Markets don't like Trump

A Trump win would mean absolute chaos for the markets.

Damn right it would....there's a lot of assholes making a lot of money raping the USA...time to send them a message that the party is over and they'll either clean up their act or face the consequences.
A Trump elections means a major recession.

If he were to try and equalize trade deficits or start a war, it would cost more than anything Hillary could possibly do.

We have seen the cycle repeat itself before. You have someone irresponsibly inflate the socialist bubble economy, and then someone like Donald comes along to pop the bubble. It is what happened with George W. Bush during the recession.

I might not mind seeing the economy wrecked one more time. The challenge would be turning back the tide to make sure the economy works itself out the hard way.
A Trump elections means a major recession.
Yeah, the poor Directors and CEOs might have to sell one or two of their 20 homes.

I watch the renovations they do on "This Old House" and wonder where the money comes from.....hedge-fund managers and commodity traders is usually the impression I get. For being leftist dirtbags, PBS sure does celebrate those who make a fortune playing with other people's money.
Uneducated tools arguing over the economic positions their masters told them to believe in.

What's new?
That's the problem. You think you know things, when you actually don't know shit.

I must come to Viginalante's "defense" here........He is actually an EXPERT regarding shit.......
I must come to Viginalante's "defense" here........He is actually an EXPERT regarding shit.......

If I had a dollar for every "expert" that did not know what the hell they were talking about, I would be a very rich man.
Another freaking Alinsky post? Nobody is more uncertain than Hillary. She can't decide whether she is a Bernie Sanders Socialist or just a radical corporate hating hypocrite who takes millions from Banks for doing nothing but uttering a few words in mystery speeches.
Kind of weird considering everyone's wondering what she said to WS and why they're backing her. Doesn't make sense, if she's a socialist or a radical corporation hater.
Another freaking Alinsky post? Nobody is more uncertain than Hillary. She can't decide whether she is a Bernie Sanders Socialist or just a radical corporate hating hypocrite who takes millions from Banks for doing nothing but uttering a few words in mystery speeches.
Kind of weird considering everyone's wondering what she said to WS and why they're backing her. Doesn't make sense, if she's a socialist or a radical corporation hater.
whitehall is simply a reverse inverse alinskyite.
Capitalism doesn't like uncertainty and Trump is uncertainty with a capital 'U'. When things are uncertain, gold prices go up. When Trump's numbers rise, so does gold. Recently gold prices have been going down, indicating that the markets much prefer a Clinton presidency. Capitalism in action! :2up:

Gold prices sinking. Bad sign for Donald Trump?

I hope you didn't short the market, it's up about 500 points since TRUMP was elected.
I hope you didn't short the market, it's up about 500 points since TRUMP was elected.

Two main reasons for that market up-surge,,,,

1. The relatively peaceful transfer of administrations.....(no tanks on the streets)...and

2. Trump's promises to remove any and all checks and balances from Wall Street bankers and the reintroduction of "too big to fail".....Wall Street can soon gamble to its wicked heart's content and if the gamble does not work, tax payers will bail them out....AGAIN !!!

Capitalism when the going is good.....and Socialism when gambles fail.
The bond market is tanking in expectations of inflation and an explosion of government debt under Trump.
We have been in a massive bond bubble for a while. If interest rates start to rise, that bubble could pop with catastrophic consequences.
It's why i say, don't count the Globalist Elites out. They still have the power. They won't give up on their New World Order. They've been working on creating it for a 100yrs. They're not gonna go quietly.

The Globalist Elites can crash the World Economy if they choose to. They will seek revenge on Trump. They could crash it, and then blame it all on him. It wouldn't surprise me. They want revenge, and they do have the means to carry it out. Trump is in serious danger. Make no mistake about that.
Trump won? The markets didn't crash?


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