Market at All Time HIGHS, Manufacturing at 37 yr HIGHS, Biden is winning !

Yes, the market did very well under Trump. But so far, even better under Biden. Here's the Dow...

1/20/17 (open) .... 19,795.06
3/31/17 (close) ... 20,663.22

1/20/21 (open) .... 31,017.54
3/31/21 (close) ... 32,981.55

The Dow Jones Industrial Average returned 56% during the Trump presidency, according to LPL. This represents an annualized gain of 11.8%, which is the best performance for any Republican president since Calvin Coolidge during the roaring 1920's.

And since election day and up until inauguration day, President Joe Biden saw the sharpest gain on record in the S&P 500 of 12.8%, according to LPL. This compares to Trump's gain of 6.2%, and the previous record holder of John F. Kennedy and Bill Clinton, when the S&P 500 surged 8.8% between election day and inauguration day.
Biden is going to be another economic great, Just like Bill Clinton.

What Biden understands, that Trump and his idiot supporters never understood: You can't have an economic recovery unless you have a covid recovery. Biden has said this many times.

Trump didn't understand this and he never took the appropriate action to contain covid. He never took covid seriously
"This is nothing, it will all disappear" "It's the flu" "We're rounding the curve" "Maybe we could inject bleach"

Right now, we have the Biden stimulus bill that has strong bipartisan support amongst Americans, the Biden infrastructure bill, and the Biden re-opening boom. Add to this the mini-tech revolution, and we have all the pieces in place.

The Biden BOOM could be the biggest economic expansion in US history. The new ROARING 20s. Trump and his idiot supporters are going to hate everyday of it, because they hate America. Party over country.

This is why we elected Biden, to crush covid and fix the economy. None of this would have happened if Trump won re-election.

USA ! USA! USA ! USA !!!

"I hope he fails"
-Rush Limbaugh...

didnt you forget something...the national debt is a colossal death knell hanging over this broke ass nation...thanks democrats, keep stuffing yourselves with pork
Now the only daily drama is coming from the Trumpsters :laugh:

They really are becoming desperate. Deprogramming from the cult life may be needed. ;)
The more fascism the better.

I suppose :heehee:

And speaking of that...where are you debt complaining libs now?....all that whining over spending under Trump....what a bunch of hypocrites....
For one thing, debt isn't growing as fast under Biden. Debt grew on average per day...

Trump ... 5,341,951,869
Biden ..... 3,439,851,277
Biden is going to be another economic great, Just like Bill Clinton.

What Biden understands, that Trump and his idiot supporters never understood: You can't have an economic recovery unless you have a covid recovery. Biden has said this many times.

Trump didn't understand this and he never took the appropriate action to contain covid. He never took covid seriously
"This is nothing, it will all disappear" "It's the flu" "We're rounding the curve" "Maybe we could inject bleach"

Right now, we have the Biden stimulus bill that has strong bipartisan support amongst Americans, the Biden infrastructure bill, and the Biden re-opening boom. Add to this the mini-tech revolution, and we have all the pieces in place.

The Biden BOOM could be the biggest economic expansion in US history. The new ROARING 20s. Trump and his idiot supporters are going to hate everyday of it, because they hate America. Party over country.

This is why we elected Biden, to crush covid and fix the economy. None of this would have happened if Trump won re-election.

USA ! USA! USA ! USA !!!

"I hope he fails"
-Rush Limbaugh...

funny, now the president is the reason for wall street. what was it when trump took office, oh yeah, he's just not interfering in what obammy did. If my memory serves me correctly.
Watch silver and gold...that will tell you that the dollar is going to be worthless in less than a year.....
Gold is down 7% under Biden and Silver is down 4%.


Gold (-7.4%)
1/20/21: 1,865.90
Now: 1,727.30

Silver (-3.5%)
1/20/21: 25.73
Now: 24.84

You would have known that yourself if only you were capable of doing the math without my help.

Moron you can't pick out a week and say that's the trend...I said watch the precious metals market...not find a stupid daily number....hell the market is going to crash under the weight of all of Joe's debt anyway...
And speaking of that...where are you debt complaining libs now?....all that whining over spending under Trump....what a bunch of hypocrites....

Oh yeah. They bitched about the debt when Trump was POTUS. Biden is adding much more yet you don't hear the hypocrites screaming about the debt.
Well Trump campaigned on eliminating the debt altogether; but then grew the debt at the fastest rate in modern times.
Hard to take credit for all time highs when the guy gave you an all time high market.....
I agree with that. I'm using rightie logic which claimed Trump gave us all time highs despite Obama handing him all time highs.
You dumbass. The market was high when Trump was POTUS. The market goes up then the market goes down. Doesn't matter who is in the WH. Lets see how the market does if the stuttering fucks bills get passed.

You Dem idiots backed that stuttering fuck who is bankrupting the country. What an idiot you are.
Your tears make me happy.

Enjoy the Biden BOOM

Party over country.
Being that you are mentally stunted when it comes to your tribe, economics, and the part played by the Fed in market run ups, you are then fully prepared to own the results of what happens now.
Now the only daily drama is coming from the Trumpsters :laugh:

They really are becoming desperate. Deprogramming from the cult life may be needed. ;)
The more fascism the better.

I suppose :heehee:

name what trump did that was racist for power?

I've got this

Donald Trump has done more for African Americans than we think (
He created jobs for blacks and the lowest unemployment for blacks in history....Dims hated that.
Biden is going to be another economic great, Just like Bill Clinton.

The economy was at an all-time high in pre-Covid era. Until the Democrats shot it down with their strenuous lockdowns. The Dow under Trump skyrocketed 10,000+ from what was left from the Obama Administration. The unemployment was also at record lows. And even gas at the pump was low. Not at what it is today.
Yes, the market did very well under Trump. But so far, even better under Biden. Here's the Dow...

1/20/17 (open) .... 19,795.06
3/31/17 (close) ... 20,663.22

1/20/21 (open) .... 31,017.54
3/31/21 (close) ... 32,981.55
Watch Americas future...Liberal rule does this....

And speaking of that...where are you debt complaining libs now?....all that whining over spending under Trump....what a bunch of hypocrites....
For one thing, debt isn't growing as fast under Biden. Debt grew on average per day...

Trump ... 5,341,951,869
Biden ..... 3,439,851,277

No president added 8 trillion to the national debt in a lousy four years. And they said NOTHING about Dear Leader's tax cut for Paris Hilton that added a couple trillion to the debt even though 86% of it went to the top 1%. Duplicitous motherfuckers!
And speaking of that...where are you debt complaining libs now?....all that whining over spending under Trump....what a bunch of hypocrites....
For one thing, debt isn't growing as fast under Biden. Debt grew on average per day...

Trump ... 5,341,951,869
Biden ..... 3,439,851,277

No president added 8 trillion to the national debt in a lousy four years. And they said NOTHING about Dear Leader's tax cut for Paris Hilton that added a couple trillion to the debt even though 86% of it went to the top 1%. Duplicitous motherfuckers!

How much has the stuttering fuck added and will add if his bills go through??
Most often the Bureau of Labor Statistics releases their monthly report on the first Friday of the month. I haven't check their schedule to see if it will be coming out tomorrow but I'll be holding any applause until I see the report's figures for March.
The craziest phenomena in politics:

GOP presidents have been so bad, so very bad. Bush fucked everything up (wars, katrina, economic collapse) Trump fucked up everything covid and wasted $Trillions on handouts to the ultra wealthy.

Dem presidents have been so much better, Clinton, Obama Biden, none of them had the fuck ups Bush and trump had, plus Clinton had the best economy (Biden will be another Clinton).

Republicans try to act like they care about America, yet their presidents are the ones that fuck everything up.
the GOP is responsible for most of our problems right now.
the Dems have to fix the GOP mess AGAIN...
Bush and Trump were total failures.

Republicans hate America. They hate that Manufacturing, economy, stock market are at highs. We see it in the posts.

PARTY OVER COUNTRY. The GOP hates America.

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