Marriage Matters: Consequences of Redefining Marriage

Actually EVERY study ever done says that children do best when raised in a home with both a mother and a father.

The studies show children have the best outcomes with two parents. The sex of the parents is of little or no consequence. Children need parents that love them unconditionally, period. Gays can do that and straights can do that equally well.

You're lying through your teeth and you know it - it is not just two parents, it is a mother and a father.

As a young girl recently said about this issue, "please tell me which parent I do not need - my mother or my father"?

Come on Seawytch - please tell us all which parent that young girl does not need. We'll be waiting (but we won't be holding our breath).
The tide of history is on the side of expanding rights. Gays will have the right to marry and probably soon. Afterwards all those who opposed it will be looked at the same way as those who opposed inter racial marriage 50 years ago while making silly predictions of doom for our society.

You lose all credibility when you use the term "rights" with this issue. There is no "right" to get married - even by heterosexual couples.

Isn't it remarkable that libtards try to take actual Constitutional rights away from the American people (like the right to bear arms), while trying to grant "rights" that have never existed (like healthcare, marriage, and housing)? :cuckoo:

It's just more evidence of how completely unhinged they have become...

You had no credibility to lose, but I'll tell you anyway...

The Supreme Court of the United States has declared marriage a fundamental right. You might disagree with their ruling, but it is the case until some other SCOTUS comes along and overrules them.

Loving v Virginia: Marriage is one of the "basic civil rights of man," fundamental to our very existence and survival.

Zablocki v Redhail: Since our past decisions make clear that the right to marry is of fundamental importance, and since the classification at issue here significantly interferes with the exercise of that right, we believe that "critical examination" of the state interests advanced in support of the classification is required.

Turner v Safley: We conclude that on this record, the Missouri prison regulation, as written, is not reasonably related to these penological interests. No doubt legitimate security concerns may require placing reasonable restrictions upon an inmate's right to marry, and may justify requiring approval of the superintendent.
Actually EVERY study ever done says that children do best when raised in a home with both a mother and a father.

The studies show children have the best outcomes with two parents. The sex of the parents is of little or no consequence. Children need parents that love them unconditionally, period. Gays can do that and straights can do that equally well.

You're lying through your teeth and you know it - it is not just two parents, it is a mother and a father.

As a young girl recently said about this issue, "please tell me which parent I do not need - my mother or my father"?

Come on Seawytch - please tell us all which parent that young girl does not need. We'll be waiting (but we won't be holding our breath).

No, I'm not lying and have the studies to prove it.

In their analysis, the researchers found no evidence of gender-based parenting abilities, with the "partial exception of lactation," noting that very little about the gender of the parent has significance for children's psychological adjustment and social success.[...]

"The bottom line is that the science shows that children raised by two same-gender parents do as well on average as children raised by two different-gender parents. This is obviously inconsistent with the widespread claim that children must be raised by a mother and a father to do well," Biblarz said.

Do Children Need Both a Mother and a Father?

Nobody is taking away that naive child's parent. Children need both their parents, not a mother and a father.

I'll stack my kids up against ya'lls anytime...
The tide of history is on the side of expanding rights. Gays will have the right to marry and probably soon. Afterwards all those who opposed it will be looked at the same way as those who opposed inter racial marriage 50 years ago while making silly predictions of doom for our society.

You lose all credibility when you use the term "rights" with this issue. There is no "right" to get married - even by heterosexual couples.

Isn't it remarkable that libtards try to take actual Constitutional rights away from the American people (like the right to bear arms), while trying to grant "rights" that have never existed (like healthcare, marriage, and housing)? :cuckoo:

It's just more evidence of how completely unhinged they have become...

You had no credibility to lose, but I'll tell you anyway...

The Supreme Court of the United States has declared marriage a fundamental right. You might disagree with their ruling, but it is the case until some other SCOTUS comes along and overrules them.

Loving v Virginia: Marriage is one of the "basic civil rights of man," fundamental to our very existence and survival.

Zablocki v Redhail: Since our past decisions make clear that the right to marry is of fundamental importance, and since the classification at issue here significantly interferes with the exercise of that right, we believe that "critical examination" of the state interests advanced in support of the classification is required.

Turner v Safley: We conclude that on this record, the Missouri prison regulation, as written, is not reasonably related to these penological interests. No doubt legitimate security concerns may require placing reasonable restrictions upon an inmate's right to marry, and may justify requiring approval of the superintendent.

The Supreme Court does not make the law - they are part of the Judicial branch. Laws are made by the Legislative branch. It's amazing that this needs to be explained to a grown adult.

Furthermore, your rights are explicitly defined in the U.S. Constitution. So please refer us to which section of the U.S. Constitution we can find the "right" to marriage (as opposed to referring us to irrelevant court cases by a politically charged, power hungry court over-stepping it's Constitutional authority)?
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The studies show children have the best outcomes with two parents. The sex of the parents is of little or no consequence. Children need parents that love them unconditionally, period. Gays can do that and straights can do that equally well.

You're lying through your teeth and you know it - it is not just two parents, it is a mother and a father.

As a young girl recently said about this issue, "please tell me which parent I do not need - my mother or my father"?

Come on Seawytch - please tell us all which parent that young girl does not need. We'll be waiting (but we won't be holding our breath).

No, I'm not lying and have the studies to prove it.

In their analysis, the researchers found no evidence of gender-based parenting abilities, with the "partial exception of lactation," noting that very little about the gender of the parent has significance for children's psychological adjustment and social success.[...]

"The bottom line is that the science shows that children raised by two same-gender parents do as well on average as children raised by two different-gender parents. This is obviously inconsistent with the widespread claim that children must be raised by a mother and a father to do well," Biblarz said.

Do Children Need Both a Mother and a Father?

Nobody is taking away that naive child's parent. Children need both their parents, not a mother and a father.

I'll stack my kids up against ya'lls anytime...

Naive? She's in her teens and made you and the entire libtard nation look like fools! She's smarter than you and she proved it because (just as I predicted) you ran from the key question.

So which parent does she not need - her mother or her father? Which one can be replaced by the same sex of the remaining parent?
You're lying through your teeth and you know it - it is not just two parents, it is a mother and a father.

As a young girl recently said about this issue, "please tell me which parent I do not need - my mother or my father"?

Come on Seawytch - please tell us all which parent that young girl does not need. We'll be waiting (but we won't be holding our breath).

No, I'm not lying and have the studies to prove it.

In their analysis, the researchers found no evidence of gender-based parenting abilities, with the "partial exception of lactation," noting that very little about the gender of the parent has significance for children's psychological adjustment and social success.[...]

"The bottom line is that the science shows that children raised by two same-gender parents do as well on average as children raised by two different-gender parents. This is obviously inconsistent with the widespread claim that children must be raised by a mother and a father to do well," Biblarz said.

Do Children Need Both a Mother and a Father?

Nobody is taking away that naive child's parent. Children need both their parents, not a mother and a father.

I'll stack my kids up against ya'lls anytime...

Naive? She's in her teens and made you and the entire libtard nation look like fools! She's smarter than you and she proved it because (just as I predicted) you ran from the key question.

So which parent does she not need - her mother or her father? Which one can be replaced by the same sex of the remaining parent?

Look at that? Still an appalling lack of facts to support your position. I'm shocked.

She didn't make anyone but herself look the fool. Nobody is taking away either of her parents unless they divorce like over 50% of married folks do. She will have both just as my children will have both their parents. That's all kids need, parents that love them. Wanting them in the first place helps a lot. Did you know we, the gheys, don't usually get pregnant by accident?
There was a time when the children of divorced parents were said to do much better than children from intact homes. Being a child raised by a single mother was a net benefit. Today we know that's not true. Single mothers have children and no one bats an eye, but that child will grow up disadvantaged. Children raised in single sex households grow up dysfunctional. They lack the ability to relate to the opposite sex. In a culture as basically dysfunctional as ours is (and becoming more so) we hardly recognize it anymore. Various forms of insanity and aberration are now a part of being normal. Normal is now being in some form of therapy.

Unconditional love is something children need. However, unconditional love without being tempered by role model examples raise children into spoiled, dysfunctional and uncontrollable adults. Boys learn how to treat women from their fathers. Girls learn how to relate to men from their mothers. When there is a single sex world we will need same sex parents. Until then, children need a mother and a father.
There was a time when the children of divorced parents were said to do much better than children from intact homes. Being a child raised by a single mother was a net benefit. Today we know that's not true. Single mothers have children and no one bats an eye, but that child will grow up disadvantaged. Children raised in single sex households grow up dysfunctional. They lack the ability to relate to the opposite sex. In a culture as basically dysfunctional as ours is (and becoming more so) we hardly recognize it anymore. Various forms of insanity and aberration are now a part of being normal. Normal is now being in some form of therapy.

Really? When was this? Got link?

Unconditional love is something children need. However, unconditional love without being tempered by role model examples raise children into spoiled, dysfunctional and uncontrollable adults. Boys learn how to treat women from their fathers. Girls learn how to relate to men from their mothers. When there is a single sex world we will need same sex parents. Until then, children need a mother and a father.

Already provided evidence to the contrary.
I'm amazed at how those who oppose marriage equality believe that having both a mother and father can practically guarantee a well adjusted child while a child reared by same sex parents will always turn out warped and emotionally strained.

If both mother and father were really guarantors of happy well adjusted children how do they explain the thousands of children who turn out mentally and emotionally frazzled? And why is it anecdotal evidence and conjecture when same sex parents are criticized?
The tide of history is on the side of expanding rights. Gays will have the right to marry and probably soon. Afterwards all those who opposed it will be looked at the same way as those who opposed inter racial marriage 50 years ago while making silly predictions of doom for our society.

You lose all credibility when you use the term "rights" with this issue. There is no "right" to get married - even by heterosexual couples.

Isn't it remarkable that libtards try to take actual Constitutional rights away from the American people (like the right to bear arms), while trying to grant "rights" that have never existed (like healthcare, marriage, and housing)? :cuckoo:

It's just more evidence of how completely unhinged they have become...

Not really.

There is no good reason for you to have a gun. None whatsoever. A gun is more a danger to you than any threat you imagine.

There's a good reason to let people get married. There's a good reason to make sure that everyone- even poor people of color - have access to good medical care. There's even a good reason to make sure everyone has shelter.

It's called "being humane". It demonstrates the BEST in our nature that we want everyone to have these.

Wanting the ability to kill anyone who you preceive as a threat. That's appealling the worst angels of our nature.
No, I'm not lying and have the studies to prove it.

In their analysis, the researchers found no evidence of gender-based parenting abilities, with the "partial exception of lactation," noting that very little about the gender of the parent has significance for children's psychological adjustment and social success.[...]

"The bottom line is that the science shows that children raised by two same-gender parents do as well on average as children raised by two different-gender parents. This is obviously inconsistent with the widespread claim that children must be raised by a mother and a father to do well," Biblarz said.

Do Children Need Both a Mother and a Father?

Nobody is taking away that naive child's parent. Children need both their parents, not a mother and a father.

I'll stack my kids up against ya'lls anytime...

Naive? She's in her teens and made you and the entire libtard nation look like fools! She's smarter than you and she proved it because (just as I predicted) you ran from the key question.

So which parent does she not need - her mother or her father? Which one can be replaced by the same sex of the remaining parent?

Look at that? Still an appalling lack of facts to support your position. I'm shocked.

She didn't make anyone but herself look the fool. Nobody is taking away either of her parents unless they divorce like over 50% of married folks do. She will have both just as my children will have both their parents. That's all kids need, parents that love them. Wanting them in the first place helps a lot. Did you know we, the gheys, don't usually get pregnant by accident?

here's some facts for ya....they support his position very well...

The New Family Structure Study (NFSS) suggests notable differences on many outcomes do, in fact, exist [between same-sex, intact-married, and biological homes]. This is inconsistent with claims of ‘no differences’ generated by studies that have commonly employed far narrower samples than this one.”

Compared with off-spring from married, intact mother/father homes, children raised in same-sex homes are markedly more likely to…

•Experience poor educational attainment
•Report overall lower levels of happiness, mental and physical health.
•Have impulsive behavior
•Be in counseling or mental health therapy (2xs)
•Suffer from depression (by large margins)
•Have recently thought of suicide (significantly)
•Identify as bisexual, lesbian or gay
•Have male on male or female on female sex partners (dramatically higher)
•Currently be in a same-sex romantic relationship (2x to 3x more likely)
•Be asexual (females with lesbian parents)
•As adults, be unmarried; much more likely to cohabit
•As adults, more likely to be unfaithful in married or cohabiting relationships
•Have a sexually tramsmitted infection (STI)
•Be sexually molested (both inappropriate touching and forced sexual act)
•Feel relationally isolated from bio-mother and -father (Although lesbian-parented children do feel close to their bio-mom – not surprisingly – they are not as close as children with a bio-mom married to father)
•Be unemployed or part-time employed as young adults
•As adults, currently be on public assistance or sometime in their childhood
•Live in homes with lower income levels
•Drink with intention of getting drunk
•To smoke tobacco and marijuana
•Spend more time watching TV
•Have frequency of arrests
•Have pled guilty to minor legal offense

Key Findings of Mark Regnerus' New Family Structure Study - Focus on the Family
But the term “same-sex households” is misleading. The study effectively compared families with two always-married straight parents to some families who only had one parent but were characterized as households headed by gay fathers or lesbian mothers.[...]

Regnerus’ own professional organization, the American Sociological Association, recently filed an amicus brief in Hollingsworth v. Perry, arguing that his study “provides no support for the conclusions that same-sex parents are inferior parents or that the children of same-sex parents experience worse outcomes.”

The American Independent
"The truth is, my generation knows better than any generation before us how broken marriages or the absence of a mother or father can devastate a generation"

Why I Marched for Marriage |

Divorce is the devil you oppose. Why pick on people that want to marry instead of those that divorce?

We want our children to have parents who are legally married. Where are the family values in opposing that?

But the term “same-sex households” is misleading. The study effectively compared families with two always-married straight parents to some families who only had one parent but were characterized as households headed by gay fathers or lesbian mothers.[...]

Regnerus’ own professional organization, the American Sociological Association, recently filed an amicus brief in Hollingsworth v. Perry, arguing that his study “provides no support for the conclusions that same-sex parents are inferior parents or that the children of same-sex parents experience worse outcomes.”

The American Independent

give it up wytchy, you will never win this one. your position fails every test of logic, reason, ethics, law, and common sense.

We will tolerate your lifestyle but never condone it by calling it a marriage.

Its a perverted aberation of human sexuality, always has been always will be.
Consequences of Redefining Marriage

In fact, no one is doing any such thing.

OTOH, the radical religious right wants to redefine (rewrite) the Constitution to read "equal except those we choose".


When with the cowards on the right finally get the courage to just admit they want control of other people's bedrooms? They keep saying they want smaller government but that's a lie. They want government to be in charge of people's most intimate and personal lives.

Goddamn bunch of perverted Peeping Toms.

Mind your own business.
But the term “same-sex households” is misleading. The study effectively compared families with two always-married straight parents to some families who only had one parent but were characterized as households headed by gay fathers or lesbian mothers.[...]

Regnerus’ own professional organization, the American Sociological Association, recently filed an amicus brief in Hollingsworth v. Perry, arguing that his study “provides no support for the conclusions that same-sex parents are inferior parents or that the children of same-sex parents experience worse outcomes.”

The American Independent

give it up wytchy, you will never win this one. your position fails every test of logic, reason, ethics, law, and common sense.

We will tolerate your lifestyle but never condone it by calling it a marriage.

Its a perverted aberation of human sexuality, always has been always will be.

Oh bullshit.

Get off your self-righteous, holier than thou, high horse.

Next, you'll start thumping your bible.
But the term “same-sex households” is misleading. The study effectively compared families with two always-married straight parents to some families who only had one parent but were characterized as households headed by gay fathers or lesbian mothers.[...]

Regnerus’ own professional organization, the American Sociological Association, recently filed an amicus brief in Hollingsworth v. Perry, arguing that his study “provides no support for the conclusions that same-sex parents are inferior parents or that the children of same-sex parents experience worse outcomes.”

The American Independent

give it up wytchy, you will never win this one. your position fails every test of logic, reason, ethics, law, and common sense.

We will tolerate your lifestyle but never condone it by calling it a marriage.

Its a perverted aberation of human sexuality, always has been always will be.

Oh bullshit.

Get off your self-righteous, holier than thou, high horse.

Next, you'll start thumping your bible.

bullshit yourself, duddly dickweed. I have as much right to my opinions as you and wytchy do. and fuck you up the ass if you think the govt will ever mandate that I change my opinions. thats what you assholes want---for the govt to force the majority to accept the perverted lifestyles of 4% of the poplulation----you want a dictatorship and mind control, move to north korea, ya flaming dipshit on a stick.
But the term “same-sex households” is misleading. The study effectively compared families with two always-married straight parents to some families who only had one parent but were characterized as households headed by gay fathers or lesbian mothers.[...]

Regnerus’ own professional organization, the American Sociological Association, recently filed an amicus brief in Hollingsworth v. Perry, arguing that his study “provides no support for the conclusions that same-sex parents are inferior parents or that the children of same-sex parents experience worse outcomes.”

The American Independent

give it up wytchy, you will never win this one. your position fails every test of logic, reason, ethics, law, and common sense.

We will tolerate your lifestyle but never condone it by calling it a marriage.

Its a perverted aberation of human sexuality, always has been always will be.

Why would I give up proving you wrong and your position bigoted? A girl's allowed some fun!
Marriage Matters: Consequences of Redefining Marriage

This is a good time to revisit the ignorant, hate, and stupidity of the OP.

Same-sex couples merely seek their 14th Amendment right to equal protection of the law, the right to access marriage law.

There is no effort to ‘redefine’ marriage.

Indeed, same-sex couples wish to preserve marriage exactly as it is today, unchanged, unaltered. Same-sex couples are vocal advocates of keeping marriage exactly as it is now: a union between two equal, committed partners.
give it up wytchy, you will never win this one. your position fails every test of logic, reason, ethics, law, and common sense.

We will tolerate your lifestyle but never condone it by calling it a marriage.

Its a perverted aberation of human sexuality, always has been always will be.

Oh bullshit.

Get off your self-righteous, holier than thou, high horse.

Next, you'll start thumping your bible.

bullshit yourself, duddly dickweed. I have as much right to my opinions as you and wytchy do. and fuck you up the ass if you think the govt will ever mandate that I change my opinions. thats what you assholes want---for the govt to force the majority to accept the perverted lifestyles of 4% of the poplulation----you want a dictatorship and mind control, move to north korea, ya flaming dipshit on a stick.

You’re welcome to exhibit your ignorance and hate, and have every right to do so, you’ve taken abundant advantage of that right.

You do not, however, have the right to codify that ignorance and hate.

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