Marriage clerk targeted by gays revolts

As much as I despise those with chimply qualities, like you, saintmike, as an example, you are one of us, for better or worse, so we have to defend you despite yourself.
This county clerk is like the sole standing Spartan of the original 300 blocking the invasion of perverts forcing their morality on the rest of us.

Or the opposite, stopping people getting Human Rights and stopping the US Constitution from being practiced.
No gays had human rights violations. We all can't get what we want. I want all your money, but the law prevents me. Dig?

That's a false equivalency. You can't 'have someone else's money' because that would be unlawful to just take it, no matter how much you want to.

The 'ban' on same sex marriage has been decided & declared unlawful. So as American citizens, they are being denied their civil rights under the 14th Amendment.

Amendment XIV
Section 1.

All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside. No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.
14th Amendment | Constitution | US Law | LII / Legal Information Institute

Under that denial, in some states gays cannot make legal, medical, & financial decisions along with or for their partner. Nor can they file taxes together. Nor can they have access to a sick or dying partner if that partner's family says otherwise. Nor can they have the right to refuse to testify against their partner in a court of law. In some states, they cannot 'adopt' their partner's child, even if that child is also biologically theirs.
Homo marriage violates the doctrine of original intent. Gays are allowed to marry as straights are allowed -- to the opposite sex. It has been since our founding as everyone knows damn well. No gay is discriminated against. You liberals can use that amendment to justify fathers marrying their daughters. Pediphiles to have sex with babies. You marrying your goat. Laugh all you want but this decision has opened up a slippery slope that a majority of decent Americans find disturbing. We won't be silenced! We'll show you for who you really are until enough people finally wake up to this perverted agenda hell bent to destroy our society and put a stop to it.

Our founding fathers not only thought that blacks were only 3/5 of a person - they owned them as property. Sometimes, they were just plain wrong, however much you want to spew your hatred... the times they are a changin'.


I've never understood the idea that the founding fathers were beyond reproach in the creation of the Constitution. The document was a deeply flawed compromise born on the necessity that motivated its creation. It had huge problems, but was the best they could do at the time.

We've improved upon their work.
Wednesday, September 2, 2015
PA Amish County Clerk Refuses to Issue Driver's Licenses, Tabs

'Drive These,' Insists Stubborn County Clerk
Exclusive by Hans N. Reins
9.2.2015 - Amish Country, PA

Renegade County Clerk, Adolph King, has a new policy. Based on his Amish heritage, which stresses simplicity and avoidance of relying on technology, he is refusing to issue driver's licenses and vehicle tags to local residents. Local outcry has been fierce and immediate.

I've never understood the idea that the founding fathers were beyond reproach in the creation of the Constitution. The document was a deeply flawed compromise born on the necessity that motivated its creation. It had huge problems, but was the best they could do at the time.

We've improved upon their work.

The far right wants to return to an America were everyone does not enjoy the same liberties and potentials for success.

They need to be forced to understand we are moving forward and they are coming along. They can neither compel nor standardize the past as the never changing the model for American life.
She is also refusing to issue marriage licences to straight couples as well. Don't be shocked when she is held in contempt of court.
And? She is doing it right.

She isn't doing her job. Again, don't be shocked when she is likely held in contempt.
Homos don't have the authority or the right to order particular people to marry them. Sorry. Find a homo clerk.

No one is asking Kim Davis to marry them. Issuing marriage licenses to qualified applicants is not the same thing as marrying them. The applicants take their licenses and go elsewhere for the ceremony.
That really is irrelevant as well though.

Even if they were being married by her she would STILL be required to perform her duties because she is a GOVERNMNT representative.

These same people would flip the fuck out if she was a die hard Muslim that refused to issue licenses to Christians because they were infidels. You have religious freedom but THE GOVERNMNT does not have the power to enforce religious tenants and therefore those acting on the governments behalf do no get to enforce their religious tenants in the execution of their official duties.

There is a clear difference in official governmental duties and other private/public integrations. You cannot have religious freedom AND allow government officials to enforce religious edict. The two concepts are not possible.

And that's the rub. The freedom to practice your religion is NOT the power to force people follow your religion using government authority. Your comments center on the exact issue: that she's a government employee exercising government power. She doesn't get to say who has access to the law. The law does.

She's exceeded her authority. It is not her role to set religious tests of her own for the public's use of government services.
The clerk does not realize that she cannot use her religious beliefs in the public forum to force others to live as she believes.

Her four divorces make her an unenviable role model for Christianity.
I guess I'm looking at this going... If you're a Christian Doctor, you don't become an abortionist.

Retire if it's "against your religion" to do the job.
I don't agree with her.... But these folks can go to another county and get a license. She just feels she's going to hell if she gives them the right to do what she feels is a sin.
I guess I'm looking at this going... If you're a Christian Doctor, you don't become an abortionist.

Retire if it's "against your religion" to do the job.
I don't agree with her.... But these folks can go to another county and get a license. She just feels she's going to hell if she gives them the right to do what she feels is a sin.

They pay her salary as taxpayers in that county where they live.

You'd be okay with your wife having to go to another DMV office because the Muslim supervisor ordered his office to stop issuing to women?
Or the opposite, stopping people getting Human Rights and stopping the US Constitution from being practiced.
No gays had human rights violations. We all can't get what we want. I want all your money, but the law prevents me. Dig?

That's a false equivalency. You can't 'have someone else's money' because that would be unlawful to just take it, no matter how much you want to.

The 'ban' on same sex marriage has been decided & declared unlawful. So as American citizens, they are being denied their civil rights under the 14th Amendment.

Amendment XIV
Section 1.

All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside. No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.
14th Amendment | Constitution | US Law | LII / Legal Information Institute

Under that denial, in some states gays cannot make legal, medical, & financial decisions along with or for their partner. Nor can they file taxes together. Nor can they have access to a sick or dying partner if that partner's family says otherwise. Nor can they have the right to refuse to testify against their partner in a court of law. In some states, they cannot 'adopt' their partner's child, even if that child is also biologically theirs.
Homo marriage violates the doctrine of original intent. Gays are allowed to marry as straights are allowed -- to the opposite sex. It has been since our founding as everyone knows damn well. No gay is discriminated against. You liberals can use that amendment to justify fathers marrying their daughters. Pediphiles to have sex with babies. You marrying your goat. Laugh all you want but this decision has opened up a slippery slope that a majority of decent Americans find disturbing. We won't be silenced! We'll show you for who you really are until enough people finally wake up to this perverted agenda hell bent to destroy our society and put a stop to it.

Our founding fathers not only thought that blacks were only 3/5 of a person - they owned them as property. Sometimes, they were just plain wrong, however much you want to spew your hatred... the times they are a changin'.


I've never understood the idea that the founding fathers were beyond reproach in the creation of the Constitution. The document was a deeply flawed compromise born on the necessity that motivated its creation. It had huge problems, but was the best they could do at the time.

We've improved upon their work.
They should be ashamed of themselves. Because they kicked the can down the road on slavery because of political expedience, the fledgling nation they created almost ripped itself apart and killed hundreds of thousands. A document that didn't extend freedom to all people is deeply flawed.
I guess I'm looking at this going... If you're a Christian Doctor, you don't become an abortionist.

Retire if it's "against your religion" to do the job.
I don't agree with her.... But these folks can go to another county and get a license. She just feels she's going to hell if she gives them the right to do what she feels is a sin.

Why should they have to? As taxpayers, they pay for those services

The clerk can chooses between her religious convictions and her job
I guess I'm looking at this going... If you're a Christian Doctor, you don't become an abortionist.

Retire if it's "against your religion" to do the job.
I don't agree with her.... But these folks can go to another county and get a license. She just feels she's going to hell if she gives them the right to do what she feels is a sin.
I can certainly respect that sentiment. Resignation would be reasonable. Perhaps taking her name off of the certificates and allowing someone else in her office to issue them

But I've heard her rants. There's an awful lot of politics in her position as well. I suspect that a portion of this is grandstanding for attention.
I guess I'm looking at this going... If you're a Christian Doctor, you don't become an abortionist.

Retire if it's "against your religion" to do the job.
I don't agree with her.... But these folks can go to another county and get a license. She just feels she's going to hell if she gives them the right to do what she feels is a sin.

They pay her salary as taxpayers in that county where they live.

You'd be okay with your wife having to go to another DMV office because the Muslim supervisor ordered his office to stop issuing to women?
Actually that would be funny.
No gays had human rights violations. We all can't get what we want. I want all your money, but the law prevents me. Dig?

That's a false equivalency. You can't 'have someone else's money' because that would be unlawful to just take it, no matter how much you want to.

The 'ban' on same sex marriage has been decided & declared unlawful. So as American citizens, they are being denied their civil rights under the 14th Amendment.

Amendment XIV
Section 1.

All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside. No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.
14th Amendment | Constitution | US Law | LII / Legal Information Institute

Under that denial, in some states gays cannot make legal, medical, & financial decisions along with or for their partner. Nor can they file taxes together. Nor can they have access to a sick or dying partner if that partner's family says otherwise. Nor can they have the right to refuse to testify against their partner in a court of law. In some states, they cannot 'adopt' their partner's child, even if that child is also biologically theirs.
Homo marriage violates the doctrine of original intent. Gays are allowed to marry as straights are allowed -- to the opposite sex. It has been since our founding as everyone knows damn well. No gay is discriminated against. You liberals can use that amendment to justify fathers marrying their daughters. Pediphiles to have sex with babies. You marrying your goat. Laugh all you want but this decision has opened up a slippery slope that a majority of decent Americans find disturbing. We won't be silenced! We'll show you for who you really are until enough people finally wake up to this perverted agenda hell bent to destroy our society and put a stop to it.

Our founding fathers not only thought that blacks were only 3/5 of a person - they owned them as property. Sometimes, they were just plain wrong, however much you want to spew your hatred... the times they are a changin'.


I've never understood the idea that the founding fathers were beyond reproach in the creation of the Constitution. The document was a deeply flawed compromise born on the necessity that motivated its creation. It had huge problems, but was the best they could do at the time.

We've improved upon their work.
They should be ashamed of themselves. Because they kicked the can down the road on slavery because of political expedience, the fledgling nation they created almost ripped itself apart and killed hundreds of thousands. A document that didn't extend freedom to all people is deeply flawed.

I think they did what they could. Remember, the viability of the US as a nation was very much in doubt at the time. With the British more than happy to exploit any perceived weakness to take back the territory they lost in the revolutionary war. There were issues of rebellions, riots, and inter state bickering that were genuinely threatening our nation's existence. Many of the founding fathers expected the American experiment to collapse in their lifetimes.

Faced with these realities, I can understand why they focused on practical issues rather than more ideological ones.
I guess I'm looking at this going... If you're a Christian Doctor, you don't become an abortionist.

Retire if it's "against your religion" to do the job.
I don't agree with her.... But these folks can go to another county and get a license. She just feels she's going to hell if she gives them the right to do what she feels is a sin.
I can certainly respect that sentiment. Resignation would be reasonable. Perhaps taking her name off of the certificates and allowing someone else in her office to issue them

But I've heard her rants. There's an awful lot of politics in her position as well. I suspect that a portion of this is grandstanding for attention.

A portion?!? She's being egged on by the liberty council.
I guess I'm looking at this going... If you're a Christian Doctor, you don't become an abortionist.

Retire if it's "against your religion" to do the job.
I don't agree with her.... But these folks can go to another county and get a license. She just feels she's going to hell if she gives them the right to do what she feels is a sin.
I can certainly respect that sentiment. Resignation would be reasonable. Perhaps taking her name off of the certificates and allowing someone else in her office to issue them

But I've heard her rants. There's an awful lot of politics in her position as well. I suspect that a portion of this is grandstanding for attention.

A portion?!? She's being egged on by the liberty council.

A portion. Some of her rhetoric is religious. Some of it poltical. With her decrying issues of State sovereignty and Federal power. Which kinda takes the shine off the 'God's Authority' angle.
I guess I'm looking at this going... If you're a Christian Doctor, you don't become an abortionist.

Retire if it's "against your religion" to do the job.
I don't agree with her.... But these folks can go to another county and get a license. She just feels she's going to hell if she gives them the right to do what she feels is a sin.

that isn't how the law works. what if she refused to give you a gun license because she's morally opposed?

i'm pretty sure you'd be in meltdown.

the court told her to do her job. that's it. end of story.
I guess I'm looking at this going... If you're a Christian Doctor, you don't become an abortionist.

Retire if it's "against your religion" to do the job.
I don't agree with her.... But these folks can go to another county and get a license. She just feels she's going to hell if she gives them the right to do what she feels is a sin.
I can certainly respect that sentiment. Resignation would be reasonable. Perhaps taking her name off of the certificates and allowing someone else in her office to issue them

But I've heard her rants. There's an awful lot of politics in her position as well. I suspect that a portion of this is grandstanding for attention.

A portion?!? She's being egged on by the liberty council.


and then they'll raise a ton of money for the witch. and she'll live off of this for the rest of her life because rightwngnut wackos will support her.

I find it amusing that someone married 4 times is whining about the santity of marriage.

jesus would hate her.
I guess I'm looking at this going... If you're a Christian Doctor, you don't become an abortionist.

Retire if it's "against your religion" to do the job.
I don't agree with her.... But these folks can go to another county and get a license. She just feels she's going to hell if she gives them the right to do what she feels is a sin.

They pay her salary as taxpayers in that county where they live.

You'd be okay with your wife having to go to another DMV office because the Muslim supervisor ordered his office to stop issuing to women?
No skin off of my nuts.....

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