Mark Steyn: This isn't funny anymore

...and yet she is untouchable.

More proof our corrupt government has became much like a banana republic.
Love Mark Steyn. He's so funny and so smart. It takes a smart person to be funny, and that's why the left isn't funny and their "humor" is so nasty and hurtful.
...and yet she is untouchable.

More proof our corrupt government has became much like a banana republic.
I still have hope. Barr's got balls
He's a bulldog. You can tell the democrats are intimidated because they wanted to have their lawyers ask him questions. The committee members aren't equipped to deal with a superior intellect.
And again, the background question here is, "Why is anyone thrusting a microphone in Hillary's face?"

Who [the fuck] wants to know what she thinks about any topic under the sun?

PLEASE. I want to see these people and ask them why.

This is not "fake" news, it is "anti-news" - the reporting of stuff that people manifestly DO NOT WANT TO KNOW.
I am convinced Trump and his campaign were spied upon illegally. Nixon used the IRS as a weapon to punish his enemies and any means possible to gain information on the opposition as we saw in Watergate. Think about that next time you hear Democrats and their supporters demonizing Nixon.
I take great pleasure in knowing Hillary Clinton will never reside at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.
I am convinced Trump and his campaign were spied upon illegally. Nixon used the IRS as a weapon to punish his enemies and any means possible to gain information on the opposition as we saw in Watergate. Think about that next time you hear Democrats and their supporters demonizing Nixon.
Sure, but so what?

There are no checks and balances. It's just a bunch of monkey's slinging poo.

For the life of me, I wish the House would try and impeach Trump. Just do something that has some semblance of trying to resolve an issue in favor of justice.

But they have no desire for justice, just power. They know that they are out of bullets so they will not try to impeach him.
I loved it when Barr told the democrats they need to stop using the DOJ for political purposes. That's the problem with democrats. They use the IRS, the FBI, the DOJ, the DOE, etc, and all government agencies for purposes they were not intended for. That's the problem. Play politics all you want, but keep it out of our government agencies that were created for the PEOPLE.
I loved it when Barr told the democrats they need to stop using the DOJ for political purposes. That's the problem with democrats. They use the IRS, the FBI, the DOJ, the DOE, etc, and all government agencies for purposes they were not intended for. That's the problem. Play politics all you want, but keep it out of our government agencies that were created for the PEOPLE.

I loved it when the head of the DOJ had a secret meeting with Bill Clinton when they were investigating his wife.

I know, I know, Lefties, stop watching Fox news.

I loved it when Barr told the democrats they need to stop using the DOJ for political purposes. That's the problem with democrats. They use the IRS, the FBI, the DOJ, the DOE, etc, and all government agencies for purposes they were not intended for. That's the problem. Play politics all you want, but keep it out of our government agencies that were created for the PEOPLE.

I loved it when the head of the DOJ had a secret meeting with Bill Clinton when they were investigating his wife.

I know, I know, Lefties, stop watching Fox news.

They were discussing the grandkids, doncha know. They think we're as dumb as their constituents.
I loved it when Barr told the democrats they need to stop using the DOJ for political purposes. That's the problem with democrats. They use the IRS, the FBI, the DOJ, the DOE, etc, and all government agencies for purposes they were not intended for. That's the problem. Play politics all you want, but keep it out of our government agencies that were created for the PEOPLE.

I loved it when the head of the DOJ had a secret meeting with Bill Clinton when they were investigating his wife.

I know, I know, Lefties, stop watching Fox news.

They were discussing the grandkids, doncha know. They think we're as dumb as their constituents.

I'm sure they were.

The conversation probably went something like this, "Do you wish to see your grandkids alive ever again?"
As for Hillary ever being held accountable, the past two years (and beyond) have given us every indication that she WON'T be. However, the atmosphere seems to have changed a little lately. Barr appears to be ready to brawl with the Dems and the Dems appear to be more worried about Barr than they are Trump, and they seem to want him GONE more than they do Trump at this point. I think they are all scared shitless that he's gonna bring all of them down before the 2020 election, or at the least, expose their crimes to the point that they have no hope of winning either house of Congress or the WH. That would spell doom for them if Barr is determined enough to bring them down and has another 2 to 4 years in which to do it.
There's a sense of panic among them right now, you can see it on their faces. They are worried. Even though Mueller handed the ball off to them to continuer with their attacks on Trump's presidency, the bottom line is that there was no collusion and no case to be made for obstruction. It's all just a show at this point and it'll go nowhere. Graham is anxious to go after them, even if they manage to stop Barr. They've spent all their ammunition now and it's time for some payback...big time. THEY (Democrats) are now gonna be the ones on the defensive. And Hillary? If she is smart, she'll keep her mouth shut and pretend to develop some serious health problems to garner some sympathy so she doesn't get indicted.

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