Mark Sanford will run against Trump

I can't imagine this happening in the Democrat party. You have a sitting President up for re-election, an amazing economy, a person tough on immigration and trading partners, and then somebody from the same party decides to run against him.

Mark Sanford will run against Donald Trump for the Republican nomination

Good choice on his part.

Mark Sanford isn't the only one.

Trump has 3 challengers.

William Weld
Joe Walsh
Mark Sanford

I can't recall a sitting president having 3 from his own party challenging him.

I do know that presidents who have challengers usually lose the general election.

Some republicans aren't happy about it and have canceled their state's primary to guarantee those challengers aren't too much of a threat to trump.

This from the same party that screamed cheating when Hillary was running.

The DNC didn't cancel any primaries when she was running. In fact I can't think of an election that had a challenger to the president where a state canceled their primary. Sure it's done when there's no challenger but not when there are 3.

What is trump so afraid of?

Republicans to scrap primaries and caucuses as Trump challengers cry foul

View attachment 278234

Hillary was not an incumbent.

I know. You all screamed she cheated even though she didn't and just used the existing party rules. She never tried to call off a primary.

Why did you have such a problem with what Hillary did but don't have a problem with what trump is now doing?

I can't keep answering questions repeatedly. I explained why. If you don't want to accept the explanation, then that's on you, not me.
I can't imagine this happening in the Democrat party. You have a sitting President up for re-election, an amazing economy, a person tough on immigration and trading partners, and then somebody from the same party decides to run against him.

Mark Sanford will run against Donald Trump for the Republican nomination

Good choice on his part.

Mark Sanford isn't the only one.

Trump has 3 challengers.

William Weld
Joe Walsh
Mark Sanford

I can't recall a sitting president having 3 from his own party challenging him.

I do know that presidents who have challengers usually lose the general election.

Some republicans aren't happy about it and have canceled their state's primary to guarantee those challengers aren't too much of a threat to trump.

This from the same party that screamed cheating when Hillary was running.

The DNC didn't cancel any primaries when she was running. In fact I can't think of an election that had a challenger to the president where a state canceled their primary. Sure it's done when there's no challenger but not when there are 3.

What is trump so afraid of?

Republicans to scrap primaries and caucuses as Trump challengers cry foul
So do you actually believe any of the challengers have better than a snowball's chance in Haiti of surviving against Trump?

And WTF do you care who the Repub's run in 2020? After all, you have 20 Dem hopefuls and aren't all of them certain to win? Why are you so nervous? :lol:

First of all, I have never been a democrat. I've been a registered Independent since 1978. I've voted a variety of parties through the years.

If they don't have any chance why cancel the primary? What's trump so afraid of? If they aren't any threat why not allow the primaries and have debates?

Why do I care? Because I have to live with the winner of the presidential election. We all do.

I would rather vote for William Weld. The man at least has ethics and I can believe what's coming out of his mouth.

So why not answer my question? What is trump so afraid of?
You can write-in Weld in Nov 2020 but between now and then he has absolutely no chance of replacing Trump as the Repub candidate so why waste the time and resources when they will be better spent opening another can of whup-ass on whichever Democrat Socialist is the opponent and after all, isn't that the whole point?
I can't imagine this happening in the Democrat party. You have a sitting President up for re-election, an amazing economy, a person tough on immigration and trading partners, and then somebody from the same party decides to run against him.

Mark Sanford will run against Donald Trump for the Republican nomination

Good choice on his part.

Mark Sanford isn't the only one.

Trump has 3 challengers.

William Weld
Joe Walsh
Mark Sanford

I can't recall a sitting president having 3 from his own party challenging him.

I do know that presidents who have challengers usually lose the general election.

Some republicans aren't happy about it and have canceled their state's primary to guarantee those challengers aren't too much of a threat to trump.

This from the same party that screamed cheating when Hillary was running.

The DNC didn't cancel any primaries when she was running. In fact I can't think of an election that had a challenger to the president where a state canceled their primary. Sure it's done when there's no challenger but not when there are 3.

What is trump so afraid of?

Republicans to scrap primaries and caucuses as Trump challengers cry foul
So do you actually believe any of the challengers have better than a snowball's chance in Haiti of surviving against Trump?

And WTF do you care who the Repub's run in 2020? After all, you have 20 Dem hopefuls and aren't all of them certain to win? Why are you so nervous? :lol:

First of all, I have never been a democrat. I've been a registered Independent since 1978. I've voted a variety of parties through the years.

If they don't have any chance why cancel the primary? What's trump so afraid of? If they aren't any threat why not allow the primaries and have debates?

Why do I care? Because I have to live with the winner of the presidential election. We all do.

I would rather vote for William Weld. The man at least has ethics and I can believe what's coming out of his mouth.

So why not answer my question? What is trump so afraid of?

Why waste money on a primary when you can use those funds to beat up the Democrat nominee?
I can't imagine this happening in the Democrat party. You have a sitting President up for re-election, an amazing economy, a person tough on immigration and trading partners, and then somebody from the same party decides to run against him.

Mark Sanford will run against Donald Trump for the Republican nomination

Good choice on his part.

Mark Sanford isn't the only one.

Trump has 3 challengers.

William Weld
Joe Walsh
Mark Sanford

I can't recall a sitting president having 3 from his own party challenging him.

I do know that presidents who have challengers usually lose the general election.

Some republicans aren't happy about it and have canceled their state's primary to guarantee those challengers aren't too much of a threat to trump.

This from the same party that screamed cheating when Hillary was running.

The DNC didn't cancel any primaries when she was running. In fact I can't think of an election that had a challenger to the president where a state canceled their primary. Sure it's done when there's no challenger but not when there are 3.

What is trump so afraid of?

Republicans to scrap primaries and caucuses as Trump challengers cry foul
So do you actually believe any of the challengers have better than a snowball's chance in Haiti of surviving against Trump?

And WTF do you care who the Repub's run in 2020? After all, you have 20 Dem hopefuls and aren't all of them certain to win? Why are you so nervous? :lol:

First of all, I have never been a democrat. I've been a registered Independent since 1978. I've voted a variety of parties through the years.

If they don't have any chance why cancel the primary? What's trump so afraid of? If they aren't any threat why not allow the primaries and have debates?

Why do I care? Because I have to live with the winner of the presidential election. We all do.

I would rather vote for William Weld. The man at least has ethics and I can believe what's coming out of his mouth.

So why not answer my question? What is trump so afraid of?

What makes you think Trump is afraid of anything? The Republicans and Trump need to concentrate on the Democrat opponent, not play these idiotic political games with anti-Trump people who only join the race out of hatred and the reality that Trump is not part of the swamp.
If they don't have any chance why cancel the primary? What's trump so afraid of? If they aren't any threat why not allow the primaries and have debates?

B. Hussein O didn't debate Randall Terry in 2012, so the precedent is there not to have debates.

President Trump doesn't want to spend precious time or resources dealing with Pathetic losers
I can't imagine this happening in the Democrat party. You have a sitting President up for re-election, an amazing economy, a person tough on immigration and trading partners, and then somebody from the same party decides to run against him.

Mark Sanford will run against Donald Trump for the Republican nomination

Good choice on his part.
Economy not amazing, foreign policy in tatters, trade negotiations a shambles, half of more of government positions unfilled, least popular *president" ever, even leaving out all the ongoing criminal stuff the only thing tRump has going for him is how gullible his followers are.

Hell, Fred Sanford could beat him. Mark is a shoe in if the GOP lets him.

Now that shows how out of touch you are with reality.

While Biden can't get a hundred people to show up at his events, Trump is still packing houses wherever he goes. The economy is amazing. Lowest unemployment rate in nearly 50 years. Lowest unemployment rates for minorities ever recorded. Highest consumer confidence in nearly 20 years, same with business confidence, and the highest small business confidence recorded, new household median income record, less government dependents and an increase in those joining the workforce.

The only people that say this economy isn't amazing are the ones brainwashed by MSNBC and CNN. Those who work in industry and also not under their spell know exactly how great this economy is. Don't believe me? Wait until after the next election when those working people go to the polls.
We have at least one proven instance of people being paid to show up to tRump rallies, how many more?

And how true is the attendance? Remember the "biggest inaugural crowd ever"?
I can't imagine this happening in the Democrat party. You have a sitting President up for re-election, an amazing economy, a person tough on immigration and trading partners, and then somebody from the same party decides to run against him.

Mark Sanford will run against Donald Trump for the Republican nomination

Good choice on his part.

Mark Sanford isn't the only one.

Trump has 3 challengers.

William Weld
Joe Walsh
Mark Sanford

I can't recall a sitting president having 3 from his own party challenging him.

I do know that presidents who have challengers usually lose the general election.

Some republicans aren't happy about it and have canceled their state's primary to guarantee those challengers aren't too much of a threat to trump.

This from the same party that screamed cheating when Hillary was running.

The DNC didn't cancel any primaries when she was running. In fact I can't think of an election that had a challenger to the president where a state canceled their primary. Sure it's done when there's no challenger but not when there are 3.

What is trump so afraid of?

Republicans to scrap primaries and caucuses as Trump challengers cry foul

View attachment 278234

Hillary was not an incumbent.

I know. You all screamed she cheated even though she didn't and just used the existing party rules. She never tried to call off a primary.

Why did you have such a problem with what Hillary did but don't have a problem with what trump is now doing?

I can't keep answering questions repeatedly. I explained why. If you don't want to accept the explanation, then that's on you, not me.

So being an incumbent automatically allows a president to cancel a primary?

It's ok to rig a primary as long as it's an incumbent doing it?

That has got to be the most lame excuse for being so hypocritical and dishonest I've heard today.

I can't imagine this happening in the Democrat party. You have a sitting President up for re-election, an amazing economy, a person tough on immigration and trading partners, and then somebody from the same party decides to run against him.

Mark Sanford will run against Donald Trump for the Republican nomination

Good choice on his part.
That’s because Trump is a humiliation for many. He is changing the Republican Party into an authoritarian cult rather than a party of ideas. I understand why there are many republicans running for the hills and other wanting to oppose him. Sanford is not the only one running against him. Problem is Trump and the GOP don’t want to shit down the primaries and not even give them a chance to run. How fucked is that?!

Trump is changing the Republican party. It's something many of us constituents have wanted for years. It's why we voted him in.

There is nothing authoritarian about Trump. While he's trying to get things done in this country, the left has thrown obstacles in his way nearly every chance they get. If the Democrats in Congress can't stop him, their commie activist judges do. Now we have anti-Trump jokers like this guy joining in the movement.
Why is he a joker? He cares about debt and spending. That used to be a Republican principle. And shutting down the primary process to not even allow a debate is absolutely authoritarian.
I can't imagine this happening in the Democrat party. You have a sitting President up for re-election, an amazing economy, a person tough on immigration and trading partners, and then somebody from the same party decides to run against him.

Mark Sanford will run against Donald Trump for the Republican nomination

Good choice on his part.
That’s because Trump is a humiliation for many. He is changing the Republican Party into an authoritarian cult rather than a party of ideas. I understand why there are many republicans running for the hills and other wanting to oppose him. Sanford is not the only one running against him. Problem is Trump and the GOP don’t want to shit down the primaries and not even give them a chance to run. How fucked is that?!

Trump is changing the Republican party. It's something many of us constituents have wanted for years. It's why we voted him in.

There is nothing authoritarian about Trump. While he's trying to get things done in this country, the left has thrown obstacles in his way nearly every chance they get. If the Democrats in Congress can't stop him, their commie activist judges do. Now we have anti-Trump jokers like this guy joining in the movement.
Why is he a joker? He cares about debt and spending. That used to be a Republican principle. And shutting down the primary process to not even allow a debate is absolutely authoritarian.

He's a joker because the only reason he's doing this is out of hatred for Trump. All these John McCain clones around our party.

This is common sense 101. Why would anybody enter a contest that have absolutely zero chance at winning? There must be another reason, don't you think? Or do you really believe this "nobody" has a slight chance at beating Trump in a primary?

If you say that's the reason, then you're not only lying to me, you're lying to yourself.
I can't imagine this happening in the Democrat party. You have a sitting President up for re-election, an amazing economy, a person tough on immigration and trading partners, and then somebody from the same party decides to run against him.

Mark Sanford will run against Donald Trump for the Republican nomination

Good choice on his part.

Mark Sanford isn't the only one.

Trump has 3 challengers.

William Weld
Joe Walsh
Mark Sanford

I can't recall a sitting president having 3 from his own party challenging him.

I do know that presidents who have challengers usually lose the general election.

Some republicans aren't happy about it and have canceled their state's primary to guarantee those challengers aren't too much of a threat to trump.

This from the same party that screamed cheating when Hillary was running.

The DNC didn't cancel any primaries when she was running. In fact I can't think of an election that had a challenger to the president where a state canceled their primary. Sure it's done when there's no challenger but not when there are 3.

What is trump so afraid of?

Republicans to scrap primaries and caucuses as Trump challengers cry foul

View attachment 278234

Hillary was not an incumbent.

I know. You all screamed she cheated even though she didn't and just used the existing party rules. She never tried to call off a primary.

Why did you have such a problem with what Hillary did but don't have a problem with what trump is now doing?

I can't keep answering questions repeatedly. I explained why. If you don't want to accept the explanation, then that's on you, not me.

So being an incumbent automatically allows a president to cancel a primary?

It's ok to rig a primary as long as it's an incumbent doing it?

That has got to be the most lame excuse for being so hypocritical and dishonest I've heard today.


Where do you get this idea that a President is obligated to honor a challenge of any kind? These attempted challenges are a joke to Trump; a waste of his time. Now if it isn't, then Trump will get beat in the primary, won't he? Obviously Trump is laughing at people like this clown. He's not the least bit concerned or threatened by them. But hey! If more join the race, they can have their primary without Trump.
Who knows what he's thinking. The ego of professional politicians is essentially unchartable.

This is Trump's party now, and while Sanford is right about what has happened to it, this is silly.

It would make more sense to run as an independent. Or not at all, of course.
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One more reason for states to cancel their primaries, can't have anyone making it look like Trump is not the most popular thing since Air Conditioning.
You mean the Democrat primaries of course. Makes sense with the menagerie they've come up with.

No, I mean that at least 3 state Republican parties have talked about canceling their primaries

Do try to keep up

It's four states.

South Carolina, Nevada, Arizona and Kansas.

Trump and his worshipers should be embarrassed that Trump is seen as such a weak candidate that he cannot even take on primary challenge.
I can't imagine this happening in the Democrat party. You have a sitting President up for re-election, an amazing economy, a person tough on immigration and trading partners, and then somebody from the same party decides to run against him.

Mark Sanford will run against Donald Trump for the Republican nomination

Good choice on his part.

Mark Sanford isn't the only one.

Trump has 3 challengers.

William Weld
Joe Walsh
Mark Sanford

I can't recall a sitting president having 3 from his own party challenging him.

I do know that presidents who have challengers usually lose the general election.

Some republicans aren't happy about it and have canceled their state's primary to guarantee those challengers aren't too much of a threat to trump.

This from the same party that screamed cheating when Hillary was running.

The DNC didn't cancel any primaries when she was running. In fact I can't think of an election that had a challenger to the president where a state canceled their primary. Sure it's done when there's no challenger but not when there are 3.

What is trump so afraid of?

Republicans to scrap primaries and caucuses as Trump challengers cry foul

View attachment 278234

Hillary was not an incumbent.

I know. You all screamed she cheated even though she didn't and just used the existing party rules. She never tried to call off a primary.

Why did you have such a problem with what Hillary did but don't have a problem with what trump is now doing?

I can't keep answering questions repeatedly. I explained why. If you don't want to accept the explanation, then that's on you, not me.

So being an incumbent automatically allows a president to cancel a primary?

It's ok to rig a primary as long as it's an incumbent doing it?

That has got to be the most lame excuse for being so hypocritical and dishonest I've heard today.


I don't think you get it.

None of the supposed candidates, Weld, Walsh or Sanford, has a campaign organization or millions of dollars in funding- like Crazy Bernie actually did in 2016.

If these people actually get traction, get the millions in funding and the teeming legions of volunteers, then they can be taken seriously. Right now, they are just a minor distraction from what the GOP's goal is supposed to be- to vanquish Marxism in 2020.
Who knows what he's thinking. The ego of professional politicians is essentially unchartable.

This is Trump's party now, and while Sanford is right about what has happened to it, this is silly.

It would make more sense to run as an independent.

Unless Mr. Sanford is willing to pledge vow to give 100% support to the eventual GOP nominee whoever it is, it would be definitely more appropriate for a 3rd Party candidacy or even more appropriately time to switch parties like Mayor John V. Lindsay did back in the day and enter the Democrat primary.
Who knows what he's thinking. The ego of professional politicians is essentially unchartable.

This is Trump's party now, and while Sanford is right about what has happened to it, this is silly.

It would make more sense to run as an independent.

Unless Mr. Sanford is willing to pledge vow to give 100% support to the eventual GOP nominee whoever it is, it would be definitely more appropriate for a 3rd Party candidacy or even more appropriately time to switch parties like Mayor John V. Lindsay did back in the day and enter the Democrat primary.
I can't imagine him supporting Trump now.

Although, who knows, politicians can change their deeply-held positions on a dime.

Makes no sense. Either he's comically tone-deaf or he has some kind of long term "plan".
I can't imagine this happening in the Democrat party. You have a sitting President up for re-election, an amazing economy, a person tough on immigration and trading partners, and then somebody from the same party decides to run against him.

Mark Sanford will run against Donald Trump for the Republican nomination

Good choice on his part.

The Democrats wouldn't have nominated someone as morally degenerate as Trump.

here's the real problem. There are a lot of decent Republicans who really don't like how Trump has associated their brand with racism and corruption.

Not enough of them are standing up against it... so you get clowns like Walsh and Sanford to carry that banner.
Who knows what he's thinking. The ego of professional politicians is essentially unchartable.

This is Trump's party now, and while Sanford is right about what has happened to it, this is silly.

It would make more sense to run as an independent. Or not at all, of course.

Or trump could get caught doing something between now and the primaries, and he'd have cleverly positioned himself as an alternative to decent Republicans.
I can't imagine this happening in the Democrat party. You have a sitting President up for re-election, an amazing economy, a person tough on immigration and trading partners, and then somebody from the same party decides to run against him.

Mark Sanford will run against Donald Trump for the Republican nomination

Good choice on his part.

The Democrats wouldn't have nominated someone as morally degenerate as Trump.

here's the real problem. There are a lot of decent Republicans who really don't like how Trump has associated their brand with racism and corruption.

Not enough of them are standing up against it... so you get clowns like Walsh and Sanford to carry that banner.

No Republican other than Donald J Trump has a strategy and plan to actually vanquish the Democrats in 2020, Joe.

If Sanford and Walsh actually started ripping Crazy Bernie a new one, and attacking AOC, and protesting against abortion, they would have credibility. Right now, all they seem to be saying is that they hate Donald J. Trump and a campaign of such hate doesn't stand a chance against Sleepy Joe or whomever.
I can't imagine this happening in the Democrat party. You have a sitting President up for re-election, an amazing economy, a person tough on immigration and trading partners, and then somebody from the same party decides to run against him.

Mark Sanford will run against Donald Trump for the Republican nomination

Good choice on his part.

He is another one looking for a gig on leftwing/democrat cable news....

Sanford did lose last year in South Carolina, really does limit his future endeavors in elective politics. Becoming a paid contributor for CNN or MSNBC would be a living.

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