Marriage clerk targeted by gays revolts

Ah the fine folk at Liberty Council.....fighting for 'religious' freedom by threatening law suits....

In December 2005, Liberty Counsel issued a press release accusing an elementary school in Dodgeville, Wisconsin of changing the lyrics of Christmas songs to make them more "secular" and said it would sue the school district "if the district does not immediately remedy the situation."[23] The school was putting on the play "The Little Tree's Christmas Gift," written by Dwight Elrich, a former church choir director.[24] The Dodgeville school district attempted to seek a retraction and apology from Liberty Counsel, as well as reimbursement of $20,000 spent in personnel, security, and attorney fees to fight the accusation. Liberty Counsel's Staver refused, asserting, "There is nothing to apologize for or retract."[25
Sounds good to me.
Since you fear ******* and hate equality, I'm sure it does.
******* and Mexicans and faggots don't belong in civilized society. :)

Ah isn't Stormfront missing your presence?
Doubt it. I got less than 10 posts there. Not as fun to post there with people that agree with most things I say than it is here where I can argue.

Marriage clerk targeted by gays revolts

Good..don't take their assault without fighting back!

Well its good to know where the StormFront folks fall on the issue of gay marriage.
Where any sane American stands.
Sounds good to me.
Since you fear ******* and hate equality, I'm sure it does.
******* and Mexicans and faggots don't belong in civilized society. :)

Ah isn't Stormfront missing your presence?
Doubt it. I got less than 10 posts there. Not as fun to post there with people that agree with most things I say than it is here where I can argue.

Marriage clerk targeted by gays revolts

Good..don't take their assault without fighting back!

Well its good to know where the StormFront folks fall on the issue of gay marriage.
Where any sane American stands. if you or Stormfront have grasp of sanity.
Sounds good to me.
Since you fear ******* and hate equality, I'm sure it does.
******* and Mexicans and faggots don't belong in civilized society. :)

Ah isn't Stormfront missing your presence?
Doubt it. I got less than 10 posts there. Not as fun to post there with people that agree with most things I say than it is here where I can argue.

Marriage clerk targeted by gays revolts

Good..don't take their assault without fighting back!

Well its good to know where the StormFront folks fall on the issue of gay marriage.
Where any sane American stands. if you or Stormfront have grasp of sanity.
The simple fact neither I nor anyone at SF is possessed with the sickness of political correctness we are blessed with common sense and facts unlike you PC lovers.
Why? EVERY other county in Ky was giving the licenses out the queer can go there.
Absolutely no reason they need to. That **** can either do her fucking job or she can go clean toilets at her church for a living. Fire that bitch.
Not gonna happen. Faggots aren't the deciders of what gets done in this country. Learn to do like everyone else does and compromise and go elsewhere or waste the courts time...I hope it blows up in the governors face for picking and choosing what laws he will enforce.
There is no compromise required here. She either does her fucking job or her ass is on the street. Her choice.
So she wants to break the law but have the Governor of KY pay for her damages when she does so? Grab an umbrella b/c it is raining personal responsibility up in here. Don't be shocked when this case gets laughed out of court.
Governor either must make everyone enforce the law or no one enforce law. His own AG refused to enforce law but he expects all clerk of courts to enforce it.
Why? EVERY other county in Ky was giving the licenses out the queer can go there.
Absolutely no reason they need to. That **** can either do her fucking job or she can go clean toilets at her church for a living. Fire that bitch.
Not gonna happen. Faggots aren't the deciders of what gets done in this country. Learn to do like everyone else does and compromise and go elsewhere or waste the courts time...I hope it blows up in the governors face for picking and choosing what laws he will enforce.

So, if they refused to serve black people, then black people can just drive from Mississippi all the way to Vermont to get their marriage license huh?
Sounds good to me.

What law wasn't being enforced? The ban on gay marriages in KY? It was enforced the entire time until the recent SCOTUS ruling. This case isn't going to go anywhere.
Sounds good to me.
Since you fear ******* and hate equality, I'm sure it does.
******* and Mexicans and faggots don't belong in civilized society. :)

Ah isn't Stormfront missing your presence?
Doubt it. I got less than 10 posts there. Not as fun to post there with people that agree with most things I say than it is here where I can argue.

Marriage clerk targeted by gays revolts

Good..don't take their assault without fighting back!

Well its good to know where the StormFront folks fall on the issue of gay marriage.
Where any sane American stands.

Why would a 'sane' American be invested in denying gays and lesbians access to marriage?

And World Net Daily is your source? Really?
Since you fear ******* and hate equality, I'm sure it does.
******* and Mexicans and faggots don't belong in civilized society. :)

Ah isn't Stormfront missing your presence?
Doubt it. I got less than 10 posts there. Not as fun to post there with people that agree with most things I say than it is here where I can argue.

Marriage clerk targeted by gays revolts

Good..don't take their assault without fighting back!

Well its good to know where the StormFront folks fall on the issue of gay marriage.
Where any sane American stands. if you or Stormfront have grasp of sanity.
The simple fact neither I nor anyone at SF is possessed with the sickness of political correctness we are blessed with common sense and facts unlike you PC lovers.

LOL......those are called 'delusions' and 'hate'- not common sense.
******* and Mexicans and faggots don't belong in civilized society. :)

Ah isn't Stormfront missing your presence?
Doubt it. I got less than 10 posts there. Not as fun to post there with people that agree with most things I say than it is here where I can argue.

Marriage clerk targeted by gays revolts

Good..don't take their assault without fighting back!

Well its good to know where the StormFront folks fall on the issue of gay marriage.
Where any sane American stands. if you or Stormfront have grasp of sanity.
The simple fact neither I nor anyone at SF is possessed with the sickness of political correctness we are blessed with common sense and facts unlike you PC lovers.

LOL......those are called 'delusions' and 'hate'- not common sense.
Only by those that hate common sense and have to delude themselves into thinking what they think is sane.
Ah isn't Stormfront missing your presence?
Doubt it. I got less than 10 posts there. Not as fun to post there with people that agree with most things I say than it is here where I can argue.

Well its good to know where the StormFront folks fall on the issue of gay marriage.
Where any sane American stands. if you or Stormfront have grasp of sanity.
The simple fact neither I nor anyone at SF is possessed with the sickness of political correctness we are blessed with common sense and facts unlike you PC lovers.

LOL......those are called 'delusions' and 'hate'- not common sense.
Only by those that hate common sense and have to delude themselves into thinking what they think is sane.

What I am pleased about is that your 'breed' is a dying breed- relegated to anonymous forums because society rejects back asswards bigotry like yours.
Ah isn't Stormfront missing your presence?
Doubt it. I got less than 10 posts there. Not as fun to post there with people that agree with most things I say than it is here where I can argue.

Well its good to know where the StormFront folks fall on the issue of gay marriage.
Where any sane American stands. if you or Stormfront have grasp of sanity.
The simple fact neither I nor anyone at SF is possessed with the sickness of political correctness we are blessed with common sense and facts unlike you PC lovers.

LOL......those are called 'delusions' and 'hate'- not common sense.
Only by those that hate common sense and have to delude themselves into thinking what they think is sane.

Or those not on StormFront. One of the two.
Marriage clerk targeted by gays revolts

Good..don't take their assault without fighting back!

The Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution provides, in relevant part, "No state shall ... deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws."

Similarly, the First Amendment provides, "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances."

The First Amendment is applicable to the States through the Fourteenth Amendment.

A State acts through its agents.

A couple cannot enter into a marriage unless they have first secured a marriage license issued by the designated state agent.

The county clerk, an elected official, is an agent for the state with the duty to issue marriage licenses to all qualified couples. In other words, a county clerk is not a mere employee of the state.

A qualified couple has the right to go to their local office of the county clerk and apply for a marriage license. Yet, the county clerk abuses her elected office and refuses to issue marriage licenses.

The county clerk is acting under the color of law.

"The traditional definition of acting under the color of state law requires that the defendant have exercised power 'possessed by virtue of state law and made possible only because the wrongdoer is clothed with the authority of state law,' and such actions may result in liability even if the defendant abuses the position given to him by the state." See link below for overview:

42 U.S.C. 1983 Overview

If the law allows the county clerk to delegate duties, the county clerk may do so. As an agent of the state, however, the county clerk does not have authority to deny government services to people based on the clerk's personal religious beliefs.

The United States Supreme Court held long ago that state agents (state officials) have a duty to obey federal court orders resting on the Court's considered interpretation of the United States Constitution. See:

Cooper v. Aaron 358 U.S. 1 1958 Justia U.S. Supreme Court Center

The United States Supreme Court has never ruled that state agents may disregard the law and shirk their official duties based on their own personal religious beliefs. This stringent separation between "church and state" embodied in the First Amendment exists for a compelling reason.

In the Obergefell decision, the United States Supreme Court ruled that state laws that deprive homosexual couples of the right to marry violate the Fourteenth Amendment.

The county clerk in Kentucky, as an agent of the state, has refused to issue marriage licenses in compliance with the Obergefell decision claiming that doing so violates her personal religious beliefs. However, the state--which can only act through its agents--does not have "religious beliefs".

The county clerk in Kentucky, if allowed by state law, could have delegated the duty to issue marriage licenses to a deputy clerk. The law, however, cannot bestow upon her--as an agent of the state--the power to discriminate against applicants for government services based on her personal religious beliefs.

The governor of the state has no power to grant the county clerk the power to discriminate in violation of the supreme law of the land.

Contrary to her claim, the county clerk does not stand in the same shoes at the Attorney General for the State of Kentucky.

The Attorney General reviewed the lower court decision that the state's marriage law constituted discrimination in violation of the supreme law of the land and struck down the state law. The Attorney General, having reviewed the lower court decision, determined that the decision was correct in its application of federal law and that it would be upheld on appeal. Thus, the Attorney General--in the exercise of his informed opinion that it was unlawful under the federal constitution for the state to discriminate--used his official discretion and chose not to expend millions of taxpayer dollars to defend a discriminatory state law. The Governor, in the use of his discretion, then utilized his executive power to hire outside counsel to appeal the lower court decision and that effort failed (just as the Attorney General had determined that it would fail).

Although the Governor had discretion to hire outside counsel, the Governor does not have discretion to grant state agents (elected county officials) the right to discriminate in violation of the supreme law of the land.

Because the county clerk is not an employee of the state seeking a reasonable accommodation for her religious beliefs, but rather is an elected official (an agent of the state), her lawsuit against the Governor is frivolous. The county clerk is using an inapplicable body of law to defend the pending lawsuit against her and to assault the Governor of her state. Ignorance of the law is not a valid excuse for her misconduct.

Even if we entertain the possibility that an elected official--an agent of the state--is equivalent to an employee, the county clerk never sought an accommodation in her "employment". Instead, "acting under the color of law", she unilaterally determined that her particular county office would not issue marriage licenses. She did not seek to delegate her official duty to some other person in her office (e.g., a deputy clerk) who had no religious objections to performing the duty. She decided for the entire county that no county residents could ever get a marriage license in her county office while she remained the county clerk. Let them go somewhere else, she says ... and she says so without regard to the chaos such a system would cause if individual elected officials usurped the power to transform their counties into religious fiefdoms. Very simply, the county clerk's refusal to comply with the supreme law of the land subjects her to claims brought against her under 42 U.S.C. sec 1983.
Doubt it. I got less than 10 posts there. Not as fun to post there with people that agree with most things I say than it is here where I can argue.

Where any sane American stands. if you or Stormfront have grasp of sanity.
The simple fact neither I nor anyone at SF is possessed with the sickness of political correctness we are blessed with common sense and facts unlike you PC lovers.

LOL......those are called 'delusions' and 'hate'- not common sense.
Only by those that hate common sense and have to delude themselves into thinking what they think is sane.

What I am pleased about is that your 'breed' is a dying breed- relegated to anonymous forums because society rejects back asswards bigotry like yours.
How long have we heard that same gibberish? Still not happening oh and I am fairly young and my kids are being taught common sense and facts as well not political correctness garbage. if you or Stormfront have grasp of sanity.
The simple fact neither I nor anyone at SF is possessed with the sickness of political correctness we are blessed with common sense and facts unlike you PC lovers.

LOL......those are called 'delusions' and 'hate'- not common sense.
Only by those that hate common sense and have to delude themselves into thinking what they think is sane.

What I am pleased about is that your 'breed' is a dying breed- relegated to anonymous forums because society rejects back asswards bigotry like yours.
How long have we heard that same gibberish? Still not happening oh and I am fairly young and my kids are being taught common sense and facts as well not political correctness garbage.

How about the law? Do you educate yourself or your children about the law?
The simple fact neither I nor anyone at SF is possessed with the sickness of political correctness we are blessed with common sense and facts unlike you PC lovers.

LOL......those are called 'delusions' and 'hate'- not common sense.
Only by those that hate common sense and have to delude themselves into thinking what they think is sane.

What I am pleased about is that your 'breed' is a dying breed- relegated to anonymous forums because society rejects back asswards bigotry like yours.
How long have we heard that same gibberish? Still not happening oh and I am fairly young and my kids are being taught common sense and facts as well not political correctness garbage.

How about the law? Do you educate yourself or your children about the law?
I educate them what the law REALLY says and not what some libtard SC justice thinks it says. if you or Stormfront have grasp of sanity.
The simple fact neither I nor anyone at SF is possessed with the sickness of political correctness we are blessed with common sense and facts unlike you PC lovers.

LOL......those are called 'delusions' and 'hate'- not common sense.
Only by those that hate common sense and have to delude themselves into thinking what they think is sane.

What I am pleased about is that your 'breed' is a dying breed- relegated to anonymous forums because society rejects back asswards bigotry like yours.
How long have we heard that same gibberish? Still not happening oh and I am fairly young and my kids are being taught common sense and facts as well not political correctness garbage.

Oh I am sure you are trying to indoctrinate the kids in your bunker with your particular views on hating Americans.

But someday they will be able to leave the bunker....or I hope they will be able to....
“It’s a war on Christianity,” he said. “There is a travesty taking place with that Supreme Court ruling was completely unconstitutional, completely unconstitutional. They have no right to tell us, the state of Kentucky, that our law that was voted with what was 70 percent of the people that it was wrong, they had no right.”

An emotional Davis went on to claim that he may lose his life in defiance of marriage equality: “Our law says ‘one man and one woman’ and that is what I held my hand up and took an oath to and that is what I expected. If it takes it, I will go to jail over — if it takes my life, I will die for because I believe I owe that to the people that fought so I can have the freedom that I have, I owe that to them today, and you do, we all do. They fought and died so we could have this freedom and I’m going to fight and die for my kids and your kids can keep it.”

Kentucky Clerk Says He May Die Fighting Gay Marriage

Oh, the humanity!

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