Market at All Time HIGHS, Manufacturing at 37 yr HIGHS, Biden is winning !

Biden is going to be another economic great, Just like Bill Clinton.

What Biden understands, that Trump and his idiot supporters never understood: You can't have an economic recovery unless you have a covid recovery. Biden has said this many times.

Trump didn't understand this and he never took the appropriate action to contain covid. He never took covid seriously
"This is nothing, it will all disappear" "It's the flu" "We're rounding the curve" "Maybe we could inject bleach"

Right now, we have the Biden stimulus bill that has strong bipartisan support amongst Americans, the Biden infrastructure bill, and the Biden re-opening boom. Add to this the mini-tech revolution, and we have all the pieces in place.

The Biden BOOM could be the biggest economic expansion in US history. The new ROARING 20s. Trump and his idiot supporters are going to hate everyday of it, because they hate America. Party over country.

This is why we elected Biden, to crush covid and fix the economy. None of this would have happened if Trump won re-election.

USA ! USA! USA ! USA !!!

"I hope he fails"
-Rush Limbaugh...

so youre celebrating the elite getting richer under biden???

why dont you care about middle america getting poorer??

Suddenly a stock market at all time highs and Manufacturing at 37 year highs is bad !!!!


The GOP hates America, they only care about the party.


You dumbass. The market was high when Trump was POTUS. The market goes up then the market goes down. Doesn't matter who is in the WH. Lets see how the market does if the stuttering fucks bills get passed.

You Dem idiots backed that stuttering fuck who is bankrupting the country. What an idiot you are.
Your tears make me happy.

Enjoy the Biden BOOM

Party over country.

Not tears you dumbass. You're to stupid to realize what that stuttering fuck is doing and will do.

Party over country you fucking idiot.

just prepare yourself for a lot of crying over the next few years as this is just the beginning and the Biden BOOM will be the best in US history.

America is going to be so strong, you are going to hate it...

No you need to prepare yourself for crying and it won't take long. There won't be and BOOM. We'll be lucky to avoid the Second Great Depression under that stuttering fuck.

America won't be doing very well under the stuttering fuck you voted for. Everyone will be seeing that before long.
The Trumpsters crowed when the market went up before.

Trumpsters have zero (0) credibility on this topic. None. Sad, silly jokes.
The market going up under Trump wasn't as a result of unlimited money printing, you disingenuous tribalist asshole.
There's one now!
Blow it out your ass, fucking fraud.

You are so pissed that Biden is winning.

America is so strong right now because of Biden, and you hate it.

Party over country...
A very enjoyable, hopeful time.
It's so funny, the president changes, and all of a sudden the idiot Trumpers don't like a good stock market and strong manufacturing data...

Trumpers are rooting for America to fail, yet Biden is still winning.

You're being mocked, toad
The Trumpsters crowed when the market went up before.

Trumpsters have zero (0) credibility on this topic. None. Sad, silly jokes.
Trumpers ar
The Trumpsters crowed when the market went up before.

Trumpsters have zero (0) credibility on this topic. None. Sad, silly jokes.
Yes it was.

Trump was the king of government debt and money printing.

From day 1 Trump ramped up government spending and deficits to record levels, then the Fed had to resumes QE 4 in 2019... Remember that... I doubt you do.

Trump bankrupted America.
There was no QE or immense "infrastructure" projects with no visible means of financial support from '17 - '21....You're a goddamn moron.

QE 4 (QE lite) in the fall of 2019...

You are a total joke. AND Trump spent $ trillions of borrowed money and raised the deficit to extreme levels before covid.

your defense of the uber rich is telling me you dems have lied all along and you dont give a shit about the common man,,
You're blowing smoke...

I am very happy the market is at highs, and manufacturing is at highs, and the economy is about to boom, and the middle class is going to boom, just like it did under Clinton.

You're just pissed because Biden is winning, America is winning, and you have no job skills to compete in this booming economy.

Maybe Biden will raise minimum wage for you...
trust me jr my skills are plenty and haven't made min wage in decades,,

but the fact remains youre supporting the rich getting richer while the rest of us loose,,
Well if you had job skills you wouldn't be losing.
Stop being so lazy and get some job skills.

You need the government to bail you out for your bad decisions in life.

It's not my fault you made bad choices in life, don't blame me.

Hopefully Biden will raise the minimum wage so you can get a raise...

sorry jr I am 55 and retired and dont need your handouts and never did,,

my concern is my children and soon to be born grandchildren from the debt you dem and repube friends are putting on them,,,
Bush inherited a balanced budget with a projected surplus. Trump spent $Trillions and bankrupted America before covid...

Basically you are just mad that Biden is winning and the economy is looking great and you are trying to come up with a stupid excuse for Biden's wins.

You're pissed because Biden is winning and America is winning.

Stock market at ATH, manufacturing at 37 yr Highs, only a traitor would not like that...
160k virus kills winning!
But, Biden "beat ovid" :auiqs.jpg:
Beat the kill records, yes.....a little behind the Trump pace on vaccinations though.
He's on track to kill a million in 2021
The Trumpsters crowed when the market went up before.

Trumpsters have zero (0) credibility on this topic. None. Sad, silly jokes.
The market going up under Trump wasn't as a result of unlimited money printing, you disingenuous tribalist asshole.
There's one now!
Blow it out your ass, fucking fraud.

You are so pissed that Biden is winning.

America is so strong right now because of Biden, and you hate it.

Party over country...
A very enjoyable, hopeful time.
It's so funny, the president changes, and all of a sudden the idiot Trumpers don't like a good stock market and strong manufacturing data...

Trumpers are rooting for America to fail, yet Biden is still winning.

LOL If manufacturing is strong its because of Trump. Not your stuttering fuck. He's been in office three months and all he's done so far is add to the debt and fuck up the border letting thousands of illegals in. Many with the Chinese virus.

That's your boy. Enjoy cause no one else will. Dumbass.
Absolutely outstanding, the miracle worker raised his hands and poof... prosperity for all! Want to buy a bridge, I have a few for sale!
We are seeing the last of the great numbers from the Trump economic 6 months we will be longing for the good old days
Biden is going to be another economic great, Just like Bill Clinton.

What Biden understands, that Trump and his idiot supporters never understood: You can't have an economic recovery unless you have a covid recovery. Biden has said this many times.

Trump didn't understand this and he never took the appropriate action to contain covid. He never took covid seriously
"This is nothing, it will all disappear" "It's the flu" "We're rounding the curve" "Maybe we could inject bleach"

Right now, we have the Biden stimulus bill that has strong bipartisan support amongst Americans, the Biden infrastructure bill, and the Biden re-opening boom. Add to this the mini-tech revolution, and we have all the pieces in place.

The Biden BOOM could be the biggest economic expansion in US history. The new ROARING 20s. Trump and his idiot supporters are going to hate everyday of it, because they hate America. Party over country.

This is why we elected Biden, to crush covid and fix the economy. None of this would have happened if Trump won re-election.

USA ! USA! USA ! USA !!!

"I hope he fails"
-Rush Limbaugh...

What a beautiful day it is, hail Biden! I mean it's spring, but Biden's president, it's obviously him
Biden is going to be another economic great, Just like Bill Clinton.

What Biden understands, that Trump and his idiot supporters never understood: You can't have an economic recovery unless you have a covid recovery. Biden has said this many times.

Trump didn't understand this and he never took the appropriate action to contain covid. He never took covid seriously
"This is nothing, it will all disappear" "It's the flu" "We're rounding the curve" "Maybe we could inject bleach"

Right now, we have the Biden stimulus bill that has strong bipartisan support amongst Americans, the Biden infrastructure bill, and the Biden re-opening boom. Add to this the mini-tech revolution, and we have all the pieces in place.

The Biden BOOM could be the biggest economic expansion in US history. The new ROARING 20s. Trump and his idiot supporters are going to hate everyday of it, because they hate America. Party over country.

This is why we elected Biden, to crush covid and fix the economy. None of this would have happened if Trump won re-election.

USA ! USA! USA ! USA !!!

"I hope he fails"
-Rush Limbaugh...

What a beautiful day it is, hail Biden! I mean it's spring, but Biden's president, it's obviously him
Heil Biden.....
Biden is going to be another economic great, Just like Bill Clinton.

What Biden understands, that Trump and his idiot supporters never understood: You can't have an economic recovery unless you have a covid recovery. Biden has said this many times.

Trump didn't understand this and he never took the appropriate action to contain covid. He never took covid seriously
"This is nothing, it will all disappear" "It's the flu" "We're rounding the curve" "Maybe we could inject bleach"

Right now, we have the Biden stimulus bill that has strong bipartisan support amongst Americans, the Biden infrastructure bill, and the Biden re-opening boom. Add to this the mini-tech revolution, and we have all the pieces in place.

The Biden BOOM could be the biggest economic expansion in US history. The new ROARING 20s. Trump and his idiot supporters are going to hate everyday of it, because they hate America. Party over country.

This is why we elected Biden, to crush covid and fix the economy. None of this would have happened if Trump won re-election.

USA ! USA! USA ! USA !!!

"I hope he fails"
-Rush Limbaugh...

The internet and Dot Com explosion made Clinton's economy. He did his best to fuck it up with NAFTA.

Biden's new infrastructure plan will kill manufacturing by raising corporate taxes. Jobs will leave and companies will be rewarded for outsourcing instead of punished. Trump turned that around. Biden, not Biden, his handlers want the Middle class gone and people dependent on government. Just like Obama he wants to lower our standard of living to play piggy bank for countries that hate us.
Communist democrats will lie about it. Just like they are lying now .
Biden is going to be another economic great, Just like Bill Clinton.

What Biden understands, that Trump and his idiot supporters never understood: You can't have an economic recovery unless you have a covid recovery. Biden has said this many times.

Trump didn't understand this and he never took the appropriate action to contain covid. He never took covid seriously
"This is nothing, it will all disappear" "It's the flu" "We're rounding the curve" "Maybe we could inject bleach"

Right now, we have the Biden stimulus bill that has strong bipartisan support amongst Americans, the Biden infrastructure bill, and the Biden re-opening boom. Add to this the mini-tech revolution, and we have all the pieces in place.

The Biden BOOM could be the biggest economic expansion in US history. The new ROARING 20s. Trump and his idiot supporters are going to hate everyday of it, because they hate America. Party over country.

This is why we elected Biden, to crush covid and fix the economy. None of this would have happened if Trump won re-election.

USA ! USA! USA ! USA !!!

"I hope he fails"
-Rush Limbaugh...

The market is not at all time highs..../
The Trumpsters crowed when the market went up before.

Trumpsters have zero (0) credibility on this topic. None. Sad, silly jokes.
The market going up under Trump wasn't as a result of unlimited money printing, you disingenuous tribalist asshole.
There's one now!
Blow it out your ass, fucking fraud.

You are so pissed that Biden is winning.

America is so strong right now because of Biden, and you hate it.

Party over country...
A very enjoyable, hopeful time.
It's so funny, the president changes, and all of a sudden the idiot Trumpers don't like a good stock market and strong manufacturing data...

Trumpers are rooting for America to fail, yet Biden is still winning.

You're being mocked, toad
The complete lack of self-awareness of leftbats strikes again! :lmao:
The Trumpsters crowed when the market went up before.

Trumpsters have zero (0) credibility on this topic. None. Sad, silly jokes.
The market going up under Trump wasn't as a result of unlimited money printing, you disingenuous tribalist asshole.
There's one now!
Blow it out your ass, fucking fraud.

You are so pissed that Biden is winning.

America is so strong right now because of Biden, and you hate it.

Party over country...
A very enjoyable, hopeful time.
It's so funny, the president changes, and all of a sudden the idiot Trumpers don't like a good stock market and strong manufacturing data...

Trumpers are rooting for America to fail, yet Biden is still winning.

LOL If manufacturing is strong its because of Trump. Not your stuttering fuck. He's been in office three months and all he's done so far is add to the debt and fuck up the border letting thousands of illegals in. Many with the Chinese virus.

That's your boy. Enjoy cause no one else will. Dumbass.
yep...the dembots want us to believe that Xiden-Harris economic policies brought back manufactoring that have been coming back since Trump's policies took effect...but they don't want us to believe Xiden-Harris's policies had any impact on the humanitarian crisis on the southern border.
The Trumpsters crowed when the market went up before.

Trumpsters have zero (0) credibility on this topic. None. Sad, silly jokes.
Trumpers ar
The Trumpsters crowed when the market went up before.

Trumpsters have zero (0) credibility on this topic. None. Sad, silly jokes.
Yes it was.

Trump was the king of government debt and money printing.

From day 1 Trump ramped up government spending and deficits to record levels, then the Fed had to resumes QE 4 in 2019... Remember that... I doubt you do.

Trump bankrupted America.
There was no QE or immense "infrastructure" projects with no visible means of financial support from '17 - '21....You're a goddamn moron.

QE 4 (QE lite) in the fall of 2019...

You are a total joke. AND Trump spent $ trillions of borrowed money and raised the deficit to extreme levels before covid.

The money Trump borrowed -an unforced error- was to support current federal spending and bureaucratic bloat, not as a means to prop up Wall Street, you fucking ignorant buffoon.

Trump used tax policy to entice funds sitting offshore on the sidelines into the markets, he didn't just print it up like your stammering stumblefuck Marxist "president" is doing.
You mean to support all his spending bills...

Basically you are delusional and trying to re-write history. Get your facts straight moron:

You'll notice how much effort they're putting into changing the subject and putting you on the defensive.

They crowed about the stock market for Trump, and then deflect when it happens for Biden.

And they think it's not obvious, like a child who thinks they're getting away with a blatant lie.
The Trumpsters crowed when the market went up before.

Trumpsters have zero (0) credibility on this topic. None. Sad, silly jokes.
The market going up under Trump wasn't as a result of unlimited money printing, you disingenuous tribalist asshole.
There's one now!
Blow it out your ass, fucking fraud.

You are so pissed that Biden is winning.

America is so strong right now because of Biden, and you hate it.

Party over country...
A very enjoyable, hopeful time.
It's so funny, the president changes, and all of a sudden the idiot Trumpers don't like a good stock market and strong manufacturing data...

Trumpers are rooting for America to fail, yet Biden is still winning.

LOL If manufacturing is strong its because of Trump. Not your stuttering fuck. He's been in office three months and all he's done so far is add to the debt and fuck up the border letting thousands of illegals in. Many with the Chinese virus.

That's your boy. Enjoy cause no one else will. Dumbass.
yep...the dembots want us to believe that Xiden-Harris economic policies brought back manufactoring that have been coming back since Trump's policies took effect...but they don't want us to believe Xiden-Harris's policies had any impact on the humanitarian crisis on the southern border.
Well now Rachel Madcow has taken over the ratings lead with his big ole Adam's Apple so the propaganda flow is unobstructed to the sheeple.
Biden is going to be another economic great, Just like Bill Clinton.

What Biden understands, that Trump and his idiot supporters never understood: You can't have an economic recovery unless you have a covid recovery. Biden has said this many times.

Trump didn't understand this and he never took the appropriate action to contain covid. He never took covid seriously
"This is nothing, it will all disappear" "It's the flu" "We're rounding the curve" "Maybe we could inject bleach"

Right now, we have the Biden stimulus bill that has strong bipartisan support amongst Americans, the Biden infrastructure bill, and the Biden re-opening boom. Add to this the mini-tech revolution, and we have all the pieces in place.

The Biden BOOM could be the biggest economic expansion in US history. The new ROARING 20s. Trump and his idiot supporters are going to hate everyday of it, because they hate America. Party over country.

This is why we elected Biden, to crush covid and fix the economy. None of this would have happened if Trump won re-election.

USA ! USA! USA ! USA !!!

"I hope he fails"
-Rush Limbaugh...

so youre celebrating the elite getting richer under biden???

why dont you care about middle america getting poorer??

Suddenly a stock market at all time highs and Manufacturing at 37 year highs is bad !!!!


The GOP hates America, they only care about the party.


You dumbass. The market was high when Trump was POTUS. The market goes up then the market goes down. Doesn't matter who is in the WH. Lets see how the market does if the stuttering fucks bills get passed.

You Dem idiots backed that stuttering fuck who is bankrupting the country. What an idiot you are.
Your tears make me happy.

Enjoy the Biden BOOM

Party over country.

Not tears you dumbass. You're to stupid to realize what that stuttering fuck is doing and will do.

Party over country you fucking idiot.
You ought to check your spelling skills before calling others stupid. Are all you nut job right wingers posting from the same beer bar?
Biden is going to be another economic great, Just like Bill Clinton.

What Biden understands, that Trump and his idiot supporters never understood: You can't have an economic recovery unless you have a covid recovery. Biden has said this many times.

Trump didn't understand this and he never took the appropriate action to contain covid. He never took covid seriously
"This is nothing, it will all disappear" "It's the flu" "We're rounding the curve" "Maybe we could inject bleach"

Right now, we have the Biden stimulus bill that has strong bipartisan support amongst Americans, the Biden infrastructure bill, and the Biden re-opening boom. Add to this the mini-tech revolution, and we have all the pieces in place.

The Biden BOOM could be the biggest economic expansion in US history. The new ROARING 20s. Trump and his idiot supporters are going to hate everyday of it, because they hate America. Party over country.

This is why we elected Biden, to crush covid and fix the economy. None of this would have happened if Trump won re-election.

USA ! USA! USA ! USA !!!

"I hope he fails"
-Rush Limbaugh...

so youre celebrating the elite getting richer under biden???

why dont you care about middle america getting poorer??

Suddenly a stock market at all time highs and Manufacturing at 37 year highs is bad !!!!


The GOP hates America, they only care about the party.


You dumbass. The market was high when Trump was POTUS. The market goes up then the market goes down. Doesn't matter who is in the WH. Lets see how the market does if the stuttering fucks bills get passed.

You Dem idiots backed that stuttering fuck who is bankrupting the country. What an idiot you are.
Your tears make me happy.

Enjoy the Biden BOOM

Party over country.

Not tears you dumbass. You're to stupid to realize what that stuttering fuck is doing and will do.

Party over country you fucking idiot.
You ought to check your spelling skills before calling others stupid. Are all you nut job right wingers posting from the same beer bar?
Oooh the uberelitist Dim Spelling Gestapo. Wow what took you so long Commandant??
Biden is going to be another economic great, Just like Bill Clinton.

The economy was at an all-time high in pre-Covid era. Until the Democrats shot it down with their strenuous lockdowns. The Dow under Trump skyrocketed 10,000+ from what was left from the Obama Administration. The unemployment was also at record lows. And even gas at the pump was low. Not at what it is today.
Biden is going to be another economic great, Just like Bill Clinton.

What Biden understands, that Trump and his idiot supporters never understood: You can't have an economic recovery unless you have a covid recovery. Biden has said this many times.

Trump didn't understand this and he never took the appropriate action to contain covid. He never took covid seriously
"This is nothing, it will all disappear" "It's the flu" "We're rounding the curve" "Maybe we could inject bleach"

Right now, we have the Biden stimulus bill that has strong bipartisan support amongst Americans, the Biden infrastructure bill, and the Biden re-opening boom. Add to this the mini-tech revolution, and we have all the pieces in place.

The Biden BOOM could be the biggest economic expansion in US history. The new ROARING 20s. Trump and his idiot supporters are going to hate everyday of it, because they hate America. Party over country.

This is why we elected Biden, to crush covid and fix the economy. None of this would have happened if Trump won re-election.

USA ! USA! USA ! USA !!!

"I hope he fails"
-Rush Limbaugh...

The market is not at all time highs..../
True, but they are close. Especially the S&P500 and Dow...

S&P500 (0.04%)
High: 4012.75
Now: 4011.24

Nasdaq (5.4%)
High: 14,175.12
Now: 13,452.71

Dow (0.3%)
High: 33,259.00
Now: 33,147.63

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