Marriage Matters: Consequences of Redefining Marriage

That having one parent is no different than having two. It obviously is.

Sorry, but I didn't get that out of her statement.

That's because you didn't really read it, you were in such a hurry to pontificate.

No, I did read it. You interpreted it differently than I did. I interpreted it to mean that if not having two different gender roles was so detrimental (it is not) then single parenting would be "outlawed" as some seem to want to do with gay parenting.
Fair enough question... So let me ask you, do you support a man marrying his horse or a woman marrying her goat? If not, why?
Because marriage is a contract and animals cannot consent to enter into a contract.

How about someone marrying his sister?

The rest of us are eligible to marry someone we love, homosexuals cannot under the repressive laws in place today. Now, why do you think that's right? Because homosexuals should not enjoy the privileges and benefits of marriage because they happen to be homosexuals? What is the virtue of keeping a class of sober tax paying American citizens who are committing NO CRIME by way of their sexual preference segregated from the provisions of contract law and the establishment of a wedded couple?

Fair enough question... So let me ask you, do you support a man marrying his horse or a woman marrying her goat? If not, why?

Of course not.

And the reason why is simple: unlike measures prohibiting same-sex couples accessing marriage law, laws prohibiting persons from marrying animals are rationally based, they manifest a legitimate legislative interest, and are applied to everyone equally, regardless of race, gender, or sexual orientation.

The states are at liberty to prohibit all manner of activities, provided they’re applied to everyone equally, and no particular class of persons is singled out for punitive action alone.

What makes them "rationally based"? You're just being a animalphobe and a biggot...
Marriage laws require two people, of legal age or with permission of a court, of sound mind or with the consent of a guardian, without duress, who are currently unmarried. The documents and laws would have to be changed to allow people to marry animals. Animals, like drunk or unconscious people, cannot consent of their own free will.

On the marriage license there are five signatures required;
Officiate, spouse, spouse, witness, witness.
That's it.
Fair enough question... So let me ask you, do you support a man marrying his horse or a woman marrying her goat? If not, why?
Because marriage is a contract and animals cannot consent to enter into a contract.

How about someone marrying his sister?
Marriage establishes a legal next of kin relationship where no previous blood relationship existed. Sibling s have no need for the marriage contract because they already enjoy a next of kin relationship.
Because marriage is a contract and animals cannot consent to enter into a contract.

How about someone marrying his sister?
Marriage establishes a legal next of kin relationship where no previous blood relationship existed. Sibling s have no need for the marriage contract because they already enjoy a next of kin relationship.

I have 6 brothers and sisters. Who will inherit my estate when I die?

Oh the irony of that cartoon... I know you liberals hate facts, but how about just a few?

  • Our divorce rate now is exponentially higher than it was pre-1967

  • AIDS didn't exist before 1967 or 1973

  • Our national debt now is exponentially higher than it was pre-1967

  • Our crime rate now is exponentially higher than it was before the rise of liberalism (ie pre-1900's)

I could literally crash the USMB servers with the volume of information like this, but you get the point. The slope is clearly more slippery than even conservatives predicted it would be. Liberals are just too stupid and too immoral to realize it....

Oh the irony of that cartoon... I know you liberals hate facts, but how about just a few?

  • Our divorce rate now is exponentially higher than it was pre-1967

  • AIDS didn't exist before 1967 or 1973

  • Our national debt now is exponentially higher than it was pre-1967

  • Our crime rate now is exponentially higher than it was before the rise of liberalism (ie pre-1900's)

I could literally crash the USMB servers with the volume of information like this, but you get the point. The slope is clearly more slippery than even conservatives predicted it would be. Liberals are just too stupid and too immoral to realize it....

And you're blaming all of that on non familial consenting adults being legally married? :lol:

You're even nuttier than originally surmised. :lol:

We must lock up all jay walkers because they WILL commit murder. Aaaaaahhhhh slippery slope! :eek:

:lol: you are gonna be soooooo miserable in a few years when ALL the gays in ALL the states can marry.
How about someone marrying his sister?


The problem with your cartoon is that the first two events never occurred.

What? What never occurred? The slippery slope that folks were sure we'd go down if blacks married whites or we legalized abortion? Duh, that's the point. Allowing non familial consenting adults to legally marry is not going to lead to any of the crazy slippery slope fantasies you all entertain now.

The problem with your cartoon is that the first two events never occurred.

What? What never occurred? The slippery slope that folks were sure we'd go down if blacks married whites or we legalized abortion? Duh, that's the point. Allowing non familial consenting adults to legally marry is not going to lead to any of the crazy slippery slope fantasies you all entertain now.

Exactly look how much better America is since these things happened.

Oh the irony of that cartoon... I know you liberals hate facts, but how about just a few?

  • Our divorce rate now is exponentially higher than it was pre-1967

  • AIDS didn't exist before 1967 or 1973

  • Our national debt now is exponentially higher than it was pre-1967

  • Our crime rate now is exponentially higher than it was before the rise of liberalism (ie pre-1900's)

I could literally crash the USMB servers with the volume of information like this, but you get the point. The slope is clearly more slippery than even conservatives predicted it would be. Liberals are just too stupid and too immoral to realize it....

The problem is, if this is the quality of information you present, let's be honest, it's bogus.

Let's review-

Divorce Rate-

Yes, it's higher now than it was in 1967, but it was higher in 1967 than it was in 1925.

Historical Divorce Rate Statistics

Reality- a high divorce rate just means people weren't staying in bad marriages. Can't see that as anything but a good thing.

AIDS- Sorry- the first identified case of AIDS was in 1959.

History of HIV/AIDS - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

DEBT- Our debt to GDP Ratio was actually HIGHER after WWII than it is now .

File:USDebt.png - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

As for the crime rate bing "higher"before 1900, um, no, not really.

Hey, Poodle, maybe if you scream "Communism" a bunch of times, people will take you seriously. Really.
And you're blaming all of that on non familial consenting adults being legally married? :lol:

No - I'm blaming that on libtards who think we can "progress" past the Constitution and morals.

What would you blame it on? (Can't wait to hear this one :lol:)

We must lock up all jay walkers because they WILL commit murder. Aaaaaahhhhh slippery slope! :eek:

Uh....what? I'd love to hear an explanation on this one (though like everything else you post - I doubt it will be rational)

:lol: you are gonna be soooooo miserable in a few years when ALL the gays in ALL the states can marry.

Keep telling yourself that... :). Speaks volumes that you want fellow Americans to be miserable (like you). Misery loves company I guess...

Exactly look how much better America is since these things happened.

IF America is worse off, it's because wealth has shifted from the working class to the 1%.

Yeah well...gays get blamed for hurricanes, earthquakes and even bombers. Why not that too?

[ame=""]Bring it on![/ame]

See that cartoon in the upper right corner? The one about Roe vs. Wade? Infanticide? Well....

Killing babies no different from abortion, experts say
The article, published in the Journal of Medical Ethics, says newborn babies are not “actual persons” and do not have a “moral right to life”.

Killing babies no different from abortion, experts say - Telegraph

Ethicists Argue in Favor of ?After-Birth Abortions? as Newborns ?Are Not Persons? |

?Ethicists? justify after birth abortion ? Glenn Beck

Oops! Guess that slope is just a bit more slippery than you thought, uh stupid? No wonder you fell all the way down it and flat on your ignorant face.
And you're blaming all of that on non familial consenting adults being legally married? :lol:

No - I'm blaming that on libtards who think we can "progress" past the Constitution and morals.

What would you blame it on? (Can't wait to hear this one :lol:)

How can I explain something that hasn't happened. We haven't progressed past the Constitution (unless you count the Patriot Act) How do you progress past morals?

You look back with myopic nostalgia to the 1950s where gays stayed in the closet, Congress critters asked other Congress critters if they were Communists, minorities and women knew their place, and women stayed in marriages where their husbands beat and raped them nightly. Some of us are very glad those days are gone. I think that makes us more, not less moral a nation.

We must lock up all jay walkers because they WILL commit murder. Aaaaaahhhhh slippery slope! :eek:

Uh....what? I'd love to hear an explanation on this one (though like everything else you post - I doubt it will be rational)

Exactly. Slippery slope fallacies are not rational. Thanks for proving the point. Doing A does not lead to C. Allowing gay and lesbian non familial consenting adults to legally marry each other does not mean that you will then be able to marry your goat.

:lol: you are gonna be soooooo miserable in a few years when ALL the gays in ALL the states can marry.

Keep telling yourself that... :). Speaks volumes that you want fellow Americans to be miserable (like you). Misery loves company I guess...

I'm not telling myself that, I'm just warning you that it's going to happen and that you'd best gird your loins. Gay marriage will be coming to a state near you. It's definitely coming back to my state, CA and all the other gay and lesbian couples here will be able to be legally married just like I am. (See, happiness for fellow Americans. Will you be as joyful at the prospect?)

Not only that, but all the gays in the most populous state in the union will also be recognized as legally married by the Federal government. How freaking cool is that? My legal spouse will now be able to get a military dependents I.D. card that entitles her to ALL the EXACT same benefits of any other retiree's spouse...including my Social Security :eek: Run for the hills!

Honey, I don't want you to be miserable, I want you to be happy for the thousands of gay couples that will be getting married and the kids :)eusa_whistle:) whose lives will be improved as a result. Don't worry, be happy.

Exactly look how much better America is since these things happened.

IF America is worse off, it's because wealth has shifted from the working class to the 1%.

Yeah well...gays get blamed for hurricanes, earthquakes and even bombers. Why not that too?

JoeB.(iden) - the greedy, lazy, self-professed communist complaining about wealth. Shocking....

Please don't align yourself with self-professed communists Seawytch - you've got enough problems.

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