Mark Sanford will run against Trump

Any Republican that runs against trump is a rino and should never be taken seriously again by us. If you sell out America to the collective for 15 minutes of media attention, shame on you.

The libertarian Cato Institute ranked Sanford as the best governor in America in their 2010 fiscal policy report card, describing him as "a staunch supporter of spending restraint and pro-growth tax reforms"

Actually Trump has to contend with real conservatives... But don't worry the GOP will reject real conservatives...

Trump is not a Republican and is actually a RINO but not the way the others are... Trump is an authoritarian, he has no control of the deficit...

When ye turn on Trump and ye will turn on him... Ye will proclaim he was a Democrat all along...

Why? because you won't like the way he is going to drop the economy and you have to blame someone..

The problem is not Trump isn't conservative enough, the problem is our party isn't. However Trump has presided pretty conservatively more so than the party. His stance on immigration, abortion, military support, and judge nominations speak for themselves.
Any Republican that runs against trump is a rino and should never be taken seriously again by us. If you sell out America to the collective for 15 minutes of media attention, shame on you.

The libertarian Cato Institute ranked Sanford as the best governor in America in their 2010 fiscal policy report card, describing him as "a staunch supporter of spending restraint and pro-growth tax reforms"

Actually Trump has to contend with real conservatives... But don't worry the GOP will reject real conservatives...

Trump is not a Republican and is actually a RINO but not the way the others are... Trump is an authoritarian, he has no control of the deficit...

When ye turn on Trump and ye will turn on him... Ye will proclaim he was a Democrat all along...

Why? because you won't like the way he is going to drop the economy and you have to blame someone..

The problem is not Trump isn't conservative enough, the problem is our party isn't. However Trump has presided pretty conservatively more so than the party. His stance on immigration, abortion, military support, and judge nominations speak for themselves.
Clearly you no longer care about small government . Just hate and war it sounds.
I can't imagine this happening in the Democrat party. You have a sitting President up for re-election, an amazing economy, a person tough on immigration and trading partners, and then somebody from the same party decides to run against him.

Mark Sanford will run against Donald Trump for the Republican nomination

Good choice on his part.
That’s because Trump is a humiliation for many. He is changing the Republican Party into an authoritarian cult rather than a party of ideas. I understand why there are many republicans running for the hills and other wanting to oppose him. Sanford is not the only one running against him. Problem is Trump and the GOP don’t want to shit down the primaries and not even give them a chance to run. How fucked is that?!

Trump is changing the Republican party. It's something many of us constituents have wanted for years. It's why we voted him in.

There is nothing authoritarian about Trump. While he's trying to get things done in this country, the left has thrown obstacles in his way nearly every chance they get. If the Democrats in Congress can't stop him, their commie activist judges do. Now we have anti-Trump jokers like this guy joining in the movement.
Why is he a joker? He cares about debt and spending. That used to be a Republican principle. And shutting down the primary process to not even allow a debate is absolutely authoritarian.

What makes you think that Mr. Sanford gives a shit at all about debt and/or spending?

If he did, he would be trashing the Democrats for their "medicare for all" and "new green deal" garbage.

Instead, he just shows angry at his own President.

Exactly. What would he cut as President? How would he get the totally leftist now Socialist House to go along with him if they remain in power after he's elected?
Why is he a joker? He cares about debt and spending. That used to be a Republican principle. And shutting down the primary process to not even allow a debate is absolutely authoritarian.
It's a different party now. Just like the Democrats.

That's his point, of course, but they've completely sold their soul to Trump.

Who knows what Sanford is thinking.

I can't imagine this happening in the Democrat party. You have a sitting President up for re-election, an amazing economy, a person tough on immigration and trading partners, and then somebody from the same party decides to run against him.

Mark Sanford will run against Donald Trump for the Republican nomination

Good choice on his part.
Run against Trump is a stretch of the imagination. More like get on tv the next week or so and see how many suckers you can get donation money from.
One more reason for states to cancel their primaries, can't have anyone making it look like Trump is not the most popular thing since Air Conditioning.
You mean the Democrat primaries of course. Makes sense with the menagerie they've come up with.

No, I mean that at least 3 state Republican parties have talked about canceling their primaries

Do try to keep up

It's four states.

South Carolina, Nevada, Arizona and Kansas.

Trump and his worshipers should be embarrassed that Trump is seen as such a weak candidate that he cannot even take on primary challenge.

Trump and Limbaugh are friends. They play golf together. So perhaps he's taking Limbaugh's advice.

"When you see your adversaries making a fool of themselves, the best thing you can do is step back and enjoy the show."
Rush Limbaugh
I can't imagine this happening in the Democrat party. You have a sitting President up for re-election, an amazing economy, a person tough on immigration and trading partners, and then somebody from the same party decides to run against him.

Mark Sanford will run against Donald Trump for the Republican nomination

Good choice on his part.
Run against Trump is a stretch of the imagination. More like get on tv the next week or so and see how many suckers you can get donation money from.

And when they appear on news shows, they will be announced as former presidential candidate instead of ex-politician so and so. The title is so impressive.
I can't imagine this happening in the Democrat party. You have a sitting President up for re-election, an amazing economy, a person tough on immigration and trading partners, and then somebody from the same party decides to run against him.

Mark Sanford will run against Donald Trump for the Republican nomination

Good choice on his part.
You have a divided country. Weak gdp growth. Stagnant market. Foolish trade war. Huge deficits....

We have had a divided country for some time now. Did you just wake up and start watching politics?

On the right, the Tea Party moment steered many Republicans back towards constitutionalism. On the left, they are slowly admitting they are Socialists by running one last election and this one, not to mention their model dingbat AOC. Their last three presidential candidates (and of course Sanders) earned the endorsements of the US Communist Party.

So where is the middle ground between constitutionalism and Communism? There is none. It's like trying to find the middle ground between Israel and the Palestinians. Of course we are a divided country.
Yeah most of us would like us to not be so divided. He is just dividing more. Tea party? Explains the trillion dollar deficits. There is plenty of middle ground for those not stupidly partisan.

Well we are partisan. DumBama never tried to work with Republicans, and the Democrat Congress refuses to work with Trump.

It takes two to Tango. Just ask Sanford.
Any Republican that runs against trump is a rino and should never be taken seriously again by us. If you sell out America to the collective for 15 minutes of media attention, shame on you.

The libertarian Cato Institute ranked Sanford as the best governor in America in their 2010 fiscal policy report card, describing him as "a staunch supporter of spending restraint and pro-growth tax reforms"

Actually Trump has to contend with real conservatives... But don't worry the GOP will reject real conservatives...

Trump is not a Republican and is actually a RINO but not the way the others are... Trump is an authoritarian, he has no control of the deficit...

When ye turn on Trump and ye will turn on him... Ye will proclaim he was a Democrat all along...

Why? because you won't like the way he is going to drop the economy and you have to blame someone..

The problem is not Trump isn't conservative enough, the problem is our party isn't. However Trump has presided pretty conservatively more so than the party. His stance on immigration, abortion, military support, and judge nominations speak for themselves.

Fiscally, he is no conservative, he is a Republican.
One more reason for states to cancel their primaries, can't have anyone making it look like Trump is not the most popular thing since Air Conditioning.
You mean the Democrat primaries of course. Makes sense with the menagerie they've come up with.

No, I mean that at least 3 state Republican parties have talked about canceling their primaries

Do try to keep up
You have even less wit than honesty.

Just admit you are a moron and move on. Just saves time
You do get why you're so derided, right. You bring this shit on yourself. Don't blame me.

Derided? I don't share many political views with GG, which is cool, this is America. He however runs circles around you nit wits.
It's actually a good idea for other Republicans to run. The republican party is struggling with their brand under this Administration. Having seasoned republicans step up to discuss the traditional republican platforms may help move this administration back towards those ideals. People should look at this as a positive. It will allow the party to canvass their supporters on what they want the party to focus on.

We already showed the Republican party what to focus on by electing Trump. Obviously they didn't get our message very clearly yet.

That's your opinion but may not be the opinion of many republicans that have left the party but would love to come back. Does the party not have room for a variety of ideas? It makes no sense not to support competition. I thought conservatives loved competition and looked at it as the best way for getting the best results.

If anybody left our party (and I doubt there are nothing but a few) they were RINO supporters and Establishment Republicans. Who needs them in our party anyhow?
I can't imagine this happening in the Democrat party. You have a sitting President up for re-election, an amazing economy, a person tough on immigration and trading partners, and then somebody from the same party decides to run against him.

Mark Sanford will run against Donald Trump for the Republican nomination

Good choice on his part.
You have a divided country. Weak gdp growth. Stagnant market. Foolish trade war. Huge deficits....

We have had a divided country for some time now. Did you just wake up and start watching politics?

On the right, the Tea Party moment steered many Republicans back towards constitutionalism. On the left, they are slowly admitting they are Socialists by running one last election and this one, not to mention their model dingbat AOC. Their last three presidential candidates (and of course Sanders) earned the endorsements of the US Communist Party.

So where is the middle ground between constitutionalism and Communism? There is none. It's like trying to find the middle ground between Israel and the Palestinians. Of course we are a divided country.
Yeah most of us would like us to not be so divided. He is just dividing more. Tea party? Explains the trillion dollar deficits. There is plenty of middle ground for those not stupidly partisan.

Well we are partisan. DumBama never tried to work with Republicans, and the Democrat Congress refuses to work with Trump.

It takes two to Tango. Just ask Sanford.
Isn’t it funny you claim they are so different yet constantly defend trump saying Obama did it too?
Trump is changing the Republican party. It's something many of us constituents have wanted for years. It's why we voted him in.

There is nothing authoritarian about Trump. While he's trying to get things done in this country, the left has thrown obstacles in his way nearly every chance they get. If the Democrats in Congress can't stop him, their commie activist judges do. Now we have anti-Trump jokers like this guy joining in the movement.
Why is he a joker? He cares about debt and spending. That used to be a Republican principle. And shutting down the primary process to not even allow a debate is absolutely authoritarian.

He's a joker because the only reason he's doing this is out of hatred for Trump. All these John McCain clones around our party.

This is common sense 101. Why would anybody enter a contest that have absolutely zero chance at winning? There must be another reason, don't you think? Or do you really believe this "nobody" has a slight chance at beating Trump in a primary?

If you say that's the reason, then you're not only lying to me, you're lying to yourself.
He says he is doing it because he is fiscally conservative and wants debt and spending back in the national debate. His record backs that up. What insight do you have to call that a lie and claim it is a personal vendetta against Trump?

Because he had it out for Trump before he even ran in 2016. And as always, Trump responded harshly to his comments. It also seems he has a thing for foreign women, and I'm assuming he doesn't like Trump's border stance either.

There is nothing professional about this. He's a washed up ex-governor and Congressman. If it were about getting back into politics, surly he would look for smaller offices to run for and try to restore any integrity he lost while in those positions. In short, the guy is a loser, and like McCain before him, it's a personal vendetta.
You sound emotional Ray. Get pretty puffy when people disagree with your boy Trump huh? I guess you get loyalty points but you should listen more and do less assuming and demonizing. Those tactics are old and overused

Sure I get puffy. When I see our own trying to take each other out, I get very angry about it.

Until the Odd Squad came along, Democrats marched in lockstep. That's how they were able to beat Republicans in races. I wish our party was unified like that.

But your party is starting to unravel as well, so you can enjoy this show, and we'll enjoy that one.
Why is he a joker? He cares about debt and spending. That used to be a Republican principle. And shutting down the primary process to not even allow a debate is absolutely authoritarian.

He's a joker because the only reason he's doing this is out of hatred for Trump. All these John McCain clones around our party.

This is common sense 101. Why would anybody enter a contest that have absolutely zero chance at winning? There must be another reason, don't you think? Or do you really believe this "nobody" has a slight chance at beating Trump in a primary?

If you say that's the reason, then you're not only lying to me, you're lying to yourself.
He says he is doing it because he is fiscally conservative and wants debt and spending back in the national debate. His record backs that up. What insight do you have to call that a lie and claim it is a personal vendetta against Trump?

Because he had it out for Trump before he even ran in 2016. And as always, Trump responded harshly to his comments. It also seems he has a thing for foreign women, and I'm assuming he doesn't like Trump's border stance either.

There is nothing professional about this. He's a washed up ex-governor and Congressman. If it were about getting back into politics, surly he would look for smaller offices to run for and try to restore any integrity he lost while in those positions. In short, the guy is a loser, and like McCain before him, it's a personal vendetta.
You sound emotional Ray. Get pretty puffy when people disagree with your boy Trump huh? I guess you get loyalty points but you should listen more and do less assuming and demonizing. Those tactics are old and overused

Sure I get puffy. When I see our own trying to take each other out, I get very angry about it.

Until the Odd Squad came along, Democrats marched in lockstep. That's how they were able to beat Republicans in races. I wish our party was unified like that.

But your party is starting to unravel as well, so you can enjoy this show, and we'll enjoy that one.
I don’t have a party. The dems disgust me just as much as the Reps. Both shows are pretty shitty in my opinion.
It's actually a good idea for other Republicans to run. The republican party is struggling with their brand under this Administration. Having seasoned republicans step up to discuss the traditional republican platforms may help move this administration back towards those ideals. People should look at this as a positive. It will allow the party to canvass their supporters on what they want the party to focus on.

We already showed the Republican party what to focus on by electing Trump. Obviously they didn't get our message very clearly yet.

That's your opinion but may not be the opinion of many republicans that have left the party but would love to come back. Does the party not have room for a variety of ideas? It makes no sense not to support competition. I thought conservatives loved competition and looked at it as the best way for getting the best results.

If anybody left our party (and I doubt there are nothing but a few) they were RINO supporters and Establishment Republicans. Who needs them in our party anyhow?

Well perhaps you're right and those who left were only RINOs.

Strength in party is through it's diversity in ideas and positions. It's what keeps the party balanced. If you have a party that doesn't allow members to question or recommend a different perspective then it's no longer a party, it's a dictatorship.

I would not want to be a part of a party or organization that wasn't interested in hearing my voice.
Why don't you show the Republicans by voting for the needs of the American Worker.

The Democrats don't give a rat's ass about the American worker except to see that they are unemployed and collecting government benefits.

The Democrats don't give a rat's ass about the American worker except to see that they are unemployed and collecting government benefits.

Democrats are pro raising workers wages and pro workers rights.

Raising the minimum wage is one of their key points. What about all of the people who will be unemployed by such stupidity?

Raising the minimum wage is one of their key points. What about all of the people who will be unemployed by such stupidity?

How many jobs were lost when a previous minimum wage hike took effect? None?

In small increments it doesn't have a noticeable effect, however when you talk about doubling the minimum wage, you are going to see problems like you've never seen before in the past; problems like the cities and states that have already done so.

Problems such as investors don't like the raise in minimum wage?
I can't imagine this happening in the Democrat party. You have a sitting President up for re-election, an amazing economy, a person tough on immigration and trading partners, and then somebody from the same party decides to run against him.

Mark Sanford will run against Donald Trump for the Republican nomination

Good choice on his part.

"An amazing economy?" Which Russian troll farm do you work?

Yes, it is an amazing economy. Much like many people have ever seen before.

Tell that to the trucking industry.
I can't imagine this happening in the Democrat party. You have a sitting President up for re-election, an amazing economy, a person tough on immigration and trading partners, and then somebody from the same party decides to run against him.

Mark Sanford will run against Donald Trump for the Republican nomination

Good choice on his part.
That’s because Trump is a humiliation for many. He is changing the Republican Party into an authoritarian cult rather than a party of ideas. I understand why there are many republicans running for the hills and other wanting to oppose him. Sanford is not the only one running against him. Problem is Trump and the GOP don’t want to shit down the primaries and not even give them a chance to run. How fucked is that?!

Trump is changing the Republican party. It's something many of us constituents have wanted for years. It's why we voted him in.

There is nothing authoritarian about Trump. While he's trying to get things done in this country, the left has thrown obstacles in his way nearly every chance they get. If the Democrats in Congress can't stop him, their commie activist judges do. Now we have anti-Trump jokers like this guy joining in the movement.

The only thing tRump has done is lower my and every other wealthy persons and corporations tax liability 50%. That's it.
I can't imagine this happening in the Democrat party. You have a sitting President up for re-election, an amazing economy, a person tough on immigration and trading partners, and then somebody from the same party decides to run against him.

Mark Sanford will run against Donald Trump for the Republican nomination

Good choice on his part.
That’s because Trump is a humiliation for many. He is changing the Republican Party into an authoritarian cult rather than a party of ideas. I understand why there are many republicans running for the hills and other wanting to oppose him. Sanford is not the only one running against him. Problem is Trump and the GOP don’t want to shit down the primaries and not even give them a chance to run. How fucked is that?!

Trump is changing the Republican party. It's something many of us constituents have wanted for years. It's why we voted him in.

There is nothing authoritarian about Trump. While he's trying to get things done in this country, the left has thrown obstacles in his way nearly every chance they get. If the Democrats in Congress can't stop him, their commie activist judges do. Now we have anti-Trump jokers like this guy joining in the movement.
The sooner the GOP establishment dies the better for the country

The sooner the GOP establishment dies the better for the country

The entire premise of the GOP is keeping American Workers poor. Aligns itself perfectly with Putin's annihilating western culture.

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