Marriage Beliefs: Honesty, can't we ADMIT we have political differences in bias and beliefs???

Yet... Marriage is the Joining of One Man and One Woman...

And one man and one man. And one woman an one woman.

Get used to the idea.
This a function of the human physiological design, wherein the species is designed with two distinct but complimenting genders... of which Marriage is the essential component, OKA: The Nucleus of Human CIVILIZATION.

That's fucking. Not marriage. You keep getting them confused.

Remember, marriage is our invention. It is whatever we say it is. And we overwhelmingly say it includes one man and one man or one woman and one woman. That you disagree is gloriously irrelevant. As we don't use your subjective opinion as the basis of our laws.
Keyes, I don't consider your beliefs to have much validity.

So what? No Relativist has the means to discern truth and absent that means, you have no means to discern the logical construct which serves truth; OKA: Validity.

As you've been repeatedly instructed:

Relativism is the doctrine which holds that knowledge, truth, and morality exist only in relation to one's cultural, societal, historical and personal context, and, as such can never be the result of soundly reasoned absolutes.

It is through this, perversion of reason, wherein relativism axiomatically rejects the objectivity that is essential to truth.

And with truth being essential to trust and, both of those being critical to the establishment of a soundly reasoned morality, and because a soundly reasoned morality is essential to Justice... it becomes clear to reasonable people, that Relativism can never serve justice.

See how that works?
Yet... Marriage is the Joining of One Man and One Woman...

And one man and one man.

Nonsense... Marriage is the Joining of One Man and One Woman.

This as a consequence of the natural physiological design of the human species. Wherein nature has provided two distinct, but complimenting genders... . Marriage is an extension of that design and as a consequence is the essential core, OKA: THE NUCLEUS OF CIVILIZATION.
Keyes, I don't consider your beliefs to have much validity.

So what?

So you offering me your personal opinion doesn't amount to much. As your basis of perception is confirmation bias. Which is a hopelessly unreliable method of viewing the world. As you ignore anything that doesn't ape what you already believe.

So......why would I give a shit what you believe?

See how that works?

Yeah, but you're a relativist. So by your own standards, I shouldn't take anything you have to say seriously.

You're really not making a very good case for me giving a shit about your personal opinion.
Yet... Marriage is the Joining of One Man and One Woman...

And one man and one man.

Nonsense... Marriage is the Joining of One Man and One Woman.

This as a consequence of the natural physiological design of the human species. Wherein nature has provided two distinct, but complimenting genders... . Marriage is an extension of that design and as a consequence is the essential core, OKA: THE NUCLEUS OF CIVILIZATION.
This moron must think the stork brings gay kids.

Hey Keys, another faggot for ya.
Yet... Marriage is the Joining of One Man and One Woman...

And one man and one man.

Nonsense... Marriage is the Joining of One Man and One Woman.

Says you. Citing you. And you're nobody. Meanwhile, gays and lesbians are getting married hundreds of times a day. And their marriages are just as valid as those of straights.

Remember Keyes.....your spectacularly irrelevant to anyone's marriage.

This as a consequence of the natural physiological design of the human species. Wherein nature has provided two distinct, but complimenting genders... . Marriage is an extension of that design and as a consequence is the essential core, OKA: THE NUCLEUS OF CIVILIZATION.

Again, that's fucking. Not marriage. You may not be able to tell them apart. A rational person could.
Says you. Citing you...

Says Nature, citing the human physiological design and the 20,000 years of Human History wherein that design has been witnessed by billions upon billions of human beings... including YOU!

Yet there ya are denying the irrefutable... .

Which is pretty much all the Reader needs to know, TO know that you're counsel is unworthy of their trust.

And to be honest, THAT'S all I was really going for. And I want ya to know that I couldn't have done it, without YOU! And don'cha think I don't appreciate it.

It's clear to me and I am sure to the Reader as well, that you're doin' the very BEST you can.

So when I say that Marriage is the Joining of One Man and One Woman, I am merely noting the scientific facts regarding human physiology and the human behavior which merely extends from the natural, sustainable design of the human species.

When YOU say what you say,... you merely advance your own personal NEEDS.

But in your defense, such is the nature of Relativism; which is to say: EVIL.

See how that works?
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I believe in equality.

Unless you disagree with them, then BAKE THAT DAMN CAKE

Public Accommodation laws...serving customers despite their "deeply held religious beliefs" since 1964.

Comparing the gross injustices of separate economic systems enforced by law during Jim Crow, and a couple having to spend 1/2 an hour finding another, equivalent baker is comical to say the least.
What you might find 'comical' has no bearing on the fact that public accommodations laws are just, proper, and Constitutional regulatory measures, as authorized by the Commerce Clause, where these fundamental principles that prohibit discrimination in public accommodations based on race are being consistently, lawfully, and appropriately applied to prohibit discrimination in public accommodations based on sexual orientation as well.
Says you. Citing you...

Says Nature, citing the human physiological design and the 20,000 years of Human History wherein that design has been witnessed by billions upon billions of human beings... including YOU!

That's fucking, not marriage. You keep getting them confused.

Again, marraige is what we say it is. And marriage across antiquity frequently included MULTIPLE women and one man. But as you are so eager to do, you ignore history when it doesn't support your argument. Demonstrating yet again that history isn't your source. Just as nature isn't your source.

You are your source. And you're nobody.

Yet there ya are denying the irrefutable... .

I'm just disagreeing with you. And you're far from irrefutable. You're just another relativist. Only you insist that your personal opinion is objective truth.

Which is more than a little silly.
I believe in equality.

Unless you disagree with them, then BAKE THAT DAMN CAKE

Public Accommodation laws...serving customers despite their "deeply held religious beliefs" since 1964.

Comparing the gross injustices of separate economic systems enforced by law during Jim Crow, and a couple having to spend 1/2 an hour finding another, equivalent baker is comical to say the least.
What you might find 'comical' has no bearing on the fact that public accommodations laws are just, proper, and Constitutional regulatory measures, as authorized by the Commerce Clause, where these fundamental principles that prohibit discrimination in public accommodations based on race are being consistently, lawfully, and appropriately applied to prohibit discrimination in public accommodations based on sexual orientation as well.

Public Accommodation Laws do NOT serve to defend, support or otherwise PROMOTE DEVIANT BEHAVIOR.

And that IS what we're talking about here... BEHAVIOR. NOT a genetic component relevant to a half or third gender... it is BEHAVIOR.

So stuff you illicit 'interpretation' of Public Accommodation Laws and the same for those of the Judiciary which 'finds' as you find.

You're going to come to find; and I expect sooner rather than later, that the downside to Relativism is that it undermines the means for people to find justice. And when people can't find justice through the judiciary, they get it themselves.

Now you panty-waists are hardly in a position to push people around. And I Know that you 'feel you are, because you feel you have "THE LAW" on your side.

But you're a teeny tiny little minority... right?

And I'm sure you'll agree that blacks are a teeny tiny little minority... although in defense of the blacks, they represent a minority which represents an order of magnitude greater composition then you idiots.

Turn the channel over to MSNBC... and look at what the teeny tiny little minority is doing in Baltimore. LOOK AT HOW BIG THEY ARE!

Now, over the next few days, you're going to see the majority come down on them like a brick through a glass pane... (Pun intended). And you're goin' to see that minority scatter like cockroaches.

Now IMAGINE... if instead of that minority busting up Whiteyville... that it's THE MAJORITY that's marching through BROWNTOWN burning it down and killing everything that runs out of the burning hovel.

Now here's the coolest part... WHOS COMING TO SAVE BROWN TOWN WHEN ITS THE MAJORITY? The Homosexuals? (Order of Magnitude... remember that lesson? ... So probably not, huh?)

Don't poke the bear Fester. Understand?
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I believe in equality.

Unless you disagree with them, then BAKE THAT DAMN CAKE

Public Accommodation laws...serving customers despite their "deeply held religious beliefs" since 1964.

Comparing the gross injustices of separate economic systems enforced by law during Jim Crow, and a couple having to spend 1/2 an hour finding another, equivalent baker is comical to say the least.
What you might find 'comical' has no bearing on the fact that public accommodations laws are just, proper, and Constitutional regulatory measures, as authorized by the Commerce Clause, where these fundamental principles that prohibit discrimination in public accommodations based on race are being consistently, lawfully, and appropriately applied to prohibit discrimination in public accommodations based on sexual orientation as well.

Public Accommodation Laws do NOT serve to defend, support or otherwise PROMOTE DEVIANT BEHAVIOR.

And that IS what we're talking about here... BEHAVIOR. NOT a genetic component relevant to a half or third gender... it is BEHAVIOR.

So stuff you illicit 'interpretation' of Public Accommodation Laws and the same for those of the Judiciary which 'finds' as you find.

You're going to come to find; and I expect sooner rather than later, that the downside to Relativism is that it undermines the means for people to find justice. And when people can't find justice through the judiciary, they get it themselves.

Now you panty-waists are hardly in a position to push people around. And I Know that you 'feel you are, because you feel you have "THE LAW" on your side.

But you're a teeny tiny little minority... right?

And I'm sure you'll agree that blacks are a teeny tiny little minority... although in defense of the blacks, they represent a minority which represents an order of magnitude greater composition then you idiots.

Turn the channel over to MSNBC... and look at what the teeny tiny little minority is doing in Baltimore. LOOK AT HOW BIG THEY ARE!

Now, over the next few days, you're going to see the majority come down on them like a brick through a glass pane... (Pun intended). And you're goin' to see that minority scatter like cockroaches.

Now IMAGINE... if instead of that minority busting up Whiteyville... that it's THE MAJORITY that's marching through BROWNTOWN burning it down and killing everything that runs out of the burning hovel.

Now here's the coolest part... WHOS COMING TO SAVE BROWN TOWN WHEN ITS THE MAJORITY? The Homosexuals? (Order of Magnitude... remember that lesson? ... So probably not, huh?)

Don't poke the bear Fester. Understand?
Your dreams of burning the faggots at the stake are just that, my little Christian. You are much more likely of finding your feet overly warm than they are...
Again, marraige is what we say it is.

So the problem is YOU!


Don't you worry about it scamp. Nature has always worked this little problem out. And that has ALWAYS resulted in you idiots being hunted down and killed and the subsequent issues being buried in the closet... hard to say how many times its happened, but that's how it ALWAYS seems to be handled.

Personally... I'd be fine with you idiots just shutting the fuck up and living our your lives just like everyone else.

But apparently, you're not able to handle that... so fuck it. We'll do it your way.
Again, marraige is what we say it is.

So the problem is YOU!


Don't you worry about it scamp. Nature has always worked this little problem out. And that has ALWAYS resulted in you idiots being hunted down and killed and the subsequent issues being buried in the closet... hard to say how many times its happened, but that's how it ALWAYS seems to be handled.

Personally... I'd be fine with you idiots just shutting the fuck up and living our your lives just like everyone else.

But apparently, you're not able to handle that... so fuck it. We'll do it your way.
Two can play at that game, little Christian.
I believe in equality.

Unless you disagree with them, then BAKE THAT DAMN CAKE

Public Accommodation laws...serving customers despite their "deeply held religious beliefs" since 1964.

Comparing the gross injustices of separate economic systems enforced by law during Jim Crow, and a couple having to spend 1/2 an hour finding another, equivalent baker is comical to say the least.
What you might find 'comical' has no bearing on the fact that public accommodations laws are just, proper, and Constitutional regulatory measures, as authorized by the Commerce Clause, where these fundamental principles that prohibit discrimination in public accommodations based on race are being consistently, lawfully, and appropriately applied to prohibit discrimination in public accommodations based on sexual orientation as well.
Why should the left have to tolerate the arbitrary and capricious nature of the Right regarding any laws?
I believe in equality.

Unless you disagree with them, then BAKE THAT DAMN CAKE

Public Accommodation laws...serving customers despite their "deeply held religious beliefs" since 1964.

Comparing the gross injustices of separate economic systems enforced by law during Jim Crow, and a couple having to spend 1/2 an hour finding another, equivalent baker is comical to say the least.
What you might find 'comical' has no bearing on the fact that public accommodations laws are just, proper, and Constitutional regulatory measures, as authorized by the Commerce Clause, where these fundamental principles that prohibit discrimination in public accommodations based on race are being consistently, lawfully, and appropriately applied to prohibit discrimination in public accommodations based on sexual orientation as well.

Public Accommodation Laws do NOT serve to defend, support or otherwise PROMOTE DEVIANT BEHAVIOR.

And that IS what we're talking about here... BEHAVIOR. NOT a genetic component relevant to a half or third gender... it is BEHAVIOR.

So stuff you illicit 'interpretation' of Public Accommodation Laws and the same for those of the Judiciary which 'finds' as you find.

You're going to come to find; and I expect sooner rather than later, that the downside to Relativism is that it undermines the means for people to find justice. And when people can't find justice through the judiciary, they get it themselves.

Now you panty-waists are hardly in a position to push people around. And I Know that you 'feel you are, because you feel you have "THE LAW" on your side.

But you're a teeny tiny little minority... right?

And I'm sure you'll agree that blacks are a teeny tiny little minority... although in defense of the blacks, they represent a minority which represents an order of magnitude greater composition then you idiots.

Turn the channel over to MSNBC... and look at what the teeny tiny little minority is doing in Baltimore. LOOK AT HOW BIG THEY ARE!

Now, over the next few days, you're going to see the majority come down on them like a brick through a glass pane... (Pun intended). And you're goin' to see that minority scatter like cockroaches.

Now IMAGINE... if instead of that minority busting up Whiteyville... that it's THE MAJORITY that's marching through BROWNTOWN burning it down and killing everything that runs out of the burning hovel.

Now here's the coolest part... WHOS COMING TO SAVE BROWN TOWN WHEN ITS THE MAJORITY? The Homosexuals? (Order of Magnitude... remember that lesson? ... So probably not, huh?)

Don't poke the bear Fester. Understand?
Where do you come up with your Standards for "deviancy"? Should we apply a Standard of Review of JOB 34:30?
Unless you disagree with them, then BAKE THAT DAMN CAKE

Public Accommodation laws...serving customers despite their "deeply held religious beliefs" since 1964.

Comparing the gross injustices of separate economic systems enforced by law during Jim Crow, and a couple having to spend 1/2 an hour finding another, equivalent baker is comical to say the least.
What you might find 'comical' has no bearing on the fact that public accommodations laws are just, proper, and Constitutional regulatory measures, as authorized by the Commerce Clause, where these fundamental principles that prohibit discrimination in public accommodations based on race are being consistently, lawfully, and appropriately applied to prohibit discrimination in public accommodations based on sexual orientation as well.

Public Accommodation Laws do NOT serve to defend, support or otherwise PROMOTE DEVIANT BEHAVIOR.

And that IS what we're talking about here... BEHAVIOR. NOT a genetic component relevant to a half or third gender... it is BEHAVIOR.

So stuff you illicit 'interpretation' of Public Accommodation Laws and the same for those of the Judiciary which 'finds' as you find.

You're going to come to find; and I expect sooner rather than later, that the downside to Relativism is that it undermines the means for people to find justice. And when people can't find justice through the judiciary, they get it themselves.

Now you panty-waists are hardly in a position to push people around. And I Know that you 'feel you are, because you feel you have "THE LAW" on your side.

But you're a teeny tiny little minority... right?

And I'm sure you'll agree that blacks are a teeny tiny little minority... although in defense of the blacks, they represent a minority which represents an order of magnitude greater composition then you idiots.

Turn the channel over to MSNBC... and look at what the teeny tiny little minority is doing in Baltimore. LOOK AT HOW BIG THEY ARE!

Now, over the next few days, you're going to see the majority come down on them like a brick through a glass pane... (Pun intended). And you're goin' to see that minority scatter like cockroaches.

Now IMAGINE... if instead of that minority busting up Whiteyville... that it's THE MAJORITY that's marching through BROWNTOWN burning it down and killing everything that runs out of the burning hovel.

Now here's the coolest part... WHOS COMING TO SAVE BROWN TOWN WHEN ITS THE MAJORITY? The Homosexuals? (Order of Magnitude... remember that lesson? ... So probably not, huh?)

Don't poke the bear Fester. Understand?
Your dreams of burning the faggots at the stake are just that, my little Christian. You are much more likely of finding your feet overly warm than they are...

This is the poor soul who told us how he supports the coming civil war shipping the Negro back to their homeland. So consider the source.
I believe in equality.

Unless you disagree with them, then BAKE THAT DAMN CAKE

Public Accommodation laws...serving customers despite their "deeply held religious beliefs" since 1964.

Comparing the gross injustices of separate economic systems enforced by law during Jim Crow, and a couple having to spend 1/2 an hour finding another, equivalent baker is comical to say the least.

Not realizing that at their core- discrimination is still discrimination- and can always be justified as 'a matter of faith' is even more comical.

We all discriminate. What your side is doing is criminalizing discrimination that has minimal economic impact, soley on the point of someone's feeewings being hurt.

Society can survive a lesbian couple having to spend another 1/2 hour finding an equivalent baker. I doubt we can keep going on punishing people for their beliefs when their beliefs do not have a macro scale economic impact.
Unless you disagree with them, then BAKE THAT DAMN CAKE

Public Accommodation laws...serving customers despite their "deeply held religious beliefs" since 1964.

Comparing the gross injustices of separate economic systems enforced by law during Jim Crow, and a couple having to spend 1/2 an hour finding another, equivalent baker is comical to say the least.

You do know that race is not the only thing listed in Title II of the CRA, right?

You do know that the Civil Rights act included a lot of overreach, right?

Not according to current rulings.

You're free to challenge this "overreach"... So far, PA laws have withstood the challenges.

So far. Americans in general don't like bullies, and right now your side is the bully.
Unless you disagree with them, then BAKE THAT DAMN CAKE

Public Accommodation laws...serving customers despite their "deeply held religious beliefs" since 1964.

Comparing the gross injustices of separate economic systems enforced by law during Jim Crow, and a couple having to spend 1/2 an hour finding another, equivalent baker is comical to say the least.

You do know that race is not the only thing listed in Title II of the CRA, right?

You do know that the Civil Rights act included a lot of overreach, right?
Ah...there it is.

There what is? The CRA had to lay the smackdown on the south because of the pervasive level of GOVERNMENT mandated discrimination for a sizable portion of the population. Applying it to non essential businesses in these cases is overreach, and wwas never the intent of the writers of the bill.

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