him... Ye will proclaim he was a Democrat all along...

Why? because you won't like the way he is going to drop the economy and you have to blame someone..
Any Republican that runs against trump is a rino and should never be taken seriously again by us. If you sell out America to the collective for 15 minutes of media attention, shame on you.

The libertarian Cato Institute ranked Sanford as the best governor in America in their 2010 fiscal policy report card, describing him as "a staunch supporter of spending restraint and pro-growth tax reforms"

Actually Trump has to contend with real conservatives... But don't worry the GOP will reject real conservatives...

Trump is not a Republican and is actually a RINO but not the way the others are... Trump is an authoritarian, he has no control of the deficit...

When ye turn on Trump and ye will turn on him... Ye will proclaim he was a Democrat all along...

Why? because you won't like the way he is going to drop the economy and you have to blame someone..

If Sanford is such a great choice, and such a deficit hawk, why isn't he attacking the New Green Deal or the Medicare for All schemes?

All he is doing is attacking his President.

A clear violation of Reagan's 11th Commandment not to speak ill of a fellow Republican.

Sure, its his right to do that, but it tells me he isn't very principled.
Mark Sanford isn't the only one.

Trump has 3 challengers.

William Weld
Joe Walsh
Mark Sanford

I can't recall a sitting president having 3 from his own party challenging him.

I do know that presidents who have challengers usually lose the general election.

Some republicans aren't happy about it and have canceled their state's primary to guarantee those challengers aren't too much of a threat to trump.

This from the same party that screamed cheating when Hillary was running.

The DNC didn't cancel any primaries when she was running. In fact I can't think of an election that had a challenger to the president where a state canceled their primary. Sure it's done when there's no challenger but not when there are 3.

What is trump so afraid of?

Republicans to scrap primaries and caucuses as Trump challengers cry foul

View attachment 278234

Hillary was not an incumbent.

I know. You all screamed she cheated even though she didn't and just used the existing party rules. She never tried to call off a primary.

Why did you have such a problem with what Hillary did but don't have a problem with what trump is now doing?

I can't keep answering questions repeatedly. I explained why. If you don't want to accept the explanation, then that's on you, not me.

So being an incumbent automatically allows a president to cancel a primary?

It's ok to rig a primary as long as it's an incumbent doing it?

That has got to be the most lame excuse for being so hypocritical and dishonest I've heard today.


Where do you get this idea that a President is obligated to honor a challenge of any kind? These attempted challenges are a joke to Trump; a waste of his time. Now if it isn't, then Trump will get beat in the primary, won't he? Obviously Trump is laughing at people like this clown. He's not the least bit concerned or threatened by them. But hey! If more join the race, they can have their primary without Trump.

If he's not concerned about them then he would allow a primary in those 4 states. If he wasn't concerned then he would welcome the challengers. He's not welcoming them.

He's scared to death of them.

Your excuse for being so dishonest, hypocritical and anti American is insulting to everyone who believes in democracy and representative republic.

You can reply to this but I won't read or reply to it. So you'll be wasting your time.

I'm done with such a dishonest and anti American person such was you.
Who knows what he's thinking. The ego of professional politicians is essentially unchartable.

This is Trump's party now, and while Sanford is right about what has happened to it, this is silly.

It would make more sense to run as an independent. Or not at all, of course.

Sanford, Wilson and Weld know they won't get far with their challenge.

They aren't running to win the presidency.

They are running to weaken trump so there's a better chance for him to lose in 2020.

Incumbent candidates usually lose the general election when they have a challenger in the primary.

That is why those 3 men are running.

I have a lot respect for those 3 men for what they are doing and hope they are successful.
Any Republican that runs against trump is a rino and should never be taken seriously again by us. If you sell out America to the collective for 15 minutes of media attention, shame on you.

The libertarian Cato Institute ranked Sanford as the best governor in America in their 2010 fiscal policy report card, describing him as "a staunch supporter of spending restraint and pro-growth tax reforms"

Actually Trump has to contend with real conservatives... But don't worry the GOP will reject real conservatives...

Trump is not a Republican and is actually a RINO but not the way the others are... Trump is an authoritarian, he has no control of the deficit...

When ye turn on Trump and ye will turn on him... Ye will proclaim he was a Democrat all along...

Why? because you won't like the way he is going to drop the economy and you have to blame someone..
like you don't like how things are going, so you make trump a white supremacist and hate him so you have your own security blanket to blame.

live by your own rules, dude.
It's actually a good idea for other Republicans to run. The republican party is struggling with their brand under this Administration. Having seasoned republicans step up to discuss the traditional republican platforms may help move this administration back towards those ideals. People should look at this as a positive. It will allow the party to canvass their supporters on what they want the party to focus on.
I can't imagine this happening in the Democrat party. You have a sitting President up for re-election, an amazing economy, a person tough on immigration and trading partners, and then somebody from the same party decides to run against him.

Mark Sanford will run against Donald Trump for the Republican nomination

Good choice on his part.

Mark Sanford isn't the only one.

Trump has 3 challengers.

William Weld
Joe Walsh
Mark Sanford

I can't recall a sitting president having 3 from his own party challenging him.

I do know that presidents who have challengers usually lose the general election.

Some republicans aren't happy about it and have canceled their state's primary to guarantee those challengers aren't too much of a threat to trump.

This from the same party that screamed cheating when Hillary was running.

The DNC didn't cancel any primaries when she was running. In fact I can't think of an election that had a challenger to the president where a state canceled their primary. Sure it's done when there's no challenger but not when there are 3.

What is trump so afraid of?

Republicans to scrap primaries and caucuses as Trump challengers cry foul

View attachment 278234

Hillary was not an incumbent.

I know. You all screamed she cheated even though she didn't and just used the existing party rules. She never tried to call off a primary.

Why did you have such a problem with what Hillary did but don't have a problem with what trump is now doing?

I can't keep answering questions repeatedly. I explained why. If you don't want to accept the explanation, then that's on you, not me.

So being an incumbent automatically allows a president to cancel a primary?

It's ok to rig a primary as long as it's an incumbent doing it?

That has got to be the most lame excuse for being so hypocritical and dishonest I've heard today.


How about this little tidbit, for the few brain cells you have, to chew on?

Trump has nothing to do with scheduling primaries, dumbass!
It's actually a good idea for other Republicans to run. The republican party is struggling with their brand under this Administration. Having seasoned republicans step up to discuss the traditional republican platforms may help move this administration back towards those ideals. People should look at this as a positive. It will allow the party to canvass their supporters on what they want the party to focus on.

Have you been into the Katnip?

Seasoned Republicans?

The only way these jerks could be seasoned is if you drowned them in Mrs. Dash!
It's actually a good idea for other Republicans to run. The republican party is struggling with their brand under this Administration. Having seasoned republicans step up to discuss the traditional republican platforms may help move this administration back towards those ideals. People should look at this as a positive. It will allow the party to canvass their supporters on what they want the party to focus on.

Have you been into the Katnip?

Seasoned Republicans?

The only way these jerks could be seasoned is if you drowned them in Mrs. Dash!
These people were repubs when trump was still a dem.
View attachment 278234

Hillary was not an incumbent.

I know. You all screamed she cheated even though she didn't and just used the existing party rules. She never tried to call off a primary.

Why did you have such a problem with what Hillary did but don't have a problem with what trump is now doing?

I can't keep answering questions repeatedly. I explained why. If you don't want to accept the explanation, then that's on you, not me.

So being an incumbent automatically allows a president to cancel a primary?

It's ok to rig a primary as long as it's an incumbent doing it?

That has got to be the most lame excuse for being so hypocritical and dishonest I've heard today.


Where do you get this idea that a President is obligated to honor a challenge of any kind? These attempted challenges are a joke to Trump; a waste of his time. Now if it isn't, then Trump will get beat in the primary, won't he? Obviously Trump is laughing at people like this clown. He's not the least bit concerned or threatened by them. But hey! If more join the race, they can have their primary without Trump.

If he's not concerned about them then he would allow a primary in those 4 states. If he wasn't concerned then he would welcome the challengers. He's not welcoming them.

He's scared to death of them.

Your excuse for being so dishonest, hypocritical and anti American is insulting to everyone who believes in democracy and representative republic.

You can reply to this but I won't read or reply to it. So you'll be wasting your time.

I'm done with such a dishonest and anti American person such was you.

Trump has no control over the primaries. In 2016, the Democrats had a primary and the state Republican Party decided not to do so. It was not for Trump but for Rand Paul. In a caucus, he could run for the Senate and President at the same time, but he could not appear on the ballot for President and the Senate in the same year.

No primary, no ballot! He appeared only for the Senate in the fall. Had be won the nomination, he would have been replaced on the ticket.
It's actually a good idea for other Republicans to run. The republican party is struggling with their brand under this Administration. Having seasoned republicans step up to discuss the traditional republican platforms may help move this administration back towards those ideals. People should look at this as a positive. It will allow the party to canvass their supporters on what they want the party to focus on.

Have you been into the Katnip?

Seasoned Republicans?

The only way these jerks could be seasoned is if you drowned them in Mrs. Dash!

Nope, no katnip - It's Monday. I save that for the weekend. (wink).

I'm simply pointing out that there is a large group of voters who are traditional conservatives and having other republicans run to highlight forgotten policies, like fiscal responsibility, may force this Administration and current republican leadership to remember their roots.

Look at it this way. Why are conservatives generally for competition in the markets but not in their ideas? Being challenged forces people to consider other ideas and to compromise. What's so wrong with that?

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