Mark Zuckerberg: Immigration Reform One of the ‘Biggest Civil Rights Issues of Our Ti


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
Mark Zuckerberg: Immigration Reform One of the ‘Biggest Civil Rights Issues of Our Time’

During an exclusive interview with “This Week,” Facebook CEO and founder Mark Zuckerberg criticized the current U.S. immigration system and framed comprehensive reform as a major civil rights issue.

“When you meet these children who are really talented, and they’ve grown up in America and they really don’t know any other country besides that, but they don’t have the opportunities that … we all enjoy, it’s really heartbreaking – right? That seems like it’s one of the biggest civil rights issues of our time,” Zuckerberg said.

Zuckerberg – speaking to ABC News’ David Wright this week from Mountain View, Calif. – pushed back against those who argue the millions of undocumented immigrants estimated to be in the United States are here illegally and have no right to citizenship.

Mark Zuckerberg: Immigration Reform One of the ?Biggest Civil Rights Issues of Our Time? - ABC News
“When you meet these children who are really talented, and they’ve grown up in America and they really don’t know any other country besides that, but they don’t have the opportunities that … we all enjoy, it’s really heartbreaking – right? That seems like it’s one of the biggest civil rights issues of our time,” Zuckerberg said.

I agree.
These children should be given citizenship. They have been here all their life.
If you put your hand over your heart when you hear the anthem, I'd have a really hard time turning you away
I wish since our congress is broken that Obama would sign a executive order declaring all these children citizens.

He as the head of the executive controls the people below him granting the citizenships. These kids probably spent their entire lives here and deserve it.
another BS from a billionaire leftard :rolleyes:

jumping the fence and deciding "I want to live here" is not a right.

go through the normal legal process and you will get the citizenship.
The children should be deported right along with their parents or adopted if the parents don't want to take them.

Particularly hispanic children have dual citizenship. They are citizens of their home nation. They are not stateless. Send them home.
I wish since our congress is broken that Obama would sign a executive order declaring all these children citizens.

He as the head of the executive controls the people below him granting the citizenships. These kids probably spent their entire lives here and deserve it.

Congress isn't broken. It's working as intended. The white house is broken.
Hey Zucky! You love them so damn much....are you going to let them live in your house too? How about shell out money for their healthcare, schooling and other necessities?

You Corporate stinkbug immigrant lovers (and your political counterparts) are so gung-ho about letting them in, but OUR money goes towards paying for them.
I saw the interview. What a farce

Like there currently isn't a way to legally become a citizen?

Give me a break - just get in line like everyone else
Wow, a Jew thinks we should continue to dilute the influence of White European Christians who built this nation.

I'm shocked.
Who cares what Zuckerberg says ? Shows what a bunch of dumbbells ABC News is. I'd value much more what a young, army veteran retuning from Afghanistan, missing an arm or leg, has to say. Zuckerberg can go crap in his hat.
Too much is made about the fact that the children of illegal aliens were kids when they were dragged here by their criminal parents. It's like we're all supposed to feel sorry for them, make exceptions for them, and treat them special.

In the meantime, there's millions of American kids whose criminal parents are serving time in prisons all across America, and nobody's granting any special favors to them. Some if them have parents who are serving LIFE sentences, and others whose parents have even been executed. Favors or sympathy for them ? Not a word.
We're already a multi-etheric society. What does it matter? if more people come here and become citizens.
Like most of the major issues in this world, this one ain't's only made complicated by people who have something to sell.

(1) Does any country have the right to decide who gets to immigrate?

The answer is obviously, yes.

(2) If the answer to (1) is yes, does a country have a right to accept only those who "bring something valuable to the table"?

Again, the obvious answer is, yes.

(3) Does a country have the right to allow "guest workers" to come in and do low-skilled work that locals might not be willing to do? And to insist that they depart at a definite time that is determined when they apply for application to enter?

What kind of a fucked up situation will occur when you permit millions of misfits to invade your country, break every immigration law on the books, and then reward them with citizenship?

Remember, we have done this before, which is why we have those 11 million here now.
Meh, Zuck knows darn well that the Dreamers have been granted amnesty and that deportations have stopped dead in the tracks, for the most part. He wants a huge increase in the number of legal and illegal immigrants because they vote *his* way and he wants the cheap labor they provide. Those H1B visas are killing the tech industry and depressing wages.
Zuckerberg has no historical perpective, either. Money doesn't buy experience. He dosent have a clue what this is about.

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