Marriage clerk targeted by gays revolts

“It’s a war on Christianity,” he said. “There is a travesty taking place with that Supreme Court ruling was completely unconstitutional, completely unconstitutional. They have no right to tell us, the state of Kentucky, that our law that was voted with what was 70 percent of the people that it was wrong, they had no right.”

An emotional Davis went on to claim that he may lose his life in defiance of marriage equality: “Our law says ‘one man and one woman’ and that is what I held my hand up and took an oath to and that is what I expected. If it takes it, I will go to jail over — if it takes my life, I will die for because I believe I owe that to the people that fought so I can have the freedom that I have, I owe that to them today, and you do, we all do. They fought and died so we could have this freedom and I’m going to fight and die for my kids and your kids can keep it.”

Kentucky Clerk Says He May Die Fighting Gay Marriage

Oh, the humanity!

Patrick Henry: "Give me liberty or give me death."

County Clerk: "Give me liberty or give me death, but don't give liberty to homosexual people because that is completely unconstitutional."
“It’s a war on Christianity,” he said. “There is a travesty taking place with that Supreme Court ruling was completely unconstitutional, completely unconstitutional. They have no right to tell us, the state of Kentucky, that our law that was voted with what was 70 percent of the people that it was wrong, they had no right.”

An emotional Davis went on to claim that he may lose his life in defiance of marriage equality: “Our law says ‘one man and one woman’ and that is what I held my hand up and took an oath to and that is what I expected. If it takes it, I will go to jail over — if it takes my life, I will die for because I believe I owe that to the people that fought so I can have the freedom that I have, I owe that to them today, and you do, we all do. They fought and died so we could have this freedom and I’m going to fight and die for my kids and your kids can keep it.”

Kentucky Clerk Says He May Die Fighting Gay Marriage

Oh, the humanity!

Can someone get that sobbing hick a fainting couch? He's clearly got 'the vapors'.
If your religion is more important than your job......quit

If she were Muslim, could she insist on Sharia laws?
This is why civil servants aren't supposed to be political operatives. She needs to pull up her big-girl pants and do her job.
“It’s a war on Christianity,” he said. “There is a travesty taking place with that Supreme Court ruling was completely unconstitutional, completely unconstitutional. They have no right to tell us, the state of Kentucky, that our law that was voted with what was 70 percent of the people that it was wrong, they had no right.”


This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land; and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby, any Thing in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary notwithstanding. US Cont., Article VI

And there is no 'war on Christianity,' the notion is a ridiculous lie from the right.
This is why civil servants aren't supposed to be political operatives. She needs to pull up her big-girl pants and do her job.

Or step down. You can have religious convictions. You can't use the State to force unwilling people to practice your religion.
More conservative whine...

I'm not allowed to hate fags at work so I'm going to sue
Why? EVERY other county in Ky was giving the licenses out the queer can go there.
Absolutely no reason they need to. That **** can either do her fucking job or she can go clean toilets at her church for a living. Fire that bitch.
Not gonna happen. Faggots aren't the deciders of what gets done in this country. Learn to do like everyone else does and compromise and go elsewhere or waste the courts time...I hope it blows up in the governors face for picking and choosing what laws he will enforce.
There is no compromise required here. She either does her fucking job or her ass is on the street. Her choice.
So she wants to break the law but have the Governor of KY pay for her damages when she does so? Grab an umbrella b/c it is raining personal responsibility up in here. Don't be shocked when this case gets laughed out of court.
Governor either must make everyone enforce the law or no one enforce law. His own AG refused to enforce law but he expects all clerk of courts to enforce it.
Why? EVERY other county in Ky was giving the licenses out the queer can go there.
Absolutely no reason they need to. That **** can either do her fucking job or she can go clean toilets at her church for a living. Fire that bitch.
Not gonna happen. Faggots aren't the deciders of what gets done in this country. Learn to do like everyone else does and compromise and go elsewhere or waste the courts time...I hope it blows up in the governors face for picking and choosing what laws he will enforce.

So, if they refused to serve black people, then black people can just drive from Mississippi all the way to Vermont to get their marriage license huh?
Sounds good to me.
This county clerk is like the sole standing Spartan of the original 300 blocking the invasion of perverts forcing their morality on the rest of us.
Why? EVERY other county in Ky was giving the licenses out the queer can go there.
Absolutely no reason they need to. That **** can either do her fucking job or she can go clean toilets at her church for a living. Fire that bitch.
Not gonna happen. Faggots aren't the deciders of what gets done in this country. Learn to do like everyone else does and compromise and go elsewhere or waste the courts time...I hope it blows up in the governors face for picking and choosing what laws he will enforce.
There is no compromise required here. She either does her fucking job or her ass is on the street. Her choice.
So she wants to break the law but have the Governor of KY pay for her damages when she does so? Grab an umbrella b/c it is raining personal responsibility up in here. Don't be shocked when this case gets laughed out of court.
Governor either must make everyone enforce the law or no one enforce law. His own AG refused to enforce law but he expects all clerk of courts to enforce it.
Why? EVERY other county in Ky was giving the licenses out the queer can go there.
Absolutely no reason they need to. That **** can either do her fucking job or she can go clean toilets at her church for a living. Fire that bitch.
Not gonna happen. Faggots aren't the deciders of what gets done in this country. Learn to do like everyone else does and compromise and go elsewhere or waste the courts time...I hope it blows up in the governors face for picking and choosing what laws he will enforce.

So, if they refused to serve black people, then black people can just drive from Mississippi all the way to Vermont to get their marriage license huh?
Sounds good to me.
This county clerk is like the sole standing Spartan of the original 300 blocking the invasion of perverts forcing their morality on the rest of us.
Well, she's down to just two choices now, quit or do her job? Anyone taking bets?
This is why civil servants aren't supposed to be political operatives. She needs to pull up her big-girl pants and do her job.

Or step down. You can have religious convictions. You can't use the State to force unwilling people to practice your religion.
It's not forcing religious practice on anyone. It's forcing the return to normalcy.
There's a new normal now, so you can forget about that.
This is why civil servants aren't supposed to be political operatives. She needs to pull up her big-girl pants and do her job.

Or step down. You can have religious convictions. You can't use the State to force unwilling people to practice your religion.
It's not forcing religious practice on anyone. It's forcing the return to normalcy.

Its explicitly forcing her religion. She's stated that its her religious conviction that prevents her from doing her job. And she's using state authority to force gays and lesbians to abide her religion.

That's the state establishment of religion. She's toast.
And the **** for Jesus goes down, as expected:

Breaking: 6th Circuit Slaps Down Kim Davis' Request For Stay – Must Issue Licenses Monday

A Kentucky clerk refusing to issue marriage licenses has exhausted one more avenue, and must issue marriage licenses starting next week.

Breaking: 6th Circuit Slaps Down Kim Davis' Request For Stay – Must Issue Licenses Monday
Time for the public to block entrance to the county clerk office to two people walking in of the same sex.
This is why civil servants aren't supposed to be political operatives. She needs to pull up her big-girl pants and do her job.

Or step down. You can have religious convictions. You can't use the State to force unwilling people to practice your religion.
It's not forcing religious practice on anyone. It's forcing the return to normalcy.

Its explicitly forcing her religion. She's stated that its her religious conviction that prevents her from doing her job. And she's using state authority to force gays and lesbians to abide her religion.

That's the state establishment of religion. She's toast.
Go to the next county. Problem solved. Treat it like a dry County. That's legal.
This is why civil servants aren't supposed to be political operatives. She needs to pull up her big-girl pants and do her job.

Or step down. You can have religious convictions. You can't use the State to force unwilling people to practice your religion.
It's not forcing religious practice on anyone. It's forcing the return to normalcy.
There's a new normal now, so you can forget about that.
Dudes calling each other "my husband" will never be normal.
And the **** for Jesus goes down, as expected:

Breaking: 6th Circuit Slaps Down Kim Davis' Request For Stay – Must Issue Licenses Monday

A Kentucky clerk refusing to issue marriage licenses has exhausted one more avenue, and must issue marriage licenses starting next week.

Breaking: 6th Circuit Slaps Down Kim Davis' Request For Stay – Must Issue Licenses Monday
Time for the public to block entrance to the county clerk office to two people walking in of the same sex.

Governor Wallace? is that you?
Why? EVERY other county in Ky was giving the licenses out the queer can go there.
Absolutely no reason they need to. That **** can either do her fucking job or she can go clean toilets at her church for a living. Fire that bitch.
Not gonna happen. Faggots aren't the deciders of what gets done in this country. Learn to do like everyone else does and compromise and go elsewhere or waste the courts time...I hope it blows up in the governors face for picking and choosing what laws he will enforce.
There is no compromise required here. She either does her fucking job or her ass is on the street. Her choice.
So she wants to break the law but have the Governor of KY pay for her damages when she does so? Grab an umbrella b/c it is raining personal responsibility up in here. Don't be shocked when this case gets laughed out of court.
Governor either must make everyone enforce the law or no one enforce law. His own AG refused to enforce law but he expects all clerk of courts to enforce it.
Why? EVERY other county in Ky was giving the licenses out the queer can go there.
Absolutely no reason they need to. That **** can either do her fucking job or she can go clean toilets at her church for a living. Fire that bitch.
Not gonna happen. Faggots aren't the deciders of what gets done in this country. Learn to do like everyone else does and compromise and go elsewhere or waste the courts time...I hope it blows up in the governors face for picking and choosing what laws he will enforce.

So, if they refused to serve black people, then black people can just drive from Mississippi all the way to Vermont to get their marriage license huh?
Sounds good to me.
This county clerk is like the sole standing Spartan of the original 300 blocking the invasion of perverts forcing their morality on the rest of us.

Or the opposite, stopping people getting Human Rights and stopping the US Constitution from being practiced.
And the **** for Jesus goes down, as expected:

Breaking: 6th Circuit Slaps Down Kim Davis' Request For Stay – Must Issue Licenses Monday

A Kentucky clerk refusing to issue marriage licenses has exhausted one more avenue, and must issue marriage licenses starting next week.

Breaking: 6th Circuit Slaps Down Kim Davis' Request For Stay – Must Issue Licenses Monday
Time for the public to block entrance to the county clerk office to two people walking in of the same sex.

Let 'em.

It'll make wingnuts such as yourself look that much worse and all for a cause that you've pretty much lost at this point.

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