Mars Hides a Gigantic Ice Sheet


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
Mars Hides a Gigantic Ice Sheet

As a rule, the truly large deposits of ice on Mars are at the poles... right? No. Researchers using the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter's ground-penetrating radar have discovered that the planet's Utopia Planitia basin is hiding a thick (260 to 560 feet) ice sheet larger than the state of New Mexico. It's at least 50 percent pure, too. Observers had long suspected that the area had water thanks to surface cracking and depressions, but the previous explorer, the Mars Odyssey spacecraft, couldn't study much deeper than the surface.

Scientists tell the New York Times that the sheet likely accumulated as part of a Martian ice age and was buried before it could melt into a lake or evaporate into space.

The findings are important for our understanding of Mars' past. However, they could also have a very practical role in the future. Spacefarers could establish a long-term settlementin a more convenient place than the poles while knowing that they'd still have steady local supplies of drinking water and rocket fuel. That, in turn, could reduce the supplies that astronauts have to carry to the Red Planet and make Mars exploration that much more realistic.

Would be a nice place to plant a base or a mars city!
good place for competitive-----ice skating----even ice hockey. --------MING can host the
Mars Hides a Gigantic Ice Sheet

As a rule, the truly large deposits of ice on Mars are at the poles... right? No. Researchers using the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter's ground-penetrating radar have discovered that the planet's Utopia Planitia basin is hiding a thick (260 to 560 feet) ice sheet larger than the state of New Mexico. It's at least 50 percent pure, too. Observers had long suspected that the area had water thanks to surface cracking and depressions, but the previous explorer, the Mars Odyssey spacecraft, couldn't study much deeper than the surface.

Scientists tell the New York Times that the sheet likely accumulated as part of a Martian ice age and was buried before it could melt into a lake or evaporate into space.

The findings are important for our understanding of Mars' past. However, they could also have a very practical role in the future. Spacefarers could establish a long-term settlementin a more convenient place than the poles while knowing that they'd still have steady local supplies of drinking water and rocket fuel. That, in turn, could reduce the supplies that astronauts have to carry to the Red Planet and make Mars exploration that much more realistic.

Would be a nice place to plant a base or a mars city!

Good place for the new DNC headquarters
We haven't even gotten to Newt's moon colony yet.

how do you know? -------have you never heard the term STATE SECRET?-------keep alert to

Already checked Breitbart and InfoWars.

I'll tell you about I later-----when we are alone

It was a ridiculous thing for him to say wasn't it. Still, wack shit sells in some quarters.

Love is based MORE on the imperfections of the love-object than on its perfections

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