Marriage Matters: Consequences of Redefining Marriage

The fact is that kids do not need a mother and a father. If they did, it would be illegal to be a single parent. Instead, single women have babies all the time, and no one bats an eye.

Actually EVERY study ever done says that children do best when raised in a home with both a mother and a father. As for no one batting an eye, all that proves is that the American public has lost it's morals, not that there's nothing wrong with it. Here's but a few examples;


So what does any of that have to do with gays getting married. What you've shown is that single parenthood and divorce are bad, but you asshats on the right keep going on about the gays like they are the problem.

Well first off dim, if you had the reading comprehension level of an average 4th grader, you would have seen that I was responding to a statement that said not a thing about sexual deviants getting married, but said kids do not need a mother and a father. Now to address your nonsense. If the ideal is growing up with a father AND A mother, which has been repeatedly proven, then growing up with two sodomites or two dykes living together and playing house, would NOT be the ideal. Studies have even shown that growing up in a deviant household like this is detrimental to children. That would be studies conducted of and by people that grew up in these types of corrupt families.
Actually EVERY study ever done says that children do best when raised in a home with both a mother and a father.

The studies show children have the best outcomes with two parents. The sex of the parents is of little or no consequence. Children need parents that love them unconditionally, period. Gays can do that and straights can do that equally well.

That's a lie. The studies, EVERY one of them, except those conducted by sodomites and dykes themselves, specify mother and father, not two sodomites or two dykes. As a matter of fact, studies have shown that children of homosexual relationships fare worse than those kids raised by normal people. You can push your pro-homo agenda all you like, it won't change the facts or the statistics. EVERY study done says kids raised by their mother and father fair best in this world.
Actually EVERY study ever done says that children do best when raised in a home with both a mother and a father. As for no one batting an eye, all that proves is that the American public has lost it's morals, not that there's nothing wrong with it. Here's but a few examples;


So what does any of that have to do with gays getting married. What you've shown is that single parenthood and divorce are bad, but you asshats on the right keep going on about the gays like they are the problem.

Well first off dim, if you had the reading comprehension level of an average 4th grader, you would have seen that I was responding to a statement that said not a thing about sexual deviants getting married, but said kids do not need a mother and a father. Now to address your nonsense. If the ideal is growing up with a father AND A mother, which has been repeatedly proven, then growing up with two sodomites or two dykes living together and playing house, would NOT be the ideal. Studies have even shown that growing up in a deviant household like this is detrimental to children. That would be studies conducted of and by people that grew up in these types of corrupt families.

Which studies. Do you actually have these studies?

Because I've known gay folks who've raised kids who've turned out just fine, and I've known kids raised by your "ideal" who turned out to be as messed up as a football bat.

The ideal is to be raised by two people who are mature and sensible enough to be parents. But you keep going on with your hate, it's all that keeps people like you going.
So what does any of that have to do with gays getting married. What you've shown is that single parenthood and divorce are bad, but you asshats on the right keep going on about the gays like they are the problem.

Well first off dim, if you had the reading comprehension level of an average 4th grader, you would have seen that I was responding to a statement that said not a thing about sexual deviants getting married, but said kids do not need a mother and a father. Now to address your nonsense. If the ideal is growing up with a father AND A mother, which has been repeatedly proven, then growing up with two sodomites or two dykes living together and playing house, would NOT be the ideal. Studies have even shown that growing up in a deviant household like this is detrimental to children. That would be studies conducted of and by people that grew up in these types of corrupt families.

Which studies. Do you actually have these studies?

Because I've known gay folks who've raised kids who've turned out just fine, and I've known kids raised by your "ideal" who turned out to be as messed up as a football bat.

The ideal is to be raised by two people who are mature and sensible enough to be parents. But you keep going on with your hate, it's all that keeps people like you going.

You have the world at your fingertips, look them up. As for your " I've known gay folks who've raised kids who've turned out just fine" and "kids raised by your "ideal who turned out to be as messed up as a football bat", your examples and personal experiences have zero relevance to the statistics. There are exceptions to every rule, that doesn't negate the statistical facts. You mistake your opinion with fact, your ideal is not only NOT supported by the statistical facts, it's actually contradicted by almost every scientific study ever conducted.
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You have the world at your fingertips, look them up. As for your " I've known gay folks who've raised kids who've turned out just fine" and "kids raised by your "ideal who turned out to be as messed up as a football bat", your examples and personal experiences have zero relevance to the statistics. There are exceptions to every rule, that doesn't negate the statistical facts.

But you haven't provided any statistics or studies. You just go on with "studies have shown" and then you don't provide any studies. Probably because they came from groups with the word "Christian" in the organization name.

Study: Same-sex parents raise well-adjusted kids- The Family Room - MSN Living

On Thursday, the American Academy of Pediatrics, or AAP, issued a powerful statement supporting marriage equality for all consenting couples, as well as full adoption and foster-care rights for parents regardless of sexual orientation, reports The Huffington Post.

“There is a lot of research to back up this policy,” Dr. Ellen C. Perrin, a professor of pediatrics at the Floating Hospital for Children at Tufts Medical Center in Boston told The Huffington Post. “If a child has two parents that are dedicated and willing to provide a permanent, secure family, why would we not support that family? It's clearly in the best interest of children.”

In 2006, after 25 years of research the AAP concluded it had found no link between parents' sexual orientation and their children's emotional well-being.

Case. Closed.
Actually EVERY study ever done says that children do best when raised in a home with both a mother and a father.

The studies show children have the best outcomes with two parents. The sex of the parents is of little or no consequence. Children need parents that love them unconditionally, period. Gays can do that and straights can do that equally well.

That's a lie. The studies, EVERY one of them, except those conducted by sodomites and dykes themselves, specify mother and father, not two sodomites or two dykes. As a matter of fact, studies have shown that children of homosexual relationships fare worse than those kids raised by normal people. You can push your pro-homo agenda all you like, it won't change the facts or the statistics. EVERY study done says kids raised by their mother and father fair best in this world.

No, every study shows that kids do best in intact households, the gender of the parents is immaterial. What study after study of our children does show is that they are at no disadvantage to yours.
Well first off dim, if you had the reading comprehension level of an average 4th grader, you would have seen that I was responding to a statement that said not a thing about sexual deviants getting married, but said kids do not need a mother and a father. Now to address your nonsense. If the ideal is growing up with a father AND A mother, which has been repeatedly proven, then growing up with two sodomites or two dykes living together and playing house, would NOT be the ideal. Studies have even shown that growing up in a deviant household like this is detrimental to children. That would be studies conducted of and by people that grew up in these types of corrupt families.

Which studies. Do you actually have these studies?

Because I've known gay folks who've raised kids who've turned out just fine, and I've known kids raised by your "ideal" who turned out to be as messed up as a football bat.

The ideal is to be raised by two people who are mature and sensible enough to be parents. But you keep going on with your hate, it's all that keeps people like you going.

You have the world at your fingertips, look them up.
Translation: jtpr312 has no studies, has never seen any studies, could not find them if they did exist, and, in short, he’s full of camel caca and can’t back up his claims; hence his claims are worth squat. :)

As for your " I've known gay folks who've raised kids who've turned out just fine" and "kids raised by your "ideal who turned out to be as messed up as a football bat", your examples and personal experiences have zero relevance to the statistics.
And of course, you’ve provided no statistics, hence his anecdotal post is just as relevant as your unsupported claim of “statistics”…somewhere out there….that you can’t find….but you tell other people to find for you..... :)

There are exceptions to every rule, that doesn't negate the statistical facts.
Of which you have provided precisely……..none….zip….nil….nada……. ;)

You mistake your opinion with fact, your ideal is not only NOT supported by the statistical facts,
Of which there are none.

it's actually contradicted by almost every scientific study ever conducted.
Of which you have provided ……none.

So, how’s ‘bout providing some of these “statistical studies” you say exist?

Oh, you can’t?


How’s ‘bout showing us just 5 of the “almost every scientific study ever conducted? Should be a lot, from the sound of it.

Oh, you can’t do that either??? Well


How’s ‘bout showing us 1 of those scientific studies…just one?

We’ll wait whilst you go a’diggin’.


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Which studies. Do you actually have these studies?

Because I've known gay folks who've raised kids who've turned out just fine, and I've known kids raised by your "ideal" who turned out to be as messed up as a football bat.

The ideal is to be raised by two people who are mature and sensible enough to be parents. But you keep going on with your hate, it's all that keeps people like you going.

Translation: jtpr312 has no studies, has never seen any studies, could not find them if they did exist, and, in short, he’s full of camel caca and can’t back up his claims; hence his claims are worth squat. :)

And of course, you’ve provided no statistics, hence his anecdotal post is just as relevant as your unsupported claim of “statistics”…somewhere out there….that you can’t find….but you tell other people to find for you..... :)

Of which you have provided precisely……..none….zip….nil….nada……. ;)

Of which there are none.

it's actually contradicted by almost every scientific study ever conducted.
Of which you have provided ……none.

So, how’s ‘bout providing some of these “statistical studies” you say exist?

Oh, you can’t?


How’s ‘bout showing us just 5 of the “almost every scientific study ever conducted? Should be a lot, from the sound of it.

Oh, you can’t do that either??? Well


How’s ‘bout showing us 1 of those scientific studies…just one?

We’ll wait whilst you go a’diggin’.


So here we have one more lazy scrote that want's someone else to do their homework for them. Sheesh, you freaking people are morons.

http://New Study On Homosexual Parents Tops All Previous Research

http://Study: Children fare better in traditional mom-dad families ...

http://How does being raised by a single parent affect children
Several large-scale studies have shown that children of single-parent households fare worse in life on most measurements (happiness, achievement, self-image ...

Educate yourself dumbass. Start with reading the studies there site reference, when you're done drop me a line.
Marriage is all about dick sucking.....nothing more nothing less to's amazing how stupid these people are.
The studies show children have the best outcomes with two parents. The sex of the parents is of little or no consequence. Children need parents that love them unconditionally, period. Gays can do that and straights can do that equally well.

That's a lie. The studies, EVERY one of them, except those conducted by sodomites and dykes themselves, specify mother and father, not two sodomites or two dykes. As a matter of fact, studies have shown that children of homosexual relationships fare worse than those kids raised by normal people. You can push your pro-homo agenda all you like, it won't change the facts or the statistics. EVERY study done says kids raised by their mother and father fair best in this world.

No, every study shows that kids do best in intact households, the gender of the parents is immaterial. What study after study of our children does show is that they are at no disadvantage to yours.

Well of course you're a liar with a pro-sodomite/pro-dyke agenda to push. The studies conclusively show that children do best when raised in a household with BOTH a mother and a father. Not a father and his sodomite queen, nor a mother and her dyke lover. NO credible studies say the gender is immaterial.
[ame=]Adam Carolla on Gay Parents vs Straight Parents - YouTube[/ame]

So here we have one more lazy scrote that want's someone else to do their homework for them. Sheesh, you freaking people are morons.

http://New Study On Homosexual Parents Tops All Previous Research

http://Study: Children fare better in traditional mom-dad families ...

http://How does being raised by a single parent affect children
Several large-scale studies have shown that children of single-parent households fare worse in life on most measurements (happiness, achievement, self-image ...

Educate yourself dumbass. Start with reading the studies there site reference, when you're done drop me a line.

None of your links actually go anywhere...

And again, your studies as you describe them are about SINGLE parent households, NOT households with two parents of the same gender.

Do you have any studies on THAT subject?
That's a lie. The studies, EVERY one of them, except those conducted by sodomites and dykes themselves, specify mother and father, not two sodomites or two dykes. As a matter of fact, studies have shown that children of homosexual relationships fare worse than those kids raised by normal people. You can push your pro-homo agenda all you like, it won't change the facts or the statistics. EVERY study done says kids raised by their mother and father fair best in this world.

No, every study shows that kids do best in intact households, the gender of the parents is immaterial. What study after study of our children does show is that they are at no disadvantage to yours.

Well of course you're a liar with a pro-sodomite/pro-dyke agenda to push. The studies conclusively show that children do best when raised in a household with BOTH a mother and a father. Not a father and his sodomite queen, nor a mother and her dyke lover. NO credible studies say the gender is immaterial.

Interesting that you would call me a liar and yet not provide any evidence to the contrary. Funny that.

Well, I do have evidence to support my claim.

“Significant policy decisions have been swayed by the misconception across party lines that children need both a mother and a father. Yet there is almost no social science research to support this claim. One problem is that proponents of this view routinely ignore research on same-gender parents,” said USC College sociologist Timothy Biblarz, the study’s lead author.

Extending their prior work on gender and family, Biblarz and Judith Stacey of New York University analyzed relevant studies about parenting, including available research on single-mother and single-father households, gay male parents and lesbian parents.

“That a child needs a male parent and a female parent is so taken for granted that people are uncritical,” Stacey said.

In their analysis, the researchers found no evidence of gender-based parenting abilities, with the “partial exception of lactation,” noting that very little about the gender of the parent has significance for children’s psychological adjustment and social success.[...]

“The bottom line is that the science shows that children raised by two same-gender parents do as well on average as children raised by two different-gender parents.

Do Children Need a Mother and Father?
Translation: jtpr312 has no studies, has never seen any studies, could not find them if they did exist, and, in short, he’s full of camel caca and can’t back up his claims; hence his claims are worth squat. :)

And of course, you’ve provided no statistics, hence his anecdotal post is just as relevant as your unsupported claim of “statistics”…somewhere out there….that you can’t find….but you tell other people to find for you..... :)

Of which you have provided precisely……..none….zip….nil….nada……. ;)

Of which there are none.

Of which you have provided ……none.

So, how’s ‘bout providing some of these “statistical studies” you say exist?

Oh, you can’t?


How’s ‘bout showing us just 5 of the “almost every scientific study ever conducted? Should be a lot, from the sound of it.

Oh, you can’t do that either??? Well


How’s ‘bout showing us 1 of those scientific studies…just one?

We’ll wait whilst you go a’diggin’.


So here we have one more lazy scrote that want's someone else to do their homework for them. Sheesh, you freaking people are morons.
“lazy scrote”, “their homework for them”? "moron"? That doesn’t make much sense, brother. Clearly the one making the claim is the one required to support his assertions with factual evidence. You’ve been posting on here since September and you still haven’t figgered that out yet? Golly, you’re kinda a slow learner, ain’t you? :) the lazy moron in this case clearly appears to be you, my bruh. Gosh, i even had to goad you into doing what you shoulda done in the first place. Sheesh. :rolleyes: yuk yuk yuk

This study from Regnerus was debunked and shown to be utter nonsense.

What’s particularly notable about this brief is the time it takes to unpack everything that was flawed about Mark Regnerus’s study that claimed that children who had parents in same-sex relationships fared worse. The study has been called “bullshit” by an internal audit of the journal that originally published it, and even Regnerus has admitted that he really didn’t capture any valid information about gay fathers or lesbian mothers. Nevertheless, conservatives repeatedly cite it as evidence against same-sex parenting, including in the arguments for DOMA and Prop 8. In brief, here was how ASA debunked the study:
Regnerus did not study children born or adopted into same-sex parent families, only those who seem to recollect one of their parents ever having a same-sex relationship.
Regnerus compared that group, most of which had experienced family dissolution, only to stable, married, opposite-sex families — i.e. he compared unstable to intact.
Regnerus ignored whether the children lived with or were raised by the parents who had a same-sex relationship.
Regnerus only identified these “gay” parents based on the recollection of the children, not based on how the parents actually identify or live their lives.
Most of the factors Regnerus analyzes were adult outcomes, not childhood outcomes, and could very well have had nothing to do with the relationships of the children’s parents.
In a footnote, the ASA also mentioned how researcher Douglas Allen distorted data from another study in a similar way to result in a false comparison between unstable and stable households.”

Your first reference is worthless rubbish. sorry. :(.

This also cites Regnerus’s study. Therefore your second reference also is valueless twaddle. :lame2:

“Single Parent”? Seriously? This third reference you’ve cited is also…yepers, youuuuu guessed it….. meritless bunkum. :sad:

Several large-scale studies have shown that children of single-parent households fare worse in life on most measurements (happiness, achievement, self-image ...
Again……”single-parent”? C’mon, dude. This fourth reference you’ve cited is ,,,uh huh…yet again….uselss hooey.

Educate yourself dumbass. Start with reading the studies there site reference, when you're done drop me a line.
I did as you instructed; I done did edumercate myself. I read the only relevant study you cited …and while I was at it, I also read how it was thoroughly debunked, completely thrashed, and totally smacked down as sheer hogwash.

You ain’t too good at this here stuff, are you, bubba? :confused:


Bottom line, you've been proven wrong.

What else you got for me? :tongue:

Marriage is all about dick sucking.....nothing more nothing less to liberals.....
Really? how do you know? How many liberals have you talked to who told you this? :confused:

it's amazing how stupid these people are.
It's amazing how irrational and illogical you bigoted homophobic conservatives are.

That's a lie. The studies, EVERY one of them, except those conducted by sodomites and dykes themselves, specify mother and father, not two sodomites or two dykes. As a matter of fact, studies have shown that children of homosexual relationships fare worse than those kids raised by normal people. You can push your pro-homo agenda all you like, it won't change the facts or the statistics. EVERY study done says kids raised by their mother and father fair best in this world.
Clearly you just liiiiieeed your ass off, bubba. The studies you cited were either debunked as utter trash or they compared single parent homes to two parent homes, and were therefore worthless in attempting to compare same sex parent families and opposite sex parent homes. Not only was each study worth squat…but EVERY study you used was worth squat. Next??? :)

No, every study shows that kids do best in intact households, the gender of the parents is immaterial. What study after study of our children does show is that they are at no disadvantage to yours.
Well of course you're a liar with a pro-sodomite/pro-dyke agenda to push. The studies conclusively show that children do best when raised in a household with BOTH a mother and a father. Not a father and his sodomite queen, nor a mother and her dyke lover. NO credible studies say the gender is immaterial.
Nah, of course you’re a liar with a pro-ignorant-bigot/pro-irrational homophobe agenda to push. The studies you cited were trash, garbage, rubbish, refuse, compost, junk, debris, codswallop, litter, waste, tosh, bosh, and drivel. :tongue:

Either you are an extremely unobservant and dull-wittedly unperceptive bigot-boy by not noticing that two of your “references” you cited were dealing with immaterial “single’parent” homes, or you did notice but included them anyway, meaning you were being deceitful. Tsk tsk, you little immoral imp, you. :)

I’m waiting for you to cite credible and relevant studies to back up your camel caca.

You haven’t yet.



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